Donald Sterling: Dont bring people to my games!!!

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Yeah I didn't know shit about Donald Sterling other than he was the owner of the Clippers and was basically considered the worst owner in all of sports. Never really took the time to understand why and it now it's become obvious. He's a Johnny.
whattaya mean ... thread of the year so far. Been awesome.

And no Alex ..we are not blaming all the Onthespot anymore.. just the Russian ones.

That's alright. I blame white supremacists such as yourself for just about everything
Yeah I didn't know shit about Donald Sterling other than he was the owner of the Clippers and was basically considered the worst owner in all of sports. Never really took the time to understand why and it now it's become obvious. He's a Johnny.

What are your roots? I need some ammo
Sorry if this has been mentioned at some point in this thread, but wasn't it illegal for her to record their conversation without his knowledge in the first place? Federal law states that only one party needs to be aware of the recording of a conversation, but 12 states (including California) require that all parties need to consent to the recording.

Before the hate - I am in NO WAY saying what he said was OK (it definately wasn't).
Sorry if this has been mentioned at some point in this thread, but wasn't it illegal for her to record their conversation without his knowledge in the first place? Federal law states that only one party needs to be aware of the recording of a conversation, but 12 states (including California) require that all parties need to consent to the recording.

Before the hate - I am in NO WAY saying what he said was OK (it definately wasn't).

this hourly chick will disappear soon I think.
So let me get in a room with a high profile person. Start talking about religion and race, knowing its being recorded, and get some old guy to talk.

You can go and do that to a black person thats 80 years old and I can assure you they are racist.

Not saying what Sterling is in the right.
So what had happened was.......

... Ex-GF Tells Friends

Donald Sterling was AWARE he was being taped during the conversation that was posted on TMZ Sports, in which the L.A. Clippers owner went on a racial rant ... so claims the woman who taped him.

A source connected with V. Stiviano tells TMZ Sports ... the full conversation lasted approximately 1 hour. We're told Stiviano insists it was clear to Sterling at the beginning of the conversation he was being recorded.

What's more ... our sources say Stiviano routinely recorded her conversations with Sterling as HIS "archivist." And what's more ... she would regularly play the tapes back to him because he would often forget what he had said.

Our sources say sometime after the tape was recorded on April 9 ... Stiviano and Sterling got in an argument because he wanted her to sign a confidentiality agreement ... which she would not. We're told he then denied ever making the racist statements on the tape, so she played the entire tape for back him ... before it was ever posted on TMZ Sports.
Lol... "so she played the entire tape for back him" ...Great reporting. I really don't understand how some of these people even have jobs.
Is this the same ex-gf who is being sued for embezzling 1.8mm?

And her friend said he was aware? MUST be true.
A source connected with V. Stiviano tells TMZ Sports ... the full conversation lasted approximately 1 hour. We're told Stiviano insists it was clear to Sterling at the beginning of the conversation he was being recorded.

TMZ is saying now about 100 hours of tape
Sterling has reached out to ex-girlfriend V. Stiviano to try to avoid the release of more than 100 additional hours of recordings she made, including some that would further damage his reputation.
All these companies pulling out of clips sponsorship are just as bad as doc, Blake, cp3 etc

No problem taking the money and working for a racist bigot when it's not national news

But when it's all everyone is talking about they suddenly have an issue with it
All these companies pulling out of clips sponsorship are just as bad as doc, Blake, cp3 etc

No problem taking the money and working for a racist bigot when it's not national news

But when it's all everyone is talking about they suddenly have an issue with it

Solid point
“Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!’’

Sad that an NBA "executive" doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Smh
Originally Posted by Silkydiamonds
Off topic, CC I have a PDF version of Piketty's "Capatilism in the 21st Century". You can print it out & read, or I could actually produce & bind 1 up for you. (Have basically my own printshop downstairs :D) then mail you 1

Awesome .. binded version please. I will pay for the shipping ... book rate ... hehe

No need, I can summarize in one sentence. Print more money to tax. Things will not end well, as i am sure most people are starting to understand.
A good read --

If you're waiting for owners to pass moral judgment on Sterling, this Dave D'Alessandro column:

Adam Silver has a parade of laudable business partners that he inherited from his morally ambiguous predecessor, David Stern.

The new NBA commissioner has a business partner in Washington who doesn’t know the difference between a tax code and "class warfare," who bribes bloggers, slugs fans, bulldozes the neighboring Chinatown population into Virginia so he can help put up more Hooters, and asserts that we should all be grateful for the privilege of subsidizing his team.

He has a business partner in Orlando who is so righteous he has poured millions into anti-Yag marriage initiatives, because gays "keep asking for favors" and "special treatment," and marriage is "not vital to them, in my opinion."

He has a business partner in Cleveland that made billions in the mortgage business, many of them by passing subprime loans along to the ultimate thieves, Countrywide, which greased the derivative machine that helped destroy the global economy.

He has a business partner in Oklahoma City who made his billions through fracking, which has been linked to everything from toxic drinking water to earthquakes to climate change, and then screwed landowners out of their royalties when business went bad.

He has a business partner in Brooklyn who is an oligarch, that special kind of patriot who uses political connections to grab billions in state-owned assets for micropennies on the dollar, leaving much of the population to starve in the feudal cesspool left behind.

And yes, he has a business partner in Los Angeles who is a slumlord that refused to rent to minorities because they are "not desirable tenants," and because "black tenants smell and attract vermin," and "Mexicans sit around and drink all day," leading to a humongous settlement of a federal housing lawsuit; and who has some scary attitudes toward women, which has led to harassment suits and yet more settlements.

We’re not here to put Donald Sterling’s racism on a scale with other social sins practiced by Silver’s business partners, which stretch from here to Seattle.

We can only remind you that everyone already knew that Sterling was a despicable human being. If you didn't know it, you simply weren't paying attention, or – like Stern and Silver and everyone else in the NBA – you chose not to care.

Racism is an indelible part of what he is. If he issues a thousand mea-culpas today, nothing changes that. He has stood courtside with a what-me-worry visage for decades, because he is part of a lunatic fraternity that always embraced him as a bit eccentric, but always One of Ours.

So we find this latest example of Sterling spewing his usual vile nonsense not even remotely interesting, or as anything but redundant. This is Donald Sterling we’re talking about. What TMZ captured on tape is not a smoking gun. It is a longstanding business practice.

Yet his remarks have received a ton of attention, because the people who do business with him suddenly cannot overlook the fact that he is a public embarrassment and a risk to their virtuous enterprise.

(Pause here for eye roll.)

Only two things should vex these Men of Basketball.

One: They never denounced Sterling a decade ago, when his odious viewpoints were already a part of the public record — yet the players took his money, his partners shared in his largesse, and the fans subsidized his business.

Two: They don’t seem to care that all this evidence of bigotry was obtained via an egregious invasion of Donald the Clown’s privacy, which is a candor test that absolutely none of these Men of Basketball would be able to pass.

So, better late than never, we go to the torches and pitchforks. Donald has everyone fired up just by being the despicable human being that he is, so expect Silver to punish him for, essentially, free speech. He has the authority to do that within the framework of the NBA constitution — because, you know, Sterling’s latest behavior isn’t in the best interests of the league.

Just let the record show that until Saturday morning, it was just fine.

The public response was outrage, and, sure, mostly proportionate. As for the punishment, most of us scratch our heads like LeBron James, the league’s commercial colossus, who says, "There is no room for Donald Sterling in our league."

Try to keep up, young fella. Clearly, there’s abundant room for all types in your league.

The other primary cash cow, Michael Jordan, was one of the first owners who had the guts to speak up in the first 24 hours. But MJ, not exactly the world’s foremost expert on perspective, concluded his statement with, "In a league where the majority of players are African-American, we cannot and must not tolerate discrimination at any level."

It wouldn’t matter if there was one black player, or two. Discrimination is intolerable, period. Unless one of your business partners is Donald Sterling.
I just heard someone on the mike francesa show that was the VP of of marketing for the pacers and reds in the past. He said he's known Sterling for 30 years and was never ever in any way a racist. He said that the woman is framing him and is trying to get a clothing line going of some sort. What he said is bad and he should be sanctioned but not be made out to look like an animal... Sterlings past allegations of discriminating tenants were false according to him and the tenants were ruining Sterlings property and that was why they were evicted or whatever happened. He sounded very very credible.
It really makes you think. It's crazy how stories spread like wild fire nowadays. Gotta give the guy a chance to explain.
I just heard someone on the mike francesa show that was the VP of of marketing for the pacers and reds in the past. He said he's known Sterling for 30 years and was never ever in any way a racist. He said that the woman is framing him and is trying to get a clothing line going of some sort. What he said is bad and he should be sanctioned but not be made out to look like an animal... Sterlings past allegations of discriminating tenants were false according to him and the tenants were ruining Sterlings property and that was why they were evicted or whatever happened. He sounded very very credible.

That's all great, but how does he explain that he's not a racist after the recording? The girlfriend didn't say it for him.
That's all great, but how does he explain that he's not a racist after the recording? The girlfriend didn't say it for him.

well he said said that he feels sterling was jealous or something and those words were not how he really is... he didnt say what sterling was ok but he does not feel that is his true character

the entire thing is just sooooooooooooo bizarre

and the worst part is its taking away from what could be the best nba playoffs of all time
Silly question.... Why when Sterling says racist shit are there calls for his head and sponsorship withdraws, but when Johnson says racist shit people just say that's how he is. Shouldn't people be calling for his head and sponsorship withdraws?
Silly question.... Why when Sterling says racist shit are there calls for his head and sponsorship withdraws, but when Johnson says racist shit people just say that's how he is. Shouldn't people be calling for his head and sponsorship withdraws?

no because he's black and can say whatever he wants, duh
Silly question.... Why when Sterling says racist shit are there calls for his head and sponsorship withdraws, but when Johnson says racist shit people just say that's how he is. Shouldn't people be calling for his head and sponsorship withdraws?

Good question, my thoughts.

He doesn't own a team. His head rolling would roll down a shorter hallway. More importantly, to me anyway, he didn't just blurt it out one day. He was responding to the Sterling situation. Can you blame him for being angry? Your question is basically, Sterling shits in Larry Johnson's mouth, Larry Johnson angrily says something stupid in response, and you ask why LJ isn't held to the same standard?

They're putting a mic in front of every black public figure about this thing. Ray Farmer, the Browns GM, a black guy, fielded a Donald Sterling question today during a presser. Little misplaced.
NBA and owners get together, push his ass out the door, Magic buys the team and the world is a happy place again. Simple.

'Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger but she ain't messin' with no broke n****s'
Good question, my thoughts.

He doesn't own a team. His head rolling would roll down a shorter hallway. More importantly, to me anyway, he didn't just blurt it out one day. He was responding to the Sterling situation. Can you blame him for being angry? Your question is basically, Sterling shits in Larry Johnson's mouth, Larry Johnson angrily says something stupid in response, and you ask why LJ isn't held to the same standard?

They're putting a mic in front of every black public figure about this thing. Ray Farmer, the Browns GM, a black guy, fielded a Donald Sterling question today during a presser. Little misplaced.

excuses, excuses. . .excuses
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