FIFA basically admits theyve dropped the ball...

should be great for the job market in qatar the next several years, to create the city that will host the WC final
i don't see any issues here, where are your concerns?

They can't play in the summer, which is a pretty big concern. Networks paid for the WC thinking it was going to be played in the summer.

Other than that...they lied and bribed their way to hosting the WC evidently. They cannot build the stadiums they lied about, so FIFA should call it even and take it from them. Makes no sense to play the WC in the winter, whether it be for the disruption of the Euro soccer leagues, or for the lack of viewership it will get in the US (and all of the ad dollars that come with it).

Which issues don't you see, or think don't exist?
should be great for the job market in qatar the next several years, to create the city that will host the WC final

I'm sure they are all looking forward to something like this...

1. They're allegedly using 'modern-day slavery' to build the infrastructure.The Guardian had a big report this week about the mistreatment of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar. The workers — some of whom are working on the planned city which will host the 2022 World Cup final — accused their employers of withholding pay, forcing them to work in heat without water, making them live in squalid camps, and confiscating their passports to keep them from leaving the country.
From June to August, at least 44 Nepalese died in Qatar from working construction, the Guardian reports.

I would actually love that to happen and I wouldn't be surprised if guys like Beckham makes a major push for that since his new club would also benefit that too. I don't know any other nation that is better suited for this, it's not like the US have to break the bank, the major work will go into stadium expansions rather than new ones.
Explain to me why they can't make air conditioned dome's in Qatar?

This thing is staying in Qatar, im 95% sure of it
Explain to me why they can't make air conditioned dome's in Qatar?

This thing is staying in Qatar, im 95% sure of it

I tend to agree, the only event I can remember moving was the Womens world cup from China because of SARS
it's not a matter if they can or cannot it's a matter of human rights issues that is making the news here.

Lol. If this is about human rights and that's it then I can tell you right now that the World Cup will be in Qatar in 2022, without a shadow of a doubt 100% , cya in Doha. The issue for me, and FIFA of course, is that they can't play this thing in the summer. I doubt that happens either. They'll somehow compromise this and all will go as planned.
Lol. If this is about human rights and that's it then I can tell you right now that the World Cup will be in Qatar in 2022, without a shadow of a doubt 100% , cya in Doha. The issue for me, and FIFA of course, is that they can't play this thing in the summer. I doubt that happens either. They'll somehow compromise this and all will go as planned.

You are a bit late to the party? It's not happening in the summer, everything already pointing to winter it's just a matter of schedule.
No doubt it's not played in the winter. It's gonna be played in Qatar in the summer.
Seems we are both late to the party. Everybody but me and you knows it's gonna be played in the winter , just a matter of scheduling you see
I'm quite confident it will be played in the Summer for numerous reasons, television being one of them
Too much money has exchanged hands for them to just to pull the rug out from under them. As far as human rights issues, I highly doubt fifa is even remotely concerned about that unless a genocide starts in Qatar. I ask again why they can't just make dome's for all the games?
Have you seen the bitch fest from women's soccer about the next women's WC or Olympics that are going to be played on turf? I think in Canada? Dome stadiums would have to have artificial surface and I'm pretty sure that's a big no no for World soccer.....
I would actually love that to happen.
Me too

This whole Qatar thing has been a joke since the start.I dont even know where the fuck it is never mind anything about their football team.Not one person in Europe or this board can name one footballer from Qatar without using google.
I would expect all sorts of bullshit to come out now and someone to leak all the shit and palms that were greased when they were given the worlds number 1 sporting event(sorry Joe Buck).Its comical.
Me too

This whole Qatar thing has been a joke since the start.I dont even know where the fuck it is never mind anything about their football team.Not one person in Europe or this board can name one footballer from Qatar without using google.
I would expect all sorts of bullshit to come out now and someone to leak all the shit and palms that were greased when they were given the worlds number 1 sporting event(sorry Joe Buck).Its comical.

pretty sure they will pay some Brasilians to come over and become citizens
what you think Mikey ?
we all know it was a shambles...and they were only given it cause of bribes(even if that hasnt come out fully yet)

Id bet even money it isnt hosted there tbh
Football is part of modern life here,whether you like it or not,its shoved down your throat 24/7.
Our sports radio talk shows were full of it about the conditions as soon as it was announced,heaven knows what its going to be like as it gets closer,I`ll be fifty fuckin two by the time it comes round,its yonks off ffs
what you think Mikey ?
we all know it was a shambles...and they were only given it cause of bribes(even if that hasnt come out fully yet)

Id bet even money it isnt hosted there tbh

You and I and everyone in this forum knows it was bribed heck you would have to be a bump on a log to not know it.
There's still plenty of time for change 8 years who knows what can happen then, Qatar goes bankrupt lol.
Football is part of modern life here,whether you like it or not,its shoved down your throat 24/7.
Our sports radio talk shows were full of it about the conditions as soon as it was announced,heaven knows what its going to be like as it gets closer,I`ll be fifty fuckin two by the time it comes round,its yonks off ffs

just as hockey is spoken about daily here even in the summer. lots of judgements of the smallest of things so can't imagine if this global game the biggest stage in the world doesn't get some sort of negative press.
Cricket is big in UK too.... some people dont even know what it is......also rugby.

yup agreed, heck fucking Darts is popular when you have enough booze in your system lol.
Whenever I'm in the UK even in the summer it's football news first and foremost i was listening to news for League 2!!?? Never had that before thought it was great.
I'm referring to the fact that while hockey is obviously the biggest sport in toronto, they have two other sports that are pretty big. it's pretty much football or bust in the uk.

incorrect, as Manu has already stated, Rugby and Cricket cover a lot, heck even horse racing is pretty big there.
In Canada if the news is not Canadian related they won't care, if it's not the Raptors it has to be some big news like Durant going off for 50pts. CFL only happens in summer it's dead news the rest of the year and even then CFL isn't the main focus. The Jays get coverage because they have to and are the only Canadian team, it would be a lot bigger if they actually were competitive but they aren't which means there is more attention to Hockey then ever.
incorrect, as Manu has already stated, Rugby and Cricket cover a lot, heck even horse racing is pretty big there.
In Canada if the news is not Canadian related they won't care, if it's not the Raptors it has to be some big news like Durant going off for 50pts. CFL only happens in summer it's dead news the rest of the year and even then CFL isn't the main focus. The Jays get coverage because they have to and are the only Canadian team, it would be a lot bigger if they actually were competitive but they aren't which means there is more attention to Hockey then ever.

Championship soccer (18k/game) outdraws rugby (12k) or cricket (7K). does AHL/OHL hockey outdraw the blue jays or raptors? even League One draws over 7k/game! I understand apples to oranges a little but still.

CFL draws 27k/game. it's nowhere near NFL but it's certainly popular.

point being, it seems soccer is more of an only focus in England than hockey is the only focus in Canada

17.02.2014 13:24 h

[h=1]More than 450 Indian migrants dead in Qatar in 2012-13: data[/h]

Herbert Gager hat bei der Austria das Ruder übernommen
More than 450 Indian migrants working in Qatar have died in the last two years, data shows as the Gulf state is under pressure over its rights record ahead of the 2022 World Cup.
In response to a Right to Information request filed by AFP, the Indian embassy in Qatar gave figures detailing the number of deaths in 2012 and the first 11 months of 2013.
On average about 20 migrants died per month, peaking at 27 in August last year. There were 237 fatalities in 2012 and another 218 in 2013 up to December 5.
The embassy did not give details about the circumstances of the deaths or where they occurred.
It also declined to hand over any correspondence between the embassy and the Indian government regarding the treatment of its nationals.
Qatar's human rights record is under scrutiny like never before as it cranks up building work ahead of the 2022 World Cup, most of which will be done by migrant labour from South Asia.
Amnesty International said in November that workers were being treated like "animals," and urged football's world governing body FIFA to press Qatar to improve conditions for foreign labourers.
FIFA executive committee member Theo Zwanziger said last Thursday that the World Cup could help improve the country's "appalling" human rights record by inviting closer scrutiny.
The Guardian reported at the weekend that 400 Nepalese migrants had died on building sites in Qatar as it prepares for football's biggest tournament, which it won the right to host in 2010.
It did not specify the period for the deaths, but it said human rights organisation Pravasi Nepali Co-ordination Committee would give more details this week.
On February 11, the Gulf state issued new guidelines aimed at protecting expatriate workers, suggesting they should be paid properly and promptly and housed adequately.
The embassy in Qatar says that the exact number of Indians in Qatar is unknown, but it was estimated at close to 500,000 at the end of 2012, about 26 percent of Qatar's total population.
still incorrect dude and most of the canadian guys here would also disagree unless you live here you wouldn't know especially in Montreal where there is nothing else other than Hockey. The Alouettes only cover a certain tiny number of the population of Quebec so it's hockey first and foremost.
Hockey is ingrained into the system, in the summer there will be hockey news about anything and everything. There is a ton of coverage here about training camps, off season moves, bla bla bla. It does not stop.

You also have to remember unlike soccer which is a year round sport, hockey really is intense from puck drop to stanley cup, it dies down a bit but does not stop.

The numbers you bring out are generic game attendance, does not mean there is talk about it on the tele. You go into Skysports, they about Soccer first ,then Cricket, then Rugby, then motor racing, they don't give a rats ass what goes on elsewhere. Heck even their boxing coverage is primarily European.

Same goes with Canada, it is a very nationalistic approach and they have to appease the tv ratings. You do realize that most of the people who watch the Raptors belong to the ethnic groups? That's really what keeps the team going. There's enough people interested in Hockey all year long then there are in the blue jays and raptors. Jays attendance is shit, they don't have a baseball specific facility, same goes with Argos the team has a following because of history, but that's it.
you have NFL coverage year round here too, doesn't mean NFL is an overwhelmingly dominating sport... baseball, hoops, hockey, and even soccer are large parts of american culture. Just my perspective, neither of us know for sure. was speaking mostly to Toronto rather than Canada as a whole -- hockey is obviously a huge part of Canada, was just putting in my largely uneducated perspective of how I thought it wasn't quite as big as soccer in england.
Sorry,I didnt wanna see anyone arguing,I was just saying.
Thing is,here,the culture is different.Sport is everything to most people.Everyone supports one team or another.
Same as gambling,its just part of life.... Women at work know the difference between 13/8 and 7/4 ,women know about it,if they dont they play bingo or slot machines or something else,I dont know one person who doesnt gamble..Sport and Gambling go hand in hand here,they only play the games or run the races for us to bet on.
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you have NFL coverage year round here too, doesn't mean NFL is an overwhelmingly dominating sport... baseball, hoops, hockey, and even soccer are large parts of american culture. Just my perspective, neither of us know for sure. was speaking mostly to Toronto rather than Canada as a whole -- hockey is obviously a huge part of Canada, was just putting in my largely uneducated perspective of how I thought it wasn't quite as big as soccer in england.

the US is a different market dude loads more viewers, loads more sports coverage.

well if you put it in terms of Toronto then of course things change….you put a generic view based on the entire country lol
Even still no matter the time of year there is going to be hockey news it may not be the first thing that comes up in the summer other than the Jays, but it is there because people want to know.
there are days where no one talks about the Jays in the winter and no one talks about the Raptors in the summer, but Leafs or some other Canadian team, they will talk about it. Heck they track the players down during charity golf tournaments. So desperate