College Football 2020 Discussion... as it pertains to our current climate

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The players and parents and fans and coaches of the Big 10 are not giving up.

Still a total coverup by the conference who refuses to reveal what the vote was, how each school voted, what medical information they relied on, who the doctors were that provided the information that caused they to think cancellation made sense, whether they got new information in the few days between the days he announced the schedule and the day he cancelled, what changed during those few days, or what caused him to change his mind.

Also refused to to say whether those who voted were given medical information compiled during the time the players have been on campus showing their is no safer group in the country than football players or why students were allowed to return to school if they had information it was dangerous for students on campus.

And refused to answer whether the conference will be as careful about CTE as they are about the virus (that question is so good it must have come from a lawyer)

In the 13 days since the cancellation was announced football players have spent more than 7 million man hours together on and off the field and still almost zero cases except when players ignored safety and sneaked out to party. And that doesn't include the weeks they have been together all summer before the Big 10 cancelled

So with the CDC basically saying asymptomatic hardly transmit the disease...

The only roadblock to this season is the REQUIRED testing.

Wild to think...if we just went along with life and tested the ones with symptoms...


This is what is so crazy. People have been saying to "follow the science" but they refuse to change their strategies as the science evolves. That's the whole point of science, is to change what we think as we learn more and more. What we know now is way different that what we knew in July, and certainly different that what we knew in March. Maybe it's fear of litigation or just fear/anxiety in general, but I don't understand why so many people are looking for excuses to shut stuff down, rather than looking for ways to make it work
This is what is so crazy. People have been saying to "follow the science" but they refuse to change their strategies as the science evolves. That's the whole point of science, is to change what we think as we learn more and more. What we know now is way different that what we knew in July, and certainly different that what we knew in March. Maybe it's fear of litigation or just fear/anxiety in general, but I don't understand why so many people are looking for excuses to shut stuff down, rather than looking for ways to make it work
Well stated
That article fails to mention the biggest thing with Warren. His own fucking kid is playing.

Not to give Warren the benefit of the doubt, but unless he made the decision unilaterally to cancel the season, his son playing makes no difference. Warren could be in favor of playing in the fall, but if the B1G presidents say "no," there's not much he can do.
I still don't understand the transfer policy for players whose season's have been cancelled. I saw stories saying the NCAA announced players from conferences who cancelled can transfer if they want, but no waivers for immediate eligibility will be granted.

But a Wash St starting WR just transferred to Oklahoma State and all the stories are saying he will be eligible.

I don't see the logic or legality in the NCAA stance. You have absurd situations like the USC QB being able to transfer and be immediately eligible, but all the players who were loyal to USC and stayed denied the same privilege.

Not to give Warren the benefit of the doubt, but unless he made the decision unilaterally to cancel the season, his son playing makes no difference. Warren could be in favor of playing in the fall, but if the B1G presidents say "no," there's not much he can do.

He could come out publicly and say he’s in favor of playing if that is, in fact, true. He could even reference that his son is going to play and he stands behind that decision.

More dissenting voices coming out and saying it publicly is what’s needed to have a season. Otherwise, he’s just a hypocrite, as Cub stated.
He could come out publicly and say he’s in favor of playing if that is, in fact, true. He could even reference that his son is going to play and he stands behind that decision.

More dissenting voices coming out and saying it publicly is what’s needed to have a season. Otherwise, he’s just a hypocrite, as Cub stated.

I'm not implying that he is in favor, just that whatever he believes, he has to do what the presidents want, or else he'll lose his job. Same reason why he wouldn't come out in support for playing after they've canceled. I think he will probably lose it anyway because of how it's been handled.
I'm not implying that he is in favor, just that whatever he believes, he has to do what the presidents want, or else he'll lose his job. Same reason why he wouldn't come out in support for playing after they've canceled. I think he will probably lose it anyway because of how it's been handled.

Right, I hear ya.
Clay Travis tweeting some paper that supposedly discredits the myocarditis study that played a big role in the B1G canceling the season
Clay Travis tweeting some paper that supposedly discredits the myocarditis study that played a big role in the B1G canceling the season

Hasn’t that been out for over a week now? Or maybe that was just a bunch of tweets with the data and charts showing how that it’s BS and now it’s nicely packed into a paper?
It's now been more than two weeks and the Big 10 still refuses to release the evidence that convinced them to cancel the season, despite daily demands by parents of the players.

The lunacy is amazing. The narrative remains the same--so many students are ignoring medical precautions that we will cancel football, even though the football players are observing all precautions, and we will allow students back even though they are the ones ignoring precautions.

The parents are threatening legal action, but Warren stays silent because if he reveals his reasoning he knows he will look like a moron

The Nebraska players and parents filed a law suit against the Big 10

It probably won't do anything to help them play this year, but the only way you ever get the attention of fat cat bureaucrats is to serve them with court papers. When their lawyers explain to them that the plaintiffs are going to be able to subpoena every email and document relevant to the case and they are going to be forced to go to the lawyer's office and answer questions under oath they suddenly get the message.

I hope to see all the other schools who want to play to file suit immediately, and I hope Finebaum is correct, that Warren is on his way out,

But most of all I hope to see Nebraska fans and players and parents and the university suits come to their senses and return to the Big 12 and become the real Nebraska again .

Not that it's overly important to the game, but will they do a "Gameday" from the studio?
I"m sure they're worried about the health of the fans that show.
The Wazzou flag streak could be broken.
Big 10 suits now trying to cover their asses--and Warren is trying to save his job--by floating the idea of starting the season at Thanksgiving.

Better than no season, but it's comical they think it is unsafe now, but think it will be safer when cold weather comes and the flu joins covid as a threat.

Big 10 suits now trying to cover their asses--and Warren is trying to save his job--by floating the idea of starting the season at Thanksgiving.

Better than no season, but it's comical they think it is unsafe now, but think it will be safer when cold weather comes and the flu joins covid as a threat.

Lol, the flu a threat.

Agree they are simply trying to cover their asses for their horrible decision, and my first question was also “what’s going to be different in November?” (a question they couldn’t possibly answer) But I have to laugh the the flu also being “a threat.” It hasn’t ever been even the slightest concern (for obvious reasons), so if we’re now going to act as if the flu is something we have to worry about as far as college/pro sports go, there’s not much else to say other than fear has won.
big 10 will stall on FOIA request, some of these take years to come out.

By the time this comes out, BiG10 will be back to playing football and no one will care.

We will play near Thanksgiving, lol what? do they have some secret info that November everything will be fine
This whole Timid Two has turned into comedy central. Warren is the ultimate bureaucrat who can't park his bicycle straight. He's desperate now and willing to do anything to save his job except the one thing that works the best--admit he was wrong, apologize to fans and parents and players, and then get to work to repair the damage.

And the most pitiful part of the comedy is the Pac 12. Scott believed everything Warren told him and the Pac 12 cancelled with no evidence at all to rely on except Warren's word. Even worse, the Pac 12 has been forgotten and so far I haven't seen reports of anyone who cares
It's political. Anyone see the yahoo article where Warren is determined to register players to vote. Guy is a scumbag and should be sent on a rocket to mars.
I posted it in here. There is a committee including some Big 10 coaches and athletes focusing on the election and getting (Dem) votes out. The majority of the swing states are in Big 10 country.
I assume most will wait until game time to place a wager?
It makes me wonder if some of these platforms can handle the traffic in crunch time.
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