****Draft lottery, trade rumors, Kevin Love- Draft In game******

Who started the Summer of Lebron thread and dismissed Larry's notions of salary scale posturing?

How many times you gonna post the same thing? I'm a man, I can admit when I was wrong. You haven't done that in your 8 years on this site.
Waiters is a dog...he has little value. Cavs #1 picks are of little value now since they will be at the end of the first round for the forseeable future.

Bennett is fucking lazy...how a 6-8 240 pound man can't set a pick is beyond my comprehension. Clueless as to how to pass...a poor fit for Blatt's offense.

Nobody is giving up a top 15 player in Love centered around these pieces.

Carmelo and Howard were traded for less.
I believe Bennett will surprise plenty of people next season and actually will be a solid contributor

He lost 20 pounds before Summer League and performed well in Vegas, and I think last season served as a wake up call. Still don't think he's the lazy bust everyone's made him out to be.
I believe Bennett will surprise plenty of people next season and actually will be a solid contributor

He lost 20 pounds before Summer League and performed well in Vegas, and I think last season served as a wake up call. Still don't think he's the lazy bust everyone's made him out to be.

I think he may as well. It was good to see him lose that weight and possibly start to take things seriously. Shouldn't have taken a year, but these are still kids at the end of the day.
Wait, I didn't read that whole thing. I've admitted being wrong.
I can't remember when, but if you can point out a time I was wrong, I'd like to own it here and now and once and for all.
Carmelo and Howard were traded for less.

Howard wasn't traded for less from Orlando..

[TABLE="class: sbn-data-table, width: 600"]
<tbody>[TR="class: ui-state-even"]
[TD="align: center"]Magic *[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Lakers[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Sixers[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Nuggets[/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-odd"]
[TD="align: center"]Nikola Vucevic[/TD]
Dwight Howard​
[TD="align: center"]Andrew Bynum[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Andre Iguodala[/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-even"]
[TD="align: center"]Arron Afflalo[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Earl Clark[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Jason Richardson[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-odd"]
[TD="align: center"]Al Harrington[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]Chris Duhon[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-even"]
[TD="align: center"]Christian Eyenga[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-odd"]
[TR="class: ui-state-even"]
[TD="align: center"]Josh McRoberts[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-odd"]
[TD="align: center"] Romero Osby (via 2013 2nd round)[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
[TR="class: ui-state-even"]
[TD="align: center"]Moe Harkless[/TD]
[TD="align: center"][/TD]
No GM is basing Bennett's potential off of last season unless they don't value their job
C'mon, those guys stink.

Well they don't all stink, and the ones who don't stink are better than Bennet, Waiters, and a 1st rounder. Wiggins may be better than anyone on that list, but he's not a proven commodity, he still hasn't played 1 game in the NBA.
I don't understand the minny has no leverage argument, there are three teams involved and more will join the fray if Cavs don't get it done

Fuck lakers would offer randle and a bunch of expiring to get him
Minny in Love is offering the Cavs a guarantee to appear in a minimum 3 of the next 5 Finals ...kind of a hard offer to turn down.
Cavs don't have to do it, and they have the best trade package. That's the leverage. It's also a shrug of the shoulders if they don't do it. Guy's not Wilt Chamberlain. Nor Lebron, we got him already.
Cavs don't have to do it, and they have the best trade package. That's the leverage. It's also a shrug of the shoulders if they don't do it. Guy's not Wilt Chamberlain. Nor Lebron, we got him already.

So Cleveland has the leverage, not Minny. Minny simply needs to get "something" for him before he bolts after next season. They can sit and let the offers roll in, each one bettering the one before in a perfect world.

He's not Wilt Chamberlain, you're right, but he's probably a top 5 (definitely top 10) player in the NBA. Cleveland can have 2 of the top 5 or 10 players in the game, or have LeBron and his band of potential.
He had a rough 1st semester in college, then pretty much became the superstar I expected him to be right before my eyes

Honestly didn't expect it in December
Minny HAS to trade him or lose him. Leverage diminishes by the day.
Minny HAS to trade him or lose him. Leverage diminishes by the day.

But they have other offers out there, so they'll be able to trade him at some point. The offers won't diminish that much 'by the day' since the salaries have to match up to make any deal work. As long as they get something vs nothing they will be okay.
I mean, there's definitely a school of thought to call Minny's bluff to the end game. He'd most probably sign with a California team as a true free agent, but who knows? Teaming up with Lebron is attractive. Guy's hurt half the time anyway.
Cavs don't have to do it, and they have the best trade package. That's the leverage. It's also a shrug of the shoulders if they don't do it. Guy's not Wilt Chamberlain. Nor Lebron, we got him already.

Bulls offer blows away anything the Cavs can offer sans Wiggins...McDermott looked better than Wiggens in summer league.
Is Jimmer still in the league? We need one team to focus on head fakes, overbites, and fundamentals.
Wiggins price control is the only thing that makes him more attractive than Love. So many of these high draft picks flame out. I'd do this in a heartbeat
Wiggins price control is the only thing that makes him more attractive than Love. So many of these high draft picks flame out. I'd do this in a heartbeat

I would as well. You get 2 of the top 10 players in the NBA, a young PG who could be a superstar himself, and a bunch of role players, many who are still young (Tristin, Waiters). The Cavs also have 3 1st round draft picks this upcoming year, so even if their pick is very low in the 1st round, they have 2 other shots to get higher ones (the Heat is top 10 protected, but they shouldn't be anywhere near the lottery this year).
I think people are sleeping on the 2015 draft class...Could be a really good one with several big men leading the way in Okafor, Turner, and Towns plus the Harrison twins and maybe the Winslow kid that signed with Duke who I am really high on.
But they have other offers out there, so they'll be able to trade him at some point. The offers won't diminish that much 'by the day' since the salaries have to match up to make any deal work. As long as they get something vs nothing they will be okay.

if they had other offers he would be gone

GSW not giving up Klay

so the only way they had leverage was if teams were willing to give up A+ packages

so far that's not the case, so yes they are losing that leverage as the days go by

if we get to January no team is going to trade for Love unless he signs an extension, what if Love just says fuck it I can wait 6 months and go anywhere I want

then they either are stuck losing him for nothing, or accepting a smaller package

likely just an expiring salary dump and some 1sts
the only thing the Lakers should be doing is telling Love they are leaving the spot warm for him next summer and KD in 2016
if they had other offers he would be gone

GSW not giving up Klay

so the only way they had leverage was if teams were willing to give up A+ packages

so far that's not the case, so yes they are losing that leverage as the days go by

if we get to January no team is going to trade for Love unless he signs an extension, what if Love just says fuck it I can wait 6 months and go anywhere I want

then they either are stuck losing him for nothing, or accepting a smaller package

likely just an expiring salary dump and some 1sts

But the Cavs aren't getting him without Wiggins so the wolves certainly have the leverage over the Cavs here
If they can't get Wiggins or Klay, what leverage do they have?

Bennett and a first rounder with Waiters might look awfully good when all's said and done, Love is a FA at the end of the season. Sign and trade changes it obviously, but they don't have much to lean on
Cavs drop out you bring other teams into the mix, probably celts and lakers. Wolves have the leverage here . He isn't suiting up for them this season
I'm pretty sure lakers would do almost anything to get him. Wolves are sitting good right now, no leverage lost
Lakers are so asset deficient I don't know what other than Randall they can offer

Suns fleeced them on the Nash trade
You don't think the Bulls offer is the best out there if the Cavs don't give up Wiggins ??

Would much rather have McDermott, Mirotic, and Gibson than Bennett, Waiters and a #1.

Wolves badly need to get more athletic and those guys from the Bulls are not athletic at all. I agree that McDermott looked good in summer league, but I still want no part of that deal if I'm the wolves.
This is where I'm pretty sold on the Wolves not having much leverage

Love's gone, and that in and of itself reduces their leverage. I would personally like to see Minnesota be an entertaining team. They aren't winning anything anytime soon, so make them interesting. The Chicago deal would do that, although I'm not overly convinced Chicago made the McDermott trade on draft day to get Love.
You never get like for like in these situations, but you are not getting Love for shit, and a trade with the Cavs without Wiggins is shit