Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Reverse racism absolutely exists, and as demonstrated before I'm ok with it, and I understand those that don't

Just not an apples/apples comparison, desegregation is still young
The worst criminals are Russians

Always looking for a fight those fuckers. Raised by wolves those fuckers
Of course I do man. I've experienced that my whole life. I'm from the other side of the tracks and grew up as one of the only gringos around. But to bring that shit up now, in this context, is fucking stupid. It Ain't the same man. Nobody wrote laws about me goin to school. Nobody wrote laws about who I could walk down the street with. And if you don't understand the social ramifications that go along with that kind of govt oppression, then I, not The Lord ain't got shit for you.

But for you to say some flat out racist shit (white guilt voting for Barry), then cry and moan about reverse racism is the dumbest, most transparent shit I've ever seen in my life. I mean, you gotta be a fall-down handicap sunnovvabitch not to see that.
Of course I do man. I've experienced that my whole life. I'm from the other side of the tracks and grew up as one of the only gringos around. But to bring that shit up now, in this context, is fucking stupid. It Ain't the same man. Nobody wrote laws about me goin to school. Nobody wrote laws about who I could walk down the street with. And if you don't understand the social ramifications that go along with that kind of govt oppression, then I, not The Lord ain't got shit for you.

But for you to say some flat out racist shit (white guilt voting for Barry), then cry and moan about reverse racism is the dumbest, most transparent shit I've ever seen in my life. I mean, you gotta be a fall-down handicap sunnovvabitch not to see that.
you think him saying that is racist?
USA is one of the most racist countries in the world. Almost as bad as Russia. Only difference is, Russians don't try to hide it
Russians, what a buncha hooligans

The Onthespot however, half the fellas I softball with on Wednesday nights are Jewish and they actually aren't all that cheap, except one of em, but he knows who he is
Only 7 inning games but by then most of us are stretching our spleens

Most 40+, I'm just shy but still

I have put on a ton of weight ... people would think I was being an ass sliding head first into first base when I am really just collapsing having a heart attack
While we're at it, my buddy today says he can't stand Tim Robbins

He's conservative, so be it, and he loves Shawshank but we were talking about Mystic River. He hates it, because of Tim Robbins. And that leaves me baffled.

That movie was great, like watch over and over again. Why do people let politics interfere with their entertainment experience? It was directed by Clint ffs. I just don't get it.
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