Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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who is born reaping more rewards from slavery? a black baby born in the us, or a gringo baby being born in the us. that's the question i'm going off of.

El, are you white or Hispanic? I coulda sworn last night you said you were white, but, you're throwing me off with the use of certain palabras.
I'd say it rubs you a certain many posts you have in this thread? ;)

I just like the subject. I find it fascinating.... I find the differing views on how to solve the problems surrounding it interesting too. I like the passion that conversations about race bring out of people. I like hearing the angles that I am not thinking of.... about experiences that I haven't experienced etc etc etc .... and I always like debates where I think I have the moral and logical high ground... they make me feel good about myself. :) In the case of this particular subject people are always scared to talk about it so I try to make a point of talking about it .. like rape or drugs.
silk while you are here, you mightve missed my post

why did you figure as much about racists to be cuckolds? why is that?

Your continued questioning of that leads me to believe that you participate in cuckolding and are trying to figure out if that makes you racist
The problem is you don't really have a problem with racism. You have a problem with racism from whites onto blacks. You don't care about the actual principle .. only how it effects your particular "group" as you define yourself.

That is why I can so easily say that D Duke is a racist piece of shit scumbag douche but you can't do the same thing in regards to Al Sharpton.

It is why I can so easily admit to the plight of minorities and women in this country and that I am born to certain advantages as a result of slavery and why you can only focus on the plight of your minority group and not admit that YOU are a born to certain advantages as a result of slavery.

You don't care about racism ... just white on black racism.

And I have no problem stating the obvious .. white baby has the advantage. But when you guys want to have an honest conversation about the world as it is ..... go ahead .. but you aren't now.


:shake: :shake: :shake:
Folks it's been real, I'll be back but I'm now gonna go participate in Bomani Jones' Evening Jones podcast. Again wanna say very proud of the turn this has taken
El, are you white or Hispanic? I coulda sworn last night you said you were white, but, you're throwing me off with the use of certain palabras.

Im a gringo. just got raised in tejas. My mama was raised in mexico and my dad was raised in panama. I'm Irish and German. Nothin else.
And then by comparison the white baby has 2 platinum spoons. And I believe that original Q was who is better off, the white baby or black.

The reading comprehension level in here is really lacking. Cmon, seriously, you guys seem much smarter than this.

Here it is once again...

Philosophical question....and actually think before you answer..... who do you think is a greater benefactor of slavery ...a white baby born today or a black baby born today ( talking about United states slavery ) in the USA?
there is very little evidence of him ever being racist towards anyone... how come nobody has come out and spoke about anything?

he's a closet racist and the gf just exposed him?
I wanna know why you think you can coach these *******.
(To potential coach Rollie Massimino, 1983)
That's because of all the blacks in this building, they smell, they're not clean.
(To a property supervisor, 2002, sworn testimony.)
And it's because of all of the Mexicans that just sit around and smoke and drink all day.
I don't like Mexican men because they smoke, drink and just hang around the house.
Is she one of those black people that stink? [...] Just evict the bitch.
I'm offering a lot of money for a poor black kid.
(On negotiations to sign Danny Manning, 1988, allegedly in David Stern's presence.)
I don't have to spend any more money on them, they will take whatever conditions I give them and still pay the rent.
(On Koreans, sworn testimony.)
According to former general manger Elgin Baylor, Sterling envisioned a "Southern Plantation type structure" for the Clippers, one in which, as he allegedly put it to Baylor, "poor black boys from the South" played for a white head coach.
Why are you taking pictures with minorities? Why? It's like talking to an enemy. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things toward other groups [...] It will always be that way. [...] It bothers me a lot that you're associating with black people. [...] You're supposed to be a delicate white or a delicate Latina girl. [...] You don't have to have yourself walking with black people.

In 2009 Sterling was subject to the largest housing discrimination lawsuit payout ever, related to his attempts to evict blacks and Hispanics from his properties. In 2011 he testified that he did not know Hall of Famer Elgin Baylor had been a basketball player at the time Baylor was hired by the Clippers. That same year, he celebrated Black History Month in the wrong month.
Other Sterling lowlights:

In 2011, he refused to cover a Clippers assistant coach's prostate cancer treatment, forcing NBA players to pay for it. Players complained Sterling brought women into the locker room while they were showering, and told the women to "look at those beautiful black bodies."

Oh, and then there's all the sexual harassment lawsuits and Sterling's demands that women "let me put it in [...] or suck on it."
When you pay a woman for sex, you are not together with her. You're paying her for a few moments to use her body for sex. Is it clear? Is it clear?
(Sterling's own sworn testimony, 2003.)

ESPN's Bomani Jones wrote, "It was fun to laugh at Donald Sterling when he was a joke. Now that we know what he's up to when he's being serious, he deserves a lot more attention."

Jones wrote those words in 2006
Tex-Mex... Good stuff. Not near as good as authentic NEW Mexican food though.

Gardunos was in las vegas and was really good here for awhile at any property owned by the maloofs ... but the one at fiesta went downhill after the stations acquisition and the one at the palms went downhill after the harrahs acquisition. I believe the Maloofs are natives of new mexico ( obviously roots from somewhere more middle eastern ).
Ya a baby born in the united states today is miles ahead of the world they would be born into if slavery never happened.

Let me cut off the obvious retorts ... That isn't to say that white babies aren't benefitting from all the relatively unpaid labor and institutional racism throughout history. It isn't to say white babies are not born into overall better means than black babies in the United States today.

But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery.

i am honestly confused.

El, your lack of reading comprehension skills is...I dunno. Shocking, surprising, frustrating.
ok, so it was written incorrectly. you didn't mean to compare a white baby to a black baby?

"But there is little doubt in my mind that Black babies born in the USA have drawn a better straw as a result of slavery compared to whatever benefit white babies have gained as a result of slavery."

​then why did you say the above statement?

Jeebus...holy shit this is unreal.
Me too. I suppose this common ground allows us to talk. Maybe I come off callous to white on black racism in modern America .. maybe I am naïve to some of it ... maybe I don't weight it heavy enough ..... dunno .... but it just seems you only seem to care when it is white on black ... and I get that we only have so much time to devote to things in our lives and I get there is a power inequality and of course a different history ( obviously black people have more reason to fear slavery/racism than whites do from a historical perspective ) but the constant victim shit gets old after awhile to those of us who aren't racist, don't see any extensive racism in our daily lives and think that it is often used as an excuse to be a failure. Quit blaming me for something that even my ancestors never did and more importantly quit asking me to sacrifice my civil rights ( and money ) as a means to even the playing field because someone else violated yours or your ancestors.

Fucked around and got a triple-double.
I am getting hammered at the airport bar at ORD. ... some cubs bar .. bartender said they don't have a Cardinals bar here ...what's up with that?
why didn't mark jackson tell hsi fans to boycott game 4? I mean this is bigger than the clippers organization, that clown
why didn't mark jackson tell hsi fans to boycott game 4? I mean this is bigger than the clippers organization, that clown

I don't mind the false indignation if it means bringing down this Sterling feller. F that guy and his piece of shit 1865 attitude. Hope nothing but bad things on him .. the post Teeed made says it all. What a dickweed. Alex .. is Dickweed an English word, a Russian word or neither?
"I was born a native texican and i'm proud to say that I am ..."

Bonus points to person who can name that artist.
I don't mind the false indignation if it means bringing down this Sterling feller. F that guy and his piece of shit 1865 attitude. Hope nothing but bad things on him .. the post Teeed made says it all. What a dickweed. Alex .. is Dickweed an English word, a Russian word or neither?

According to the urban dictionary it is in fact a word
You gonna contribute or snipe. I could run you down on unfair housing practices & disproportionate criminal sentencing etc. but I get the feeling you'll find a way to ignore that too

You can throw that out there and I would definitely not ignore it.

VK and I have very similar situations growing up with a few differences. We've been the minority for many years of our lives growing up in the same part of the country. Most of our friends are "minorities" (blacks and Hispanics). I've never even been in a relationship at any point in my life with a female who is not a "minority" (and I think VK said the same or close to it).

Anyway, quite honestly, he also put the whole thing in much better words than I would have a couple pages ago.
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