Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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You tell me, that is if you just realized I was on the site 2 or 3 days ago. LOL

Mea culpa. Didn't mean to insinuate that you were a racist and I'm sorry if it came across that way. There's no one on this site I know well enough to consider calling them a racist. Our viewpoints on this differ but by no means do I truly think you hate black people or folks of any other race.
Mea culpa. Didn't mean to insinuate that you were a racist and I'm sorry if it came across that way. There's no one on this site I know well enough to consider calling them a racist. Our viewpoints on this differ but by no means do I truly think you hate black people or folks of any other race.

It is what is it is. Its just a gambling site. Its fine. I knew where you were coming from.
Two true stories, good old Cleveland.

I go into work the day after Obama gets elected, inside sales guy Mike says, "Fucking ni####r in the White House." He thought I might like that, since I partially own the place.

Later, having lunch, Obama inauguration, I'm at a bar (that part's not unusual), n this, n that. Racism is alive and well where I live.

So if you're "set up" being a fucking bigot. Who gives a fuck. Go away and die of cancer.
What has really convinced me that this guy is the anti-Christ or anti-Mother Earth or whatever you guys think calls the shots is that he's 80 fucking years old, dying, shamed for good reason ... And ... He's OK with it.
What has really convinced me that this guy is the anti-Christ or anti-Mother Earth or whatever you guys think calls the shots is that he's 80 fucking years old, dying, shamed for good reason ... And ... He's OK with it.

If I was really dying I wouldn't be too worried about how I appeared to the general public. I'd be more concerned about making amends with the ones I actually gave a fuck about
I'm sure he's taking care of business personally as his public legacy burns.
I'm sure he's taking care of business personally as his public legacy burns.

I don't know what he's doing. If he truly is nearing death, and I don't know that he is, then I can certainly understand laying low and spending time with the ones he cares about as opposed to fighting a PR battle. Maybe he would rather make any necessary amends with those close to him and not with Silver and Magic
The bounce reaction against the media and the woman were pretty predictable. Let's not lose sight of the story about the old bigot.
Everyone loved what Kareem said. I thought it was a little weak. But even Kareem noted this guy was alive during ... The civil rights movement ... MLK's life ... Jackie Robinson ... Jesse Owens. His generational pass expired 50 years ago.
I mean, the story itself means nothing. Most of us (myself included, and I haven't yet watched any NBA this year) knew this guy was going down. Sponsors dropped, other owners nervous, game over for Don Sterling.

I am so amused by the fucks in this thread or elsewhere who fear for the future of our chosen nation because of stuff like this. Get rich and don't be an asshole on tape. You'll be fine.
Like specifically. Johnny. How has the Obama presidency affected your life?
Because I know a few small business owners who bitch, and I know a few people who now have health care.
Ah, the leftist Supreme Court that made it excellent to uncap campaign financing. Good one.
Speaking for Ohio, the only times the GOP rips a district is due to Jerry-mandering. Most folks, according to popularity polls, are simply waiting for conservatives to die.
Speaking for Tennessee, it's experiencing a conservative ascendancy unlike anything in its history
Like specifically. Johnny. How has the Obama presidency affected your life?

The month that Barack Obama entered the White House, we were in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression and only 60.6 percent of all working age Americans had a job.
Since only 58.9 percent of all working age Americans have a job now, that means that the employment situation in America is still significantly worse than it was the day Barack Obama took office.

So don't let anyone fool you with talk of an "employment recovery". It simply is not happening. The official unemployment rate bears so little relation to economic reality at this point that it has essentially become meaningless.

Look, how in the world can we have an "unemployment rate" of just "6.3 percent" when 20 percent of all American families do n0t have a single member that is working?

Here is how that 20 percent figure was arrived at...
A family, as defined by the BLS, is a group of two or more people who live together and who are related by birth, adoption or marriage. In 2013, there were 80,445,000 families in the United States and in 16,127,000—or 20 percent–no one had a job.
So if one out of every five families is completely unemployed, then why is the official government unemployment rate not up at Great Depression era levels?

Could it be that the government is manipulating the numbers to make them look much better than they actually are?

Why don't they just go ahead and get it over with? They can just define every American that is not working as "not in the labor force" and then we can have "0.0 percent unemployment". Then we can all have a giant party and celebrate how wonderful the U.S. economy is.

And don't be fooled by the "288,000 jobs" that were added to the U.S. economy last month. For workers under the age of 55, the number of jobs actually dropped by a whopping 259,000.
If we were using honest numbers, the official unemployment rate would look a lot scarier. John Williams of has calculated that the unemployment rate should be about 23 percent. I don't think that is too far off.

Meanwhile, the quality of the jobs in our economy continues to go down. The House Ways and Means Committee says that seven out of every eight jobs that have been "added" to the economy under Barack Obama have been part-time jobs. But you can't raise a family or plan a career around a part-time job. To be honest, it is very hard for a single person to even survive on a part-time wage in this economic environment.

As the quality of our jobs goes down, so do our incomes. The median household income has declined for five years in a row, and the middle class is falling apart.

Without middle class incomes, you can't have a middle class. Considering what we have been watching happen, it should be no surprise that the homeownership rate in the United States has dropped to the lowest level in 19 years or that the number of Americans receiving money from the government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million.

At a gut level, most Americans understand that things are much worse than they used to be.
The Pew Research Center recently asked people what "class" they consider themselves to be. The results were shocking.

Back in 2008, only 25 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be "lower middle class" or "poor".
Earlier this year, an astounding 40 percent of all Americans chose one of those designations.

We are in the midst of a long-term economic decline, and no amount of propaganda is going to change that.
But based on the "happy numbers" being trumpeted by the mainstream media, the Federal Reserve is slowly bringing their quantitative easing program to an end.
When quantitative easing is finally totally cut off, we shall see how the financial markets and the U.S. economy perform without artificial life support.
Personally, I don't think that it is going to be pretty.

It pretty much sucks being called a racist because you dont agree that something is racist. So it goes.
My little pocket of Tennesee is pretty liberal. Country music and Lochinvar.
So the extent of it is ... You don't like being called a racist, but otherwise same old same old.
Johnny, did you attribute the more steep decline to Bush? Or the impending Obama presidency? Or did you reason, probably doesn't matter?
You show me a post that I made that was racist. Please. Just one. You can't, because I didnt. However, since I never bought into the sincerity of this whole debate you guys attempted to scapegoat me.
Johnny, did you attribute the more steep decline to Bush? Or the impending Obama presidency? Or did you reason, probably doesn't matter?

Its not a red team ,blue team thing. Its dysfunctional government, uncontrolled debt and zero accountability, but keep the racism up. That is a good distraction. War is going to be a better distraction. Its always about the money. Racism is the red herring.
Quiz. Whose racist remarks got this thread locked, twice? Bonus points. Whose racist remarks were deleted?
Take it easy guys. This thing has about run its course and hasn't really been about sterling for a while
Here's a neat idea. Let's not worry about who made the most racist remark, and not give a shit about reverse racism, as troubling as it is. Let's shake on it.
You see I never made a racist remark. I just disagreed on the direction of this thread and the credibility of most of the agitators in the actual scenario and on this site.
Keep it open as long as it's funny. I'm waiting for Johnny's sad reverse racism tale.
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