2013 'Bankrupt Ain't Gun Stop Us-But Jimmay WILL' Detroit Tigers Thread...

Smokey said he has a 1 hour time limit and the delay was 1:02. Still stupid as hell. would porcello come back out tonight after an hour? never.
Home / MLB / Predictions on how Indians fans will sound for the rest of 2013

[h=1]Predictions on how Indians fans will sound for the rest of 2013[/h]
  • By NOTSCWill
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  • Updated: May 21, 2013


Right now the Cleveland Indians are on fire…18-4 in their last 22 games, 26-17 overall before the games on May 21st. But, they’re about to play a stretch hosting the Tigers, at the Red Sox, at the Reds, home for the Rays, at the Yankees, at the Tigers, and at the Rangers. Reality isn’t just calling…it’s about to break down the door with a battering ram. So here’s what you can expect to hear Indians fans saying for the rest of 2013.

In May: We’re in first place baby! I love my Cleveland Windians…no one can stop us, not even Chris Perez!
In June: Come on, let’s get it together…this is just a little slump. We can turn it around! We swept the MARINERS, we should be crushing Boston, New York, Detroit, and Texas!
In July: Man, this is so frustrating…yes they’re in 3rd place now and lost 16 of 20, but this team is just a piece or two away. We trade for some help, we’ll be good to go. We can trade Jason Giambi for (ace pitcher/hot hitter on trade block), right? That’s a fair deal. Who cares if he’s 42? He’s JASON GIAMBI!
In August: WHAT THE HELL, why didn’t we trade for (star that got traded elsewhere)?? Those trades we made SUCK! I bet (CLE minor leaguer traded away) becomes a star! This team is driving me to drink.
In September: Ugh, 5th place. I hate this team. Why do I even watch the games? Oh well, maybe next year. (gets on phone) Yes, I’d like to re-new my season tickets please. Sure I’ll pay $50 extra per ticket. You’re moving me 10 rows back too? That’s fine. You want my first born son? I don’t have…yes i’ll go out and conceive one right away.
In October: We could’ve definitely beaten these playoff teams if we (something that wouldn’t have happened) instead of (thing that did happen). Cleveland is just cursed. At least we aren’t the Cubs. The Browns actually look half decent for a change, maybe they can hold it together.
In November: Man the Browns suck…I’d rather be watching the 2013 Indians than this garbage. It’s 3 months till pitchers and catchers, right? Can’t come fast enough.
In December: Well. The Browns are 4-10, the Cavs fired Mike Brown again, Kyrie Irving has demanded a trade. Thank God we’ve got the Indians.

So there you go, 2013 through the eyes of an Indians fan. Try to act surprised when it happens. And if you know an Indians fan, give ‘em a hug now. When they ask why, just say “You’ll need it later. Trust me.”
Very original, who is that comic artist that made at least one guy in Detroit laugh?
Did he just hit another one out? Christ. Saw they were up 2-zip, didn't check how.
Ever read anything about swinging 3-0? Was always interested to see what the correct move was. Almost everyone is taking the whole way... Is that wise? In what situations for what type of hitters? I would read an entire book on it
Yeah he could've turned all over it. 3-0 bases loaded you know you're getting a FB. Dunno why you don't swing away at anything juicy.
i didnt laugh, it just popped up on my twitter, i thought it fit this thread perfectly. normally dont laugh at the truth

Point me to the true part. I especially love the exact opposite-of-reality portrayal of the Indians' unsuccessful attempts at maintaining a season ticket base. Don't let my bravado in this thread fool you. Most of the numb nuts in town don't believe the team can contend. Look at the attendance.

The Browns haven't been half as good as the Indians since their return to the NFL in '99, which is saying a lot, since the Indians haven't been great.

And no one gives a fuck about the Cavs.

My main criticism of the little piece is that the writer's a hack. Cleveland jokes, Detroit jokes, those went out with Johnny Carson.
Point me to the true part. I especially love the exact opposite-of-reality portrayal of the Indians' unsuccessful attempts at maintaining a season ticket base. Don't let my bravado in this thread fool you. Most of the numb nuts in town don't believe the team can contend. Look at the attendance.

The Browns haven't been half as good as the Indians since their return to the NFL in '99, which is saying a lot, since the Indians haven't been great.

And no one gives a fuck about the Cavs.

My main criticism of the little piece is that the writer's a hack. Cleveland jokes, Detroit jokes, those went out with Johnny Carson.

its just from some "not real sportscenter" i follow, so its not meant to be serious. it was just ironic that popped up when i went on twitter....all good fun bro! i know you're a realist
One Hitter, CG SO 12KS

He's our #4 starter


Very rocky, don't think Vinny's healthy. Did you by chance catch a Tigers score at home against the lowly Twins today, probably a dumb question, but my internet's down? (Except for this post.)
nothing to see there tip...its tough to sweep any team sans houston and fish 4 games...like i said 3 of 4 and happy, still in first....walters owns the tigers for some reason, fister settled down and our pen was just fine, encouraging.

i did see kazmir threw 100 plus in 4 or 5 again, he and U taking turns doing it, not gonna be fun for that pen, but i've been over that.
Does "it's only May" only work one way in this thread? I'm in bullpen hell, dude, give me some Memorial Day amnesty.
Tribe has a good opportunity to test my theory on bullpens, plenty of good arms in the organization. Put the best guy in hot water, no matter the inning. Work backwards.
hey man, you came in to our annual tiger thread and popped off with this tribe shit ripping our boys. (i know its all in good fun both ways)

i said its only may, tigers will be fine, and its only may the tribe starting pitching will effect their quality pen no later then july.

ironically, the fact "its only may" at this point is part of the problem for the indians.

ironically, since i joined this thread consistently, the tigers have gained 5 games on the tribe in about a week.

insert tiger cat growling here.......it would sound like...wowwow wow
"came into our annual Tiger thread" ... You make it sound like I burst thru the door this spring. I've been shamelessly talking Tribe in the Tiger thread for years. It's a CTG tradition.
Series is getting a little spicy. This home-and-home thing this time of year makes me feel like it's Tribe-Reds in the NBA Finals.
I said NBA Finals, it's OK. Besides, I already jinxed 'em a couple pages ago before Perez's and Vinnie's arms fell off.
I'm hoping Nick Hagadone gets the start and puts his first pitch in Choo's ear. McAllister can take over after mayhem ensues.
I've invited some Padre fans into the thread today, BAR, should be arriving soon to talk San Diego bases.