CFB Rankings Week #4

They said it was of importance but not the only metric of importance.

If winning your conf championship is the end-all, be-all for YOU...then there really isn't anything to discuss. But that's your preference and not the preference of the committee nor their stated goal.

"Rules are rules" apparently...and there is no rule that conference championships are mandatory for entry into the playoffs.

Why are you making all of this so personal?

Actually, last year the committee listed it as the #1 factor on their list of factors. It literally has nothing to do with what I want, I was simply stating facts.

Even if the conference title was simply on their list of 5 factors (there may have been more, just using a number), how can someone who didn't even make the title game be in? Either it IS a factor, or it's not...but they can't say that it is (again, it was the #1 reason they gave for TCU being omitted) one year and then change the rules the next year, that makes no sense. Well, they can do whatever they'd like, as we are witnessing, but it's still completely moronic.
I would also simply ask why have conference championship games if they aren't going to matter? If the answer is to "break ties" between equal teams, that's a fine answer. And the next question would be if that is being used to break a tie between equal teams, but a 1 loss team is seen as better than a 2 loss team regardless of a conference title...then how in the holy hell can a 0 loss team be left out? They can't have it both ways, or in this case like 6 different ways. And again, we understand that they CAN have it however they'd like as they make the rules...but it doesn't change the fact that it's completely moronic.
Conference title games do matter.. they mattered last night in PAC 12 and they will matter tonight in ACC. Just apparently don't matter as much in BiG10
Conference title games do matter.. they mattered last night in PAC 12 and they will matter tonight in ACC. Just apparently don't matter as much in BiG10

The problem being that clemson and washington risked losses when they would have been better served just staying at home like ohio state. Keep in mind, ohio state jumping both baylor and tcu was because (allegedly, now you have to wonder) the frogs and bears didn't play in a title game. Not that tcu and baylor couldn't make it to a title game, like tosu, but because the conference doesn't have one. In other words, the TOSU stay at home from their title game should be at least 5 times more punitive (I say disqualifying altogether) than what baylor or tcu endured.
You 1%ers get a pass, just keep going to games. We're all jealous, even when your teams get waxxxxed
We are very lucky but many at CTG have children who are expensive at f*ck...we do not and enjoy our DINK lifestyle
They said it was of importance but not the only metric of importance.

If winning your conf championship is the end-all, be-all for YOU...then there really isn't anything to discuss. But that's your preference and not the preference of the committee nor their stated goal.

"Rules are rules" apparently...and there is no rule that conference championships are mandatory for entry into the playoffs.

According to their own website, it's their number 1 metric.

it's a bit hard to be crowned the best team in the country when results on the field show you weren't even the best team in your conference (or even division)
Is your contention that just the conference champs go to playoff?

Just curious, as you make numbers, would it be fair to say that the BiG or Sec or whatever has a hater road than the MAC or 'Merican?
I know you are smart so the answer is yes. So then, I guess you would say,"Right, so dispose of those teams when you meet!"
And I would say, "Yes!"

Ok.....but what would happen is the OOC games we love so much would be gone.

I like the spirit of your argument but it just can't happen Kyle

Who is to say who has the harder road? The numbers we make aren't always right. Houston beat the Big12 champ, but had 3 losses in the American. Does that mean the AAC is harder then the B12?
And just so you don't think this is just about this season. I have railed on this issue at this site since 2006, regardless of who benefited and who got screwed.
Well the difference between the 1 loss tOSU and the 2 loss teams you mentioned is that tOSU is not even playing the their conference title game, and one of the 2 loss teams will be the champion. The committee said last year that winning the conference was of great importance. So the fact that now it's somehow different, and a team that isn't even playing in the title game may make the playoff is a complete and utter joke.

Especially in a year where there is a lot of parody in college football. Conference championships should hold more weight than normal.
"It is a very small margin of separation in the committee's eyes between No. 4 Washington and No. 5 Michigan," Hocutt said. "I don't think I can emphasize enough the small margin of separation the selection committee sees between those two teams.

Especially in a year where there is a lot of parody in college football. Conference championships should hold more weight than normal.

Not that parody doesn't fit (in more ways than one)...but, I think you're looking for parity.

"It is a very small margin of separation in the committee's eyes between No. 4 Washington and No. 5 Michigan," Hocutt said. "I don't think I can emphasize enough the small margin of separation the selection committee sees between those two teams.


If tOSU AND Michigan make the playoff, when neither played in their conference title game, homicide on any committee member should be justified and legal.

Could anyone imagine if 2 fucking B1G teams make the playoffs, neither of which played in the title game, let alone won the title? I mean, how could they ever ask anyone to take anything in college football serious again?
So PSU beat TOSU Straight up. PSU won the division that Ohio State plays in. And PSU wins the conference Championship, with TOSU not even being in the title game.

But Tosu gets in and PSU doesn't?

Uhhhhh tough sell amigos.
Similar strength of schedule too. so that is no excuse.

Right. Obviously.

This is from the CFP Protocol, directly from the mouths of the committee...

When circumstances at the margins indicate that teams are comparable, then the following criteria must
be considered:

Championships won
Strength of schedule
Head-to-head competition (if it occurred)
Comparative outcomes of common opponents (without incenting margin of victory)
Right. Obviously.

This is from the CFP Protocol, directly from the mouths of the committee...

When circumstances at the margins indicate that teams are comparable, then the following criteria must
be considered:

Championships won

Strength of schedule

head competition (if it occurred)

tive outcomes of common opponents (without incenting margin of victory)

So PSU it is.
So, how in the world can anyone possibly justify tOSU getting in over PSU? It literally goes against exactly what the fuck the committee said. Period.
So, how in the world can anyone possibly justify tOSU getting in over PSU? It literally goes against exactly what the fuck the committee said. Period.

Fuck emcee n 1 on 1
I may go fight herbstreit. Tired of him n osu homerism.
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Michigan were 2OT away from being in. Their schedule was abysmal (Colorado were schedule after they came off a 1-11 season, and 7 straight losing seasons)

never said that mich had a tough OOC slate

and they played 3 road games outside the state of michigan and the only win was vs rutgers
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not even an osu fan so u can go fuck yourself thx

dont care about your plight or any other malcontent in this thread

Again, why is this so personal for you?

And how is anyone using actual logic a malcontent? I just posted the committee's protocol, which clearly states what they are going by, or should be as that's what they said. Didn't you claim the committee hadn't actually stated that conference titles mattered? How about head to head? How about strength of schedule? What happens if one team has 2 of the 3 over the other team, and the SOS is close (I'm not sure, PSU may have that edge as well)?
So, how in the world can anyone possibly justify tOSU getting in over PSU? It literally goes against exactly what the fuck the committee said. Period.

They cannot. And it is going to be impossible for PSU to pass Washington or Clemson or Alabama.

I cannot wait for this.

It is the year of the curtain pull in America.
Why are you making all of this so personal?

Actually, last year the committee listed it as the #1 factor on their list of factors. It literally has nothing to do with what I want, I was simply stating facts.

Even if the conference title was simply on their list of 5 factors (there may have been more, just using a number), how can someone who didn't even make the title game be in? Either it IS a factor, or it's not...but they can't say that it is (again, it was the #1 reason they gave for TCU being omitted) one year and then change the rules the next year, that makes no sense. Well, they can do whatever they'd like, as we are witnessing, but it's still completely moronic.

It's my understanding that it's a factor among other factors. But I'm not on the committee so I know as much as you do. Which isn't much. As you say, they seem to reserve the right to do whatever they want.

Not taking it personal with you or others who have discussed this civilly...but if I'm going to be cursed out, labeled a troll and other annoying assumptions then I'll stoop to that level and fire back. Until I suppose I'm chased out of this thread by the lynch mob who seem to have mistaken me for Condi Rice.
I don't think I could have scripted it better to show how stupid this all is. It doesn't matter of course.
There is absolutely no way they can they can put in OSU. No way.

They can’t put them in over the conference winner that won the H2H.

And I think Ohio State vs USC in the Rose will be a great game
Again, why is this so personal for you?

And how is anyone using actual logic a malcontent? I just posted the committee's protocol, which clearly states what they are going by, or should be as that's what they said. Didn't you claim the committee hadn't actually stated that conference titles mattered? How about head to head? How about strength of schedule? What happens if one team has 2 of the 3 over the other team, and the SOS is close (I'm not sure, PSU may have that edge as well)?

I believe I said that conference championships weren't the "end-all, be-all", ie. not the sole criteria.

I don't recall where I said that it didn't matter at all...but if I did feel free to point me to it so I can correct that error.

malcontent: a person who is dissatisfied or rebellious. using logic however sound or unsound doesn't disqualify you from malcontent status. I would say there's a lot of dissatisfied customers in the building, lol.
It's my understanding that it's a factor among other factors. But I'm not on the committee so I know as much as you do. Which isn't much. As you say, they seem to reserve the right to do whatever they want.

Not taking it personal with you...but if I'm going to be cursed out, labeled a troll and other annoying assumptions then I'll stoop to that level and fire back. Until I suppose I'm chased out of this thread by the lynch mob who seem to have mistaken me for Condi Rice.

You are correct that it won't end up mattering, most likely. The committee has shown over and over again their willingness to change the criteria to get the result they want.

It is the problem with trying to engineer things from some central power location where people will be people, with all of their bias, corruption, racism, greed, and ill conceived belief that they know what is best. As with all things, we should be relying on the merits and not "elites" to make the outcomes what they see fit.

This. Is. Perfect.

You have to admit that this is pretty funny at a minimum.
5 conf, 4 teams. throw out the winner of the worst conference.....and the winner of the best conference because we like the ohio and hate the pedos.
It's my understanding that it's a factor among other factors. But I'm not on the committee so I know as much as you do. Which isn't much. As you say, they seem to reserve the right to do whatever they want.

Not taking it personal with you or others who have discussed this civilly...but if I'm going to be cursed out, labeled a troll and other annoying assumptions then I'll stoop to that level and fire back. Until I suppose I'm chased out of this thread by the lynch mob who seem to have mistaken me for Condi Rice.

The only problem is that you are the one who "stooped to that level" first, and others were simply replying to you in the same fashion.
It's definitely extra chaotic now. But with 4 slots for 5 power conferences the chances of it not being chaotic on a yearly basis were slim.

Right, which is what I've said from day one. Are you now a malcontent because you see how foolish the entire playoff system is with only 4 teams and 5 "Power 5" conferences?
I believe I said that conference championships weren't the "end-all, be-all", ie. not the sole criteria.

Not sure anyone said it was the "end all be all" to begin with. What was pointed out was that the committee did use it as THE reason that TCU was left out last season, AND it is listed at the top of their "protocol" when determining which teams to pick (I just posted it, straight from their site). It's at the top for a reason, let's not be foolish.
5 conf, 4 teams. throw out the winner of the worst conference.....and the winner of the best conference because we like the ohio and hate the pedos.

Or, they can simply use most in here's suggestion that they just expand the playoff to 6 teams, take the conference champion from each Power 5 and one wild card. The wild card, again, will be the next best Power 5, or the "best" undefeated team from the non-Power 5. Yes, that 6th team is still subjective, but that beats all 4 of the choices being pretty subjective as it currently stands. I have no idea how most people can see how easy it is, yet the people actually paid to do it are fucking clueless. Well, I do have an idea, and that's money...but that shouldn't be a reason.

There shouldn't be a Power 5 team who doesn't agree to that. If you win your conference title, you're in...who would disagree with the champion going to the playoff like every other sport on the planet? And why would any of them disagree with a non-Power 5 getting a spot if they go undefeated? It should essentially be a bye in their eyes, and a clear path to the semis.
The only problem is that you are the one who "stooped to that level" first, and others were simply replying to you in the same fashion.

false. was cussed out by skoalmint and so I cussed back at him. and at that point, this shit began to get irritating.

either way, are you ready to move on from it or do you want to continue this nonsense? as i said, i have no problem with u. but fuck it, it's 20 vs. 1 in this thread so we can just turn it into a huge internet brawl. your call.
false. was cussed out by skoalmint and so I cussed back at him. and at that point, this shit began to get irritating.

either way, are you ready to move on from it or do you want to continue this nonsense? as i said, i have no problem with u but fuck it, it's 20 vs. 1 in this thread so we can just turn it into a huge internet brawl. your call.

Well if it's 20 vs. 1 it's certainly not my call.

But if you'd like to move on, and you really feel it's 20 vs. in the holy hell can you be okay with tOSU getting in over PSU? Let's just use logic, common sense, and what we know about every other sport on the planet? There's a reason you're in the minority on this doesn't make any logical sense.