best bet from the best baby 1 game

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guys never forget when I post a ML game I only post the ML if I think they have agood shot it could be a blowout but the V is there and the game is at ARMY unreal bad line
guys sorry I made a mistake OS+6.5 is playing WV take the same play os+6.5 ml +230 sorry
AL not a problem lets win this bbay I think rice will win its just the ml is to small
guys never forget when I post a ML game I only post the ML if I think they have agood shot it could be a blowout but the V is there and the game is at ARMY unreal bad line
I'll be watching with interest but I just can't pull the trigger. I liked Duke at first but, looking at their schedule, they have had 3 really tough games in a row and now have to go on the road to play a service academy which is sure to be pumped. This is a trap game for Duke no doubt and won't be surprised if this game goes down to the wire. But I think I'll watch. Good luck on your play D8!

Gosh darnit! i forgot to buy the .5 for Army and Rice! got it at 13.5 and 3.5. Line for Winnipeg dropped to 5. Thanks bud and lets have a monster weekend!
I'll be watching with interest but I just can't pull the trigger. I liked Duke at first but, looking at their schedule, they have had 3 really tough games in a row and now have to go on the road to play a service academy which is sure to be pumped. This is a trap game for Duke no doubt and won't be surprised if this game goes down to the wire. But I think I'll watch. Good luck on your play D8!

Yikes! Dukies came to play!
Rock yeah ARMY is not good team the +14 got me to many turnovers but hell tahts the way it goes
ohio state looks real bad but they looked bad for a while still alot of time left but ohio state doesnt look good
guys the day looked real bad but we hit a few ML games OLK STATE/WINN CFL I think we lost 1 unit thats all
guys not many gamblers will bet ML games its not easy pulling the trigger but see what I mean hit a few ML games yiou can lose 5 in a row and hit 2 ML gmaes and make money
Go spend all that doe at MILLERS baby MILLERS BAR
STEED my brother i got real lucky yesterday lost a little it looked like the day was going to be loser after loser but the ML games helped lost alittle
good morning guys like I said U o M would be in the top 5 there not there yet but the UTAH really fucked U of M up big time will they play for the ship no not a chance thats why I gave up on U of M this is a team that is not liked by coaches . other teams can lose 1 game or even 2 like LSU did that 1 year and still win the BCS but U of M is hated a lot because 1 reason there cocky and its great to be cocky if you can back it up nothing wrong most people get mad its gets me mad because like I said U of M at 100 -1 to win it all believe me if U of M wins the BCS you will see me on ESPN nevada would shit if U of M wins that would be a real big payout but like I said the UTAH game made them losers unreal team but real bad QB even my brother was Laughing at me when I told him about U of M the team is loaded but I was wrong about the QB he was born a loser next year the QB from HOUSTON will take over I will say this to a lot of gamblers when betting make sure who the coach is doesit matter yes in vegas when making a line they give 3 points for playing at home the same goes for the coach you - or + who the coach is bol gl
wiz ty we have to get it back the last 2 weeks where bad I just need to go 6 -0 1 or 2 times its like 2 timesbol
well MONT under 52.5 WINNER guys like I said another sweep in the CFL 5-0 for the week unreal it has to be 90 + percent if not real close like last year just unreal I can't believe the book was letting me bet money now we have to put this back in real football we will I promise I never ever brake a promise
well MONT under 52.5 WINNER guys like I said another sweep in the CFL 5-0 for the week unreal it has to be 90 + percent if not real close like last year just unreal I can't believe the book was letting me bet money now we have to put this back in real football we will I promise I never ever brake a promise

Just love your CFL picks..unreal!
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