best bet from the best baby 1 game

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wow int when that happens nothing you can do sorry guys turnovers are killers
stone to tell you the truth this game was over but wow the start of the 4 Q like you said wow whoever had SA real bad way to lose
guys I like this game alot guys I have been getting ream bad headaches if someone asked me a Q and I dont get right back sorry I will try the bets bol gl
mrob its sucks but sure the gambler that had AS is happy but the gamblers who bet SA ha d the right team 5 turnovers no excuse a winner is a winner but out of 100 times that wuld never happen again
I post GOY its just a game I like that week I should post GOW but I have been saying every game should be played the same amount just think if had all your money on SA starting the 4 Q you would be paying drinks for everybody shit like this happens all the time I evenn brake my own rules but yes every game the same amount
guys like I said this is gambling but todays game believe me the wrong team is getting points I already bet the game so I dont care about the spread its at KENY+2.5 real bad line if I was making this line KENY would be at least -4 more but lets just say-4 KENY should pound AUBURN but guys please bet this game at your own risk KENY is better then AUBURN in all spots unreal bad line guys I could be wrong but again if turnovers happen AUBURN has nothing 0 goose egg the reason for this line gamblers and NEVADA its the name AUBURN but AUBURN is shit the bets
guys like I said this is gambling but todays game believe me the wrong team is getting points I already bet the game so I dont care about the spread its at KENY+2.5 real bad line if I was making this line KENY would be at least -4 more but lets just say-4 KENY should pound AUBURN but guys please bet this game at your own risk KENY is better then AUBURN in all spots unreal bad line guys I could be wrong but again if turnovers happen AUBURN has nothing 0 goose egg the reason for this line gamblers and NEVADA its the name AUBURN but AUBURN is shit the bets

cfl is crazy there is 1 month left this will sound 100 percent nuts there is 4 games per week 4 weeks I could lose all 16 games in a row 0-16 and still have a great year betting cfl that is unreal just Lethal
You've been betting hockey? Haven't seen you post any. Your good at Hockey too. :cheers3:
JEFF good eye my fault for saying anything it just popped in my head yes I have been playing some hockey hit all 4 games yesterday but it does nobody any good to tell you the truth its just a lot of work posting a lot of the times ii'm not around so I dont want to post unless I could post all the time but I just dont have the time to but yeah hockey unreal so far there is a few guys that I talk about hockey I just dont want to get started but just tofay I took NASHVILLE/OTTAWA I forgot the lines but its like NASHVILLE+110/OTTAWA+160 or more hockey is 100 percent Lethal :cheers3:
but guys I dont care about the 2 hockey games but yes I took both its today KENY:money:
Question for you: Why carry over a thread for 2 years? What happened to thread from 2013/14 season where you had a terrible year?

Looking like this year is a repeat of 2013/14 season where you lost a TON of $$$$. Anyone ever wonder why there is never a record kept on this guy???? Hmmmmmm?

Trust me my friend it's bout bank bottom line $$$
n go back w/D8 n he be in da Black $$
I myself speaking W/L ain't necessary just saying
What up Dollah Dil $$
Question for you: Why carry over a thread for 2 years? What happened to thread from 2013/14 season where you had a terrible year?

Looking like this year is a repeat of 2013/14 season where you lost a TON of $$$$. Anyone ever wonder why there is never a record kept on this guy???? Hmmmmmm?
another loser just by what you said 2014 was a unreal great year this year so far not good believe me 100 percent fact case closed you wish you where me that s a fact like I said case closed . what you come into my thread when I lose you must have lost with KENY a born loser 100 percent you must be 12 years old I cant make fun of a 12 year old I just can't

Trust me my friend it's bout bank bottom line $$$
n go back w/D8 n he be in da Black $$
I myself speaking W/L ain't necessary just saying
What up Dollah Dil $$
hammer 100 percent this is a 12 or 14 year old kid not much older fact
think just good and look at my record because once you do you will look like your 12years old and thats a fact last year was unreal I bet 1.000.000 on keny see you guys later goodnight
your a fool 1.00.000 you just said I lost last year now I got real lucky please fade you have 5 post I think I already no who you are the same fool thats following me like a little lost puppy its late dont you have school tomorrow guy's see you later
I have a lot hits if you start now by next year you will find your record you wont believe your eyes
This is a brotherhood site thinkpad get a fucking life, if u can't swim your bound to drizzound ho
I was going leave it alone but this is 100 percent a loser 100 fact case closed somebody waits for you to lose then shoot here and said I bet 25.000 yes 25 cents maybe this dude lost with AUBURN and can't pay his book he has no money buddy if you think anybody is going believe that record you fell off a high tree do you have any clue what a ML is I will tell you if you hit a ML game +290 that's like hitting 3 bets understand have fun with your bass boat the 1 you bought at the toy store. where do these guys come from most likely was already bann from other sports sites 3 posts and betting 25.000 and next time dont give me a winner NT after the game is over but your right about thing just buy the way your talking you dont have a penny 100 percent
your a nice dude down -29.000 you have 1 thing right I wish I was down that wow I wish
this could be the year I lose a lot of football left but we have to get this thing going may be I just should stay with CFL if I was smart I would the bets
FA+5 ML +180
MICH STATE +7.5 ML+250
With D-8 his record is irrelevant. If he likes something he will bet $1000's. If he doedn't like it much he makes a nominal bet. All things said he is way up. Good Luck D
fire time poster, long time lurker...felt obligated considering D has helped me cash in in the past like so many members here

regardless of record, opinions and discussions are appreciated when follow a bet is a choice

thinkpad im assuming we can expect to see all your plays and record posted shortly...
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