best bet from the best baby 1 game

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WF+4 I bet this game big guys but like I said bet at your own risk I could take big hits dont bet the whole bankroll anything could happen just look at U of M
How's Tracey's leg bro
STEED good morning ty its real bad broke in 5 places its her Ankle they did Surgery it looks like I will be going back and froth. she is cool she said go back and do your thing I told her I will stay here but she said go you can't work from here go back and come back when football season is going strong I thought my season was 100 percent done. she will be in a cast for 6 months well 3 months she not in a cast yet the Ankle has to heal 1 then after 3 or 4 months in a cast unreal
guys I bet like this once in a while no need to post its real easy bet all home underdogs i'm betting the percentages this is not for everyone but the games I posted are the ones I like the most lets see what happens I think you will come on top :egg:
guys and if have alot of bullets the book wont win the book/oddsmakers are not good Enough but its getting harder and harder bol
there is many games that I like this week ARMY/ OHIO/U MASS/RICE but i'm not betting these games yet
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