Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Utopia, it doesn't exist. And you're ok with a man in power being racist. I'm not saying you're off your rocker, I just completely disagree.

Why is discrimination different than any other crime? Utopia has no rape , no assault, no robbery or theft ... etc etc etc ...

All we can do is agree all people have the same civil rights and punish anyone who violates another persons civil rights. We cant stop discrimination or rape or theft or assault or murder or any other crime.
ya nevermind. wont load right ..shows the invite but wont let me accept it ... just forget it .. I know it will just mean the same lag as yesterday
Why is discrimination different than any other crime? Utopia has no rape , no assault, no robbery or theft ... etc etc etc ...

All we can do is agree all people have the same civil rights and punish anyone who violates another persons civil rights. We cant stop discrimination or rape or theft or assault or murder or any other crime.

This would be assuming we can just wipe the slate clean after 50 or so years of equal civil rights which I clearly don't think is the way it's played. I get that you do, I don't.
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Because we all have our own definitions of equal and that's not close to changing

So you don't think all people have the same civil rights?

What about women? didn't get the right to vote until 50 years after African American males. They have been getting raped since long before slavery in this country. Reparations for women?
So you don't think all people have the same civil rights?

What about women? didn't get the right to vote until 50 years after African American males. They have been getting raped since long before slavery in this country. Reparations for women?

That's why I said as a white male, I give some concessions to other races and the other sex
So you don't think all people have the same civil rights?

What about women? didn't get the right to vote until 50 years after African American males. They have been getting raped since long before slavery in this country. Reparations for women?

Please don't bring women and that inequality into this conversation.
Has anyone asked doc rivers why he went to the clippers when he knew that sterling was a racist?
Has anyone asked Chris paul why he signed an extension when he know the owner was a racist?

those extra zero's at the end of a paycheck make it all good until it hits the internet and you have to take a hypocritical stand and hope no one questions you on it...
That's why I said as a white male, I give some concessions to other races and the other sex

Good for you .. you have the choice to do whatever you want .......but you shouldn't have the right to force other people to make concessions of their civil rights or freedom against their will.
Good for you .. you have the choice to do whatever you want .......but you shouldn't have the right to force other people to make concessions of their civil rights or freedom against their will.

Where did I say I was forcing anyone to do anything? Against who's will? I simply stated where I personally stand and understand others aren't necessarily in the same camp.

You lost me.
Good for you .. you have the choice to do whatever you want .......but you shouldn't have the right to force other people to make concessions of their civil rights or freedom against their will.

I dont think he was saying that at all. In fact I believe he was speaking about privilege. I could be wrong but I interpret him as saying if others dont enjoy the same privilege he's been afforded he chooses not to use it. And kudos to him for feeling that way if he does. And as far as being forced into giving concessions of civil rights & freedom against will. Take an opportunity to familiarize yourself with unfair housing practices & how still today an otherwise qualified homeowner who doesnt enjoy a certain privilege is denied a loan to live in certain areas, while being steered into predatory loans in a less desireable place. This happens on a large scale, "the invisible fence"
Vox did a cool little experiment (though not nearly a large enough sample size to be considered scientifically sound)

[h=3]The idea[/h]In an experimental context, when reviewers were told the author of a legal brief was black they consistently rated identical pieces lower in quality and identified more spelling, grammar, factual, or analytical errors. It's evidence that, even if the days of overt bigotry and explicit discrimination are mostly past, the United States still struggles with a deep problem of implicit racism.
Arin N. Revees, the president of Nextions and the author of the study, argues that the implicit racism happened because reviewers take the racial information she provided as a cue for how they should judge the work. When the author is supposed to be white, reviewers excused errors as out of haste or inexperience. They commented that the author "has potential" and was "generally a good writer but needs to work on" some skills. When the author is supposed to be black, those same errors became evidence of incompetence. A reviewer said he "can't believe he [the author] went to NYU," and others said he "needs lots of work" and was "average at best."
[h=3]The evidence for[/h]Nextions recruited five lawyers at five different law firms to co-write a research memo about trade secrets at Internet start-ups. Then they inserted several errors into the memos — errors in spelling, grammar, legal terminology, fact, and analysis. Last, they created two different headers for the memo. Both identified the author as "Thomas Meyer," a third-year associate with a degree from the New York University School of Law, a top-ranked school. Yet in one version of the header, Thomas Meyer was identified as "Caucasian"; in another, he was identified as "African American."
They sent these otherwise-identical memos to 60 different partners at law firms who had agreed to review the pieces and identify errors. The reviewers, though, weren't told that the experiment was about race — they were just asked for their opinion on the quality of the memo.
The results at the link, there are tons more scientifically sound & peer reviewed studies that all indicate the same conclusion.
Well that makes things more interesting. Clay Travis went I believe to Vanderbilt law school so he knows his legal stuff.

Btw you like Clay Travis, jump? I remember you saying you thought he would be bad on tv. Haven't seen him on tv but hear him some on the radio here in Tennessee.
I also read that if he is forced to sell he would have to pay Capitol gains tax , which could be in the 300 million range.. Doesn't appear sterling will go away quietly
Well that makes things more interesting. Clay Travis went I believe to Vanderbilt law school so he knows his legal stuff.

Btw you like Clay Travis, jump? I remember you saying you thought he would be bad on tv. Haven't seen him on tv but hear him some on the radio here in Tennessee.
I think he's one of the absolute fucking worst, lol....but he's interesting to read/follow because he makes it interesting...he's a guy that's a shock jock that likes to drive if you take him for what he is, you can tolerate him..
I dont think he was saying that at all. In fact I believe he was speaking about privilege. I could be wrong but I interpret him as saying if others dont enjoy the same privilege he's been afforded he chooses not to use it. And kudos to him for feeling that way if he does. And as far as being forced into giving concessions of civil rights & freedom against will. Take an opportunity to familiarize yourself with unfair housing practices & how still today an otherwise qualified homeowner who doesnt enjoy a certain privilege is denied a loan to live in certain areas, while being steered into predatory loans in a less desireable place. This happens on a large scale, "the invisible fence"

Its called blockbusting and steering. Its already illegal. Im sure you are ready with your anecdotes. Lets do a book club on this one.

The new edition of White Girl Bleed a Lot documents black mob violence in the bigger cities, such as Baltimore, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, St. Louis. But also in places where the frequency and intensity of racial violence is not as well known: Milwaukee, Indianapolis, Charlotte, Seattle, Portland, Denver, Las Vegas, Kansas City, Peoria, Springfield, Greensboro, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Champaign, Madison and many more.

Readers learn about "Beat Whitey Night" at a Midwest state fair.

Or how a Chicago Police Chief blamed the violence on Sarah Palin and the Pilgrims. Or how Oprah Winfrey gave $1 million to a Philadelphia charter school, only to see its students on video assaulting a white person shortly thereafter.

Or how gays and Asians and women are particular targets.
Has anyone asked doc rivers why he went to the clippers when he knew that sterling was a racist?
Has anyone asked Chris paul why he signed an extension when he know the owner was a racist?

those extra zero's at the end of a paycheck make it all good until it hits the internet and you have to take a hypocritical stand and hope no one questions you on it...

Just heard Jackie McMullen on sports radio saying doc knew all about the racism and put in special provisions like not having to speak directly to sterling... Fucking hypocrite
Donald Sterling's pal V. Stiviano: 'One day, I will become president of the United States of America'

<time itemprop="datePublished" pubdate="" datetime="2014-05-01T09:24-04:00">Published May 01, 2014</time>New York Post

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The woman who recorded Donald Sterling’s infamous racist rant is milking the scandal for all it’s worth.
V. Stiviano has been parading around Los Angeles in her now-trademark face visor — and even has an entourage decked out in baseball caps bearing her name, The Post reports.
During a bizarre encounter with photographers outside a La Brea Avenue restaurant, Stiviano — whose recording of Sterling got the LA Clippers owner banned for life from the NBA — claimed that she would eventually lead the free world.
“One day, I will become president of the United States of America. And I will change the legislation and laws,” she said, according to video posted online. “Modern-day history. Civil-rights movement.”
Stiviano also agreed with one photographer’s compliment that she’s “bigger than Angelina Jolie,” but suggested she knew her 15 minutes of fame were ticking away.
“Just today, just today, guys,” Stiviano said after being compared to Brad Pitt’s Oscar-winning partner.
Stiviano, 31, who hid her face behind a reflective sun shield throughout the Tuesday night exchange, wore a bright yellow leather jacket over a gray T-shirt and cut-off jean Daisy Dukes.
She was accompanied by a burly bodyguard and several men and women wearing “V. Stiviano” caps.
Earlier in the day, Stiviano was trailed by cameras as she roller-skated around the $1.8 million duplex Sterling bought her near the swank Beverly Center shopping mall.
For that escapade, she wore the shorts, a visor with light-blue trim and a matching T-shirt with an image of 1970s ad mascot “Twinkie the Kid.”
Court papers show Stiviano legally changed her name in 2010 from Maria Vanessa Perez, citing as her reason: “Born from a rape case and haven’t yet been fully accepted because of my race.”
Ta Nehisi Coates hits this out the park

The question Cliven Bundy put to his audience last week—Was the black family better off as property?—is as immoral as it unoriginal. As both Adam Serwer andJamelle Bouie point out, the roster of conservative theorists who imply that black people were better off being whipped, worked, and raped are legion. Their ranks include economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, former congressmanAllen West, sitting Representative Trent Franks, singer Ted Nugent, and presidential aspirants Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann.

A fair-minded reader will note that each of these conservatives is careful to not praise slavery and to note his or her disgust at the practice. This is neither distinction nor difference. Cliven Bundy's disquisition begins with a similar hedge: "We've progressed quite a bit from that day until now and we sure don't want to go back." With so little substantive difference between Bundy and other conservatives, it becomes tough to understand last week's backpedaling in anyintellectually coherent way.

But style is the hero. Cliven Bundy is old, white, and male. He likes to wave an American flag while spurning the American government and pals around with the militia movement. He does not so much use the word "*****"—which would be bad enough—but "nigra," in the manner of villain from Mississippi Burning orA Time to Kill. In short, Cliven Bundy looks, and sounds, much like what white people take racism to be.

The problem with Bundy isn't that he is a racist but that he is an oafish racist. The elegant racist knows how to injure non-white people while never summoning the specter of white guilt.
The problem with Cliven Bundy isn't that he is a racist but that he is an oafish racist. He invokes the crudest stereotypes, like cotton picking. This makes white people feel bad. The elegant racist knows how to injure non-white people while never summoning the specter of white guilt. Elegant racism requires plausible deniability, as when Reagan just happened to stumble into the Neshoba County fair and mention state's rights. Oafish racism leaves no escape hatch, as when Trent Lott praised Strom Thurmond's singularly segregationist candidacy.

Elegant racism is invisible, supple, and enduring. It disguises itself in the national vocabulary, avoids epithets and didacticism. Grace is the singular marker of elegant racism. One should never underestimate the touch needed to, say, injure the voting rights of black people without ever saying their names. Elegant racism lives at the border of white shame. Elegant racism was the poll tax. Elegant racism is voter-ID laws.

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race," John Roberts elegantly wrote. Liberals have yet to come up with a credible retort. That is because the theories of John Roberts are prettier than the theories of most liberals. But more, it is because liberals do notunderstand that America has never discriminated on the basis of race (which does not exist) but on the basis of racism (which most certainly does.)

Ideologies of hatred have never required coherent definitions of the hated. Islamophobes kill Sikhs as easily as they kill Muslims. Stalin needed noconsistent definition of "Kulaks" to launch a war of Dekulakization. "I decide who is a Johnny," Karl Lueger said. Slaveholders decided who was a ****** and who wasn't. The decision was arbitrary. The effects are not. Ahistorical liberals—like most Americans—still believe that race invented racism, when in fact the reverse is true. The hallmark of elegant racism is the acceptance of mainstream consensus, and exploitation of all its intellectual fault lines.

Here is a lovely illustration of elegant racism:

This graph is from Robert J. Sampson's essential 2011 profile of Chicago, Great American City. Sampson's data depicts incarceration rates in the early to mid-'90s in Chicago among black (black dots) and white neighborhoods (white dots.) Increasingly, sociologists like Sampson are showing us how our brute and strained vocabulary fails to articulate the problem of racism Conservatives and liberals frequently wonder how it could be that unequal outcomes endure for blacks and whites, even after controlling for income or "class." That is because conservatives and liberals underestimate the achievements of white supremacyand still believe that comparisons between a "black middle class" and a "white middle class" have actual meaning. In fact, black and white people—of any class—live in wholly different worlds.

A phrase like "mass incarceration" obviates the fact that "mass incarceration" is mostly localized in black neighborhoods. In Chicago during the '90s, there was no overlap between the incarceration rates of black and white neighborhoods. The most incarcerated white neighborhoods in Chicago are still better off than than the least incarcerated black neighborhoods. The most incarcerated black neighborhood in Chicago is 40 times worse than the most incarcerated white neighborhood.

Perhaps black people are for reasons of culture or genetics 40 times more criminal than white people. Or perhaps there is something more elegant at work:

The Justice Department announced today the largest monetary payment ever obtained by the department in the settlement of a case alleging housing discrimination in the rental of apartments. Los Angeles apartment owner Donald T. Sterling has agreed to pay $2.725 million to settle allegations that he discriminated against African-Americans, Hispanics and families with children at apartment buildings he controls in Los Angeles.
Throughout the 20th century—and perhaps even in the 21st—there was no more practiced advocate of housing segregation than the city of Chicago. Its mayors and aldermen razed neighborhoods and segregated public housing. Its businessmen lobbied for racial zoning. Its realtors block-busted whole neighborhoods, flipping them from black to white and then pocketing the profit. Its white citizens embraced racial covenants—in the '50s, no city had more covenants in place than Chicago.

If you sought to advantage one group of Americans and disadvantage another, you could scarcely choose a more graceful method than housing discrimination.Housing determines access to transportation, green spaces, decent schools, decent food, decent jobs, and decent services. Housing affects your chances of being robbed and shot as well as your chances of being stopped and frisked. And housing discrimination is as quiet as it is deadly. It can be pursued through violence and terrorism, but it doesn't need it. Housing discrimination is hard to detect, hard to prove, and hard to prosecute. Even today most people believe that Chicago is the work of organic sorting, as opposed segregationist social engineering. Housing segregation is the weapon that mortally injures, but does not bruise. The historic fumbling of such a formidable weapon could only ever be accomplished by a graceless halfwit—such as the present owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.

As Bomani Jones noted back in 2006, Donald Sterling has long been a practitioner of racism and the NBA could not have cared less. Jones is rightfullyapoplectic at the present response. That is because he understands that the NBA, its players and its fans, don't so much object to Donald Sterling's racism—they object to his want of elegance.

Like Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling confirms our comfortable view of racists. Donald Sterling is a "bad person." He's mean to women. He carouses with prostitutes. He uses the word "******." He fits our idea of what an actual racist must look like: snarling, villainous, immoral, ignorant, gauche. That the actual racism that Sterling long practiced, that this society has long practiced (and is still practicing) must attract significantly less note. That is because to see racism in all its elegance is to implicate not just its active practitioners, but to implicate ourselves.

How can it be that in a "black league," as Charles Barkley calls the NBA, an on-the-record structural racist like Donald Sterling was allowed to thrive? Everyone now wants to speak to Elgin Baylor. Where were all these people before? Where was Kevin Johnson? Where was the Los Angeles NAACP? When Donald Sterling was driving black tenants out of his buildings, where was David Stern?

Far better to implicate Donald Sterling and be done with the whole business. Far better to banish Cliven Bundy and table the uncomfortable reality of our political system. A racism that invites the bipartisan condemnation of Barack Obama and Mitch McConnell must necessarily be minor. A racism that invites the condemnation of Sean Hannity can't be much of a threat. But a racism, condemnable by all civilized people, must make itself manifest now and again so that we may celebrate how far we have come. Meanwhile racism, elegant, lovely, monstrous, carries on
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Just heard Jackie McMullen on sports radio saying doc knew all about the racism and put in special provisions like not having to speak directly to sterling... Fucking hypocrite

Yea Doc is so full of shit. The players I can understand, they are young and have agents that should be warning them of this type of thing as well as the league basically endorsing him by keeping him as an owner, but Doc has been around the NBA 30 years now and knew damn well who the man was and what he stood for.

Even worse than I imagined, have you guys seen the videos of Sterling's wife going thru the apartments pretending to be a public health inspector in order to harass and kick out "undesiriable" tenants. No way in hell can the league allow her be involved whatsoever with the organization. Also saw a story about Sterling's son having shot a friend but never faced charges. What a fucking family.
Yea Doc is so full of shit. The players I can understand, they are young and have agents that should be warning them of this type of thing as well as the league basically endorsing him by keeping him as an owner, but Doc has been around the NBA 30 years now and knew damn well who the man was and what he stood for.

Even worse than I imagined, have you guys seen the videos of Sterling's wife going thru the apartments pretending to be a public health inspector in order to harass and kick out "undesiriable" tenants. No way in hell can the league allow her be involved whatsoever with the organization. Also saw a story about Sterling's son having shot a friend but never faced charges. What a fucking family.

Havent seen the video- really can't watch any of it - it sounds like that family is messed from top to bottom..... i will give a little bit with the young players but Chris Paul no way - he is a smart guy...
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