Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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excuses, excuses. . .excuses

Which part, LJ? I'll give him a little room, someone asked him what he thought about an NBA owner not wanting black people at the games, nor in pictures. LJ is black. What do you want him to say? Would "whatever" be a docile enough response?

Who gives a fuck if this guy gets run out of the league, and the public eye, for all the right reasons? It's like your argument is, league's always known about this bed, now they should just sit in it. Why? Why sit in it? Kick him to the curb.

Do love the Danny Davito reference though. 100% accurate.
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Whoa..... Never knew that about Magic's son. Talk about being OUT, waaaaaaaaay out. Nice purse.
Be my guest, I'll contribute. Don't know what you're trying to get at though. Because I'll say his comments are racist & denounce them. But ok

All I'm saying is: two way street. Or no? You started the "racist Donald Sterling" thread (and that's perfectly fine), but, if you're gonna call this game both ways, then shouldn't you also start a "racist Larry Johnson/Grandmama" thread?

not saying what he said should be tolerated but i think he should be suspended and fined... not forced out.

I think everyone, including myself, is led to believe that Sterling was guilty of the allegations made against him years ago... but many things could have happened and we just dont know all the facts... so its not right to assume the worst... plus there is very little evidence that he mistreats anyone in the organization in any way... so its a bit haphazard to just go out and say he should sell the team

plus its so shady that magic is the one involved in the conversation and then he's the one that is going to be involved in purchasing the team? just strange
All I'm saying is: two way street. Or no? You started the "racist Donald Sterling" thread (and that's perfectly fine), but, if you're gonna call this game both ways, then shouldn't you also start a "racist Larry Johnson/Grandmama" thread?
If YOU feel it needs it's own thread be my guest. Seems pretty related to this topic though. I'm more than willing to speak about it here. Does Larry Johnson saying something racist make you feel somehow better? Doesn't for me, sounds pretty ignorant. Maybe this makes Sterling a sympathetic figure for you. But ok
All I'm saying is: two way street. Or no? You started the "racist Donald Sterling" thread (and that's perfectly fine), but, if you're gonna call this game both ways, then shouldn't you also start a "racist Larry Johnson/Grandmama" thread?

KK, that thread's not going to get a lot of activity. If Larry Johnson were voice-recorded hating white people, unprovoked, out of the blue? Then you got a story. Probably not as big as this one, but then Larry Johnson doesn't own a team in a league with 90% black players.
If YOU feel it needs it's own thread be my guest. Seems pretty related to this topic though. I'm more than willing to speak about it here. (1) Does Larry Johnson saying something racist make you feel somehow better? Doesn't for me, sounds pretty ignorant. (2) Maybe this makes Sterling a sympathetic figure for you. But ok

(1), not at all. Far from the point.

(2) Sympathetic? Why?? Hell no.
Good question, my thoughts.

He doesn't own a team. His head rolling would roll down a shorter hallway. More importantly, to me anyway, he didn't just blurt it out one day. He was responding to the Sterling situation. Can you blame him for being angry? Your question is basically, Sterling shits in Larry Johnson's mouth, Larry Johnson angrily says something stupid in response, and you ask why LJ isn't held to the same standard?

They're putting a mic in front of every black public figure about this thing. Ray Farmer, the Browns GM, a black guy, fielded a Donald Sterling question today during a presser. Little misplaced.

Sterling didnt blurt it out, he was having a private conversation which was being recorded. LJ posted /blurted it on Twitter.
Got no problem with Magic orchestrating this. Although that's pretty fucking ridiculous.
Sterling didnt blurt it out, he was having a private conversation which was being recorded. LJ posted /blurted it on Twitter.

By "blurt", I was differentiating between provoked and unprovoked.

I think cigar smokers from your part of the country fuck little kids.
the magic argument somehow supplies the idea that this old dude got set up or something. he didn't. he's got some really fucked up views, and when you're the owner of an NBA team, that shit gets noticed and makes news. i'll never understand why after something like this comes out, folks have to chime in with, "yeah, but black people are racist too, you guys".

what the fuck is the point of that? talk about deflection. we all know racism exists everywhere in this country, but to somehow equate what a billionaire white NBA owner said as having the same damage and negative impact as fucking grandma-ma is absurd. and the shit he said on twitter wasn't even that bad. dude told black people to own more shit instead of just working for the white man. what the fuck ever.
Yes. The thread, the story, is about what Donald Sterling said. It should bury him. Don't feel bad for the guy, sounds like he's pretty much always been an asshole.
Dr. Jack was pretty good on telecasts, back in the day. What was he a doctor of? Medical doctor, or one of those PhD guys who insisted on the doc thing?
the magic argument somehow supplies the idea that this old dude got set up or something. he didn't. he's got some really fucked up views, and when you're the owner of an NBA team, that shit gets noticed and makes news. i'll never understand why after something like this comes out, folks have to chime in with, "yeah, but black people are racist too, you guys".

what the fuck is the point of that? talk about deflection. we all know racism exists everywhere in this country, but to somehow equate what a billionaire white NBA owner said as having the same damage and negative impact as fucking grandma-ma is absurd. and the shit he said on twitter wasn't even that bad. dude told black people to own more shit instead of just working for the white man. what the fuck ever.

there is very little evidence of him ever being racist towards anyone... how come nobody has come out and spoke about anything?

he's a closet racist and the gf just exposed him?
Um. I don't know shit about this guy, but I thought the former angle a few pages ago was everyone knows he's a racist, so why is this news? Or something like that.
Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?
there is very little evidence of him ever being racist towards anyone... how come nobody has come out and spoke about anything?

he's a closet racist and the gf just exposed him?
If you refuse to rent to minorities, how is that not being an "overt" racist?
Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?

White baby, 10X out of 10. I don't get the deep question.
On an unrelated topic, has anyone ever figured out how Magic's still alive after all these years?
there is very little evidence of him ever being racist towards anyone... how come nobody has come out and spoke about anything?

he's a closet racist and the gf just exposed him?

There have been complaints in the past, but nothing has been recorded like this. It takes a long time for something to go through the courts and people forget and have moved onto the next juicy bit of gossip.

I don't think he's a closet racist - he's a racist
Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?

100 percent a black baby
well the allegations against him caused everyone to think he's a racist...

I thought every NBA fan (maybe not THE nbafan) already told me he's a racist a million pages ago, rendering this a non-story.

So he's not a racist?
I'm still thinking, but what's your reasoning here tip?

My reasoning is, whatever kyle's cryptic point is going to be when it's revealed, is that slaves emancipated and long dead haven't done much to level the playing field. If you want to be honest.
Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?

I see what you did there. Well played...

black baby
I'm looking forward to the position that today's black babies have slavery to thank for their good fortune.
I would very much like to hear your reasoning/thought process on this, tip.

I might need you guys to discuss the common sense of it all, then I'll respond. This is like 2+2 to me.

I don't think slavery set blacks up too well in this country. Go.
I might need you guys to discuss the common sense of it all, then I'll respond. This is like 2+2 to me.

I don't think slavery set blacks up too well in this country. Go.

I dunno, I guess I think he's saying black babies would primarily still be born/raised in African countries.
there is very little evidence of him ever being racist towards anyone... how come nobody has come out and spoke about anything?

he's a closet racist and the gf just exposed him?

Very little evidence? do you know the google machine? can your google machine lookup the settlement he and the justice department came to?
Wait, what? Sterling's not a racist and black babies are born with silver spoons?

what the fuck

I didn't get either of those things from anything posted here.

NBA fan seems to want to give Sterling the benefit of the doubt - you know the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing we like to say we believe in? I think most of us have bypassed that since he has been proven guilty in the court of public opinion.
I bypassed it on the preponderance of the evidence. This isn't a court of law .. I can be pretty damn sure he is a racist even if I have a shadow of a doubt. I just think his words seem born from hatred or superiority.
Am I the only one that knows the google machine?

"The laundry list of Sterling’s misdeeds include a housing discrimination lawsuit he settled for $2.7 million with the government where he was accused of not renting apartments to Hispanics and blacks. He was sued in 2006 by the Justice Department for allegations of housing discrimination in the Koreatown part of Los Angeles"

This happened in a courtroom.
Am I the only one that knows the google machine?

"The laundry list of Sterling’s misdeeds include a housing discrimination lawsuit he settled for $2.7 million with the government where he was accused of not renting apartments to Hispanics and blacks. He was sued in 2006 by the Justice Department for allegations of housing discrimination in the Koreatown part of Los Angeles"

This happened in a courtroom.
From what I remember in an article I read years ago, he also used to bring guests down to the locker room after games and watch the guys come out of the shower and be like "look at those gorgeous black bodies" or something like that...
Wait, what? Sterling's not a racist and black babies are born with silver spoons?

what the fuck

Silver spoons? Re-read the question again... Never said anything about "silver spoons".

From what I gather, my interpretation is that "black babies" that are born here now would still be born/raised primarily in African countries. Probably in much less desirable places than the United States of America.
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