best bet from the best baby 1 game

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guys I dont do this a a lot the last hockey game I gave was a winner MONT+140 today there is a few games that fall right into place bet these games and you will be a winner how much that I really have no clue but you will be a winner worst case lose a little the bets unreal day days like this don't come around to often bol
TB+115 loser
BOSTON-110 bestbet 5 star winner
MONT+105 loser
TOR+115 loser
CAL+105 loser
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yes i'm on all the games myself bol and when I bet this many games most of the time I don' lose:badass:
D8 I don't know anything about hockey but I will join you again. It's a good thing I didn't take the steelers last night . What do you think UMass +7 tonight
D8 I don't know anything about hockey but I will join you again. It's a good thing I didn't take the steelers last night . What do you think UMass +7 tonight
Eagle I agree with you it was PITT or nothing yesterday I never give points on the road I would have taken TENN but not with a Freshmen QB I like U MASS but the starter is not playing I like the under 46.5
Eagle I took UNI -2.5 my god whats wrong with this line this is not public money its wise guy money I dont care the wise guys are wrong OHIO has no QB uni QB is not bad he has 12 TD and 1 int thats a good QB i'n not saying he a great but he is a lot better then OHIO QB that line is at -1 are you kidding me
UNI if i'm wrong cool I could live with that I would feel like a MF dumb fucker if i UNI kills OHIO and I dont take the much better team there is only 1 bet UNI or nothing
but that U mass game should go under way under how in gods name are they going to score with no QB U mass D is not the best but I see both teams running the ball and that means 1 thing clock
I love these hockey games a lot if you see I took home underdogs all won't lose it won't happen
Uni coach is a dumb fuck who screwed us last week. They didn't attempt a single play action even though the Rockets were stacking the box with 8 sometimes 9 players.

I am taking Uni anway, it's pick so it's hard to ignore. Good luck every one
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guys i'm real sorry god dam it I have 2 football games that s my sport and what do I do its called greed MF this will never happen again if UNI wins I really fucked up and good losing on the hockey games
UNI will win like I said the oddsmakers made a real bad line and I bet MF hockey
D8, I'm thinking the Sooners are going to take Kansas to boomtown. Last week was anomaly at home vs. TCU. They are a terrible football team. Keep up the strong work.
D8, I'm thinking the Sooners are going to take Kansas to boomtown. Last week was anomaly at home vs. TCU. They are a terrible football team. Keep up the strong work.
Johnny you would think so but OK doesn't have the killer instinct if the QB is out for OK I could not give 28 points because then comes in a Freshmen I never bet Freshmen QB. KANSAS is a bad team but that's a lot of points to give something is wrong with this team OK plays when they want to play and thats not good betting a team like that yeah OK should kill KANSAS but i'm a underdog better 90+ percent of my bets are underdogs I could never give that many points if I had to bet I would take the 28+ points bol
again i'm so sorry about giving out hockey i'm so mad at myself i'm smarter then that but I thought yesterday was the day for hockey I always think there is nothing that the bookmaker can do to beat me i'm wrong even doing this for so many years its still gets to my head its called greed . winning on both football games only to lose in hockey unreal my own fault we will pound are bookmaker big time this week i'm not bragging but he will never beat me in football or the oddsmakers we might lose here and there but when football is over with your pocket will be full of money . after football its a 100 percent a shut down so lets take our bookmakers money
Guys I went 8-0 last night in college hoops. I posted the picks over at that other site (you know which one). I have the same username over there so you can look it up if you are interested. Anyway, using the same methods I went 8-0 last night with, I picked out 10 picks for tonight and posted them on the college hoops board. Just thought I would share in case you are interested. Just wanting to give back to you D8. Keep an eye on the 7:00pm games...if they are doing well, and you have some extra scratch to spare, you might consider playing the 8:00pm and later games.


Guys I went 8-0 last night in college hoops. I posted the picks over at that other site (you know which one). I have the same username over there so you can look it up if you are interested. Anyway, using the same methods I went 8-0 last night with, I picked out 10 picks for tonight and posted them on the college hoops board. Just thought I would share in case you are interested. Just wanting to give back to you D8. Keep an eye on the 7:00pm games...if they are doing well, and you have some extra scratch to spare, you might consider playing the 8:00pm and later games.


my man Jrock nice job 8-0
Took cav 1h it's a winner and bg +7 1/2 .....let's bg

Jrock nice win last night, next time plus post them on this thread
Took cav 1h it's a winner and bg +7 1/2 .....let's bg

Jrock nice win last night, next time plus post them on this thread
OK. Well they all seem to be doing well so far except for Appy St...that one not so well...still time to get on these if you are interested:

***Wisconsin -15
*****Arkansas -13.5
*No. Colorado +12
***Pepperdine -4
*****Gonzaga -22

Ark and Gonzo I feel may be the best of the 5. Good luck in what you guys decide.
took cavs and nets 1h nba and both winners now I want bg to cover. I will try to get what I can jrock, ty bro
OK. Well they all seem to be doing well so far except for Appy St...that one not so well...still time to get on these if you are interested:

***Wisconsin -15
*****Arkansas -13.5
*No. Colorado +12
***Pepperdine -4
*****Gonzaga -22

Ark and Gonzo I feel may be the best of the 5. Good luck in what you guys decide.
These picks went 4-1 and if you played the units accordingly you would have been up 15 units....hope it helped!!

D-8, new to the forum but been lurking for a while, great season so far...keep it up bro
Get that :money: :cheers3:
D-8, new to the forum but been lurking for a while, great season so far...keep it up bro
Get that :money: :cheers3:
out ty yeah the year has been unreal both college and pro football keep a eye on NC+6 I was hoping for +6.5 so I could buy it to +7 but it looks like its not going there
UAB+20 i'm hoping the public moves this baby to +21
IOWA +10 bad line by the oddsmakers its going to be real cold the under might be the play I will keep a eye on that O/U
CFL my god I like this bet a lot MONT+3.5 bol
my partner out on the west coast we have to call the bookmaker's so we could bet a few dollars more on MONT+3.5 I will call you later
D-8, new to the forum but been lurking for a while, great season so far...keep it up bro
Get that :money: :cheers3:
out you will like this sports site its not the biggest but out of the 4 or 5 big sports sites COVERS/RX FORUM/SBR/PRE GAME/ CTG is the best and i'm not just saying that because i'm here more then the others it has the best of the best cappers PRE GAME will not like this but its the truth don't get me wrong I like posting at PER GAME but this is my fav sport site I could name a lot of good guys and good cappers at CTG and the owners are good guys BAR/STEED and the gang bol
out you will like this sports site its not the biggest but out of the 4 or 5 big sports sites COVERS/RX FORUM/SBR/PRE GAME/ CTG is the best and i'm not just saying that because i'm here more then the others it has the best of the best cappers PRE GAME will not like this but its the truth don't get me wrong I like posting at PER GAME but this is my fav sport site I could name a lot of good guys and good cappers at CTG and the owners are good guys BAR/STEED and the gang bol

Awesome man, looking forward to it...used to be over at SBR a while back but it got a little childish I guess is the word I am looking for, stayed off for a bit but seems like solid folks here so happy to join up!

Like your picks for sure, on UNC tonight as well, also like AF tomorrow night +6
Awesome man, looking forward to it...used to be over at SBR a while back but it got a little childish I guess is the word I am looking for, stayed off for a bit but seems like solid folks here so happy to join up!

Like your picks for sure, on UNC tonight as well, also like AF tomorrow night +6
out81 like you said at sbr/covers its like the site has little kids . CTG does not put up with that bashing someone because you lost a game I mean your going to have losing streaks it happens but yeah I like your AF game I don't get that AF getting 6 I think the public will take a bath today on DUKE I could be wrong but after DUKE F###k UP last week it will hurt this team. NC should score at will on DUKE i'm looking at KS this team should not be getting points its hard to win at WV but KS losing 2 games in a row I can't see that happening not with the coach that KS has this team will find a way to win bol
D8, all good points brother...I agree on Duke, just don't like them as a favorite especially in a rivalry game, liked them more the past couple of years when they really snuck up on people. Have a lot of respect for Cutcliffe because he really turned that ship around. My only worry would be that NC is pretty much out of the race and may lay down late. But we shall see!

I like Kstate too, think they are the better team, but I remember you saying a couple of weeks ago that this was the week to fade Kstate haha...and I know its a lot of points but Sparty -22 at home to Rutgers...have my eye on that, RU losses by average of 33 points against "top" B10 squads...

AF jumped out at me, but still analyzing...almost seems like a sucker bet, better team, unique offense, on the road, getting almost a TD?? MW west division has been atrocious this year, but SD St is 4-0 at home...have to look at this one some more. Not trying to jack the thread with my picks haha, bol bro
D8, all good points brother...I agree on Duke, just don't like them as a favorite especially in a rivalry game, liked them more the past couple of years when they really snuck up on people. Have a lot of respect for Cutcliffe because he really turned that ship around. My only worry would be that NC is pretty much out of the race and may lay down late. But we shall see!

I like Kstate too, think they are the better team, but I remember you saying a couple of weeks ago that this was the week to fade Kstate haha...and I know its a lot of points but Sparty -22 at home to Rutgers...have my eye on that, RU losses by average of 33 points against "top" B10 squads...

AF jumped out at me, but still analyzing...almost seems like a sucker bet, better team, unique offense, on the road, getting almost a TD?? MW west division has been atrocious this year, but SD St is 4-0 at home...have to look at this one some more. Not trying to jack the thread with my picks haha, bol bro
out81 your cool go and post here its all cool I don't have a problem with you posting in my thread . but yeah I thought K S was going to beat TCU I was going to bet WV over K S this week
that SDS game is really crazy I seen this QB for SDS this guy has no arm . he has no deep threat watch how he throws the ball its like he has a spaghetti arm when gamblers and public say trap there is no such thing what trap like a mouse vegas has no clue who is going to win they just make the line and all it takes is for 1 big bet then the public follows thinking that somebody knows something alot of the times the oddsamkers are 100 percent wrong gamblers fall for that trap if its to good to be true in football playing at hiome means the world
how many times do you see a number 1 or number 5 teams playing a team thats not even in the top 25 and the number 5 team is the underdog because home teams means the world in football
how many times do you see a number 1 or number 5 teams playing a team thats not even in the top 25 and the number 5 team is the underdog because home teams means the world in football

Agree dude, its crazy. That's why I like AF, and you hit it above, the SDST QB is rag arm 100%...wounded ducks all day. I think this game is close so I'll take the points

Tailing you on NC tonight +6 prob look at KC and KST too let's get it :moneybill:
Agree dude, its crazy. That's why I like AF, and you hit it above, the SDST QB is rag arm 100%...wounded ducks all day. I think this game is close so I'll take the points

Tailing you on NC tonight +6 prob look at KC and KST too let's get it :moneybill:
out my brother yeah like you said that QB for SDS my god I don't think he has the power to throw a bomb his bomb is like 20 yards like you said its like a duck being shot by a hunter I think you have some real good bets the texas state game is crazy there gettting to many points 6 is to much who is AS to be a chalk I think I all 3 underdogs are good bets
:shake: D8 let us know when u can ..i often tiail u there in CFL and placed a wager...i can get out. Thanks
bones I seen something I did not like it still might be a play but I posted that game to soon. I would hate for this game to lose because I missed a injury about MONT QB its better to lose a little juice then the game sorry my brother:shake:
bones I like these underdogs today I see at least 2-1
K state
TS i'm waiting on that game
guys we are going to have a real big week like last week I see a few games that I think will be winners most of the public will get a big surprise UAB +20 put a little cash on the ML my bookmaker will not have ML I wish he would because UAB could beat MARSHALL
bones i seen something i did not like it still might be a play but i posted that game to soon. I would hate for this game to lose because i missed a injury about mont qb its better to lose a little juice then the game sorry my brother:shake:
absolutely no did no wrong
bones I like these underdogs today I see at least 2-1
K state
TS i'm waiting on that game
i have KSt & TxSt...don't know what to do re Duke/UNC (Duke has been good to me this year, but I can't pull trigger either way)
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