best bet from the best baby 1 game

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I could win half of my money back if Charlotte wins if they lose i'm in a bigger hole
wise I bet WM+16.5 no ml bevause I dont think WM could win but +16.5 on the road is a lot to ask of any team
wow 23-6 I need this team bad like I said U of M cost me alot of money a brand new truck loaded at least I won half back I hope
guys I just walked in the CHAR bet really helped a lot the +270 but still down a lot for the week
guys its raining like crazy in ILL this team should not be giving points to a tee ball team KENT STATE+14 if I had a chance to take the ML I would but my book doesnt have it bol
i'm not saying KENT STATE will win but they have a great shot ILL is shit team bol
wise there still not playing the weather must be real bad unreal I like it a lot because ILL more int or turnovers because of the Field
unreal I hit every game but 1 MF U of M cost me still down money I hit the HAW game ML+270 CHAR +270ML a few others and i'm still down 5 digits unreal my partner cant believe this we will get it all back but it sucks all that great capping for nothing
wise I like SAS-3.5 sunday I wont be in mich but my partner will keep me updated
I think it's probably lightning in the area more so than field conditions. Still in a delay. I'm looking at the Stanford game. Don't know how Northwestern is going to score.
wise I agree but the crazy thing about stanford the coach is like JIM H run run run time of the clock this will sound crazy stanford has a bunch of slow white guys but so does NW
Stanford changed their approach late last season. Check the UCLA game and the Maryland Bowl game. I think the players convinced the coaches to open it up and get it down the field
yeah your right about the maryland game I took STANFORD in that bowl game
wise ty a lot its not a easy bet thats why I didnt want to post it but you asked me who I like but I just didnt want anybody to lose because its not a easy bet. it takes a lot to pull that trigger even more when your betting thousands on real big ml but like I said I could take a loss dont get me wrong I dont want to lose but if I do I no I can win it back football is the only sport where I could win my money back lets win a few games tomorrow i;m just trying to brake even for the week I won 60 percent of my money back
Sweet. I'm not risking nearly as much. Any plays you can share is appreciated. I'm still pissed at that Michigan QB for his piss poor performance.
wise yeah he cost U of M the win for sure so many chances it was just sick that last int for a td I was going nuts like i'm sure you where I could not believe it I really thought U of M at least was going to kick 3 points unreal with under 9 mints left if they dont throw that int U of M wins that game because there going in for that TD or at least kick 3 points to cover
good morning guys I will be here all day lets win a few pennys if I find a ML bet I will post but please in gambling anything can happen bet these games at your own risk just like U of M its no excuse we had the right team we really did but things dont always turn out that way the ints are killers. I dont post everything because I play a lot ML games and just winning is real hard let alone picking ML I post my fav bets but like I said I do bet other plays if I think the bet is worth a play just for value I will make that wager it doesnt always work out but when it does you can make a killing just a lot of gamblers dont have the bullets I can take a few losses and still win .but a lot of gambler s can't and I understand I will try my best so you dont have to go there the ML are nice but guys there real hard to hit guys I wont be around tommrow I will be back in PITT PA I told tracy I need to use your computer . but SAS-3.5 its going to -4 should kill winn this team has no QB not saying SAS is a real good team but SAS keeps games close almost all the time but this time playing a team with no QB sas get there 1 win
good morning guys I will be here all day lets win a few pennys if I find a ML bet I will post but please in gambling anything can happen bet these games at your own risk just like U of M its no excuse we had the right team we really did but things dont always turn out that way the ints are killers. I dont post everything because I play a lot ML games and just winning is real hard let alone picking ML I post my fav bets but like I said I do bet other plays if I think the bet is worth a play just for value I will make that wager it doesnt always work out but when it does you can make a killing just a lot of gamblers dont have the bullets I can take a few losses and still win .but a lot of gambler s can't and I understand I will try my best so you dont have to go there the ML are nice but guys there real hard to hit guys I wont be around tommrow I will be back in PITT PA I told tracy I need to use your computer . but SAS-3.5 its going to -4 should kill winn this team has no QB not saying SAS is a real good team but SAS keeps games close almost all the time but this time playing a team with no QB sas get there 1 win

Goodmorning D8! Followed some of your plays last year. Still remember that ML on UAB! Looking forward to a great season!!! Is Kent St. still a play? Thanks
Goodmorning D8! Followed some of your plays last year. Still remember that ML on UAB! Looking forward to a great season!!! Is Kent St. still a play? Thanks
oat good morning that was a nice ML bet UAB the kent state i'm still looking I wish they played yesterday because of the rain but so far i'm not betting that bet I still say ILL has no buss giving over 2 td
its really a lot of points to give up but LOUISVILLE lost a lot of players I think a few guys back on D thats it the offence has a lot of players missing today me bets where ULM/WIS/VT/ FA
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