Anybody have a problem with this??


Pretty much a regular
LeBron James says he will not miss any games in the Finals if his second child is born in the next two weeks.

"I'm not missing any games because of the birth of my second child," James told ESPN. "I was there for my first one. It's definitely going to be tough on me but I think she (James' girlfriend, Savannah) understands how much I love my teammates and how much they need me." The due date is June 17th, which is the scheduled date for Game 5 against the Spurs.

I'm not really sure I care either way. I personally think I'd skip a game if I had to, but obviously he can probably fit both in. I think the bad part about the whole quote is him saying how much he loves his teammates and how they need him. Uh, those guys are going to be somewhere else 3 years from now and your kid and hopefully your girl will be around for alot longer. Again, I don't really care either way but he should just say something to the effect of "we'll see how it plays out". Just curious what others' thoughts are on this.
not sure how the kid will feel some day when he reads that comment..... esspecially after Lebron does not win this series and instead wins at least 2-3 others later in his career.

cant they induce the pregnancy to a time more convienient? or is that not a possibility? I agree that he has a choice, I think most would understand the obligation to the team he has as its only chance. But on the flip side your wife is going through hell and your kid is comming into the world. Tough call.
the kid is being born into riches.

he/she'll probably find it in their heart to forgive pops.
I don't see how anyone can have a problem w/ this....this reminds me alot of the Derek Fisher issue...

I'm sure if he thought there was a problem or heard there was, he would be there ASAP..

This is a personal issue and one that should be decided between he/his girlfriend..

No problem by me.
I do think it's a personal issue. I would never do it, even if it was kid number seven or whatever. But it's his business and if his wife is cool with it, to each their own.

But me, personally, I think it makes him selfish.
Love this. Give me a break. Missing the NBA Finals to watch a birth? This could be his only shot to win a title, you never know. Doubtful, but you never know. He was there for the first birth. You guys think Michael Jordan would have missed a Game 7 of the Finals to watch his second kid be delivered? No chance. I can't think of any great one that would.
Doesn't surprise me at all. I'll take an educated guess that the kid was an accident. Doubt he even wants the damn thing.

Think about. 22 years old, possibly one of the greatest players ever, absolutely rich as FUCK. But he's got a girl and now TWO kids. I can't think of ANYONE who would want kids at that stage of his life.
And to answer the question...YES! I definately have a problem with this. You CANNOT put your work before family EVER. Family comes first. And if you think you need to work or must work no matter what, DON'T have a fucking family. Ditch the girl and don't fucking have kids. If you "love" the girl, keep her and take some time thinking about kids. The biggest ordeal in life is having a kid. Ditching the birth of your child for a basketball game is just ashame.
I think Michael Jordan would have skipped out on being there for the birth of his kid for a stakes game of poker or a chance to play another best ball round at Augusta, it doesn't mean I think it's right.

Nor would I think that should or shouldn't justify anything LeBron does, unless he's not his own man.

But, like I said, I think it's a personal choice and so if he thinks a game is more important than being there for the birth of his second child, that's his call, not mine.
I can't think of ANYONE who would want kids at that stage of his life.

There's a giant part of the state of Utah that would disagree with you there, B. Also, down south, marrying young is kind of a goal for some. It's neither right nor wrong, just the way it is for some people, religions, etc.
There's a giant part of the state of Utah that would disagree with you there, B. Also, down south, marrying young is kind of a goal for some. It's neither right nor wrong, just the way it is for some people, religions, etc.

Why do you have to go and bring me into this? It's honestly amazing around here. You'll see a 22 and 23 year old with 3 or 4 kids on a regular basis. 45 year old grandparents everywhere. I can't imagine spending my 20's raising little ones. It's certainly part of the reason that I think many in this state are so messed up. They never have a chance to go out and see the world. Minus Cleveland there are some great places to see. :)
Lebron James is not a normal person. What LEbron does affects millions of people. Lebron has to play in every game of the NBA Finals. This is what is important.

Most people don't understand the above because they are normal people with normal jobs who can be done by most people in the world. LEbron is 1 in 10 billion. No one can do what Lebron does.

This is totally a non story, and LEbron of course would do what any elite athlete in thier sport would do because it affects so many people.
To answer one of the posters above. It is already documented Lebron does want kids so its defintely not an accident. Lebron is not a normal 22 year old man. LEbron hangs out with people most 22 year old people don't even know.