bullsheet for august 31


Coattailing Cheerleader
First post here. I'm an old newbie.
I'm impressed by the list of managers and mods.
Should be a good forum.
The rest of this post has been dragged from elsewhere, but it's all mine.

BC -13 v Central Mich
Northwestern -3 v Miami O

The first game of the year. Therefore, I have to make a play on it.
And admittedly it's a bit of a 'homer' play. But not entirely.
I don't think there's much doubt that BC is the stronger team. I like the fact that they return a successful QB whereas CM does not.
The BC o-line should have things it's own way in front of two competent RBs in Whitworth and Callender. From what I have read, the MAC is in for a bit of a down year. BC has had some clunkers in season openers but last year they went out to Provo and beat up on BYU , a better team than CM.
Concerns: Losing a gamebreaker like Blackmon and having to face Clemson the following week.

Both NW and Miami break in new QBs , but otherwise NW has much more strength returning. Like BC, NW should have a strong o-line in front of an excellent RB in Sutton. I think NW wins this one on an emotional high as well, and willing to wager they do not win it by one or two points.

I'll very likely be adding a third bet against the MAC.
No, not ISU. Temple. Just haven't quite got enough information yet.
Have a good season, boys and girls.
I'm on both of them myself, bull! Good to see you on them as well.

For everyone who might wonder, bull also goes by "taurus" at Covers. He's a "Harvard" grad.
I don't know either of these teams so I don't know if it means anything but according to NCAA 2007 for xbox central michigan is STACKED with talent at every position but QB lol. They have a top 25 team if you go by their player ratings.

Good luck and heres to a great year:cheers:
den- I'm always more comfortable when you and I are on the same side.
I'm delighted to see that 1 unit now equals , well , 1 unit.:shake:

As a aside, Harvard captain was suspended indefintely for beating up on his ex-girlfriend a while back. And their QB ( a good one ) has been suspended first 5 games for undisclosed reasons. Yes, Shit happens in the Ivy League , too. I'll have some 1-AA games ( VERY good last year) but maybe not for a week or two.

jump- Thanks, and let's get this season off to a great start.

Fondy - Thanks, that looks like a great record you've maintained in just about every venue. I should have been coattailing all the way.:bow:

nick - I didn't know that about CMU. It's a big plus to get an opposing point of view. I'm committed to NW in this one and will hope for the best.
I see you and I are from opposite poles in the country so I can learn a lot from you. West may be out-of-bounds but definitely not 'off limits' to me.
As den will attest, I'm not timid about the number of games I play. GL.
"nick - I didn't know that about CMU. It's a big plus to get an opposing point of view. I'm committed to NW in this one and will hope for the best"

Well I screwed that response up :blahblah:

I'm committed to BC in this one. I don't expect it to be easy.
I'm still considering TEMPLE as a play for Thursday.
Buffalo offense is very offensive, and if you swapped their schedules from a year ago- I think Buff would have had the same success as Temple did and vice versa. I haven't seen any support for Buff. I've seen a little for Temple. Probably a no-play for most (all) sane gamblers.:15_1_125:
Two other possibilities for me are
1. BALL STATE - I see where Keepers has EMU on their best bet list for the week. Also, I read somewhere that 84% are on Ball and no line move. Well, I think the line has moved but not much. Still leaning Ball, but wavering just a little.
2. FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL - This one is an enigma , and I know pags will advise to stay away from Sunbelt. But this line is either too good to be true and therefore isn't good at all OR simply a bad line. Garfather thinks MTSU is an easy winner, and I respect his judgement. But the Sunbelt is supposed to be very even this year with a lot of close games,. Coach I know takes on a newbie etc .:balls:
I have added Temple +6.5 for the flimsy reasons stated above.
I kinda like the play , however.
Barfolo shouldn't be giving 6' to anyone.
And that includes my school.
LOL, no they shouldn't. One poster alerted me that he loved Temple back when lines came out. He is a capper that usually has un-popular plays but he does damn well. Anyways, seems like a lot of this board like the Owls
my first 1-AA game is in here.

Thanks big bry . Best of luck to you.
Thanks Big Al. Temple-Buffalo should be interesting.

I have added.

Ball -4.5 - I can't possibly improve on Mista's write-up. Saved myself a little juice by waiting.

Florida Int +9 - Cost myself a point and a half by waiting on this one, but have the comfort of knowing there is someone big enough to move the line who agrees with me.

Go ahead and laugh at this one but I am dead serious.
La Salle +8.5 vs Wagner - This is one of those games where the home field is reversed from a year ago and this year's home team has a returning star at QB while the visitor breaks in a new QB accompanied by 11 returnees elsewhere. Wagner won this one by 14 a year ago, but the previous years games were much closer.I lost a point and a half on this one also by not jumping on it immediately. So someone out there agrees with me. I know of only one book that carries these games. 5Dimes knows they have a bit of a monopoly because the juice is -115 on all of them.
I have a few more for Saturday which will be in a separate thread. In almost every case the line has moved against me in the other games as well.