College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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Larry Scott strikes a-fucking-gain. This douche can't be the only one not to play this year...these pieces SHOULD fall like dominoes...but Larry could fuck up a wet dream...

45 hits the battleground-state-filled B1G...ain't no chance he's calling Larry the Dipshit. UNLESS...he's going to really try to fuck with Oregon and all the shit good ol' "Nothing to see here" Ted Wheeler has pulled...
It's comical how these conference and academic suits are unable to comprehend that every wild story they tell about how dangerous and out of control the virus is just makes them look dumber.

After all, they were the ones who threw the doors open and welcomed students back to campus, thus exposing them to all these dangerous conditions they knew about for football players but never mentioned for regular students.

I'd love to be the lawyer for players and parents and put all these characters on the stand under oath.

Of course the idea they might have to testify under oath is why they went from the imperious "we will not reconsider the issue" to "we will vote again tomorrow" as soon as the lawyers dropped paper on them.
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If the big ten plays, a certain school in red is walking around for the next couple of years like

Thanks for posting, Cubsker.

It astounds me these Big 10 suits are so happy to cancel the season and yet are refusing to present a word of what medical evidence they are relying on.

And that one sentence in the paragraph about how the Nebraska court is applying pressure is the perfect description of the mindset of the conference:

"the Big Ten previously told the judge that transparency could harm the league..."

Unbelievable. A conference made up of all taxpayer funded schools except NW, and the employees on the state payroll, living high on public funds, responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars, claim they would be harmed if not allowed to make decisions in total secrecy so the taxpayers don.t know what they're doing.

What a black eye.
Has the Big 10 given up on having a season?
Sorry for the one word answer.

In all honesty, who the heck knows?

There is so much involved here...lotta schools want to play. A few maybe do not...their is PLENTY of interference, no doubt.

The re-vote hasn't happened yet.

It could be a season with not a full 14 teams.

We'll see.
Sorry for the one word answer.

In all honesty, who the heck knows?

There is so much involved here...lotta schools want to play. A few maybe do not...their is PLENTY of interference, no doubt.

The re-vote hasn't happened yet.

It could be a season with not a full 14 teams.

We'll see.

Not sure why these conference can't let their members decide for themselves. I know the TV rights and revenue share could be tricky, but if say 6 schools out of the Big Ten opted to play, then let them play and the ones that don't want to play, don't play. Like some of the FCS teams that have opted out of the potential spring 2021 season and instead want to make a go at this fall. I just don't get why an entire conference must all do the same thing. It's too late now, unless there are going to be a bunch of home-and-homes. Even if the Big Ten were to vote to play this year, a bunch of schools are going to opt out and then the schedule becomes a challenge. Back in August is when this needed figured out. I don't fault those who don't want to participate, that is fine, whatever, but I do find fault with those who are not allowing those to play who want to.
Tough times. Hope those effected get through the low points. Watching the Mids tonight, they certainly didn't look like themselves. And Coach Ken admits to not holding practices to properly prepare the team for a game due to safety, but he would do it again? After watching the game tonight, I'd have to think he wouldn't have practiced the same way leading up to their opener.
I have never seen a Navy team, get whipped on the LOS like last night. Was shocking to me. I know replacing the QB in triple option scheme is difficult but with the other skill players and OL they had coming back I expected a much more effective offensive game from them.
The bottom line is that the Big Ten presidents are getting more information from the return committee tasked with providing it (headed by Barry Alvarez) and will make a decision if they are going to try and play or not. If they play, it's probably not going to be in time to match up with the traditional fall season.
It's September 8th and you need a month minimum to be ready to play. Forget about Johnny Fucky Fuck on Twitter saying whatever. They aren't making decisions on the Playoff timeline that you care about. And I'm biggest Ohio State fan on here so don't come at me with bullshit.
Sorry for the one word answer.

In all honesty, who the heck knows?

There is so much involved here...lotta schools want to play. A few maybe do not...their is PLENTY of interference, no doubt.

The re-vote hasn't happened yet.

It could be a season with not a full 14 teams.

We'll see.

This is the easiest answer to me....the schools that want to opt out can opt out and the rest can play....what's the issue?
The bottom line is that the Big Ten presidents are getting more information from the return committee tasked with providing it (headed by Barry Alvarez) and will make a decision if they are going to try and play or not. If they play, it's probably not going to be in time to match up with the traditional fall season.
It's September 8th and you need a month minimum to be ready to play. Forget about Johnny Fucky Fuck on Twitter saying whatever. They aren't making decisions on the Playoff timeline that you care about. And I'm biggest Ohio State fan on here so don't come at me with bullshit.
What do you mean?
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