College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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If SEC, Big 12, and ACC complete their season, what happens in Pac 12 and B1G? Surely they force out leadership at minimum.

Finish the season? Jump from A to Z much? lol

The players haven't even put on full pads and hit yet in those 3 confs. Let's see how many teams can even get 3 games in let alone a full season. I mean, I'm tickled to death that I was wrong and the entire season isn't canceled by now (I predicted the end by 7/31 and missed the B1G and p12 by 11 days) but I'm certainly not holding my breath. I know golf and baseball are not in a bubble and they're playing but we're talking 130 ppl on a CFB team when you count players and staff.

We've got a long way to go before actual kickoff. God help us so we can have some CFB in the ACC by 9/12 and the other two on 9/26.

God help us.
Finish the season? Jump from A to Z much? lol

The players haven't even put on full pads and hit yet in those 3 confs. Let's see how many teams can even get 3 games in let alone a full season. I mean, I'm tickled to death that I was wrong and the entire season isn't canceled by now (I predicted the end by 7/31 and missed the B1G and p12 by 11 days) but I'm certainly not holding my breath. I know golf and baseball are not in a bubble and they're playing but we're talking 130 ppl on a CFB team when you count players and staff.

We've got a long way to go before actual kickoff. God help us so we can have some CFB in the ACC by 9/12 and the other two on 9/26.

God help us.
I said “if” not “when.”
I said “if” not “when.”

Brother, we may not even see 3 games. The dad-gummed virus is not slowing much and the positivity rate vs testing is actually rising which indicates acceleration. The whole thing might get shut down during practices when hearing up for the season.

I'm hearing from a connected buddy that approx 90% of ppl in high places in NFL and CFB believe the fall season at the college level won't happen. This is mostly due to the legal experts in each conf being aligned
Saw majent posting so should’ve known it was negative.

Being real here, Brother. Extremely cautiously optimistic. Very concerned about how practices turn out. But if the truth hurts I'll refrain from posting since la-la land feels better to some.
Being real here, Brother. Extremely cautiously optimistic. Very concerned about how practices turn out. But if the truth hurts I'll refrain from posting since la-la land feels better to some.

When you start posting truth, we’ll let you know how we feel about whether or not it hurts. You post the MSM fear mongering BS...unfortunately for all college football fans, some conference’s leadership is in on that agenda.
When you start posting truth, we’ll let you know how we feel about whether or not it hurts. You post the MSM fear mongering BS...unfortunately for all college football fans, some conference’s leadership is in on that agenda.

24 "brainwashed agenda-laden" university presidents in the p12 and B1G voted No

2 "completely unbiased and correct" presidents voted Yes


92.31% said No

But keeping believing what you want.
24 "brainwashed agenda-laden" university presidents in the p12 and B1G voted No

2 "completely unbiased and correct" presidents voted Yes


92.31% said No

But keeping believing what you want.

Yes, exactly. They’re afraid of mysterious lawsuits due to “potential” heart conditions. Those conditions are also causes by the flu, pneumonia, and a host of other respiratory viruses. Do you remember them worrying about lawsuits in the past (to the point of even thinking of canceling a game let alone an entire season)?? Yeah, me neither.

The campuses will be open and have the same athletes on it with thousands of other students. That’s odd.

But keep beleoving
Yes, exactly. They’re afraid of mysterious lawsuits due to “potential” heart conditions. Those conditions are also causes by the flu, pneumonia, and a host of other respiratory viruses. Do you remember them worrying about lawsuits in the past (to the point of even thinking of canceling a game let alone an entire season)?? Yeah, me neither.

The campuses will be open and have the same athletes on it with thousands of other students. That’s odd.

But keep beleoving

Add mark Emmert to your list of brainwashed folk. 25-2 now

Add mark Emmert to your list of brainwashed folk. 25-2 now

Yep. Add him to the list.
Brother, we may not even see 3 games. The dad-gummed virus is not slowing much and the positivity rate vs testing is actually rising which indicates acceleration. The whole thing might get shut down during practices when hearing up for the season.

I'm hearing from a connected buddy that approx 90% of ppl in high places in NFL and CFB believe the fall season at the college level won't happen. This is mostly due to the legal experts in each conf being aligned

people still use “sources” on a gambling site in 2020?! Lmao
Politically motivated.

Be well.

politically motivated? There was ZERO reason for the two P5 conferences to “randomly” decide to cancel their season the other day. The season was still a month or more away from starting. That was politically driven. Those two conferences have known for sometime they were canceling.

The ACC, SEC and Big XII may very well cancel at some point, too, but it doesn’t need to happen till all the facts are in just before the start of the season.

You aren’t “cautiously optimistic” about anything right now. If you were, you’d a posted what I did above about the 3 P5 conferences who have yet to cancel instead of agreeing with the other 2 conferences for canceling when they did
Politically motivated.

Not attacking you personally, Majent, but I don't see the logic in your position. There are two sides to this debate with equity on both sides, and I'm open to any rational facts supporting either side. But I looked back over your last few posts and you cite no evidence whatsoever. Nothing at all. You don't even try.

How college presidents voted is pointless and irrelevant as to the point of whether what they did was correct based on the science we know about this virus. The fact you had to use that to support your argument leads me to believe you know you have no science, no facts on your side.

Then you try again and say someone told you he heard that 90% of people in the NFL and CFB believe blah, blah. Again no evidence of why they believe it, no explaining how it's even possible that 90% of ANY group believe the same thing, especially since 100% of the NFL is preparing for a season and 60% of the major conferences in CFB just voted to proceed. That does nothing for your position

Then you try again and say, "oh it was political." That's the weakest one of all. Of course it was political. Every college president at every school who voted on this issue considered the political implications before they voted. Do you really want to pretend the Timid Two conferences ignored politics and relied strictly on scientific evidence? I know you don't believe that, so why say it

I suspect the reason is you know as well as anyone else who has ever been to college that players are far safer being overseen by coaches and doctors who enforce mask wearing and social distancing and have the staff and resources to constantly test, to instantly isolate anyone who tests positive from the rest of the group, and to constantly clean the areas where the players meet, practice, eat, and sleep.

Or perhaps you claim the players will be safer hanging out, partying, mingling, with no masks, no distancing, no tests, no oversight from coaches or medical staff, in parts of the campus which are disinfected perhaps once every few years.

You must believe it because that's what you're arguing.
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That's a well written letter with beautiful reasoning.

If the schools are bringing all students back then it's impossible to conclude that football players are safer by not playing football. It makes no sense at all. Every single fact we have learned about this virus and every other virus in history says the exact opposite.

It's absurd, but the Timid Two are arguing the players--and all humans for that matter--are safer if they are removed from a safe environment where maximum safety standards are imposed and players are observed constantly by medical staff, and instead are allowed to wonder freely with mobs of people who are taking no safety steps whatsoever.

My sympathy is with the parents and players. The parents are right, they have plenty of time to remedy this mistake. They have the power to back the bureaucrats down and I hope they do it
If SEC, Big 12, and ACC complete their season, what happens in Pac 12 and B1G? Surely they force out leadership at minimum.

I suppose the 'CNN version' of this question might be 'what if players or support staff end up in the ICU' as a result of trying to play. Surely they force out leadership at minimum.

But I think I get what you are trying to imply; are P12 and B10 leaderships hoping the other 3 fail in pulling off their season(s)? A very unique situation to be sure but to imply there is no risk in trying, is incorrect. No one knows at this moment in time, what the correct decision is.
I suppose the 'CNN version' of this question might be 'what if players or support staff end up in the ICU' as a result of trying to play. Surely they force out leadership at minimum.

But I think I get what you are trying to imply; are P12 and B10 leaderships hoping the other 3 fail in pulling off their season(s)? A very unique situation to be sure but to imply there is no risk in trying, is incorrect. No one knows at this moment in time, what the correct decision is.

Yes, basically thinking out loud that if things go well, what is the long-term result for the conferences that didn’t try. Of course we know what the result will be if it doesn’t work out well
Here's another conference acting as if they have the right and the power--they have neither--to dictate what every one else does without providing a rational reason.

I'm surprised any conference would try something like this, but especially the SEC. They decided which teams to favor and which teams to ruin with no logical reason, although anyone who understands committee psychology knows they decided, well if we are going to fuck someone let's fuck the new guys and the smaller schools. That way we won't have to pay any attention to the complaints.

The Arkansas coach has 6 games against top 25 teams, four on the road. And they really stuck it to Leach, road games at Bama, Georgia, and LSU. Missouri gets 4 games against top 8 teams.

When the coaches demanded to know what formula they used to determine the schedule they replied, "we can't tell you because there is no formula."

Who the fuck do these conference suits think they are.

Ohio State fans have joined Iowa in fighting back against the suits

Good for them. They've got the law on their side, the facts on their side, and, best of all, overwhelming scientific science on their side. All they have to do is fight for their rights. I'll fight right along with them

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