College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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Sent an email to address of the Iowa Parents offering to donate or help their cause any way I could. Got this nice reply:

"We greatly appreciate your support. There are always those out there that accuse us of ulterior motives but we do what we must. Any email campaign, sharing with parents from other Big Ten schools, media or any other way you can think of to get this out there will be a big help. Any information you come across that you think may help us, please send it here.

Again, thank you for your support of us finding answers.

Stuart Duncan
on behalf of Iowa Football Parents"

If you want to drop them a note of support the address is:

I know there are a lot of Big 10 guys on this site so you can help the parents by sharing their letter with friends and fellow alums and anyone else who might help their cause

Couldn't find an email address for the Big 10 conference office, but some of you probably can. In the meantime, here's the phone number of the commissioner. Let them know what you think of their decision and any other sentiments you think appropriate

Commissioner’s phone number
Phone: (847) 696-1010 ex.20121

No one there today--bureaucrats do not work on Saturdays--but you can leave a message. The parents expect to meet with the commissioner on Wednesday. Let's heat up this phone number all week and make him aware the public is watching
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More proof it's insane to cancel football

Oklahoma started practice a week before anyone else and has imposed the strictest measures, including wearing masks at all times even when running sprints or scrimmaging. After a month they had zero positive tests

When the schedule was finalized last week and Riley realized its another month before their first game so gave the team four days off. They spent the time doing exactly what the Big 10 insists is the safest thing to do, hanging out around campus and just being regular students and doing what all students do

When they reported back today they had nine positive tests

In a related story the Oklahoma media reported the tests today and added the fact that 28 Okla State female students also tested positive. Pretty clear what happened there--those 9 Oklahoma guys all slept with 3 Ok State coeds each
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More proof it's insane to cancel football

Oklahoma started practice a week before anyone else and has imposed the strictest measures, including wearing masks at all times even when running sprints or scrimmaging. After a month they had zero positive tests

When the schedule was finalized last week and Riley realized its another month before their first game so gave the team four days off. They spent the time doing exactly what the Big 10 insists is the safest thing to do, hanging out around campus and just being regular students and doing what all students do

When they reported back today they had nine positive tests

In a related story the Oklahoma media reported the tests today and added the fact that 28 Okla State female students also tested positive. Pretty clear what happened there--those 9 Oklahoma guys all slept with 3 Ok State coeds each

You could also argue this is why it's insane to play CFB. This happens during a season, that's two weeks of no games for OU.
You could also argue this is why it's insane to play CFB.

You can make the case, it just won't make a lick of sense.

When Riley gave the players the four days off, 25 players left campus to go home. The other players stayed at the facility and, although they didn't practice, continued to observe the medical protocols. Of the players that stayed on campus and within the football facilities, 0 tested positive. When the 25 returned to campus, 9 tested positive.

If players leave the facility--precisely what anyone urging cancellation advocates--they will be infected at the same rate as the rest of the student body (there wasn't a newscast in the country the last few days that didn't show video of huge crowds of drunken college students doing what college students always do.

Players who stay in a facility utilizing maximum protection will be infected at a zero rate. Numerous schools have proved that

If a school allows students back on campus then it's impossible to conclude players are safer hanging out on campus than staying isolated and protected in a medically controlled environment. The only danger they face is when they leave the facility to attend class or socialize.

If a school decides not to bring students back and conduct all classes on line then there is zero reason to cancel the season.
You can make the case, it just won't make a lick of sense.

When Riley gave the players the four days off, 25 players left campus to go home. The other players stayed at the facility and, although they didn't practice, continued to observe the medical protocols. Of the players that stayed on campus and within the football facilities, 0 tested positive. When the 25 returned to campus, 9 tested positive.

If players leave the facility--precisely what anyone urging cancellation advocates--they will be infected at the same rate as the rest of the student body (there wasn't a newscast in the country the last few days that didn't show video of huge crowds of drunken college students doing what college students always do.

Players who stay in a facility utilizing maximum protection will be infected at a zero rate. Numerous schools have proved that

If a school allows students back on campus then it's impossible to conclude players are safer hanging out on campus than staying isolated and protected in a medically controlled environment. The only danger they face is when they leave the facility to attend class or socialize.

If a school decides not to bring students back and conduct all classes on line then there is zero reason to cancel the season.

Are you saying ou has a bubble of their own for football? Being in a "medically controlled environment" and living in the dorms/off campus housing are two different things.

Also, not every team or university is doing the same thing as far as protocol and living arrangements.
Oklahoma players--and players in most major schools--live in the safest environment of any group in the country.

At OU all players, coaches, staff, workers, groundskeepers, medical staff, trainers, everyone that is part of the program are required to wear masks at all time, during all parts of practice, and maintain social distancing on the field and in meeting rooms. When they leave a room the janitorial staff immediately disinfects the entire room. Same with the dining hall and the dorm and locker rooms. Most teams, in order to maintain distancing have split all units into two or more groups and conduct separate meetings. Everyone follows the protocol recommended by medical authorities. They are observed by the medical staff at all times, tested on a regular basis. That's why they never have any positive tests.

I think every respectable Power 5 school is taking the same basic steps to protect players. Michigan posted their protocols on line and Harbaugh discussed them at length in a press conference. They also have had zero positive tests.

Not every school is releasing details so no way to know if every school has the same level of protection. Some schools started with minimum protections--Oklahoma State is the poster child for that approach--but I think now they have all realized they can't happy talk a virus and have instituted controls.

Nothing revolutionary, just following standard guidelines, which are easier to do in a football environment.

So those who advocate cancelling the season are saying, hey, here's a great idea, lets take all the players who are in a protected environment and instead put them in the environment we all see every day on the news where hundreds of drunk and rowdy college students crowd together and party.

I have asked everyone I know to name any group in the country that is living as safely as football players and no one has come up with a name yet. Doctors and nurses don't. Our military doesn't. Cops don't. Our elected officials don't. First responders don't. Air controllers don't. The White House staff doesn't. If you know of a group that does post it, but I can't find one
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PJ Neck told media his guys didn’t want to play this season. We all know that’s a load of shit. If PJ walks in to the locker room and says, “men, who’s ready to go out and kick some ass this season?!” The entire team would have raised their hand. Instead, I’m sure, PJ went in there and started throwing false information at them, scaring them and basically telling them how to vote and none of them wanted to play after that.
Of course not.

I am sure Illinois, Northwestern, Minnesota and Michigan State were 4 of the 8 though.

Sure seems like Wisconsin was one of the 8. He's an ex Husker but Barry Alvarez really pisses me off.

If I had to guess, your 4 plus

Leaving as the 6:

I assume the Indiana schools would vote with Ohio st, plus they know ND is playing so they're going to play. We pretty much know how iowa, neb, and osu voted. Be surprised if PSU voted against.
Politics..just like Barren Trump is going to learn virtually, and the Trumps are doing mail in voting.

Whitmer opening the north half of the state so her daughter can have a graduation party.

It's all politics.
Politics..just like Barren Trump is going to learn virtually, and the Trumps are doing mail in voting.

Whitmer opening the north half of the state so her daughter can have a graduation party.

It's all politics.

What's good for thee, but not for me

I don't think it's healthy for Clay Travis to keep harping on this. Last thing we need is two major conferences actively hoping and looking for the other conferences to fail
Yup, this isn't over.

Gotta let the dust settle...
Politics..just like Barren Trump is going to learn virtually, and the Trumps are doing mail in voting.

Whitmer opening the north half of the state so her daughter can have a graduation party.

It's all politics.


the Trump’s aren’t doing mail-in voting. They are doing absentee voting. Please quit the tired liberal narrative on this topic.
Fwiw... nada on UM insider sites...

We are up to 3 starters now that have declared for the draft as of an hour ago .

Would be quite the nut shot to play

(But capping wise, overs overs overs).
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