best bet from the best baby 1 game

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bank ty my brother yeah I got all of my money back+ yesterday Monday- Friday where bad . but its only takes 1 day to win all your money back I thought my bookmaker was going to get me this week ty god for Saturday bol Sunday I will be rooting for you NYG+7 go NYG
yea you helped me out of a ugly little hole from last sunday and being a homer chasing my cardinals all damn week... proud of myself i didnt come back and see your cal pick but was actually on them on my own. fukkers cost me a huge ml parlay tho, had k-st, wvu, wmu, cal, mizzou, arz st mls all in a parlay that paid huge! stupid asses are in fg range to win with a minute to go and they throw a damn pick?? wtf was that shit?? man that would have been a awesome score! oh well still did really well in large part thanx to you my friend, with actually hitting a few of my own for a change! lol...
yea you helped me out of a ugly little hole from last sunday and being a homer chasing my cardinals all damn week... proud of myself i didnt come back and see your cal pick but was actually on them on my own. fukkers cost me a huge ml parlay tho, had k-st, wvu, wmu, cal, mizzou, arz st mls all in a parlay that paid huge! stupid asses are in fg range to win with a minute to go and they throw a damn pick?? wtf was that shit?? man that would have been a awesome score! oh well still did really well in large part thanx to you my friend, with actually hitting a few of my own for a change! lol...
bank I had a 6 team parlay going to winning the first 4 oh my god your parlay would have been unreal. Ifeel bad for you my brother WTF was this coach thinking i'm not kidding sometimes I think how in gods name did these coaches get a job getting paid millions to make calls like that in unreal. losing a game you could take the loss a lot better if he tried the field goal and missed it but not even getting a shot at it is so unreal this coach should be shot because I bet CAL in the ML nothing like your parlay unreal bank did you have all those games in a ml paraly 6 team oh my god F****kING COACH i'm not kidding this coach would be in my office today I would ask him WTF where you thinking not running the ball its 2 down
bank I had a 6 team parlay going to winning the first 4 oh my god your parlay would have been unreal. Ifeel bad for you my brother WTF was this coach thinking i'm not kidding sometimes I think how in gods name did these coaches get a job getting paid millions to make calls like that in unreal. losing a game you could take the loss a lot better if he tried the field goal and missed it but not even getting a shot at it is so unreal this coach should be shot because I bet CAL in the ML nothing like your parlay unreal bank did you have all those games in a ml paraly 6 team oh my god F****kING COACH i'm not kidding this coach would be in my office today I would ask him WTF where you thinking not running the ball its 2 down

yep all in one, paid huge. was starting to argue with my brother cause after cal there was still mizzou and asu. he wanted me to start hedging against mizzou but i told him no way they fukked that line up bad that id hedge some if mizzou won and all i had was asu left.. while we talking it looked like cal was gonna kick a fg to win and mizzou was already starting anyways. of coarse none of that matter cause fukkers went for a td like they didnt know the score. yea if they at least tried the fg it wouldnt have been quite as bad. shit didnt make no sense but that how it goes with all those dogs on the ml, that why they never hit. that as close as ive been in a long time to hitting a lotto ticket, i was really feeling like it had a good shot half way thru the day.. oh well that how it goes, it was exciting at least and still did really well cause i played all them straight..
bank like you said its really crazy its so hard winning on 1 game let alone a 6 teamer. I bet a 6 teamer all the time to never hit one this year not 1. but your 100 percent right with 2 games left you could not go the other way like you said you still had a state left its like losing only on 1 game makes you sick. and the way you lost is unreal what a hit that would have been bol today
guys like I have been saying a long time ago K STATE will be playing for the ship . they should have beaten AUBURN if they would they would be in 1 place
good morning guys my lines are not out yet but 1 game the oddsmakers made a mistake on VT+3 WTF are the oddsmakers thinking of who is MIAMI FLORIDA to be giving points on the Road. the public seen what VT did last week thinking what a bad team well your kind of right but miami is really not that good to be giving points on the road.VT this team played real bad and still almost won the Game I have never seen VT coach team play this bad and what about coach bud the D coach 2 real bad games in a row no I don't think so and remember VT owns MIAMI FLORIDA and VT likes playing on prime time Thursday is there big day MIAMI has real big problems on the road real big 0-3 VT coach will have a surprise waiting for MIAMI on Thursday. Beamer/bud will have his boys waiting just like the battle of little big horn custer last stand Beamer is sitting Bull and his Genreal Bud is crazy horse MIAMI men after the game and during:stretcher:back to fort hood. after the game little big horn:breakdance:we bad we bad bol guys this line will go down I wish I could make my bet right now
yea you helped me out of a ugly little hole from last sunday and being a homer chasing my cardinals all damn week... proud of myself i didnt come back and see your cal pick but was actually on them on my own. fukkers cost me a huge ml parlay tho, had k-st, wvu, wmu, cal, mizzou, arz st mls all in a parlay that paid huge! stupid asses are in fg range to win with a minute to go and they throw a damn pick?? wtf was that shit?? man that would have been a awesome score! oh well still did really well in large part thanx to you my friend, with actually hitting a few of my own for a change! lol...
I feel your pain my friend. I lost a 6-teamer yesterday by 1/2 point. I had the Under 46.5 in the Det/NO game and my good buddy Drew Brees throws that pick and allows Det to score the winning TD less than 2 min to go. Gawd just throw it away, punt, and play defense man!!!! :enraged:

Closest I ever came to hitting a 6-teamer. I would have won my first 5 games from the 1:00pm slot and then had KC +3 as the 6th leg. What do ya do?
I feel your pain my friend. I lost a 6-teamer yesterday by 1/2 point. I had the Under 46.5 in the Det/NO game and my good buddy Drew Brees throws that pick and allows Det to score the winning TD less than 2 min to go. Gawd just throw it away, punt, and play defense man!!!! :enraged:

Closest I ever came to hitting a 6-teamer. I would have won my first 5 games from the 1:00pm slot and then had KC +3 as the 6th leg. What do ya do?
JROCK unreal another guy lost on a 6 teamer NO what a way to lose int what a killer if you hit that game you could take SD a little to be safe bad way to lose sorry to hear that . 2 years ago I hit like 8 or 9 6 team parlays that year was unreal. I hit a back to back 6 teamer my bookmaker went MF crazy. this year not 1 you have to be real lucky to hit a 6 teamer everything has to go 100 percent right
That line plus 3 is available now ! Take it now ?
tony when I seen this line I said to my self I like VT+1 then I seen VT+3 WTF . this is a 100 percent real hard call you could bet half what your where going to bet just in case the line falls under3 at least you will have something on VT+3:popcorn:i'm waiting for the public to hit MIAMI
UTAH is in big time trouble in this game I hate taking team's on the road. but here we have to 100 percent Diff teams with a power school playing a so and so school. the QB for UTAH is not the best USC QB should carve UTAH up like a Turkey . I mean like a MF turkey a Neurosurgean at work. I think UATH will have no say so in this game the only way UTAH win's if something nuts happens like INT or turnovers its a late game which USC loves playing . and you could pass all day on UTAH D this game could get real ugly real fast, like I said UTAH will have to pass the ball to win and thats not going to happen. there going have to run the ball to win sorry UTAH USC is not OREGON STATE because OREGON STATE can't run the ball USC can the bets
USC pick bol
guys I keep saying that I will not bet this game but I look at this game and i'm trying to find something good about ULL I can't. AS should win this game the 3 should not come into play its not even close AS is the much better team the bets
AS-3 more money:money:
guys I keep saying that I will not bet this game but I look at this game and i'm trying to find something good about ULL I can't. AS should win this game the 3 should not come into play its not even close AS is the much better team the bets
AS-3 more money:money:
I played the OVER 58 saggy ass-

small tho

Aight.......D8 on the staters of arky....jimmy on the stateers of arky.....

GL this week it.
Defaz my brother baseball is your sport to tell you the truth I bet SF yesterday and SF -105 to win the world series I will be rooting for you
Defaz what a vey hard football card this week the oddsmakers made real good lines this week unreal
There will be spots. Im traveling allday sat so may take off. I had a couple dimes on pitt so im happy & wont be mad if I take off sat. If I can ill post big bets here. Gl always rooting for u
There will be spots. Im traveling allday sat so may take off. I had a couple dimes on pitt so im happy & wont be mad if I take off sat. If I can ill post big bets here. Gl always rooting for u
Defaz your 100 percent right there will be spots cool good job on pitt.same here my brother bol and be safe traveling
Still.looking !
tony yeah its a real hard card the oddsmakers made some real hard lines this week but betting these games you should be good i'm looking at 2 more game U of M and K STATE
VT+3 the line moved
USC pick
I picked K STATE to win the ship this year this team has a real good team Texas will be in real big trouble Texas is really not that good dont get me wrong there ok
like I said I could be 100 percent wrong but VT should win this game easy MIAMI has a QB Freshman QB and that's never good that means INT . VT QB is not good but VT is playing at VT and BUD and his boys dont play to bad games in a row and same can be said for UTAH USC QB should pick apart the corners of UTAH . Ilike both games
tony you should be good at the very worst a split . but I think both teams look real good watch MIAMI QB will have a few INT
good morning guys sorry yesterday was just a bad bet MIAMI just killed this team how in gods name did this team beat ohio state
I was thinking the same thing man - their offense is SMU ,PSU, Kent State, Uconn (maybe not after last night lol), and Wake Forest bad!

Like it was a struggle to watch that game last night. Between ECU putting up almost 600 yards of offense and almost losing because of their pathetic defense and this game it was a bad night for football. Cleaned up on Denver though thankfully!
El nice hit on Denver I took a bath yesterday losing on VT/SD I even bet SD ML and the bad thing about this week for me its a real hard week . yeah how how did this real bad team beat ohio state my god I liked VT i'm glad it did not cost me more don't get me wrong I lost a few dollars but it could have been a lot worse . if I would have liked a lot of games this week I would have taken VT for a lot more money ty god
the crazy thing hockey started I like betting this sport and year after year I make real good money betting this sport. but it takes a lot out of me its really not worth it to me health wise yesterday I liked 2 games NYI and blue jackets both real big underdogs both winners I did bet NYI I was so mad because I lost both football games I left the blue jackets game alone
guys there is 1 game that I like its not college football its in the cfl I have seen these 2 teams play both times and both teams are real bad ottawa gave a great fight both times to mont should have won there last game turnover after turnover cost them the game but MONT is giving way to many points MONT should not be giving any points playing on the road . OTTAWA should keep this game real close the bet
ottawa+6.5 i'm buying the .5 point ottawa+7 bol if you want to watch a real ugly game you wont believe your eyes
Yeah man t[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]he Chargers were actually the right side minus two plays (the fumble right before the half on the kickoff where they reverse it and the INT in the endzone where they called the erroneous holding). Take those two plays away and the game is MUCH closer I believe![/FONT]

[FONT=Open Sans, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]BOL this weekend with the games. I am pretty heavy on both CMU and Akron as I feel the lines were contingent off of some misleading results last weekend. Hopefully I am right! [/FONT]
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