best bet from the best baby 1 game

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Nice work d8! Wasn't pretty but Duke finally woke up with some trickeration. Too bad they didn't finish with the W.
wise ty it did nt look good but I thought DUKE was going to win the game like I said to many points . lets hope SC can hold g on bol
I think that's it guys we started off bad but we hit the last 5 games 5-0 tomorrow in pros I think we have 2 games that look real good well its 3 games we will go 3-0 tomorrow i'm sure of it good job guys:money::money::money::money::money::money:MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR :money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money:
Excellent job d8! Today was my best day of da year. Time for some vino and family. See u tomorrow!
wise no problem having a little vino nothing wrong with that after a great week what a great feeling good job my brother
guys we have 2 more days left lets make a few dollars like I said in the pro thread we are kicking the bookmaker ass big time week after week this guy is taking a real big bath last 9 games in college/pro won them all the bets
T@M +1.5
sorry guys my fault I just found out T@M QB is a Freshman MF I used a sports site that makes mistakes MF Ithought this guy was in his 2 year my fault I never bet money on a Freshman
bull ty was he a Freshman or is he his 2 year I thought it was his 2 year but on TV said he was a Freshman last 10 games 10-0
bull ty MF TV said he was a Freshman I was mad because I never bet a Freshman I bet the right team bol
guys that what happens when you get cocky I had CLEMSON right from the start the only thing holding me back was CLEMSON QB I new CLEMSON would hold OKL to nothing but I thought OKL would play some D well guys can't win every game
sorry my partner yeah I no I fucked up but we will get everything back
texas+250 ML this line is MF crazy the oddsmakers fucked up and the public followed watch and see how TEXAS plays D ARK has big guys like pigs up front but TEXAS has the speed kills
guys don't forget MICH STATE +3 the line went down buy it back to +3 you won't need it but you never no MICH STATE will 100 percent kill BAYLOR this BAYLOR team is nothing watch and see what happens to BAYLOR they will Punch BAYLOR right in the mouth
my partner out on the west coast I told you we won that money back no problem it only took 1 hour I will call you later:money:
wise he is bad I thought TEXAS D would play better . but there is still a lot of time left
It's going to take a miracle back door I believe. Texas can't compete with many of the teams arky beat. Arky might be the most talented team that has played thus far. They could beat Oregon, FSU, OSU and stay close with Bama while Texas would get smoked. I think this gets real ugly unless Arky turns it over.
wise ARK to good for TEXAS 100 percent wrong bet losing like that does not bother me .I always said its better to lose like that then losing on a crazy play
good morning guys i'm going to post the rest of my bets leaving out of town tomorrow the bets happy new year:money:
MICH STATE+3 best bet 5 star I said make that bet a long time ago its +2.5 now
IOWA +3.5
:cheers3:good morning guys this game is over this team is not WK i'm going to sleep long day tomorrow see you guys next week HAPPY new year do not forget MICH STATE real easy winner:cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3::cheers3:
I forgot my partner out on the west coast I will call you from the road big day this week my brother HAPPY NEW YEAR bol:cheers3:
Ride this :moose:into the new year and to the bank D, hit em hard these last few days :cheers3:
guys i'm back MICH STATE winner was it easy no but it does not matter a winner is a winner BAYLOR losers
good morning guys well its that time to say goodbye the party is over the football season is by by . but the guys that followed unreal you made a MF mint gov mint a year like this won't happen again I could ly to the new guys but that's not me can't wait for next year or the year after its not going to happen. will a winning year happen yes with no problem that's not being cocky its just a fact can I lose yes anything can happen but the odds are in my FAV not the house. the best bets or 5 star has to be in the 80+ percent range they where 100 percent lethal 1 more game left OREGON vs OHIO STATE +7 well lets get right to the point like I have been saying no write up why all you care about is the winner and I have the winner here you have 2 diff teams a OREGON team that has speed with no power but wait OHIO STATE has speed with power OHIO STATE will line up and kick in your teeth Punch you right in the mouth. and we have 2 coaches i'm not saying OREGON coach isnt good but OHIO STATE coach please not even close your giving this coach 2 weeks to get ready for OREGON sorry OREGON big ten is not as bad as the public thinks just check out the bowl games and the big ten winner after winner congrats OHIO STATE number 1 you won't need the points take the ML please yes I don't no how OHIO STATE lost to VT but the pac ten is soft no power the winner
OHIO STATE +7 ML best bet 5 star lethal:money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money::money:to the bank baby
oh you know...just trying to make a dollar sir-

How you been?
football is almost over with and nothing for me to bet on its going to be real cold . but I like betting on harness racing I don't win but killing time
NDS under 27 1 half well guys winner after winner after winner after winner after winner 1 more game left and boy what a easy game:money::money::money::money::money:
wise I just checked for the 2 time the scores 21-7 OHIO STATE just want I thought OREGON better score the next score or the party is 100 percent over
my partner out on the west cost like I said if OHIO STATE wins we are looking next week at 50.000+ large the MF book better have it remember what we talked about today:money::money::money::money::money:
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