Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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VK's question is absolutely impossible to answer IMO b/c slavery is such a huge part of our history and the history of African's in that time period. It's impossible to answer because we have zero clue where the continent of Africa would be economically without slavery. Would it have become a trading an educational hub or would it struggle economically? I can't even fathom how to begin to find the answer to that question. All I know is that being born a white male in the United States is the equivalent of hitting a 15-1 parlay. I would say that being born a black male in this day and age in America is the equivalent of hitting a pretty solid parlay as well. There is no doubt that black Americans typically have to overcome more obstacles than their average white counterpart. However I think we can all agree we're better off than a lot of other humans from the day we were born.

Wow I really ran off on a tangent there but don't feel like erasing it so just gonna post it
The problem is you don't really have a problem with racism. You have a problem with racism from whites onto blacks. You don't care about the actual principle .. only how it effects your particular "group" as you define yourself.

That is why I can so easily say that D Duke is a racist piece of shit scumbag douche but you can't do the same thing in regards to Al Sharpton.

It is why I can so easily admit to the plight of minorities and women in this country and that I am born to certain advantages as a result of slavery and why you can only focus on the plight of your minority group and not admit that YOU are a born to certain advantages as a result of slavery.

You don't care about racism ... just white on black racism.

And I have no problem stating the obvious .. white baby has the advantage. But when you guys want to have an honest conversation about the world as it is ..... go ahead .. but you aren't now.

i'm just confused as to what your position actually is here. who's go the advantage? and are we comparing black american babies to african ones or just american white babies?
VK's question is absolutely impossible to answer IMO b/c slavery is such a huge part of our history and the history of African's in that time period. It's impossible to answer because we have zero clue where the continent of Africa would be economically without slavery. Would it have become a trading an educational hub or would it struggle economically? I can't even fathom how to begin to find the answer to that question. All I know is that being born a white male in the United States is the equivalent of hitting a 15-1 parlay. I would say that being born a black male in this day and age in America is the equivalent of hitting a pretty solid parlay as well. There is no doubt that black Americans typically have to overcome more obstacles than their average white counterpart. However I think we can all agree we're better off than a lot of other humans from the day we were born.

Wow I really ran off on a tangent there but don't feel like erasing it so just gonna post it

Not a tangent at all .. you just reworded what I said
i'm just confused as to what your position actually is here. who's go the advantage? and are we comparing black american babies to african ones or just american white babies?

An ancestor of a slave born into America today ... or an ancestor of an African who was not involved in the American slave trade ( oh and who wouldn't have otherwise migrated here ... for completeness )?

That was the question.
Ya a baby born in the united states today is miles ahead of the world they would be born into if slavery never happened.

Let me cut off the obvious retorts ... That isn't to say that white babies aren't benefitting from all the relatively unpaid labor and institutional racism throughout history. It isn't to say white babies are not born into overall better means than black babies in the United States today.

But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery.

i am honestly confused.
The problem is you don't really have a problem with racism. You have a problem with racism from whites onto blacks. You don't care about the actual principle .. only how it effects your particular "group" as you define yourself.

That is why I can so easily say that D Duke is a racist piece of shit scumbag douche but you can't do the same thing in regards to Al Sharpton.

It is why I can so easily admit to the plight of minorities and women in this country and that I am born to certain advantages as a result of slavery and why you can only focus on the plight of your minority group and not admit that YOU are a born to certain advantages as a result of slavery.

You don't care about racism ... just white on black racism.

And I have no problem stating the obvious .. white baby has the advantage. But when you guys want to have an honest conversation about the world as it is ..... go ahead .. but you aren't now.
Ehh I could do without that paternalism, but umm I don't like any racism. Ya know the whole thing seems pretty bad to me. I'm also not naieve enough to think that systemic racism can be enacted by people who don't pull the levers of the system. But hey, if you're the type that believes people used as farm animals & 2nd class citizens all of a sudden in 40yrs have enough power to create & administer stystemic racism. More power to ya, I also got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya
Ya a baby born in the united states today is miles ahead of the world they would be born into if slavery never happened.

Let me cut off the obvious retorts ... That isn't to say that white babies aren't benefitting from all the relatively unpaid labor and institutional racism throughout history. It isn't to say white babies are not born into overall better means than black babies in the United States today.

But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery.

i am honestly confused.

So it is your reading comprehension after all.

A white baby born today in the united had there not been slavery has smaller loss of benefit than a black baby born in the united states today has gained benefit as a result of slavery having existed.

An ancestor of a slave born into America today ... or an ancestor of an African who was not involved in the American slave trade ( oh and who wouldn't have otherwise migrated here ... for completeness )?

That was the question.

ok, so it was written incorrectly. you didn't mean to compare a white baby to a black baby?

"But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery."

​then why did you say the above statement?
Ehh I could do without that paternalism, but umm I don't like any racism. Ya know the whole thing seems pretty bad to me. I'm also not naieve enough to think that systemic racism can be enacted by people who don't pull the levers of the system. But hey, if you're the type that believes people used as farm animals & 2nd class citizens all of a sudden in 40yrs have enough power to create & administer stystemic racism. More power to ya, I also got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya

You have a mighty large collection of strawmen to hand them out so frequently.
ok, so it was written incorrectly. you didn't mean to compare a white baby to a black baby?

"But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery."

​then why did you say the above statement?

reread it all.... I don't know how more clear I can be.
I like some white people, I like some black people, I like some Hispanics, I like some Asians. But I love ALL good people. You see the factor I use to weigh whether I like a person is if they are good. That's it
So it is your reading comprehension after all.

A white baby born today in the united had there not been slavery has smaller loss of benefit than a black baby born in the united states today has gained benefit as a result of slavery having existed.


you keep contradicting yourself. you said white babies have the advantage, then you said "black babies born in the usa have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery"

so in one post, you agree white folks are born hitting a 15-1 parlay, but you think being born black in the usa have "drawn a better straw as a result of slavery". so it had to be like, a, 16-1 parlay? or just a 15-1?
Man if all bad things could magically stop happening by acting like they didn't exist......

i wonder if thats what we should tell victims of abuse "act like it doesn't exist, it'll go away"
I bet sterling is really beat up about having that NAACP lifetime achievement award rescinded. Another solid move for that organization.
I like some white people, I like some black people, I like some Hispanics, I like some Asians. But I love ALL good people. You see the factor I use to weigh whether I like a person is if they are good. That's it

Me too. I suppose this common ground allows us to talk. Maybe I come off callous to white on black racism in modern America .. maybe I am naïve to some of it ... maybe I don't weight it heavy enough ..... dunno .... but it just seems you only seem to care when it is white on black ... and I get that we only have so much time to devote to things in our lives and I get there is a power inequality and of course a different history ( obviously black people have more reason to fear slavery/racism than whites do from a historical perspective ) but the constant victim shit gets old after awhile to those of us who aren't racist, don't see any extensive racism in our daily lives and think that it is often used as an excuse to be a failure. Quit blaming me for something that even my ancestors never did and more importantly quit asking me to sacrifice my civil rights ( and money ) as a means to even the playing field because someone else violated yours or your ancestors.
Me too. I suppose this common ground allows us to talk. Maybe I come off callous to white on black racism in modern America .. maybe I am naïve to some of it ... maybe I don't weight it heavy enough ..... dunno .... but it just seems you only seem to care when it is white on black ... and I get that we only have so much time to devote to things in our lives and I get there is a power inequality and of course a different history ( obviously black people have more reason to fear slavery/racism than whites do from a historical perspective ) but the constant victim shit gets old after awhile to those of us who aren't racist, don't see any extensive racism in our daily lives and think that it is often used as an excuse to be a failure. Quit blaming me for something that even my ancestors never did and more importantly quit asking me to sacrifice my civil rights ( and money ) as a means to even the playing field because someone else violated yours or your ancestors.

you keep contradicting yourself. you said white babies have the advantage, then you said "black babies born in the usa have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery"

so in one post, you agree white folks are born hitting a 15-1 parlay, but you think being born black in the usa have "drawn a better straw as a result of slavery". so it had to be like, a, 16-1 parlay? or just a 15-1?


Let me try again for you.

Say White Baby born in the usa is going to earn $100,000 a year
$10,000 is a result of benefitting from slavery
Say black baby born in the usa is going to earn $85,000 a year
$75,000 is a result of benefitting from slavery.
Say black baby born in Africa is going to earn $10,000 a year.
$0 is a result of benefitting from slavery

The white baby born in the usa is born into better circumstances than the black baby ... but the black baby born in the united states has benefitted more from the bad act of slavery than the white baby did and of course is born into way better circumstances than the black baby born in Africa.


And I just used economics as a simple way of showing it with numbers obviously pulled out of my ass .. just an example to illustrate the point.
You guys should get a racism forum and in your signature you need to state
your race, religion and political choice... :)
Me too. I suppose this common ground allows us to talk. Maybe I come off callous to white on black racism in modern America .. maybe I am naïve to some of it ... maybe I don't weight it heavy enough ..... dunno .... but it just seems you only seem to care when it is white on black ... and I get that we only have so much time to devote to things in our lives and I get there is a power inequality and of course a different history ( obviously black people have more reason to fear slavery/racism than whites do from a historical perspective ) but the constant victim shit gets old after awhile to those of us who aren't racist, don't see any extensive racism in our daily lives and think that it is often used as an excuse to be a failure. Quit blaming me for something that even my ancestors never did and more importantly quit asking me to sacrifice my civil rights ( and money ) as a means to even the playing field because someone else violated yours or your ancestors.
#1 I don't blame you for anything, well other than acting like these things don't exist and that by ignoring they will go away.
#2 you seem uncomfortable with admitting your privilege. Maybe when become comfortable you'll more fully understand
#3 if stating what's real makes me a victim, would you like a rape victim to just hush up about it?
#4 admit our differences that's where the solution begins, not all this make believe "oh you guys got everything everyone else does" that's either facetious or naieve. Don't do it!
#5 if non whites could end racism without whites it would be done
#6 and most important I won't stop screaming about racism until it stops screaming at me

thank you for your time
lol no shit cash right? it's a good debate and interesting though..mad props to vk and silky carrying an intelligent debate.

Let me try again for you.

Say White Baby born in the usa is going to earn $100,000 a year
$10,000 is a result of benefitting from slavery
Say black baby born in the usa is going to earn $85,000 a year
$75,000 is a result of benefitting from slavery.
Say black baby born in Africa is going to earn $10,000 a year.
$0 is a result of benefitting from slavery

The white baby born in the usa is born into better circumstances than the black baby ... but the black baby born in the united states has benefitted more from the bad act of slavery than the white baby did and of course is born into way better circumstances than the black baby born in Africa.


And I just used economics as a simple way of showing it with numbers obviously pulled out of my ass .. just an example to illustrate the point.

now I get it. it's exactly what you said before. still callin bullshit.
"Hey child abuse victim, stop that darn racket about abuse, we didn't do it to you"

You ain't worried about stoping it either

See how that sounds?
#1 I don't blame you for anything, well other than acting like these things don't exist and that by ignoring they will go away.
#2 you seem uncomfortable with admitting your privilege. Maybe when become comfortable you'll more fully understand
#3 if stating what's real makes me a victim, would you like a rape victim to just hush up about it?
#4 admit our differences that's where the solution begins, not all this make believe "oh you guys got everything everyone else does" that's either facetious or naieve. Don't do it!
#5 if non whites could end racism without whites it would be done

#6 and most important I won't stop screaming about racism until it stops screaming at me

thank you for your time

good points..very true imo
Me too. I suppose this common ground allows us to talk. Maybe I come off callous to white on black racism in modern America .. maybe I am naïve to some of it ... maybe I don't weight it heavy enough ..... dunno .... but it just seems you only seem to care when it is white on black ... and I get that we only have so much time to devote to things in our lives and I get there is a power inequality and of course a different history ( obviously black people have more reason to fear slavery/racism than whites do from a historical perspective ) but the constant victim shit gets old after awhile to those of us who aren't racist, don't see any extensive racism in our daily lives and think that it is often used as an excuse to be a failure. Quit blaming me for something that even my ancestors never did and more importantly quit asking me to sacrifice my civil rights ( and money ) as a means to even the playing field because someone else violated yours or your ancestors.

I don't normally do this, but the reason you can't see it maybe because you "can't see it"

get what I am saying?
#1 I don't blame you for anything, well other than acting like these things don't exist and that by ignoring they will go away.
#2 you seem uncomfortable with admitting your privilege. Maybe when become comfortable you'll more fully understand
#3 if stating what's real makes me a victim, would you like a rape victim to just hush up about it?
#4 admit our differences that's where the solution begins, not all this make believe "oh you guys got everything everyone else does" that's either facetious or naieve. Don't do it!
#5 if non whites could end racism without whites it would be done
#6 and most important I won't stop screaming about racism until it stops screaming at me

thank you for your time

#1 it isn't that I don't think they exist .. it is that I don't think they exist at a level that should keep a person who tries from succeeding and I hate that it seems that a lot of people blame racism when they fail because they don't want to admit their failings.

#2 I am not uncomfortable with my privilege ... I was born in the United States with a relatively large penis and white skin tone to two good parents who taught me the difference between right and wrong ... remained married my whole life so I never had to deal with divorce ... was born healthy and with a decent brain .. had the privilege of academic scholarship so I wasn't burdened by student loans ... and was born with an incredible resemblance to brad pitt. I know I could have been born a Yag dude in Russia who had a mental disorder and one testicle. I FEEL lucky about my circumstances and how they came to be every day.

#3 Well let's just say I don't see the outrage about kobe raping the young lady in Colorado from you the way I do about an old fart saying racist shit and denying minorities housing. I certainly don't think rape=current racial obstacles in todays society. We will have to agree to disagree there.

#4 I disagree that admitting the differences is the key. I think relegating them to the past and punishing those that don't is ..while instituting policies that are good for people ( regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation yada yada yada ).

#5 No it wouldn't unless you think only whites are inherently racist. Do you?

#6 I scream at racism too ... I am just an equal opportunity screamer and you are a selective one.
But I must say I so appreciate the civility this conversation has taken. You have no clue how endearing that is. Thank you all!
I don't normally do this, but the reason you can't see it maybe because you "can't see it"

get what I am saying?

As in, I can't see the black experience because I can't live the black experience?

Eh maybe .. I am sure I underestimate it on some level. My whole life has been spent on the minority side of the tracks though .. not with other white people .. So you would have thought I would have run into something this prevalent and common many, many, many times and I don't. I admit that I am pretty up front about my disgust with racism so maybe people are on guard around me .... but that wasn't the case when I was younger .. and I assume ( maybe incorrectly ) that racism is Less and not More prevalent today than it was when I was younger. Maybe it has gotten worse? dunno.
Let me use analogy because I think you'll understand it better & seem a bit stubborn.

A man with $5 says I'm going to buy your house and kick you out
A man with $10b says the same

1 of them has true power, the others words have no power behind them
I'll say my lil piece:

Racism is alive and well. It sucks, but it shouldn't surprise anyone....I think most, well, let's say "white people" get infuriated that the media doesn't seem to focus on acts of racism when it is directed at whites. I would tell those same people, "Hey are you really surprised?" Just like I would tell a black person who found out that some 80 year old white guy is a racist......

Most people are inherently proud of who they are......most smart people look for any advantage they can get in most situations.

It is a nice debate in here.....but it is the same one over and over
As in, I can't see the black experience because I can't live the black experience?

Eh maybe .. I am sure I underestimate it on some level. My whole life has been spent on the minority side of the tracks though .. not with other white people .. So you would have thought I would have run into something this prevalent and common many, many, many times and I don't. I admit that I am pretty up front about my disgust with racism so maybe people are on guard around me .... but that wasn't the case when I was younger .. and I assume ( maybe incorrectly ) that racism is Less and not More prevalent today than it was when I was younger. Maybe it has gotten worse? dunno.
I think you do....I think I have.

I in no way advocate it for self pity or any other cop out......

But it is there.....
I'll say my lil piece:

Racism is alive and well. It sucks, but it shouldn't surprise anyone....I think most, well, let's say "white people" get infuriated that the media doesn't seem to focus on acts of racism when it is directed at whites. I would tell those same people, "Hey are you really surprised?" Just like I would tell a black person who found out that some 80 year old white guy is a racist......

Most people are inherently proud of who they are......most smart people look for any advantage they can get in most situations.

It is a nice debate in here.....but it is the same one over and over

Part of the media thing is ratings ... white people don't give much of a shit about white racism victims because they don't think it will spill over into their lives ... whereas black people do care about racism because history shows it can and has spilled over into their lives ( not to mention any racism personal experiences they might have had ).

I could give two shits about the aforementioned Al Sharpton other than the disservice I think he does to the communities he claims to be trying to help. It isn't like I am losing sleep worrying someone is going to discriminate against me tomorrow and realize that isn't the case for minorities or women.
lol no shit cash right? it's a good debate and interesting though..mad props to vk and silky carrying an intelligent debate.

I agree .. Very civil discussion.. If this was in the political forum it would be mayhem...
Part of the media thing is ratings ... white people don't give much of a shit about white racism victims because they don't think it will spill over into their lives ... whereas black people do care about racism because history shows it can and has spilled over into their lives ( not to mention any racism personal experiences they might have had ).

I could give two shits about the aforementioned Al Sharpton other than the disservice I think he does to the communities he claims to be trying to help. It isn't like I am losing sleep worrying someone is going to discriminate against me tomorrow and realize that isn't the case for minorities or women.
I'd say it rubs you a certain many posts you have in this thread? ;)
silk while you are here, you mightve missed my post

why did you figure as much about racists to be cuckolds? why is that?
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