Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Ya a baby born in the united states today is miles ahead of the world they would be born into if slavery never happened.

Let me cut off the obvious retorts ... That isn't to say that white babies aren't benefitting from all the relatively unpaid labor and institutional racism throughout history. It isn't to say white babies are not born into overall better means than black babies in the United States today.

But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery.

This doesn't diminish the atrocity of slavery ( the biggest black eye in our country's history I think ... guess I will throw in the Asian camps during ww2.

But if we are being honest .... the reality is pretty clear that the future generations of African americans are reaping dividends out of the despicable acts that their ancestors had to endure.... unless you are Alex and think that the state of the African nations offers better opportunities than the United States.

An argument could be made that the United States ripped a lot of the strongest work force out of Africa and had that not happened the USA would not be nearly as strong as it is today ( clearly true in my mind ) and the African nations would have benefitted from that work force and be much the better for it ( also clearly true in my mind ) ..... but hard to believe that they would be born into a better existence in Africa today than the united states regardless of whether slavery ever happened or not.
Silver spoons? Re-read the question again... Never said anything about "silver spoons".

From what I gather, my interpretation is that "black babies" that are born here now would still be born/raised primarily in African countries. Probably in much less desirable places than the United States of America.

Why is that assumed? I'm pretty damn sure if Africans weren't colonized and put in chains, they'd be coming over like everyone else. In fact, millions of Africans did and still do come over here. I re-read it 40 times. Still says silver spoon.
From what I remember in an article I read years ago, he also used to bring guests down to the locker room after games and watch the guys come out of the shower and be like "look at those gorgeous black bodies" or something like that...

From what I remember in an article I read years ago, he also used to bring guests down to the locker room after games and watch the guys come out of the shower and be like "look at those gorgeous black bodies" or something like that...

hmmmm now we know why he votes democrat
Why is that assumed? I'm pretty damn sure if Africans weren't colonized and put in chains, they'd be coming over like everyone else. In fact, millions of Africans did and still do come over here. I re-read it 40 times. Still says silver spoon.

How do you get "silver spoon(s)" outta that? I don't see that at all. Makes for good discussion.
So if not for slavery, Africans would not be allowed to immigrate? Hmm... I'm pretty sure somebody had to do the work. MAYBE if the all important "market forces" were allowed to work, I'm pretty sure people from poorer countries would immigrate for an opportunity to earn a living. As opposed to being stacked up in a container ship & forced to work for free. But then again that would mean treating Africans as people with rights. You know like the European immigrants of the late 19th & early 20th. But......
Am I the only one that took "NBA And Racism" in college?

From Elgin Baylor's deposition:

"While ignoring my suggestions and isolating me from decisions customarily reserved for general managers, the Clippers attempted to place the blame for the team’s failures on me," Baylor said in the declaration. "During this same period, players Sam Cassell, Elton Brand and Corey Maggette complained to me that DONALD STERLING would bring women into the locker room after games, while the players were showering, and make comments such as, 'Look at those beautiful black bodies.' I brought this to Sterling’s attention, but he continued to bring women into the locker room."
Why is that assumed? I'm pretty damn sure if Africans weren't colonized and put in chains, they'd be coming over like everyone else. In fact, millions of Africans did and still do come over here. I re-read it 40 times. Still says silver spoon.

Your reading comprehension is either really bad or my writing for content is.
So if not for slavery, Africans would not be allowed to immigrate? Hmm... I'm pretty sure somebody had to do the work. MAYBE if the all important "market forces" were allowed to work, I'm pretty sure people from poorer countries would immigrate for an opportunity to earn a living. As opposed to being stacked up in a container ship & forced to work for free. But then again that would mean treating Africans as people with rights. You know like the European immigrants of the late 19th & early 20th. But......

Well, let me ask you this as a follow-up... What % of those babies would actually immigrate to the USA?
Are you implying that somehow the Africans wouldn't have been motivated to participate in a system that afforded them the opportunity to EARN a living and improve their condition? Because unless you're saying somehow the African would not be interested, I don't get what you mean
Am I the only one that took "NBA And Racism" in college?

From Elgin Baylor's deposition:

"While ignoring my suggestions and isolating me from decisions customarily reserved for general managers, the Clippers attempted to place the blame for the team’s failures on me," Baylor said in the declaration. "During this same period, players Sam Cassell, Elton Brand and Corey Maggette complained to me that DONALD STERLING would bring women into the locker room after games, while the players were showering, and make comments such as, 'Look at those beautiful black bodies.' I brought this to Sterling’s attention, but he continued to bring women into the locker room."

I thought Baylor lost his suit against the Clippers / Sterling.
Somehow the "how many would", sounds a lot like they wouldn't be interested in participating in an opportunity to prosper. With the all important caveat of equal rights afforded.
Are you implying that somehow the Africans wouldn't have been motivated to participate in a system that afforded them the opportunity to EARN a living and improve their condition? Because unless you're saying somehow the African would not be interested, I don't get what you mean

My meaning is pretty straight forward. I think black babies born to families that neither migrated to the United States naturally or through the slave trade are born to a far worse circumstance than those that were.

Obviously there is greater incentive to migrate to a place where they are welcomed to participate and not incentive to migrate to a place where they will have their freedom taken from them for no reason other than skin pigmentation. So you won't get an argument from me that it obviously stunted natural immigration to the United States from those nations.

But the babies born with ancestors who were slaves have benefitted from slavery.... other than the percent of babies that would have been born here regardless.
And I am not saying that African American babies should be grateful for those bad acts .. I am just saying it is the state of things .. in my opinion .. it is philosophical so we will never know how either the immigration to the united states would have been different , how the development of the united would have been different or how the development of African nations would have been different for me to be 100% positive.
Somehow the "how many would", sounds a lot like they wouldn't be interested in participating in an opportunity to prosper. With the all important caveat of equal rights afforded.

Cmon, stop assuming... That's not what "how many would" means. There of course would be many factors, primarily economic and desire. Would they have the financial means to immigrate and would they have the desire to do so?
Naw, I think I'd prefer if my fam came willingly & afforded equal opportunity. But thanks

Of course ..

but if they didn't come here willingly or unwillingly then you would have been born into a shitty African nation with far less safety, freedom, and opportunity than what you were born into.
Silky... Ok, no response to the "where were you born" question. So, hypothetically, would you rather have been born in Atlanta, Georgia or Ambriz, Angola?
Again what's with this assumption that #1 Africans when presented an opportunity to immigrate with equal rights, wouldn't. That's disturbing. Then #2 if Africans & Africa weren't looked at as a place to & people to pillage, what's to assume they weren't to be robust trading partners?
Again what's with this assumption that #1 Africans when presented an opportunity to immigrate with equal rights, wouldn't. That's disturbing. Then #2 if Africans & Africa weren't looked at as a place to & people to pillage, what's to assume they weren't to be robust trading partners?

Why are you making the assumption that we are assuming either?
So on the one hand you want to discuss how important the head start is for white people because of generations of slavery but you don't want to admit that blacks born in America have a huge head start over blacks born in Africa? Your position is comical.
Silky... Ok, no response to the "where were you born" question. So, hypothetically, would you rather have been born in Atlanta, Georgia or Ambriz, Angola?
Depends, would Africa had been used as a place to pillage by Europe or treated with dignity. Do I love being in America, absolutely! We aren't exactly doing a 1to1 comparison.

Again id prefer that my family wasn't stacked up in a container ship and made to be farm equipment. I know crazy right?
I'm being very clear, I'm sure I'm better off than some Africans. But unlike the hunting around I'm saying why. You're like let's just say you either the son of slaves or left in Africa. I'm saying take your hypothetical to the ends of it logic and say would I rather have had the opportunity to have had full participation & choice. Ya know like American ideals
we gotta have a django pic in just aint right without one

Here's something fun, would any of you like to get stacked up on a ship & used as farm equipment so that 400yrs later your progeny get treated like they should be happy to have partial inclusion?
silver spoon=born with a head start that your peers didn't get. that's exactly what vk is saying.

Oh .. if that is your definition then YES ... black babies born today are born with silver spoon in their mouths compared to black babies born in Africa. Undeniable fact.
Here's something fun, would any of you like to get stacked up on a ship & used as farm equipment so that 400yrs later your progeny get treated like they should be happy to have partial inclusion?

I'll pass.

And the partial inclusion is in the 99% area ....
Oh .. if that is your definition then YES ... black babies born today are born with silver spoon in their mouths compared to black babies born in Africa. Undeniable fact.

you compared black babies to white babies in your original question. that's what i was calling bullshit on. and still am.
And then by comparison the white baby has 2 platinum spoons. And I believe that original Q was who is better off, the white baby or black.
And then by comparison the white baby has 2 platinum spoons. And I believe that original Q was who is better off, the white baby or black.

who is born reaping more rewards from slavery? a black baby born in the us, or a gringo baby being born in the us. that's the question i'm going off of.
Here's something fun, would any of you like to get stacked up on a ship & used as farm equipment so that 400yrs later your progeny get treated like they should be happy to have partial inclusion?

I'd rather my family have been stacked up on a ship and used as farm equipment over being thrown in an oven and burned alive.
Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?

the philosophy is phlowing so, so deep man. anyone wanna play ultimate frisbee after this?
The problem is you don't really have a problem with racism. You have a problem with racism from whites onto blacks. You don't care about the actual principle .. only how it effects your particular "group" as you define yourself.

That is why I can so easily say that D Duke is a racist piece of shit scumbag douche but you can't do the same thing in regards to Al Sharpton.

It is why I can so easily admit to the plight of minorities and women in this country and that I am born to certain advantages as a result of slavery and why you can only focus on the plight of your minority group and not admit that YOU are a born to certain advantages as a result of slavery.

You don't care about racism ... just white on black racism.
baby or black.who is born reaping more rewards from slavery? a black baby born in the us, or a gringo baby being born in the us. that's the question i'm going off of.

And I have no problem stating the obvious .. white baby has the advantage. But when you guys want to have an honest conversation about the world as it is ..... go ahead .. but you aren't now.
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