2008 CTG Fantasy FB League I ONLY


$100 League I

1. SHSUHorn
2. TideHigh
3. Kramer
4. T-dot
5. Marlo Stanfield
6. Believe811
7. Wearo Dog
8. JumponBoard
9. Smith1051
10. Seabass
11. Bossup
12. Troutman

I need each of you to vote on two things. How we want the league set up and how me want the winnings split up. Let’s try not to have 12 different ideas as this is hard enough to put together.

I think go with yahoo as the league setup and to have the waiver pickups not be able to made until Tuesday with draft order setting the waiver priority order is gonna be best for all of us and the most fair. What do you think here?

On the lineups:

Option 1

Team Defense

Option 2

Team Defense

On the winnings I’ll need input. We can’t do the weekly winner thing again because it’s a pain in the ass to send payments out to 10 different people. Open to suggestions but these were two options I thought of:

Option 1

1st Place - $550
2nd Place - $350
3rd Place - $200
Regular Season Winner - $100

Option 2

1st Place - $650
2nd Place - $350
3rd Place - $200

What do you guys think?
Waiver order is fine as long as once you use your pick you go back to the bottom. THere should also be a window of oppurtunity for the top waiver holders to make thier pick. After Wednesday I think it should be fair game for everyone......Does that make sense? So if i want to swap my kicker after everyone has picked up I shouldnt loose my waiver position for next week, right?
option 2 for lineups option 2 for payouts

A payout compromise that we have in a baseball league I'm in...scrap the regular season money, but if the regular season champ doesn't finish top 3, he takes the 3rd place money instead of the 3rd place winner...
i'm with trout on waivers.

i'd be down for a keeper

i'd be against seabass compromise idea. i'd rather have the money defined staticly, pre-draft.
Guys let's try to set up a keeper league possibly next year. See who's interested after two seasons and who still is around.

Will get it going alot earlier then a month before our draft.
option 2
option 1

If we go keeper, we should start this year. Then the keeper rule would go into affect next season instead of 2 seasons from now.
no keeper league

i think it is a real mistake not to give any money out to regular season winner (think this is more important than post season payouts)

i think we're at the point tho where we should seriously start thinking about a draft date
no keeper league

i think it is a real mistake not to give any money out to regular season winner (think this is more important than post season payouts)

i think we're at the point tho where we should seriously start thinking about a draft date

Not that I'm America's most social guy, but I'd appreciate a nonFri/Sat...
I have found out that I have to work for the late for the City, Monday and Tuesday. Can we do the draft on
Sunday afternoon or night.
Monday or Tuesday after 11:00pm
or Wednesday Night any time.......?????????
Wednesday Aug 20th would be better, but if that does not work I can do Thursday

Haha ironically I feel the same exact way. Maybe I can get my open bar moved to Weds Aug 20th instead...lol

Otherwise, I've drafted while drunk before and its gone fine...just don't get me talkin...:cheers:

Wednesday August 20

9:00PM Eastern

I'm just trying to set a date down. It's actually getting pretty late for all of this. Each of the 3 leagues have to be on different days since some people are in multiple leagues. The Commish has to reserve the date/time on YAHOO! (And they DO fill up fast). And CTG needs to collect 36 payments in about 2 1/2 weeks.

Wednesday August 20

9:00PM Eastern

I'm just trying to set a date down. It's actually getting pretty late for all of this. Each of the 3 leagues have to be on different days since some people are in multiple leagues. The Commish has to reserve the date/time on YAHOO! (And they DO fill up fast). And CTG needs to collect 36 payments in about 2 1/2 weeks.

Ha, sweet.

Were we supposed to be sending Paypal money already tho? If we are I'll ship a payment off - just didn't realize it was time...
So right now it seems all these guys are good for:

Wednesday August 20
9:00PM Eastern


That's pretty good 7 out of 12. Hopefully the other 5 can fit it into their schedules.
Ha, sweet.

Were we supposed to be sending Paypal money already tho? If we are I'll ship a payment off - just didn't realize it was time...

I'm not involved this year. I just wanted to get things going cause last year was tough getting some payments in on time. And guys drop out and stuff. And also I remember last year we didn't pick a draft day/time in the NBA til' late and we were stuck drafting on a Friday night. I'd probably contact Horn, Jump, or BAR for payment.

Wednesday August 20

9:00PM Eastern

I'm just trying to set a date down. It's actually getting pretty late for all of this. Each of the 3 leagues have to be on different days since some people are in multiple leagues. The Commish has to reserve the date/time on YAHOO! (And they DO fill up fast). And CTG needs to collect 36 payments in about 2 1/2 weeks.


Wednesday August 20

9:00PM Eastern

I'm just trying to set a date down. It's actually getting pretty late for all of this. Each of the 3 leagues have to be on different days since some people are in multiple leagues. The Commish has to reserve the date/time on YAHOO! (And they DO fill up fast). And CTG needs to collect 36 payments in about 2 1/2 weeks.

I cant do it wednesday.....Whats wrong with Thurday? That was the orignial date proposed.
I also can not do it Wednesday, my son comes back from Maxwll Air Force Base
that evening and goes back to college the next day so my time will be with him getting him back to normal. Can do thursday. If Weds. is the only day let me know so ya'll can get a replacement for me. I would like to play again but as you can see my prioities are elsewhere. Thanks
Okay everyone needs to pick the days out of the week they will be available to draft.

Any week in August

MON - Anytime
TUE - Anytime
WED - Anytime
THU - Anytime
FRI - No
SAT - No
SUN - Anytime
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week of 25th
wednes-start at 7:30 or earlier
sun-start at 7:30 or earlier

any other week

mon-start at 7:30 or earlier
tues-start at 7:30 or earlier
wednes-start at 7:30 or earlier
sun-start at 7:30 or earlier
Nada August 8-9-10
Nada August 15-17
Nada on Tuesday nights
Wednesday nights are a possibility

Everything else will work for me.
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I'm good any night but Wednesday the 20th, I'll also be in Port A- Fri. and Sat. the 15th and 16th. Let me know..
MON - Anytime post 5 est
TUE - Anytime post 5 est
WED - Anytime post 5 est
THU - Anytime...Aug 21 not great
FRI - No
SAT - No
SUN - Anytime