FIFA basically admits theyve dropped the ball...

55k and no Obamacare but I'll let you sleep in the front seat over night instead of the trunk as originally planned
just curious as to what else is needed to prove that Qatar is not the way to's quite evident the working conditions there are just inhumane, the potential corruption that's happening there...what a crock of shit.

There are really only a few countries that could handle a WC in a heart beat, the US, England, Germany, Australia.
just curious as to what else is needed to prove that Qatar is not the way to's quite evident the working conditions there are just inhumane, the potential corruption that's happening there...what a crock of shit.

There are really only a few countries that could handle a WC in a heart beat, the US, England, Germany, Australia.

the only way this thing doesn't happen in Qatar is if the FBI finds a picture with Sepp taking money from some Qatari with a big smile on his face
the only way this thing doesn't happen in Qatar is if the FBI finds a picture with Sepp taking money from some Qatari with a big smile on his face

that's the thing it seems like these WC's are pretty much a wash.
It will be held but there will always be question marks around it
no doubt, question marks and controversy for both of these WC's. But I don't think that matters because FIFA knows once the games get started no one cares. The fact that the games are in the winter in 2022 is the biggest debacle of the whole thing to me. The leagues around the world should be outraged, maybe even sue. The World Cups are staying in Russia and Qatar, and I can't believe that Bob Ley and Ian Darke both suggested today that a revote needs to happen. Maybe a revote needs to happen, but there is no way it will. Both countries have already invested millions, and FIFA isn't just going to pay them back for that.
Agree with much of Alex's post

i just like that the USA basically said "fuck biz on this shore and we will fuck you"

great day for soccer fans
no doubt, question marks and controversy for both of these WC's. But I don't think that matters because FIFA knows once the games get started no one cares. The fact that the games are in the winter in 2022 is the biggest debacle of the whole thing to me. The leagues around the world should be outraged, maybe even sue. The World Cups are staying in Russia and Qatar, and I can't believe that Bob Ley and Ian Darke both suggested today that a revote needs to happen. Maybe a revote needs to happen, but there is no way it will. Both countries have already invested millions, and FIFA isn't just going to pay them back for that.

Why can't you believe Levy and Darke ?

I fully support a USA boycott of the 2022 WC. It might be the biggest joke in sports history that they switched to playing during the Winter in 2022. If that had been announced as part of Qatar's bid they would have had zero shot at winning the bid.
Why can't you believe Levy and Darke ?

I fully support a USA boycott of the 2022 WC. It might be the biggest joke in sports history that they switched to playing during the Winter in 2022. If that had been announced as part of Qatar's bid they would have had zero shot at winning the bid.

How can FIFA realistically pull the WC out of Qatar? Qatar has or will spend billions on this thing because FIFA told them they are going to host the WC. Now, all of a sudden they are going to pull the rug out from under them. Can't do it, no matter how corrupt the vote was. I agree with you that its a joke, but if anything was to be done, it should have been done years ago. We have to live with FIFA as it right now, and hopefully in 2017 when the next round of bids come out, we see a different FIFA for World Cup hosting. I expect we will. I couldn't disagree more with a boycott either. I am very against ruining young peoples dreams for political reasons (for example 1980 and 84). It would also set USA soccer back another decade. No manager would want to be here. No players will even want to plan with them. If they boycotted the WC of 2022, I would boycott them. It's a joke, I agree. But we live with Qatar.
They pulled the WC from Columbia much latter than this would be and Columbia at that point had already built several stadiums by that point.
They didn't pull the World Cup from Colombia, Colombia gave it away. The circumstances were completely different. The money was completely different.
They didn't pull the World Cup from Colombia, Colombia gave it away. The circumstances were completely different. The money was completely different.

Columbia was forced to give it away. Yes money much much bigger these days...Qatar has spent what. They won it knowingly by fraud.
Agree with much of Alex's post

i just like that the USA basically said "fuck biz on this shore and we will fuck you"

great day for soccer fans
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Agree with much of Alex's post

i just like that the USA basically said "fuck biz on this shore and we will fuck you"

great day for soccer fans
And just out of curiousity, how is this a great day for soccer fans? Unless they wheel Sepp Blatter out Hannibal Lecter style, nothing's changed. Take out a few lieutenants and a few foot soldiers, but leave the heads of the families in place, no big deal. Qatar will still go ahead. Russia will still go ahead. Nothing to see here...
Columbia was forced to give it away. Yes money much much bigger these days...Qatar has spent what. They won it knowingly by fraud.

Because the only language FIFA speaks is money, and pulling out of Qatar would cost it millions, if not billions.
And just out of curiousity, how is this a great day for soccer fans? Unless they wheel Sepp Blatter out Hannibal Lecter style, nothing's changed. Take out a few lieutenants and a few foot soldiers, but leave the heads of the families in place, no big deal. Qatar will still go ahead. Russia will still go ahead. Nothing to see here...

Correct that Qatar and Russia will still go ahead. But I think this puts the screws to FIFA. They have to change now.
Russia takes issue with US indictments in FIFA corruption case
By Sergio Gonzalez | Staff

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2015-05-27T22:35:45Z">May 27, 2015 6:35 pm ET

</time> </header> A spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday claimed that the United States has stepped out of its jurisdiction by indicting 14 people, including nine people with ties to FIFA, in a corruption investigation.

In a statement (translated to English) that can be found on the official site for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, A.K. Lukashevincha did not mince words:

Without going into the details of proposed charges, pay attention to the fact that there is another case of illegal extraterritorial application of US laws. We hope that this will in no way be used to tarnish the international football organization in general and its decisions, including personnel. Once again, we urge Washington to stop trying to judge far beyond its borders for its legal standards and follow the generally accepted international legal procedures.

New York Times also reported on Wednesday that Russian officials are not concerned that the investigation ultimately threaten their hosting the 2018 World Cup. While the US indictments do not pertain to corruption charges surrounding the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia, a Swiss investigation also launched on Wednesday is looking into the matter.
I can see where AZ Kid is coming from.
Qatar "won" the bid but the change to winter would cost leagues millions, however taking that WC out of there would cost FIFA billions so one thing has to happen.
The immigrant worker tragedy is the only thing that can get the WC out of Qatar. Luckily for Qatar, nobody really seems to care
The immigrant worker tragedy is the only thing that can get the WC out of Qatar. Luckily for Qatar, nobody really seems to care

Disagree. It's been known for years. People talk about the deaths in Qatar like they talk about the weather. Unless a few hundred people die in a day, it will have no effect
I can see where AZ Kid is coming from.
Qatar "won" the bid but the change to winter would cost leagues millions, however taking that WC out of there would cost FIFA billions so one thing has to happen.
The Qatari bid was approved in December 2010. If UEFA wasn't smart enough to question the feasability of cooling technology and artificial clouds back then, a little late now.

Think the only realistic compromise would be to expand the schedules of the domestic leagues, and compact the WC schedule as well with multiple group stage games taking place at the same time.
Disagree. It's been known for years. People talk about the deaths in Qatar like they talk about the weather. Unless a few hundred people die in a day, it will have no effect

That's kind of my point. The weather, corruption, and interference with domestic leagues won't even cause FIFA to even consider pulling out. A huge multi-national PR disaster relating to the migrant worker deaths would be the only thing that could influence FIFA to act, but as you said, it's been going on for a while, and nobody has raised much of a fuss. 1200 deaths so far, 7 years out.
the only way qatar lose the WC is if they can directly link bribery to it. The Europeans will push for it to be voted on again
AFC on Blatter's side obviously but the power of the AFC is rather worthless considering the amount of corruption that association has faced.

It's amazing with all the shit that's happened, Blatter is still the leading contender. Brutal.
AFC is not worthless. They have more votes then UEFA

You miss my point, they are worthelss. The AFC need UEFA more than UEFA needs AFC.
Out of those all those votes in the AFC, the key players in that group are Japan, Korea, Australia, and China. Those 4 nations have a lot of ties to Europe and South America and can easily swing their vote across.
Let us not forget that Prince Ali is the Prince of Jordan, is heavily connected in the Middle East and is the fucking VP of FIFA Asia lol.

So in the end the only countries that would vote Blatter are those that can be bought.
Oh Sepp don't be such a jackass

"Vowing to fight corruption, absolving himself of responsibility and calling on FIFA's members to help rebuild trust, FIFA president Sepp Blatter spoke in general terms about the Wednesday arrests of FIFA members following a probe by the U.S. Justice Department.In his welcome speech on Thursday to the 65th FIFA Congress ahead of Friday's presidential election, Blatter spoke publicly for the first time since the corruption scandals threw FIFA into crisis.
"I know many people hold me responsible. We, I cannot monitor everyone all the time. If people want to do wrong, they will also try to hide it," Blatter said
"Those who are corrupt in football are in a minority, like in society and must be held responsible for their actions. Football cannot be the exception to the rule. There can be no place for corruption of any kind."
The FIFA president did not respond to questions asking why he has not resigned after American and Swiss federal corruption investigations rocked world football on Wednesday.
Blatter defied a face-to-face demand on Thursday from FIFA vice president Michel Platini to resign ahead of Friday's presidential election. The 209 presidents of FIFA's member federations will vote after UEFA announced on Thursday it would not boycott the congress.
Instead, the 79-year-old FIFA chief will go ahead to a contest against Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein of Jordan. Platini has pledged UEFA's backing for Prince Ali.
"We must respond tomorrow," Blatter said of the election. "We have the opportunity to begin the long and difficult road to rebuilding trust. We have lost the trust and we must now earn it back. Solidarity and unity is asked for the game, for the world, for peace."
Uefa’s president, Michel Platini, has refused to rule out European teams boycotting the World Cup if Sepp Blatter remains as Fifa president.
After a meeting to address the crisis facing Fifa, Platini called on Blatter to step down and said he had convinced most of Uefa’s 53 members to back the challenger, Prince Ali bin al-Hussein.
Platini, who helped Blatter win his first Fifa election in 1998, said this week’s events proved it was time to reform Fifa.
“Enough is enough. Too much is too much. In terms of our image it’s not good at all. I am the first one to be disgusted by this. I am saying this with sadness, with tears in my eyes. There have been too many scandals that have shaken the world of football.”
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The latest news and updates on the crisis at Fifa, where Sepp Blatter is under increasing pressure to step down
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</aside>He ruled out boycotting Friday’s congress but said that if Blatter won a fifth term then all options remained open, including turning its back on the Fifa executive committee or even refusing to play in the World Cup.
David Gill, the former Manchester United chief executive who was due to take up a vice presidency on the Fifa executive committee on Friday, has said he will not take up the position if Blatter wins.
The Uefa and FA board member received applause when he said he would not take up the seat he was due to inherit from Jim Boyce.
“I was delighted when Uefa voted me in. What’s changed my mind? Seismic events yesterday. Joining [Fifa] would be futile and that would not be right for me,” Gill told Sky News.
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“I can categorically state that in Prince Ali we have a candidate. It would be a new Fifa. There’s no way the president, who has worked for Fifa for many, many years, can ignore [corruption allegations]. He has to move on. If I was in that situation I would. I can’t see how that cannot be the right decision.
“For President Blatter not to resign based on what happened yesterday is indicative of the problem. He disagrees and that’s his prerogative.”
But Gill said he it would be wrong to make the fans suffer with a World Cup boycott. “All the options will be looked at but ultimately it’s for the fans. The fans like the World Cup, the fans like the big games so that’s to me a measure of last resort and I don’t think we will get there.
“We should ensure the World Cup goes on. We had a great World Cup last summer – apart from for England – and we need to move on so let’s see what other avenues are open. Why should the fans and the players suffer because of maladministration – I don’t think they should.”
The Dutch FA president, Michael van Praag, who stood as a challenger to Blatter but pulled out before the seven dramatic arrests that plunged Fifa into renewed crisis on Tuesday, said Ali had told him that he believed he had at least 60 supporters outside Europe.
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[h=1]How Sepp Blatter won the hearts and minds of Africa to ride out Fifa storms[/h]
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</aside>Of the 209 member associations, Blatter or Ali need at least two-thirds of the votes in the first round. A simple majority would suffice in further rounds.
Platini said he told Blatter to his face to quit at a crisis meeting at Fifa HQ convened by the president and attended by representatives of all six confederations. The pair then met afterwards and Platini again told him to stand down.
“I told him: ‘Listen Sepp, we’re being very criticised.’ He said: ‘Not as much as I am.’ The press is against him, the press in his own country is against him,” said Platini. “That is not easy for those close to him. But I did find him ready to fight and ready to win another election.”
Most of Uefa’s members will back Ali in Friday’s election though some, including Russia and Spain, will remain staunch backers of the incumbent.
Gruv how much time have you spent doing work the last 2 days as compared to time you've spent reading about FIFA?