best bet from the best baby 1 game

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Merry Christmas D8. Thanks for the gift last night.
Pro no problem I think if your going to bet the game your better off at least betting the 1 half and the game. you will never get a bad beat I have been looking at this for some time
guys MERRY CHRISTMAS happy new year I have a game where most of the public will be on LT wrong team . ILL already played a team like LT and a much better team WK and beat them
Dam I was the sucker ready to unload on LT..nope not today..thanks D
Al good morning what's happening MERRY CHRISTMAS don't let me change your mind. because LT did beat WK bad but the reason I like ILL 2 times LT played team's out of CON play and both times LT got bombed and ILL corners are good LT likes throwing the ball not running I think LT will have problems throwing the ball and I like that ILL won the last 2 games easy but like I said if you like LT take LT and this O/U is low telling me that VEGAS thinks this baby will be low scoring . just by looking at this game most will think over is the bet . if I was not betting the game I would be betting the under bol today with your bet
Good morning D8. Any thoughts on NC State +2.5?
JROCK whats happening its funny PRE GAME asked me to capp that game I said its to hard . I have no clue CF is playing in FLORIDA but its such a hard game . I think its of the hardest games . if anything the under might be the bet CF does a a good D
I have to do some shopping the game starts a 1pm east coast time I will be getting updates
cool I just walked in unreal ILL kicking there as but losing but what can you do its gambling like I keep saying you can pick the right team and still you can lose
sorry guys about the 1 half we had the right side it should have been a blowout like I said you have a strong team in ILL playing a soft team in LT .the game is not over but ILL should win this game easy unless turnovers that's the only shot LT has
Great call on Rutgers 1st half mint gov gov mint!
wise ty my brother I trying to get over the ILL game ILL 100 percent outplays LT and ILL get bombed unreal . I don't mind losing I lose my share of games it sucks when you have the right team and you lose that's why you see me play a lot more halftime lines bol
yesterday we should have won all 5 games 5-0 ILL kills LT everywhere but the final score unreal but going 3-2 yesterday lets start a winning streak I hope
D8, it's funny how we see games differently. I didn't think Illinois played well at all. The 2 plays of the game was the Illinois D missed assignment on the 80 yard TD pass and the long Pick 6. Both were in the first half which gave La. Tech a comfortable lead they never relinquished. GL today!
wise yeah the 1 downs 26 for ILL 16 LT time of poss ILL 35 MIN LT 25 min. PASSING yards ILL 329 LT 247. rushing yards ILL 122 LT 114 LT had 3 real big plays scored on all of them if somebody looked at the stats . 99.9 percent of time stats like that would win buy looking at the stats ILL should have won the game in a blowout . but they didnt happen LT got the W in gambling thats allthat matters if they could play that game again 100 times if the stats where the same ILL would win 90+ percent of the time
Even tho I liked LT ..
.ILLY WAS THE PLAY 6 MIN left down 6 with the momentum...then a fumbke on the fumble and the flood gates open
Al your 100 percent right the QB runs down 1 of the ILL players and he turns it over late in the game they would have had the ball in the red zone unreal . they don't turn it over ILL most likely wins the game
Al Ithink ILL at the time was down by 3 points I might be wrong but I think the score was 21-18 LT ILL would had the ball in the red zone late unreal
guys i'm not making any excuses LT won the game like I said I wish I had my money on LT but stats don't lie stats don't win games . like I said I lose my share I don't mind losing but boy do I hate losing on bad beats or something crazy like WK 49-14 in the 4 Q are you MF kidding me I went to church with like 5 min left in the game thinking this baby was 100 percent over I came back from church I almost had a MF stroke after church I see 49-48:crying2:
i was referring to the 1st half play. Illinois needed 2 scores to cover the 1st half line. It looked to me as if La Tech had that part of the game under control.
wise yeah your right but the score was 14-3 LT then with like 9 min to go before half ILL scored a TD but missed the extra point making the score 14-9 .and then ILL stopped LT but ILL throws a int for a TD 69 yard . but your right the 1 half LT played there best the 2 half they almost did nothing . but its a win its better to have LT then ILL
Are u dabbling in Duke ML? I see bloodhound likes Asu a lot so I'm a little undecided. I like Duke to score some points today. Also, think ASU is deflated from blowing an opportunity to play in Pac 12 title game which could have landed them in the final 4
Are u dabbling in Duke ML? I see bloodhound likes Asu a lot so I'm a little undecided. I like Duke to score some points today. Also, think ASU is deflated from blowing an opportunity to play in Pac 12 title game which could have landed them in the final 4
wise I think the wrong team is getting points AZ STATE should not be giving over a TD to DUKE . DUKE has a much better D not even close the corners for AZ STATE are real bad QB for DUKE should have a field day
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