Week 1

Bunch of blacked out stupid posts last night. Got a wager here. Won 3 in a row so that's good.

Miami at Ville -5, at -102 risking 200 to win 196

The main reason I took Ville is cuz the Miami coach said Brad Kaaya nudged out Jake Heaps for the starting job, that isn't good for Miami. Jake Heaps was awful at BYU and Kansas. A heap of steaming turds. A close battle and he nudged him out, is what Golden said. I'm just kind of hoping the Ville qb is much better than Jake Heaps ha, we'll see. Can't really tell however, Gardner hasn't played much, so who the hell knows. Ville does have a strong o line coming back at least to help out Gardner.
Really Miami's overall numbers last year didn't equate to them being a 9-4 team either. Their numbers looked like a more mediocre team, 6-7 or so is what they looked like to me. Didn't really dominate in any phase last year. We'll see, Ville does have a bunch of new guys though on defense where they were really kick ass last year, gonna have to see how good some of these new guys are. There are a helluva lot of question marks tonight fo sho on this game. Was gonna just pass on it, but didn't.
Thanks manchester, you to.

Man welcome to college football is right haha. Oh man Kaaya won't be around long if he takes shots like that ouch, helmet to the chest bang. He didn't look like he liked that much.
Yep same old Miami, not ready for a good team on the road nope. Man the Huskers are gonna destroy these fucking guys ha, ass kicking tonight and when Miami comes to Lincoln, another blood bath.
Damn Burgess get outta the way of that *****, he just lowers the boom every hit. Out there hurting people haha.
This couldn't have started much better woo hoo. Laid a huge hit on the youngster qb, and a real nice TD drive, bang.
Looking good boys, looking good. That punting game is the only worry right now for me. Everything else looks a okay to me.
Damn, early on I was thinking it was gonna be an easy night, guess not. Really if Ville would quit biting on the play action so hard they would be doing fine. All the throws he hit so far were off that. Really does suck about that fumble they blew dead too, would be 14-10 Ville then.
Don't really know about this one now. Probably should have passed on it, like I said before. Still does seem like Ville is really shutting down the Miami run game at least. That Freshman Kaaya isn't looking too good either, I mean he has hit guys wide open off the play action, but that is the extent of the passing game.
There we go baby. Better team is gonna take over now I think. Was wondering though, I was like, ummm, need to take over here soon ha.
Man that was some luck on that call there, ineligible down field. Technically it was the right call though. Need a damn FG here.
Easy winna, ha, not really, but I will take it. Some hectic moments in the 4th quarter there. Yeah easy winner, well won by 18 spread only 5, yep easy ha. Miami better get ready to take their whooping in Lincoln in a few weeks.
Oh yeah it's Labor Day today forgot about that. Don't know anything about that, took care of that problem ha, getting fired. Well if things go how I want then I won't have to. Shit I don't even have that much more money from my stocks money I took out. Would have to really light it up in football, never know I guess. I do get just on fire, and then the wheels fall off always ha, if I could just make a sustained push.
Gonna have to think some more about week 2 now. At least I got some positive momentum going 4 wins in a row. 1 I didn't post the LSU win, I really wasn't thinking I was gonna bet that day. Just cuz I was in a bad mind frame over all that dumb shit with that guy. I mean it fucks with you when somebody threatens to send the cops after you. Jail is a bad thing, even just 4 or 5 hours before bail is terrible, seems like a week or more. Fuck a month in there is like 10 years ha, oh you don't want that if you haven't been. Well it's just a bunch of fucked up dudes, and most of em are nuts. Then you have a damn cell mate, if I could be alone that would be much better. Pooping in front of a dude, that is really strange. Then in Lincoln anyway it is community TV, so you have to watch something retarded always. Those stupid fucks in there never wanna watch a game either. Suppose if Husker football was on then maybe.
Last time I was in jail I remember my 2 cell mates, had 2 cuz I was there long enough ha. One of em the first one got sent off to Leavenworth on federal drug charges, he was actually pretty cool. Kind of was the drug kingpin here, and would tell everybody to leave me alone that I'm a solid dude, a good white boy ha. Then my next cell mate was a total d bag, and he was in there for beating up his girl, stand up guy there, Ray Rice haha.
That one guy that was in there the drug kingpin of Lincoln he was facing 25 years or something damn, that is crazy. Was funny cuz he knew everybody in there all the black guys that were in there for drugs. They were like this guy is the fucking the OG.. He had 10 kids too, ha, that is always a good thing 10 kids.
Shit that Miami game at the Huskers, that isn't gonna be close. Watched both teams, I'm sure of it. That won't be a game at half, it will be a beat down fo sho. I'm ready to fire on that game.
I mean the Miami d line looked tough, and linebackers they played well tonight, but Ville I really don't think their o line is as good as the Huskers, we'll see I guess. Plus Ville doesn't have anybody anywhere close to Abdullah in the backfield. Ville's RB's are mediocre at best, Abdullah for the Huskers is top dog no doubt. If he gets blocking look out. Fuck Duke Johnson, I would rather have Abdullah if you ask me, I mean Duke Johnson is a good back fo sho, but give me Abdullah. Really I don't think it is that close, between Abdullah and Johnson, call me a homer, but I watch em and I like Abdullah better. Abdullah has had some pretty bad o lines since he has been here, but still has put up big numbers. Think this is the year here, calling for the Heisman haha, that is a crazy call, wonder what odds I could get there. May check that out. Well Heisman though the Huskers would have to win the Big 10 or there is no way there.
Have ESPN on in the background, just showed the MNF commercial. My bro always gets so pumped on that, cuz he is always like B Marsh baby, let's get it, bear down. Big Bears fan he is. I don't have a NFL team anymore, just whoever I bet on.
Fuck damn it, 5 dimes doesn't have Heisman odds up. Really though that would be a damn reach taking a RB to win it, a QB always does now. There would be some healthy odds on Abdullah though to win it ha. Like I said before though it would require the Huskers to win the Big 10, and I don't know about that, they could, but Michigan St on the road and Wisconsin on the road those won't be easy. Then Ohio St or Michigan St in the title game, not easy there either.
Ha I remember watching the high school highlights of all our big RB's we had coming in that year, there was the highly touted Aaron Green, and Braylon Heard, who is now at Kentucky, then the forgotten guy Ameer Abdullah. I told my brother I was like man look at this guy he is unbelievable, fuck Green or Heard. Nobody had him rated high, we just scooped him up late outta Alabama. The after thought was Abdullah, and the best of em all.
Taking a stab on the Heisman with Abdullah haha, that would not be a real smart move. Unless they were offering fuck I don't know, gotta think about this, maybe 40-1 ha. They wouldn't be either, probably fucking 12-1 or something stupid.
Fuck I better start looking at week 2 a bit more. Not big on firing right away, always take my time. Think it's time to roll, it's on baby. Will start a new thread with week 2 bets here at some point. Sort of doubt I will bet anything tonight.
It is funny about jail, that I was talking about earlier. The guy that should have been facing 25 years for beating his chick, and was totally nutso, I didn't talk to him, that cell mate. Not much time for that guy. But the guy that was pretty cool, and a decent guy he was getting 25 years for drugs ha, that's the way it is though. Shit he wasn't nuts at all, just trying to feed his 10 kids lol. I mean it was interesting what he was talking about with his operation ha. Just glad there was no butt sex in the jail ha, I don't think that happens unless you end up in a penitentiary or something. Would have to be some more long term kind of situation, I think. Shit that may be all overblown anyway. I don't think anybody was getting butt raped in the Lincoln jail haha, guess not sure ha. Good thing I'm fat and ugly, don't have to worry about that ha.
I am lucky I didn't get the penitentiary. It is funny cuz me and my brother always give his wife shit about how I got off with barley any time, and her cousin got 3 years haha. I mean we basically did the same thing, but I am white, and my dad has a bunch of big time lawyer friends, and he is one too. So I get the best lawyer in the state to defend me, get barely any time ha. Then my brothers wife her cousin is black and he had a state appointed lawyer, and they just threw the book at his ass.
She gets really pissed, but we always do it when were drinking, that is not right ha, we should be more considerate.
That is why you need to be white and have rich parents, we always say something kind of like that, she gets so pissed, haha, pretty funny. Well her whole family is broke ass, I think anyway, as far as I know.
Yeah if your looking for politically correct, your in the wrong place lol. Man, I just lay it all out there. I should probably shut up about some things, I have a good time though talking to myself on here.
I remember in jail one of my cell mate's buddies that drug kingpin guy, well he was a kid maybe 19 or so, but I remember he just laid a beat down on this guy. Cuz that kid got out of the shower, and the guy was just eyeing him, then he was like you fucking queer what are you looking at you Yag bitch, and then oh shit he beat his ass. Really though if somebody got an idea you were doing anything you were fucked, whether you were or not. I was just getting out of the way trying not get hit haha, it was pretty funny. That sucked too, the community showers. Some people don't mind that, I hate it. Well a lot of people shower after working out, you know at the gym or something, I never did that when I belonged to one a long time ago, would always go home. Shit I didn't even go in the locker room barely ever, there were always old guys just walking around with their fucking dongs hanging out. I always thought man, put some damn pants on, what the hell? Just letting it hang haha.
I am about a 1.75 liter in now, oh my, this is not good. But ya know I like to get faded, and shit I'm celebrating niggaz ha. 4 in a row, shit you can't beat that with a stick. Well, ya know I got something for their ass this week, not sure yet, but I am gonna bring the hammer baby. Fuck you can try bookies, but it ain't happening baby Tuck is on the prowl now. Fuck I've been through a lot, this is no sweat. No job, but no pressure, I don't feel it, fuck nothing gets to me, I'm tough mothafucka.
Ha I talk big now, and then a disaster will happen. Plenty of time, no rush on the games. It is kinda funny like I logged on to covers where I used to belong, and guys were claiming Miami is a total lock and this and that, haha, that site is more for fade material than anything else, fuck some stupid bitches on there fo sho. Shit Miami, when have they ever done anything haha, I mean luckily somehow they went 9-4 last year, but their stats didn't reflect it, their numbers looked like 6-7 at best, and I don't know about that really, shit they could have not made a damn bowl game with how terrible they were.
Fuck Miami's numbers from last year, you could look at those and project a 5-7 team easily last year, miss a damn bowl game, haha, anybody betting those guys tonight were fucking crazy. Ville though they had a bunch of new guys for sure, more than Miami did, but they were the right play.
Miami better just forfeit the Husker game, shit they are gonna get their ass beat, that won't be close, ummm, no. Don't even bother coming up here baby, we got something for ya.
Went to national championship game in '02 at the Rose Bowl, Dorsey lit up the Huskers. Holy shit that was a beatdown.
Ha Miami 9-4 last year, well they better hope they get to a bowl game this year. They could, but I don't know about that. It was funny I would open up a thread on covers and no reasoning ever or any breakdown. Just retards making claims, I mean that is fine and all, but why bother posting if you aren't gonna make a case for your bet? Seems stupid to me, but then that is how it always was on covers, there would be some guy that would get hot for 4 weeks or so, and then everybody would be slobbing his ball sack, and all the while no evidence of why he was betting teams, then it would fall apart quickly.
Hey, Kj, don't wanna hear about that. That Miami team isn't coming to Lincoln back in the day. Right now the Huskers are for realz, you can say whatever, but I've seen what I've seen, I mean we will see here when Miami comes, but I think they are leaving bloodied and beaten. I have not seen a Husker team worth a damn since '99, and this is the team baby, we will see here, but I like em a lot. Fuck I could be wrong fo sho, have been many times before, but I just saw something Saturday, and I don't know, maybe I'm wrong and they will suck ass get beat. I really don't think so.
Man that Miami team was loaded, Andre Johnson right in my face, I was in the endzone. Portis and Shockey too, just unfair.
Oh hell yeah kj, fo sho, that was a beast of a team. Payback this year, this Miami team this year is shit, and the Huskers have their best team since '99, will say it, will claim it. I just watched em dominate Saturday, and I have not seen it since then, I am sure, I saw it, we'll see, but I know man, I know niggaz.
Also saw that Miami team lose to OSU the next year in the title game, when McGahee put his knee on backwards. 95% Ohio State fans, mythical PI call in the endzone. Stadium was nuts.