best bet from the best baby 1 game

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guys I just checked the scores my god for the guys that followed you made a MF mint gov mint all home underdogs are winning like crazy guys winner after winner after winner after winner after winner after winner after winner after winners after winner after winner for the guys that followed congrats 0-5 starting then all hell broke lose:money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money:
wise ty its not easy to follow like I said the percentages was right almost all underdogs getting +3 points or more
KENTUCKY+7.5 WINNER guys with the ML its like going 9-3 with 2 games to go BYU+3/ED -1 CFL
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wise we are not done yet ED WINNER CFL its like going 10-3 today with 1 game left BYU
yes but we have 1 more game we cant lose its a done deal because I never lose BYU will win 100 percent I told you heater and 11-3 is a heater:money::money:
Follow you from afar, well across the Atlantic! Absolutely class. Many thanks.
legend what's happening my man i'm glad your making money how far are you across the Atlantic I from Poland so football is my game
England! Rugby mad and post on a similar forum to this but on the rugby. Few of us there love NFL and I have sent them your way to see your good work. Use to follow Bank on SBR and he said to follow you! Glad he did!
Legend ty my brother I appreciate it bank is my man you can]t go wrong following him great write ups the best I have seen on any sport and great picks 100 percent. I like when we are both on the same team I use to post there but I was banned this time for 100 percent no reason I used my yahoo as my Email but I forgot my password and user name. so I used my G mail account I wasnt trying to pull anything I used my same name Dilaudid8 if I was trying to pull something I wouldnt use the same name the guys at SBR should no this but the guys there working for sbr are not the smartest guys in the world say hi to your buddys I always like when others win 1 of my buddys out west is trying to post for me in the SBR forum I hope they dont bann him bol
Completely switched to here now. Bank use to take some fearful abuse when things went wrong which they inevitably do in gambling. What these people don't understand that it is a long term game not a short term. You also can't win every bet. Which is just as well as over here the bookies limit you very quickly or worse still ban you completely. Not the worse thing in the world to give a little back now and then. Everyone seems to be singing from the same sheet here and that's the way I like it! Really enjoy getting insights on the game. I've had to sell my Wembley tickets this year for the Jags v Bills game. It's the same weekend as Rugby World Cup semi-finals! Hoping England will be playing that day. Do any of your bookies do markets for rugby?
legend I wish they did anything with a pigskin on it or a line i'm good but I really dont no much about Rugby I wish your team luck is there big money betting wise in Rugby
No not really. It's a great shame as we get limited quickly but there are loads of bookies so we just have to keep opening new accounts. The World Cup should mean we'll be able to get a lot more money down so we are targeting that over the next couple of months.
guys i'm been waiting for this game for 1 month if you get a shot keep your eye on ED in CFL there +6.5 right now wait and if you see +7 dont wait hit it but if it hits +7 early wait you might see +7.5 ED might even win this game but if not real close right down to the wire bol
guys it just hit +7 real big bet 5 star ED+7 you can wait for +7.5 but your taking a real big chance the saying is when taken a underdog wait just before the game starts:money::badass:
its sucks because I had a real bad day in pro football college was great but I want to get at It i have to wait until at least thursday
wise I do to last SATURDAY was great the pro football killed me but wise your right I see a few games that my god if not for any turnovers I can't even see 1 team losing:cheers3:
good morning guys last week we had a unreal Lethal day 11-3 with the ML even with a bad Sunday and M onday 0-5 we still made real good money like I said every game should be bet the same amount I do brake my own rues here and there lets see what BC Brings the bets
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D8 been tailing you since last year, great work my friend :cheers3:

I see BC is up to 11.5 at my book for tonight, what gives???
tony sorry my man I didnt see you post I wish I did but its cool a lot more games the season just started like I said its crazy because Sunday and Monday I took a beaten but Saturday was Lethal. its about making money and we made money I tell gamblers its not going to be Christmas every week to tell you the truth i'm looking to make at least 2 real big hits for the year thats all my partner and me needs and for that to happen I need to go 5-0 if thats happens no more book he is out of buss real hard to go 5-0 or 6-0
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