2009 CTG Fantasy Baseball League I


5 weeks away from pitchers and catchers reporting so I think we might start the sign ups on the third annual CTG fantasy baseball league.

Looks like H2H was the option most prefer so will start with that and go with 12 teams. The entry fee will be $100. If we fill up 12 spots we will go to a league II if we have enough interested.

Also we need to limit the number or add/drops one can do in a week so we don't have the Boof Bonser's of the world pulling out a late Sunday miracle win.

Not calling anyone out since I started employing the method late in the season as well once my team started getting hit with injuries.

3 transactions per week is what we should do.

Let me know who wants in this year...

1. SHSUHorn
2. Smith1051
3. t-dot
4. signal caller
5. grind for mine
6. tide high
7. Bossup
8. Kramer
9. Smokedawg
10.Yanks 26
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I wouldnt mind like a 120 transaction limit. IIRC some teams had over 300 last year. 120 seems like a good number. That still figures out to picking up 1 guy every day from April to July
I found that leagues who employ a per week compared to a per year thing work out the best. Three transactions are probably the best bet per week. Had two a week in one league last year, and 95% of the time that was plenty. Missed out on Kershaw though when he was called up on a Thursday when I used my adds for the week though.
I would not mind doing a 50 auction draft. But the 100, competitive one I want to stick with the regular format
I'd do an auction, actually prefer it. That's what I'm used to.
I found that leagues who employ a per week compared to a per year thing work out the best. Three transactions are probably the best bet per week. Had two a week in one league last year, and 95% of the time that was plenty. Missed out on Kershaw though when he was called up on a Thursday when I used my adds for the week though.

I was thinking per week as well. 3 seems like a perfect number as well.
Im in... im probably donating 100 bucks but i dont liek betting on basbeall so this is a way i can still keep up on the sport
Im in... im probably donating 100 bucks but i dont liek betting on basbeall so this is a way i can still keep up on the sport

Same here man. Withdrawing all funds so i dont blow it on Baseball. I still like following the sport so Fantasy Baseball is the perfect way
What the hell...someones gotta represent the WFC...im in (read: donating my entry fee)

You can just keep the 100 i won in the nfl survivor pool...
Look at the pitching staff I ended up having up for the Championship week. How I managed this, I have no clue

<TABLE class=teamtable id=statTable1 style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 750px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR class="odd first"><TD class="playersimple first">Cha Seung Baek (SD - SP,RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">141.0</TD><TD class=stat>6</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>92</TD><TD class=stat>4.79</TD><TD class="stat last">1.34</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">Dave Bush (Mil - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">185.0</TD><TD class=stat>9</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>109</TD><TD class=stat>4.18</TD><TD class="stat last">1.14</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="playersimple first">Mike Hampton (Hou - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">78.0</TD><TD class=stat>3</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>38</TD><TD class=stat>4.85</TD><TD class="stat last">1.42</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">J.A. Happ (Phi - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">31.2</TD><TD class=stat>1</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>26</TD><TD class=stat>3.69</TD><TD class="stat last">1.33</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="playersimple first">Hong-Chih Kuo (LAD - SP,RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">80.0</TD><TD class=stat>5</TD><TD class=stat>1</TD><TD class=stat>96</TD><TD class=stat>2.14</TD><TD class="stat last">1.01</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">Seth McClung (Mil - SP,RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">105.1</TD><TD class=stat>6</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>87</TD><TD class=stat>4.02</TD><TD class="stat last">1.41</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="playersimple first">David Price (TB - RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">14.0</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>12</TD><TD class=stat>1.93</TD><TD class="stat last">0.93</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">Odalis Pérez (Was - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">159.2</TD><TD class=stat>7</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>119</TD><TD class=stat>4.34</TD><TD class="stat last">1.48</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="playersimple first">James Shields (TB - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">215.0</TD><TD class=stat>14</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>160</TD><TD class=stat>3.56</TD><TD class="stat last">1.15</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">Andy Sonnanstine (TB - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">193.1</TD><TD class=stat>13</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>124</TD><TD class=stat>4.38</TD><TD class="stat last">1.29</TD></TR><TR class=odd><TD class="playersimple first">José Valverde (Hou - RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">72.0</TD><TD class=stat>6</TD><TD class=stat>44</TD><TD class=stat>83</TD><TD class=stat>3.38</TD><TD class="stat last">1.18</TD></TR><TR class=even><TD class="playersimple first">Billy Wagner (NYM - RP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">47.0</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>27</TD><TD class=stat>52</TD><TD class=stat>2.30</TD><TD class="stat last">0.89</TD></TR><TR class="odd last"><TD class="playersimple first">Jered Weaver (LAA - SP)</TD><TD class="stat wide">176.2</TD><TD class=stat>11</TD><TD class=stat>0</TD><TD class=stat>152</TD><TD class=stat>4.33</TD><TD class="stat last">1.28</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I led the entire league from day one until the end of the season. I'll never for get the semifinal with rexy because

A) i had no laptop due to Hurricane Ike.

B) the weather ppds that week were retarded

C) rexy and I were tied up 5-5 going to the last Sunday night game.

In the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs a players hits a bottom of the 9th two out game winning grand slam with rexy player intentionally walked on second he goes pass me on runs and my pitcher Danks doesn't get the assured win leaving me in a tie in wins. We end up tied 5-5 and rexy advances cause ERA is the tiebreaker.

One of the worst beats ever cause the falling week my team would've killed either rex or signal.
I won the semi finals and the finals I believe by 0.01 ERA. More stess than any bet I have ever made. I remember I had Kenny Rogers on Sunday night game against the Sox and he gave up 5 runs in the 6th. Thought I lost and ended up winning by 0.01.
That was my squad you nipped in the semis, sig, I made a few blunders that semi-final weekend. Have to say, that was THE most competitive fantasy sports league I've ever competed in. I'm sure we're in for more of the same this season. May draft a pitcher before the tenth round this season, I think I went into last April with Clay Buchholz as my staff ace. I was all hit, no pitch, all season long, with a sprinkle of saves.
Also need thoughts for prize payouts with the pool being $1200. I think with as grueling and long of a regular season that person should get something.

1. 550
2. 350
3. 200
Regular season champ - $100

Any suggestions?
Also I'm reserving the final spot for Rex since he's been away from the computer and he's been in this league every year plus I need some payback.

We can start a second league if we have anyone else interested.
Horn, the prize payouts don't make a ton of difference to me, but if you're collecting votes, I'd say nothing for the reg. season champ in a HTH league with playoffs. There's a roto format for that. HTH format is designed to reward the hot team at the right time.

And I know this will get zero support, but I always promote "winner-take-all", in this case $1200, in fantasy sports. Or at least eliminate the 3rd-place prize. I think I was in that consolation round last season, and I honestly can't tell you what happened. Who cares?

My two cents. I'll go with whatever you guys want. Pitchers, catchers in about a month, right?
And i guess I'll be the money collector this year. $100 needs to be payed via paypal before the draft. When would be a good time for a draft? How close to the season?
horn, I don't do paypal, I'm a cash customer, just like last year when BAR collected. Come March, pm me your postal address, I'll send you a crisp Franklin.
How about something like Thursday March 12 for the draft night? Prize payout do not really matter to me.
I've always gone Roto when it comes to baseball, but looking forward to participating in a H2H format for the first time. I'm with Tip when it comes to the payout. I'd prefer to cut off third and make the league a bit more top-heavy, and wouldn't be opposed to a winner-take-all... My vote would be 900-300 or 700-300-200 (if we include reg season winner). I'd prefer having the draft early to mid March/spring training and can be available any time of the day or night..
As far as payouts i think it should be something like:

1st: 600
2nd: 300
3rd: 200
Reg season champ: 100

As for the draft, I think it should be as close to the season as possible...especially with the WBC this year and the potential for injuries to big time guys...and as for day and time...im good pretty much any time except Wednesday nights
I am good for the draft with the big exception being tuesdays or Fridays. Saturdays down work very well either. I was thinking Sundays are the best. Everyone usually just stays home on Sundays anyways.
I'm going to set the league up and draft. Does Sunday sound cool for everyone in mid-March?

Also the payments need to be sent to me via paypal. Not trying to be a cheap ass but send me $102.50 so that I believe covers the fees. ehoffman@lesl.com is my address.

If you need to pay by another means then PM me.
Shit I might be leaving for Cancun that day. Anyway you can make it the 22nd Horn?
As far as payouts i think it should be something like:

1st: 600
2nd: 300
3rd: 200
Reg season champ: 100

As for the draft, I think it should be as close to the season as possible...especially with the WBC this year and the potential for injuries to big time guys...and as for day and time...im good pretty much any time except Wednesday nights

I actually like that one the best.