CFB Rankings Week #4

If Clemson and Washington St win out they should get in before a Big 10 team with Alabama at #1. Question is do you take Conference game winner or Ohio St as 4th team? Be pretty tough to take Ohio St over Penn St. Ohio St over Wisconsin would be a better argument. If Clemson or Washington St lose, Big 10 winner should be one of top 4 teams with Ohio St, Bama, etc.
Wmich undefeated vs bigten. 100% win percentage. They are undefeated ... but the bigten champ, bigten runner up, bigten also ran number one, and big ten also ran number two who have a combined bunch of losses all should get in over wmich .. with wmich outperforming the above vs the common opponents. Ok whatever.
Wmich undefeated vs bigten. 100% win percentage. They are undefeated ... but the bigten champ, bigten runner up, bigten also ran number one, and big ten also ran number two who have a combined bunch of losses all should get in over wmich .. with wmich outperforming the above vs the common opponents. Ok whatever.

And all those Big 10 teams had a strength of schedule in top 15, while WMU is outside top 75
If The BigTen gets two teams when an undefeated team from another conference went 2-0 against BigTen teams and doesn't get in then we need to just mothball the sport.

Western Michigan also had a better performance against NW than did Ohio State, and I think that was their only common opponent (that i can think of)

im convinced put western Michigan in!!!

Do do they play Bama or should we give them the second seed since they are undefeated ?
Originally Posted by clowncar
If The BigTen gets two teams when an undefeated team from another conference went 2-0 against BigTen teams and doesn't get in then we need to just mothball the sport.

Western Michigan also had a better performance against NW than did Ohio State, and I think that was their only common opponent (that i can think of)

im convinced put western Michigan in!!!

Do do they play Bama or should we give them the second seed since they are undefeated ?

Originally Posted by clowncar
Wmich undefeated vs bigten. 100% win percentage. They are undefeated ... but the bigten champ, bigten runner up, bigten also ran number one, and big ten also ran number two who have a combined bunch of losses all should get in over wmich .. with wmich outperforming the above vs the common opponents. Ok whatever.

And all those Big 10 teams had a strength of schedule in top 15, while WMU is outside top 75

The thing about Western Michigan being 2-0 vs the Big Ten, the teams they beat are in no way, shape or form any kind of measuring stick that other Big Ten teams are measured by. I always get a laugh when a midmajor is giving alot of credit for beating an average power conference team, like it is some great accomplishment, yet those teams in that power conference beats the same team it means little to nothing, because it should. Beating NW or ILL if you are making a case to be among the best teams in the land have no relevance. The games won or lost vs quality opponents is how teams should be measured, not teams that have .500 or losing records.

What is "best" really? Who are these "best" teams. Was Pitt the "best" team when they beat Clemson? Was Penn St the "best" team when they beat Ohio St? Nobody should pretend to know who or what the best is, because even if we did, best doesn't always win. So nobody should be trying to pick the best teams to play it off. Let the teams control their own destiny, on the field, through the schedule utilizing w/l records or tie breakers if needed - using actual results of actual games to decide who gets to play for the biggest prize. Because we all know that best doesn't always win anyway, so we, or I guess they, should stop talking about trying to pick the best. Let the teams earn it with their actions, their wins, their conference titles.

But the problem is that the people that pull the puppet strings in the sport can't stand to have the power taken out of their hands. They hated the BCS, because "computers don't watch games" - no they hated the BCS because it watered down their impact in selecting the chosen ones. Letting teams control their own destiny by winning conference titles granting entrance to a national title playoff is the same thing, that takes the power out of the hands of people that want all the power. Can't possibly let the tangible results of games determine who gets their shot - way too straight forward and not manipulable.
Another thing that needs mentioned...these large conferences where teams don't play all the other teams in their own league makes the problem WORSE. Because too often one teams success isn't necessarily determined on who they beat, it is instead a gift or curse of scheduling in who they have to play from the other side/division, or who they avoid.

So many things wrong in this sport, or life, or the world...I mean we can't control hardly any of it anyway. Maybe Trump can make college football great again.

What should happen is that we should have leagues that allow every team to play every team, get rid of conference championship games all-together because they themselves are flawed and infact add to the problem. More leagues, smaller leagues, every plays eachother head-to-head, tie breakers are used if needed, as they have been applied in sport for a 100 years and the champions from those conferences play eachother for a national championship. Something else that needs done, have 129 or whatever number teams there are all DIA or FCS or whatever is stupid. To think that Alabama is on the same playing field or somehow equal to New Mexico State? Please
When you are the "elite football school", you get to benefit when you go to the conference title game or benefit when you do not go to the conference title game.

You tell me which is more ludicrous ... being punished because you don't play in a conference title game because your conference doesn't play one or not being punished because you don't play in a conference title game because you couldn't do what it took to make it to the game. The irony is just wonderful.

I grew up playing sports... wasn't the fastest, wasn't the guy who could jump the highest, wasn't the guy who had great lateral movement, but I could beat players who did possess all those things (sometimes).

We also miss out on the big event .... we can say that we don't want to see Bama vs Wmich ... but what about villanova vs georgetown? NCSU vs Houston? NY Giants vs New England Patriots? NY Jets vs Baltimore Colts? Team USA vs the USSR hockey team? The most iconic games in sports are the upsets, or at least some of the most iconic are. We can never really get that in the same way with this system.

Taking it to another level ... what if utah was the best team that one year? What if TCU was that other year? What if Houston was last year? What if Western Michigan is this year (The other three are more legit questions in my mind but I could be wrong about wmich, just like you could be)? We never get to find out with this system.

What if the ACC is better than the Bigten (seems a legit question)? What if the SEC is better? We are really going to take a team that doesn't make their title game (and potentially exclude the title winner)? The BIG is that much better than every other conference? No way.

Take it a step further .. I don't think TOSU is one of the four best teams in the nation. There... i said it. for me, they don't even pass that test.

It is such a disgusting display of Not Sports if they go to the playoffs. It would be the antithesis of competition for them to make it to the playoffs.

In fact, it is enough to make me want to not watch the sport ever again because it is too silly. Only a moron, or a TOSU fan who is lying to herself thinks this is ok.

It goes back to my fundamental beliefs in equal opportunity. I really don't want to be supporting a system that doesn't base itself in equality of opportunity.
Good post Kyle.

No Ohio St shouldn't get a seat at the table. Conferences should only get 1 team. And I think the system could be opened up to allow some of the outsiders, but it will never be what you or I or most people here would want. We've seen 3x before that in the BCS system teams not winning their conference or division were still awarded chances for the highest prize. It is going to happen again, we can't expect otherwise from these people.

I think what will happen is if PSU wins, they will move tOSU to #4 and put PSU ahead of them and justify that move as saying 13th data-point blah blah blah. Then they would be guaranteeing Bama vs OSU as well...which these might not be TV people making the decisions, but in reality, if they are an AD or former AD/coach type, that is what butter's their bread, TV money.

If Badgers win, they could probably still move them ahead of OSU and Bucks to #4 as well even though they lost head to head and we'll get the same 13th data point BS. Maybe there is a small chance that if PSU wins and UW or Clemson just blows CU's or VT's doors off they will exclude OSU like they did the Big XII teams when OSU got in at their absence. But like was said, this is Ohio St and the TV money, the power players, etc. Can't see these people leaving them out.

I hate it. I hated it when OU, Neb and Alabama made the BCS title game having not won their league. I'm a little less bothered by some of the lesser teams not getting a shot, but I do want to see a way they get some realistic shot at access, right now that chance is zero.
Win your conference championship game and I think you should be in ahead of any other team in your conference

You are the luckiest team of all. Be thankful you aren't in the B1G East. And you're team is 0-2 already vs them. Plus get to play a team that Michigan already beat 49-10.
Whoa wait a minute on the osu argument. Jmo..

They have beaten #3, #6, #7. Two on the road at night.

If anyone should be left out its whoever wins the big ten championship. Both lost to Michigan. 1 lost to both Michigan and osu. Hell, one even lost to Pitt.
I know Michigan doesn't have a prayer to get in. I understand that. But at a neutral I personally would have them favored over both teams. Same with Tosu.
Maybe mentioned already-What's crazy is tOSU is actually going to benefit from not playing in conference championship- extra week of rest is huge this time of year
Whoa wait a minute on the osu argument. Jmo..

They have beaten #3, #6, #7. Two on the road at night.

If anyone should be left out its whoever wins the big ten championship. Both lost to Michigan. 1 lost to both Michigan and osu. Hell, one even lost to Pitt.

No shame in that. ;)
OSU deserves to be in a helluva lot more than Washington.

Don't schedule Rutgers, Idaho, and FCS Portland St as your out of conference if you want to compete for a shot at the National Title.
ohio st should be playing psu for the big ten spot in the playoff. get rid of fucking divisions. they are the problem. wisky has no business playing this week instead of a team they lost to at home and that has one less conf loss than them. it's total bullshit.
ohio st should be playing psu for the big ten spot in the playoff. get rid of fucking divisions. they are the problem. wisky has no business playing this week instead of a team they lost to at home and that has one less conf loss than them. it's total bullshit.

agreed on this. you can't make conference championships the end-all be-all with unbalanced divisions. conference championships sound nice but can often times be meaningless.
CU will beat Washington

While I know your homerism is behind this statement, it brings up a scenario where what would happen if CU and VT win?

Does that leave the last 2 spots to B1G champ and Michigan? Or B1G champs and Oklahoma?

Could you imagine 3 B1G teams in a playoff? That wouldn't make the rest of the country enraged I'm sure. :rofl:
While I know your homerism is behind this statement, it brings up a scenario where what would happen if CU and VT win?

Does that leave the last 2 spots to B1G champ and Michigan? Or B1G champs and Oklahoma?

Could you imagine 3 B1G teams in a playoff? That wouldn't make the rest of the country enraged I'm sure. :rofl:

Haha - this is my homerism. We are going to the game and I will be cheering my butt off, but I told mrtake we are going to get our asses handed to us.

I can see the winner of the Oklahoma / Oklahoma St game getting in. I wish that game was in Stillwater so Okie St would have a better chance to win. They got royally screwed against CMU and everyone knows it.
i think you need to leave the Seahawks out of the playoffs this year. Division is too easy. Lions, Vikings, Falcons, Cowboys, Giants and either tampa bay or the redskins.
i think you need to leave the Seahawks out of the playoffs this year. Division is too easy. Lions, Vikings, Falcons, Cowboys, Giants and either tampa bay or the redskins.

I'm confused. Is this your argument regarding multiple Big 10 teams or Western Michigan?
While I know your homerism is behind this statement, it brings up a scenario where what would happen if CU and VT win?

Does that leave the last 2 spots to B1G champ and Michigan? Or B1G champs and Oklahoma?

Could you imagine 3 B1G teams in a playoff? That wouldn't make the rest of the country enraged I'm sure. :rofl:

And on this note... Let's say CU wins. Is there a valid argument they get in? Losses at USC and at Michigan.
I'm confused. Is this your argument regarding multiple Big 10 teams or Western Michigan?

Just pointing out the overall ridiculousness of the concept we are using to guess (ya I said guess) at a champion in college football.
OSU deserves to be in a helluva lot more than Washington.

Don't schedule Rutgers, Idaho, and FCS Portland St as your out of conference if you want to compete for a shot at the National Title.

Of course, others would argue that if you want to compete for a shot at the National Title, do what it takes to win your conference championship.

It's funny....remember us all clamoring for a playoff five years ago so we could have won on the field and do away with all the subjectivity......worse now I think
The thing about Western Michigan being 2-0 vs the Big Ten, the teams they beat are in no way, shape or form any kind of measuring stick that other Big Ten teams are measured by. I always get a laugh when a midmajor is giving alot of credit for beating an average power conference team, like it is some great accomplishment, yet those teams in that power conference beats the same team it means little to nothing, because it should. Beating NW or ILL if you are making a case to be among the best teams in the land have no relevance. The games won or lost vs quality opponents is how teams should be measured, not teams that have .500 or losing records.

What is "best" really? Who are these "best" teams. Was Pitt the "best" team when they beat Clemson? Was Penn St the "best" team when they beat Ohio St? Nobody should pretend to know who or what the best is, because even if we did, best doesn't always win. So nobody should be trying to pick the best teams to play it off. Let the teams control their own destiny, on the field, through the schedule utilizing w/l records or tie breakers if needed - using actual results of actual games to decide who gets to play for the biggest prize. Because we all know that best doesn't always win anyway, so we, or I guess they, should stop talking about trying to pick the best. Let the teams earn it with their actions, their wins, their conference titles.

But the problem is that the people that pull the puppet strings in the sport can't stand to have the power taken out of their hands. They hated the BCS, because "computers don't watch games" - no they hated the BCS because it watered down their impact in selecting the chosen ones. Letting teams control their own destiny by winning conference titles granting entrance to a national title playoff is the same thing, that takes the power out of the hands of people that want all the power. Can't possibly let the tangible results of games determine who gets their shot - way too straight forward and not manipulable.

Very sound. You get my endorsement.
Here is a problem when trying to do any kind of top 10 rankings. Michigan is now 10-2, exact same records as Colorado, Penn St and Wisconsin all of who Michigan beat, so then if head-to-head results is to be respected and given the W/L records being the same, Michigan would still need to be ranked ahead of CU, PSU and UW this week right? So committee rankings they go from #3 to #5.

One thing that I feel always needed considered when most people talk 8 team playoff models is the high number of rematches that would often be present on a top 8 of the final ranking that is being used to pick teams. Look at any given year and I'm sure you will see atleast 1 and often times as many as 4 perhaps teams that have already played each other in the top 8. So we've already had games to determine who was victorious in those matchups. I don't like any system that ensures we get rematches in a post season playoff. #1 it takes away spots from other would-be contenders and #2 there is no need for a double-elimination of sorts in this sport. If team A beat team B in the regular season, then they don't need to play eachother again in the post season. Respect the results of the actual games played.

When some people say that expanding a playoff to 4 like we have now, or to 8 or 16, when some people say you take away the importance of the regular season you in fact do that if rematches are going to be happening within the playoff. Because then what was the importance of playing the first game? If you are still alive if you lose it takes alot off the line.

Now people will say well this sport does it like that, or that sport does it like this, why can't major college football do what everyone else does? I don't really want this sport to follow in anyone else's footsteps, I like it being unique.

Using the conference champion only model greatly reduces the risk of rematches in an expanded playoff because no "wild cards" are admitted. Chances are that those "wild cards" already lost to somebody else who is getting in.
If anyone wants to read this, I wrote it several years ago. It will detail a 4 team model utilizing conference champions only 1998-2009, just if you wanted to see who would be in, who would be out and why. I blogged for Vandy that year on Phil's site, no reason other than I was interested to see how they would followup the good '08 season. When the season was over I posted two more blogs, one on conference champions and one on national champions. I've never looked at who the teams would be 2010-2015.
Here is a problem when trying to do any kind of top 10 rankings. Michigan is now 10-2, exact same records as Colorado, Penn St and Wisconsin all of who Michigan beat, so then if head-to-head results is to be respected and given the W/L records being the same, Michigan would still need to be ranked ahead of CU, PSU and UW this week right? So committee rankings they go from #3 to #5.

One thing that I feel always needed considered when most people talk 8 team playoff models is the high number of rematches that would often be present on a top 8 of the final ranking that is being used to pick teams. Look at any given year and I'm sure you will see atleast 1 and often times as many as 4 perhaps teams that have already played each other in the top 8. So we've already had games to determine who was victorious in those matchups. I don't like any system that ensures we get rematches in a post season playoff. #1 it takes away spots from other would-be contenders and #2 there is no need for a double-elimination of sorts in this sport. If team A beat team B in the regular season, then they don't need to play eachother again in the post season. Respect the results of the actual games played.

When some people say that expanding a playoff to 4 like we have now, or to 8 or 16, when some people say you take away the importance of the regular season you in fact do that if rematches are going to be happening within the playoff. Because then what was the importance of playing the first game? If you are still alive if you lose it takes alot off the line.

Now people will say well this sport does it like that, or that sport does it like this, why can't major college football do what everyone else does? I don't really want this sport to follow in anyone else's footsteps, I like it being unique.

Using the conference champion only model greatly reduces the risk of rematches in an expanded playoff because no "wild cards" are admitted. Chances are that those "wild cards" already lost to somebody else who is getting in.

Yup. It all goes circles back to the same problem, no matter how you want to dice it ... and that problem is that we are deciding playoff teams based on subjective criteria when every single other major sport or minor sport (FCS uses objective criteria... go figure) uses objective criteria.

We can no longer use the Bowl excuse either, since we have already completely ripped the traditional bowl model to shreds as it is. There is no excuse for not having objective criteria creating a playoff system that is inclusive of every school involved in the system. None. Zero. Zip.
Yup. It all goes circles back to the same problem, no matter how you want to dice it ... and that problem is that we are deciding playoff teams based on subjective criteria when every single other major sport or minor sport (FCS uses objective criteria... go figure) uses objective criteria.

We can no longer use the Bowl excuse either, since we have already completely ripped the traditional bowl model to shreds as it is. There is no excuse for not having objective criteria creating a playoff system that is inclusive of every school involved in the system. None. Zero. Zip.

To fix the problem, I think "every school involved in the system" needs reduced. Do we really think that Eastern Michigan is somehow capable of competing with Michigan? Texas State with Texas A&M? Georgia State with Georgia Tech?

I like underdogs. Hey there are plenty of underdogs in all these power conferences that would make great stories should they make "the dance". Kansas St wins the Big XII, they are in the national title playoff. Utah wins the PAC12, Wake Forest wins the ACC (it happened 10 years ago). You know, these are the teams that are atleast on the same planet as the bluebloods. Plus there are going to be nontraditional conference champions getting their shot as I'll state later. So we just need to scale back the sheer number of teams to start off with.

Are there 128 teams in IA / FCS? Another line needs drawn really. Generally speaking - MAC, CUSA, Sun Belt shouldn't be competing at the same level. There are many fringe teams within AAC and MWC as well. Some would argue that you know your Vandy and Rutgers and Oregon St's of the world don't belong with their Power 5 leagues...but we can grandfather them into their leagues because for most there is historical tradition to them competing at the highest level.

The first and foremost thing that needs addressed is reducing the number of teams that could or should be able to compete for a national championship at the highest level. There is IAA and Div II, III for a reason.

Once we do that and reduce the number of leagues in the pool of eligible teams then we have a clearer starting point.

So then, if the thinking is to remove any possible subjective picking of teams then we want conference champions only. Where the goal is simple, win your league and you are in. Are there flaws with this? Yes, but does it address the biggest complaint that teams are picked on name brand more often than not or other factors. It solves that. Every single team will know that if they win their league they will have a seat at the table. That is fair to all. Hell Northwestern can post it on their locker room wall in August and have a legitimate path to get there.

Ok, so having said that now we need to fix the problem with determining conference champions. Get rid of the 12, 14 team leagues, they compound the problem. Every team should play 12 regular season games and a conference should have no more than 10 teams in it. You play 3 nonconference games and all 9 other teams in your league. Or maybe you want an 11 team league, then you can play 3 nonconference games and all 10 other teams in your league. You get the point. This is the truest way to crown a conference champion - you play all your peers and let the results speak for themselves. That is going to take alot of realignment, but we can use recent history where teams were more closely aligned regionally, it isn't really that hard to get back to a point where everyone is in a smaller league...on paper. More about reality later.

Now how many teams are in the playoff. I am old school, prefer the 4 team exclusive model, but if we are trying to eliminate all subjectivity you let every league champ get into the playoff so the number of leagues needs to match the number of teams competing for a playoff. 8 is the best number. 8 leagues, very doable and 8 seats at the table.

How do you seed them? The sport will remain unbalanced even after the MAC, Sun Belt and CUSA types are downgraded to a lower level, so something tells me that you can't just seed on w/l record alone. Some sort of strength of schedule should be used for seeding.

I'm just making all this up, it could be tweaked or negotiated one way or the other. But you reach a point that it is better to talk solutions than the same stuff over and over.

OK. Then are we playing home games on campus. Probably best atleast for the first round to limit the travel expense and stress on fanbase travel.

And that's it right. Way too complicated and will never ever happen like that. Nobody has the authority within the ncaa and no TV network no matter how important they think they are could do all of that. Schools and conferences are like states and the ncaa is like the federal government - the ncaa can't just tell them to do whatever they want. In order to get everyone on the same page to get something close to what we want...I mean it be easier to make peace in the middle east.

So we have how many more weeks to say all the same stuff over and over. Maybe we can try, however far fetched possible, make your case of what you think should be done and what it would look like.
Yup. It all goes circles back to the same problem, no matter how you want to dice it ... and that problem is that we are deciding playoff teams based on subjective criteria when every single other major sport or minor sport (FCS uses objective criteria... go figure) uses objective criteria.

We can no longer use the Bowl excuse either, since we have already completely ripped the traditional bowl model to shreds as it is. There is no excuse for not having objective criteria creating a playoff system that is inclusive of every school involved in the system. None. Zero. Zip.

128 teams, divided into 8 conferences. 8 conference winners in an 8 team playoff, draw the matches out of a hat. Problem solved. No seeds, no committee, nothing subjective
128 teams, divided into 8 conferences. 8 conference winners in an 8 team playoff, draw the matches out of a hat. Problem solved. No seeds, no committee, nothing subjective

Eight 16 team leagues? How many games are on the schedule and how many teams in your league will you play every year? About 50%. That makes things worse I think. I think it is better to allow something like 40 of those 128 to compete at a level more comparable to their facilities, budgets.

Now 88 teams / 8 = 11 team leagues. Ah yes, that is it. Every team plays everyone within the league, you get a true champion based on w/l records and actual results and go from there.
Oregon State are a Power 5 team. Finished ranked 5 times this century (including a top 5) and 7 Bowl wins

In conference realignment that would take place, a team like Oregon St should be able to remain in their conference.

Alot of people would like to kick some of the bottom feeders out of those power leagues, I do not. Maybe I was not clear. By and large the teams in question have historically competed in those leagues and I want to respect that tradition and history.
Eight 16 team leagues? How many games are on the schedule and how many teams in your league will you play every year? About 50%. That makes things worse I think. I think it is better to allow something like 40 of those 128 to compete at a level more comparable to their facilities, budgets.

Now 88 teams / 8 = 11 team leagues. Ah yes, that is it. Every team plays everyone within the league, you get a true champion based on w/l records and actual results and go from there.

im not into splitting up the fbs. We will be judging teams on how good they are today, or the last 5 years, or how many tv viewers they bring in. Let the teams play it put
Yup. It all goes circles back to the same problem, no matter how you want to dice it ... and that problem is that we are deciding playoff teams based on subjective criteria when every single other major sport or minor sport (FCS uses objective criteria... go figure) uses objective criteria.

We can no longer use the Bowl excuse either, since we have already completely ripped the traditional bowl model to shreds as it is. There is no excuse for not having objective criteria creating a playoff system that is inclusive of every school involved in the system. None. Zero. Zip.

No "excuse"? There's nothing to be excused. Playoffs hurt the game.
It's an imperfect system. There is no way to make it perfect. Sports are imperfect - always an element of subjectivity. I have no problem using some level of subjectivity to get the best 4 teams in, understanding there will always be some differences of opinion as to who the best 4 teams are.

All that said, my top 4 are
1. Alabama
2. Clemson
3. W Mich
4. There is no right answer.
4 conferences, 13 teams/division, developed regionally. NE, SE, NW, SW. Division winners play league championship at neutral dome site based on geographic location. Use rotation of current New Year Bowl sites for semis and Center of Country for finals (ex...Indianapolis).
There is no right or wrong answer and I can be fairly flexible in listening or trying to work with different ideas.

4 conferences, 13 teams/division, developed regionally. NE, SE, NW, SW. Division winners play league championship at neutral dome site based on geographic location. Use rotation of current New Year Bowl sites for semis and Center of Country for finals (ex...Indianapolis).

That could work, so long as all the 13 division members play eachother which I think is plenty doable in what you have there. Those teams just would not have any out-of-conference/division games.

Originally Posted by s--k
Eight 16 team leagues? How many games are on the schedule and how many teams in your league will you play every year? About 50%. That makes things worse I think. I think it is better to allow something like 40 of those 128 to compete at a level more comparable to their facilities, budgets.

Now 88 teams / 8 = 11 team leagues. Ah yes, that is it. Every team plays everyone within the league, you get a true champion based on w/l records and actual results and go from there.
im not into splitting up the fbs. We will be judging teams on how good they are today, or the last 5 years, or how many tv viewers they bring in. Let the teams play it put

Don't get the impression I'm trying to say that you can't feel that way, but keep in mind that by keeping huge conferences or expanding them further maintains and contributes to a problem that people here are complaining about.

In the system we have now, Big Ten East and West divisions, we have a 2 loss Wisconsin West winner that has already lost to 2 out of 3 top east teams. If they beat the other top East team Penn St this weekend then Wisconsin will be Champ. I believe most don't think that is right, Michigan and Ohio St and Wisconsin are all 7-2 in league play, but Wisconsin loses the tie breaker to both, yet by winning just 1 out of 3 games vs the top teams in the East Wisconsin can be Champ. That is what you get with conferences where you don't play everyone and pit divisional winners in a winner take all end of season game.

Same in the SEC, in some miracle unknown to this world if Florida were to beat Alabama, you'd have a 7-2 Florida team crowned champ over a 8-1 Alabama team (league records shown).

I think if we are going to have a system that takes conference champions only we have to fix how conference champions are determined first.

Now if you say scrap the east, west, north, south divisions and then just put the two teams with the best w/l record in a title game my response would be, how often in these leagues have those top two teams already played, and then if they have, why is another game needed between then to decide the champion if a result has already been given?