First bet with many more expected

Morning game. What to do. Belindo does not offer much in the way of home field advantage. Verlander has done considerably better with him. But Boston Could win this game. Sale is simply great on 6+. .59 ERA based on 30.2 innings and really fine in the day 1.85. If he simply pushes then a superior Boston pen might be able to hold on and win.
This is a pessimistic picture but it could happen.
Bet Boston? I am not sure. Sale has been not Sale for some time and Houston is a much better day team and has had some recent sucess vs him.
I am making a very small bet on Houston based on that and the fact that Boston bats have been Ice.
Verlander has been pitching extremely good and has very good history at home against this team and good results with the ump. This Should be a first half under but the issue of is Sale Sale is a problem plus Houston hitting is frightening. I wish I was sure about this game but I am not.
This is not definite but I am probably playing Cleveland RL or more. Bauer with ump 11 innings and a ERA of 1.64. Carapazza does extend home field and gray has never faced him. Gray 4.86 ERA this season vs Cleveland. 3-7 road record. Gray is ok in the day and a 2.93 ERA on 5. But This is a big Day of Week for Cleveland.
Just ML is not evil but I really do not trust Gray.
I should add Bauer is fairly good on 5 but in general just is steping up. Gray is a sad choice for a very good Yankee team. I may be too aggressive jut thinking about the Yankees who I respect but right now its RL
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I played Red Sox TT under 3 +110 and Yanks TT under 3' +105. Two pitchers in great form with under umps and decent history vs opposition.
I am not sure Sale should be listed as in great form.
The question is will his great history on 6+ be there tonight against Houston.
I gingerly bet first half under. I also increased my bet on Houston a little after looking at how well the Houston bullpen has been playing. I think the ability to watch Verlander pitch on a great level has helped the other pitchers.
As to wanting someone to pitch bad and get shelled we all do that but it makes no difference. Pitchers are human and they all will have bad games
Problem is springer, altuve, and correria...houston is sooo fucking hungry..but if the redsox are gunna win and game its this one
I will also say that I am looking for chances to play dogs. Boston almost qualifies but Sale has been fairly bad on the road for a while. But if Sabathia was playing at Cleveland obviously things would be different. Yanks have a very good team but today with Gray its not possible for me
Hell, watching verlander here over the last 10 years or so I know for a fact he is pitching out of his shoes. I have followed his career more than any other pitcher that has come through the detroit organization. I bet over 3.5 for Boston then hit it again for more this afternoon. The playoffa bring another beast for the bats as well as mind fucks on the mound. Starting pitching in the wild card games should be some form of education as to how I see the games today. I may bet the over 7 as well.
Angel Hernandez ump in Houston
With Dallas 2-0 3.20 ERA
Pomeranz 1-1 4.91 ERA
Pom on 5
6-2 3.52 ERA
Dallas on 6+ 2-0 2.25 ERA
On Friday Boston 15-11
Houston 17-8
Last 10 games
Boston 5-5
Houston 8-2
Boston scoring 43
Houston 88
In day game Boston 24-23
Houston 33-16

Boston team has been abandoned by their starters
Houston when they started Lance got to see Pom for 6 innings
My conclusions here are very favorable to Houston
Small bets on Cubs today and series.
Essentially a combination of respect for Cubs and a recognition that Washington is a screwed up team
Kershaw is pitching on worst rest and a 3.52 ERA with what should be a good homer ump
Sox solid vs the RL as a dog the past few months, hitting at 75% since July.

They were much better than this for much of the season, though.

Offense is gone and Sale folded. With that the team just seems to have quit.
Both these pens so good hard to imagine the game getting out of hand.

Indians 20-38 to the under vs. LHP. Kluber with a .8 WHIP vs. Yankees.

They were much better than this for much of the season, though.

Offense is gone and Sale folded. With that the team just seems to have quit.

Sox haven't quit, they are just facing a superior team that is locked in. They have the most come from behind wins after the 5th,6th,7th and 8th innings and the best extra innings record, so they don't quit they are just over matched offensively and Altuve is as locked in as you get....Kudos to the Stros....and sale was misused down the stretch but that's for the talking heads
CC 7-0 this year off a loss...and thats it as far as backing my way I'm getting in front of Kluber.
Not thrilled by the games today. Kupla in the first game. Bad history with Lester. Good history with Gio. Gio is very strange right now.
In the Dodger game Hill seems unlucky. Both starters do well with this ump but twice with this ump playing at Dodgers Ray has lost and one of those losses was vs Hill
Lester on 6 shows 4.61 27.1 innings which is not normal for him
As I have said I can not make sense of Gio
Eveyone is aware Robbie on the fourth played throwing 31 pitches. What should we expect here?
Fister on 6 1-3 5.79
At home 3-7 4.94
In the day 4.55
With ump 1-3 5.25
No one ever said things were fair
Line is so cheap I will take some but also RL
Houston in the day 34-16 Boston 24-24
No idea what happened to Boston
In the other game I am playing Yanks. Why. Hard to answer because I like Cleveland and Carrasco. The last 3 games Carrasco vs Yanks he is 0-3 and in those games he has given up 13 runs. Yanks hit very well at home now Tanaka has won his last 2 games vs Cleveland although the only good one was at home 6 innings 1 run. Its called matchin up well. Yanks hitting at home figures to be better than Cleveland and bullpens are too close to call. Tanaka 5-1 last 6 at home all quality starts the 1 loser 6 innings. On 6+ it looks like Carrasco has the edge because of ugly day game but in his career Tanaka is 11-4 on 6+
Do I know who wins here? NO but in the last game NY knocked out Klubber in 2.2 innings playing away so I really do not like Carrasco here. That is my opinion and how I am betting here.
Good luck- those sound like winners-
Like Houston- Red Sox just seem to have lost their way...

Yankees at home- a coin toss I guess, but think they get it done...

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What you got today tuck?

How’s Bauer on 3? Seems like a bold and almost desperate move. Sevy on 5, that’s his best, right?
Bauer has a rubber arm so I don't think desperate, I think Tito put this in place prior to series starting and really no reason to change. Carrasco could easily have gotten the win yesterday and Cleve would be set for the ALCS....biggest problem for Cleve is Encarcion being out of the lineup if he is out?....without him Severino's job today gets much easier and a Cleve tt under is worth a look but Severino is so unpredictable and Chapman will get hit by these guys after they see him again because he can't change speeds imho but chap threw 34 pitches yesterday so probably unavailable ....for sure severino is rested
He just doesn’t strike me as a guy who you throw out on short rest. He’s not Bumgardner.

Yankees have always historically hit well vs guys they’ve recently seen.
if you like yanks tonight, wouldn't it be better to take them for series +335 then make play accordingly on gm 5 and guarantee a profit. I bet indians for series -170. think I'm gonna buy back a lil. feels like the momentum has shifted
Yeah, I hear ya and I can't see Judge and Sanchez staying in check much longer, judge missed a fastball yesterday that he typically rips and severino could throw a beauty, who knows, anyone know the status of Encarcion? If Brantley DH then Severino has an easy out in the 7 hole and 8 and 9 to follow, could allow him to go deep and get to Betances for 2

Excellent point BD
Truly thought that was Farrells last game. Place was morgue. That game was crazy in its turn. Im willing to bet the bosox early to send back to Houston. +118
On the sox, does anyone really believe that Porcello is going to pitch well? He pitched one gem all year and he allows tons of HR's, the Sox have highest ERA for starters in any first 3 games in baseball history, 15.35 or something like that. Hou is only 20 cents and seems like the easiest money on the board, that said when I bet against my boys they usually find some way to thumb their nose at me and win. But I am playing Houston.

The flip side to my argument is that the bats went cool for the Stros after the 1st inning and Boston does play better D and has a better bullpen but can't see this as anything but a blip for Houston
Got up late. If Porcello is starting I know he pitched relief recently. Just thinking right now but will likely pick Houston on the 12-4 on Monday angle
This situation is very confusing but
Morton 1.93 ERA last 3
Morton on 6+ 4-1 2.45
He Seems to be over most on his day problems
Small bet Houston ML
Rick 1-3 with Wegner 3.90 ERA
True but not true. Last 2 starts very good

Not true....rick last 2....4 innings 4 earned and 4 hits and then last game 5.67 innings 5 earned and 7 hits....he actually pitched into the 6th and 7th a lot this year but gave up lots of runs along the way and even in his cy young year the hitters barrelled him up and the shots kept finding gloves, a statistical anomaly in my opinion but who knows, if I'm Farrell I'm telling him to go throw your arm off and when you run out of gas I'll come get you, just give me 3-4 good innings....Price not available I'm thinking with the number of pitches yesterday

conversely morton last 3...6 innings 1 earned/7 innings 1 earned/5.33 2 earned
One last point for those of you who like Boston today. Sox saw Morton last weekend of the year and Stros haven't seen Rick since June so slight edge for Boston in that regard but Morton 2-0 lifetime vs Sox with microscopic era <2 and whip <1
Momentum is a bitch.
Not sure what to do in the Cubs National game.
Ump is huge for Max 5-0 1.96 ERA
Ump is also something of a homer and there are various trends that point to Cubs
Quintana can be very good playing off a loss while I really do not trust Max currently
Max says he is a 100%, guy is a gamer...havent seen nationals get going early yet does the trend continue? Hows nats against lefties?