best bet from the best baby 1 game

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wise its a crazy sport with 3 downs but yeah HAM was to good i'm going to take a few weeks off be back U of M game we still had a unreal cfl season so far this everyday capping is way to much it takes a lot out of you have a good 3 weeks of betting baseball
Every day capping is draining bro. I like action so I go small when I don't have anything else going on. We're less than 3 weeks away from college football season. Looking forward to having some fun with this.
wise I really think we will do very good I really do the 1 game U of M will be my biggest bet that I ever made can U of M lose yes but i'm betting my money on a school that is big real big and that maze@blue looks mean JIM H will remember last year when UTAH walked into the big house and gave it to mich and if U of M doesnt win I see no way mich will get blowout U of M this year will be real good real good 9 wins for sure and it could hit 10 wins
NEVADA made a big mistake on the total win at 7.5 U of M should win 8 with no problem very easy money U of M has a real good QB from IOWA and believe that guy from HOUSTON will be a beast next year
Good stuff D8! I'm fired up! Going to Fenway Park late September for a series vs the Orioles and to Yankee Stadium for a 4 games series against the Yankees to catch up with my boy Steven Wright the knuckleballer from Boston. My favorite time of year with football season here with the pennant race and post season baseball. Love this time of year!
wise it sounds like a great time going to the ball park having a few beers a few hot dogs like you said betting baseball small where if you lose its not a big deal. yeah this U of M game will be real big I don't like betting this way most of my bets are the same amount but every now and then I really load up I will put it this way if U of M wins Im almost good for the whole year betting football because anything can happen U of M QB goes down we are in big trouble ,
good morning my brothers this will be my last game until the U of M+6 I will be out of town Friday I hope I will be back before the U of M game but my wife want's to move so I will be looking at a few diff states. but in the Cfl I have been looking at this baby for days going back and forth thinking should I post the O/U or the game both team's can't score for shit BC is lost this QB for BC has 2 left hands this MF can't even throw a rock let alone a football if you don't like close game don't bet this baby because you will have a stroke it will be a close game right down to the wire the bets
MONT+3 bol see you in football season bol
ED under 50 this line is way to high the oddsmakers made a bad line
wise I like football but that means end to summer and that is real bad unless I can talk my wife to moving back to AZ
my brothers if i'm not back in time I see 1 more game VAN should not be giving points to anybody not even a tee ball team the bets
I seen what happened the cocahes are so bad your at the 20 yard line its 3 down and 1 and you go into the shot gun to pick up 1 yard MF unreal
i'm not kidding I wish they gave me U of M to coach for 2 years they have the right guy but Hokie that MF could not shine my shoes
foos no its up to you but I would not make it a bet that 50-49 is real big i'm going to wait from now on i'm not kidding every time I post that line moves never in my fav never
guys i'm getting real tried of winning winner after winner after winner after winner guys like I sad it will be a real close game cfl over 70 percent winners but guys see you in football its getting late I have a real long drive:money::money:what more can I say goodnight:cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3:
Keep rolling D8, here's a little snippet that was posted on the Utah clue who these guys are but some good discussion about the game.

Two great post yeah like I said its gambling anything can happen i could be wrong but the young kid will be 100 percent wrong the great Value is right now forget about later Uof M D was great last year I think there where like 7 in the country 1 thing about gamblers don't know they look at the score and see it was a blowout but U of M with out the Ints turning the ball over out played UTAH what people are for getting is that U of M offence was on the Field the whole game UTAH will have to air the ball out to win. running the ball will not happen and U of M corners are bad ass I don;t no how UTAH will score as a starter the QB for UTAH is a loser i'm not sure what his record is but its bad he might have 1 or 2 wins more then he lost the QB for U of M will pick apart Utah corners . the young guy thinks UTAH will run the ball on U of M that will never happen this guy doesnt no that JIM H will never let that happen UTAH D was nothing Special but D 99.9 percent will beat good offence U of M D will knock UTAH around he is right about 1 thing if there is going to be a blowout im almost sure it will be U of M doing the blowout
Just an fyi but Utah's offense has looked much better this year from everything I've seen and read. They will be much more balanced this year and they've added another RB in Joe Williams(UConn transfer via JC) so don't be surprised to see some two back sets. Defense is deeper and better than last year as well plus some injured starters are healthy and back in the secondary. I think this game will be 20-17 and I'm hoping it's the Utes with the 20. I won't be touching this side but UM would be the side if I were to do so.

I think the under is a great play but this game will be tight enough IMO that OT could screw an under.
if U of M wins forget about great value the oddsmakers will change all the lines on U of M. I love this bet a lot thats what make the diff DILAUDID8 or a loser name troy west guys like I said yes UTAH can win anytime 2 teams play anything can happen if there is no int then yes U of M will not lose. its to big of a school U of M is not in a rebuild year its called no coach I will say this again can a coach win a football yes 100 percent fact case closed you can have a real good football team with a real bad coach or you can have a good football team with a great coach the good team with a great coach will beat the bad coach with a real good football team all the time this loser has no clue WTF he is talking about that's why he works for a living guys nothing wrong with working for a living 99.9 percent of the world has to work but thatas why I do what I do and he is a Pheasant sorry guys yes that is bad for me to say that . like I said again yes UTAH can win but I think UTAH doesnt have the players to win this loser said UTAH beat USC so what who is USC I just looked this guy has a sport site WTF another MF loser. these touts are such losers its unreal this guy looks like he is about 22 years old another crook trying to ly its such a shame that young guys believe this shit 99.9 percent are losers guys i'm sure there are some good ones the saying goes just ask MR WALTERS there is only a few gamblers in the world that can beat sports betting its hard to believe but believe me gamblers are coming into my world I have been gambling for 46 years there is nothing that I have not seen if you gamble you will lose to the bank baby guys not all 98-99 percent will lose but guys please bet U of M at your own risk its only 1 game this will be my biggest bet that I ever made and some of you no how much that will be bol 100 percent i'm out
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good morning guys i'm sorry I was not posting cfl games this week 4-0 hit every game but I was out of town .it does nobody any good right now and i'm leaving back to pitt pa tracy broke her leg in 5 places its real bad I will be in pitt pa for a while have no clue when i'm coming back I have a few more games. i'm not sure what these lines are now bol mint gov mint to the bank baby:money:
U of M +6 real big bet should win the game way to much great D will shut down UTAH check out ml
I wont be on CTG alot I will try to be here when I can i'm thinking I will be in pitt pa about 1 month bol
tony I will be out of town i'm back but just for 1 day I get to watch the U of M game . +6 is a gift I see no way UTAH will win this team U of M has is 100 percent to good I dont no how UTAH will score on this great D the ML+210 is a gift to UTAH will not run the ball and throwing the ball forget it U of M will shut UTAH right down
U of M will have top 5 D in the country after 3 weeks or 4 U of M will make the top 10 watch and see what this team does to UTAH
TRACY is going into Surgery tomorrow I will be back in pitt pa Sunday bad time TRACY broke her leg
wise I wish I posted last week in the cfl 4-0 but i'm not betting because U of M is my big bet but I like BC+5 and I like SAS-3.5 alot:cheers3:
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