best bet from the best baby 1 game

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I will show you tomorrow my bets for the week you wont believe it I hate talking about money but some of you losers from PRE GAME will see how I bet you will see when I bet I bet for life not for MF fun I bet for buy a house a car trips I dont fuck around:badass:
I will show you tomorrow my bets for the week you wont believe it I hate talking about money but some of you losers from PRE GAME will see how I bet you will see when I bet I bet for life not for MF fun I bet for buy a house a car trips I dont fuck around:badass:

Quit talking about how much you bet. Unless you are going to show your wagers, put up or shut up. Calling the people who look up to you and follow you losers? Are they handling the losses well, no. But do you need to boast about the amount you bet while calling your followers and friends losers?
young was I talking about you the MF at PRE GAME are taking shit believe me these guys would shit in these mf pants if I showed these MF losers
YOUNG i Dont have a problem with anybody betting anything 50-100 I dont care but these MF are trying to say at PRE GAME not here I post and dont bet they could work the whole MF year and still 1 of MY bets would be more then they would make the whole year 100 percent fact case closed
Quit talking about how much you bet. Unless you are going to show your wagers, put up or shut up. Calling the people who look up to you and follow you losers? Are they handling the losses well, no. But do you need to boast about the amount you bet while calling your followers and friends losers?
young these mf are not my friends
some guys are cool at PRE GAME not all the guys just the guys that talk shit and they no who they are
Rip it going to sound crazy I find them all the time I have 1 game later today I took BC ML forget about the spread I took AF ML forget about the spread lets see what happen's bol I have 1 game later I love

i thought the dogs you played today including minny were decent enough plays (even if didnt turn out right), i was already on af spread and ml and joined you on minny. there are a ton of them diamonds on Saturdays, this week i happened to have several that hit (iowa, ark, unlv) but a lot of times mine have went to shit and playing yours helped me out. that the nice thing bout playing +200 and better, hit even close to 50% and you having yourself a really nice day..

cant begin to count how many times last season i missed the 3-4 i played yet still killed it cause you were handing out +250 and better winners like they were going out of style. keep your head up my brother, im sure you will turn it around! just pull a switch from last season where you were way hotter early and cooled off late, this year so ya start slow and heat up as the season moves on :cheers3:
bank your my brother this is 1 cool guy from all the sports sites bank never talks shit bad about anybody . unless somebody starts with him and bank puts him in his place bol my brother
i'm sorry guys I should have never said what I said but some guys are unreal thinking your god and you can win every week hell I night lose all month how fast gamblers forget you could pick 100 winners if you lose 3 in a row your a loser in the CFL this was the 1 losing week I had all year yes sorry i'm sorry I lost 1 week MF unreal:money::badass:
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guys this is a big game FS +250 some guys got+300 if FS doesnt win I lose I never took the +7.5 just the ML250 goodnight
to you as well my friend.

what you think bout the nfl card? i rarely venture out on mls with the pros as i just feel better increasing my wager with the points but i think there a really good shot a couple of those -7 or so favs bite the dust as everyone thinks they can all be teased to easy money. in order of likeliness id say donks, pack, chargers, and to lesser extent atl all on upset watch. i dont think atl loses but doubt they cover (under 47 my only play there). i think minny and sf will both have every chance to win in what i think very close gms. dont think sd would lose to cle but their oline is beat up so who knows (5d actually held a teaser protect number on them the longest of the td favs). already took the points with min and sf but considering playing both mls thinking it a split at worst.
lol i have my moments. NFL is what it is, a serious pain in the ass that i never go in expecting to profit just happy years i do. lol

i like fish too, pretty much just playing based off my preseason projections thinking that +110 is a nice price hoping they turn their season around against a qb who ripe to get picked on.

disagree with kc, i think cincy every bit of 3 points better than chiefs on a neutral field and i bump them more than 3 for their HF where they been incredibly tough. i think that line short and like playing bungals at home so that where im at, not thrilled that line has went down from the -4 where i bet it so you may be onto something. that said im willing to pay to see kc go to cincy on a short week and come away with a w.
Hey brother, still a lot of football left this year. Have a drink, enjoy the rest of the night and come back strong tomorrow. If you want to talk hit me up and let me know, I'll be up for a few more hours.
CARSON is my man another great guy I will CARSON my text is not wioking real good I will pm you and give you my number I have to get some sleep I took some VALIUM 20 will put you out goodnight CARSON I will pm yon at 7am I like watching GMA
Man this Fresno QB is very likely the worst I've ever seen in a D1 football game...
Cgreen my brother I just got up I took VALIUM 2O yesterday night and MF if you take that it will fuck you up good. i'm getting ready for some tim hortons coffee and when reading this you made my day because my god your not lying my 89 old year mother could throw the ball better,. MF is he bad god dam how i n the fuck did this guy he a job playing football i'm not kidding I wouldnt let him QB a little League game he is the worst QB I have ever seen in 45 years MF Cgreen ty you made my day after that post we are winning day i'm still cracking up:rofl:
What up Dollah Dil8 !! U just stay the course n U B fine, hope your well n it ain't a matter of if but when you WILL blow books up. Hey us out here thank you friend for the service you choose to provide us !! God's Peace and lock n load $$
What up Dollah Dil8 !! U just stay the course n U B fine, hope your well n it ain't a matter of if but when you WILL blow books up. Hey us out here thank you friend for the service you choose to provide us !! God's Peace and lock n load $$
hammer ty very much I Appreciate it lets win this money back and we will ty
I sure hope loins dont win +400 I wish I posted the 1 half but what can you do lets win the UNDER43.5
good morning guys right back on track TOR+1 WINNER thats 2-0 starting the new week guys keep an eye on HAM under 50 I already bet this game this baby wont go any lower bol
stone ty my brother i will try to keep this going i;m going to post 6 or 7 beets no more if I can go 5-2 that would be a great week I never like posting early because most can't make the bet anyways most use locals but for the ones that use offshore stone HAM under 50
stone i'm up early watching GMA good morning my brother nothing beats TIM Horton's coffee in the morning
if you get a chance watch the EDvs CALGARY game that's like watching GREEN BAY vs NE
guys there is 1 game that i'm waiting for and that is Sunday DETROIT vs AZ
I only bet on one or two Cardinals games a year, and more times than not it's against them. This one I will be on them, only thing that would have made it more lucrative is Detroit beating Seattle but oh well, situation still plenty alive.
I only bet on one or two Cardinals games a year, and more times than not it's against them. This one I will be on them, only thing that would have made it more lucrative is Detroit beating Seattle but oh well, situation still plenty alive.
kj my brother please dont let me change your Mind I'm not telling anybody to take DETROIT +3 but i'm taking DETROIT+3 I cant wait for this game i'm glad DETROIT lost that game if your a DETROIT backer I have a good reason why I like DETROIT yes the team is a loser with a shit coach but come Sunday DETROIT will get it's 1 win bol guys but the juice is -120 its alittle to high yes if the juice is to high even if I love the bet I will not bet the game
tony its only 1 game but yes they should have hit that game i'm glad they lost because I was this close betting the ML+390 my god I think I would have lost it on CTG
I really like that! Megatron looked right royally pissed off when he messed up near the end. He'll have something to prove and the defence properly fronted up. That will be an angry motivated team. Always like that!
guys this game should be a blowout but if WASH wants to keep this gam,e close it has to play very good D and they can USC should win easy WASH has freshman QB but the better bet ins the under 56
Like this one, DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ... Eight! Since I'm on the Huskies with all those points, let's go 30-14 Trojans. Survive, and advance. BOL tonight amigo!!
Judge lets both hit this baby the under is 58 unreal
guys I could be wrong but if WASH even thinks that they want to win this baby they have to play great D
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