Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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It is important for me that butre understand the concept of white guilt. Start by picking something up by Thomas sowell. Btw, the few yuppie democrats in north Fulton all sufferd from white guilt now it's just straight regret.
While we're at it, my buddy today says he can't stand Tim Robbins

He's conservative, so be it, and he loves Shawshank but we were talking about Mystic River. He hates it, because of Tim Robbins. And that leaves me baffled.

That movie was great, like watch over and over again. Why do people let politics interfere with their entertainment experience? It was directed by Clint ffs. I just don't get it.

easy for someone on the left to say ...

but ya .... righties couldn't watch movies, listen to music or look at art if they couldn't do some separating. Luckily most of the ones I cant stand are horrible at acting like Sarandon, Clooney I can miss the movie because I know it will suck instead of because I hate them. gets harder with Penn who is a complete douchebag but an excellent actor.
I have put on a ton of weight ... people would think I was being an ass sliding head first into first base when I am really just collapsing having a heart attack

This happened a few seasons ago and the 2nd baseman from the other team ran to the other field to provide CPR. Good save.
It is important for me that butre understand the concept of white guilt. Start by picking something up by Thomas sowell. Btw, the few yuppie democrats in north Fulton all sufferd from white guilt now it's just straight regret.

Thomas Sowell is brilliant. Cannot go wrong with anything he has produced.
I think if I could be any one id be French. They seem to live very carefree lifestyles
The rituals and poor services did it in for me. I just like going nondenominational with a positive message. After reading pillars of the earth by ken follow it accelerated my move away from that church.
eh .. their white flag is boring as far as national flags go though, Alex. Get them to redesign that thing.
While we're at it, my buddy today says he can't stand Tim Robbins

He's conservative, so be it, and he loves Shawshank but we were talking about Mystic River. He hates it, because of Tim Robbins. And that leaves me baffled.

That movie was great, like watch over and over again. Why do people let politics interfere with their entertainment experience? It was directed by Clint ffs. I just don't get it.
Hate Tim, hate his wife...i do want to fuck her tho

love shawshank
I can say that dealing with most police officers or government authorities in Fulton county I do suffer from racism. They hate my ass and they don't give a fuck.
In your German Irish way you forget the great achievements of the French before the 20th century... You know .. Napolean... Saving the United States.. Giving the United States half it's land... Yada yada
In your German Irish way you forget the great achievements of the French before the 20th century... You know .. Napolean... Saving the United States.. Giving the United States half it's land... Yada yada

Often referred to as the Pre-Pussy Era
Forget the border .. prince machiavelli

Lmao... You should see that place now. No longer Prince Machiavelli's. Boy did they used to have some serious tang up in there. Jaw-dropping... All those spots in EP were so much better when the drug trade was thriving.
Lmao... You should see that place now. No longer Prince Machiavelli's. Boy did they used to have some serious tang up in there. Jaw-dropping... All those spots in EP were so much better when the drug trade was thriving.

ever go to "faustos" on the other side of the border?
Lmao... You should see that place now. No longer Prince Machiavelli's. Boy did they used to have some serious tang up in there. Jaw-dropping... All those spots in EP were so much better when the drug trade was thriving.

Wait...should we move this to the Tinder/prostitution thread so tip can take a whack at it?
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