Week 1

Why didn't the line block like that for Cochran? Damn it, he woulda hit that guy. Stupid ass Whitmer why did they put him in. I could throw harder than him.
Wooooooooo TD Uconn, let's get back in this. Yeah right, hell ya never know I guess being at home. Looks very unlikely however, unless BYU has more turnovers.
Guess I'm 1-3 now on college so far. Should be 2-2, that Tulane debacle was retarded. Well hopefully Houston and Arizona come through for me. Then at least would be about at even anyway for the 2 days.
I was gonna bet Marshall, but saw Miami Ohio has a highly touted prospect, well out of high school coming at QB. A transfer from Notre Dame, so suppose I better not just in case he does a little something. If they didn't have that guy they would lose by 40 or so, but who knows with him coming in. Shit I may take em anyway, Marshall has a real nice secondary, and a bunch of guys back on defense. Laying 24 road points that may not be the best idea.
That Houston defense looks like it is talking some serious smack out there. Probably all Houston area gangstas. Bet there are some threats going on out on that field lol, I cannot quit thinking about that stupid shit.
Apparently all the Houston players were drinking before the game. Had a snap hit the qb in the face, then the punter just let's it go through his hands, wow.
Damn, when it rains it pours. Son of a bitch. Guess Arizona could still cover. Shit I wanna go to the Husker game tomorrow just hang with my bro at the bars before the game that is always a good time, but already agreed to give up the ticket to my brother's wife. Just might go with em I guess go to the bar and stay there by myself and watch games ha. Oh well, shit is just going terrible, and I'm worried about some idiot coming after me now, sending the cops here. For me, I mean I don't get a big hard on getting others in trouble, but some people do I guess. Fuck he texted me he was, that d bag. Like I said before, if anything happens I will come after him with a charge, cops going there as well.
Don't have a car anymore since the DWI, no license, so if I go to the bars with em, I'm stuck until the game is over.
Yeah Schrute, just sucks how I can't control the tv's you know. Cuz every tv will be on the Husker game at 230 our time, and I won't get to watch my bets.
Shit you go to any bar in Lincoln and the Huskers are playing there is no way you will get another game on anywhere, ummm no.
Suppose I could put another game on my phone ha. I don't see good enough to know what the hell is going on when I watch on my phone.
All the damn headaches this dude has given me, man, it is crazy. I mean I won't do anything to him, just wish he would tell me we're cool drop it. I mean jail is awful, probation is awful, and I don't know if he knows what he is gambling on there, if you haven't been, you don't know, trust me, about being in jail. Cuz I will bring a damn charge his way if he fucks me, as soon as I make bail.

I mean that guy agreed to split those pick 5 horse tickets, knowing ahead of time, well if we win that guy will send me money, and I did. What he was thinking is what I'm talking about, it would be obvious to any cops I am right about this. Then if I lose I'm not paying, so gambling for free.

He had no intention ever of splitting tickets, it was win, or not pay if there are losers. I mean I kept contacting him, after we lost, and he would give me all these fucking excuses about why he couldn't pay. Then he hit a 20 k pick 5 with his dad or something, he sent the ticket to me via text before the horses left the gate. And the guy still doesn't pay what he owes, I mean what the hell? Then he gloats about it to me on the phone, and doesn't pay me. I mean that is ridiculous there, fuck he deserves an ass kicking.
Sorry tuck, it's hard to read that stuff anymore, your obsession with this isn't healthy. Why not just talk about the shit you can control, like your wagers, what's happening tomorrow, etc?

Everyone knows the guy's a dbag, just let it go. It's causing far more harm than it's worth, your brain is taking a toll.
Yeah I need to forget about it there kj. I am just going nuts now, and it is affecting my bets I think. I am gonna not talk about it ever again there kj. Man, it just wears on you though. It is hard to read for sure I think, by anybody, including myself.
Woooooo TD Arizona, damn that was nice. 85 yard run for Wilson. Could win this one at least salvage something.
Fucking no more talking about that crap with that guy. I am gonna make my bets then go to the bar tomorrow, I need to get out of my house and see somebody and hang out and drink and have a good time. I have been just sitting here stewing about that shit all week.
Better just make my bets tomorrow morning. Then call my bro, and have him come pick me up and go to the bars.

Well kj, it is not really the 600 bucks I'm worried about, it is what he said to me about how he is sending the cops here cuz I threatened him. I was just all drunk, and it had been a month, and I just blew up and let him have it. Was pretty stupid really, but I was pissed cuz I was losing at the time, and then he never sent the money.

Will not say anymore about it. Whatever happens, will happen.
Zona won, looks like anyway, unless UNLV rallies for a backdoor cover.

I am just so stressed right now, I better go to bed and make bets in the morning, oh my, stressed is an understatement.
Damn it I should be going to the Husker game tomorrow with my bro. Row 43 North end zone. I mean we are loud there, but everybody else just sits there always, we have such a dead crowd now. Fuck there is no noise at all. I mean a little in big games, but otherwise no. There are these dumb ass guys that sit behind us that always yell cheaters when the other team gets a flag, and then the other people around us yell it, haha, that is pretty retarded, I don't yell it. I think his name is Gene, or maybe that's the other guy next to him not sure. But after the other team gets a penalty and the ref announces it, he goes 1,2,3, counts it down you know, then everybody yells cheaters! Ha that is really lame, and retarded, but whatever, they don't get up or yell for anything else.
Too bad I can't hit my bro's wife, haha. I mean she is a bigger chick though, Husker DT is her dad, former Husker DT. I do like the black chicks, me and my bro are exactly alike in that way, liking black chicks.
Ha I talk about stupid shit on here all the time. She is cute though in the face my bro's wife, although bigger for sure. Like I said, she could kick my ass, not my bro though no, he could Ray Rice her ass ha, but he wouldn't do that. I am gonna bet Navy I think, I don't know fuck could bet the under too.
Haha, yeah kj, that would be some stress. She wouldn't bang me anyway, I mean I would if given the opportunity for sure, but she wouldn't. My big fat ass, shit no way. Well my bro though isn't a total stud, but he is at least a big dude 6 foot 4 300, and he doesn't have man boobs everywhere and a huge gut like me. He's just a big dude. A little overweight, and some flab hanging, but not like me, oh no, not close. Fuck I need to pay, or I'm not getting any.
Just admitted to me having man boobs ha, that is great. But I do now, damn it, sucks being 38, and a huge drunk.
Fuck I may take West Virginia ha. Keep on taking those home dogs that blow ass, the Uconn pick worked out nicely. That does seem like a lot of points though, when the guy that was supposed to start is not, so apparently nobody is doing well. Who knows, I mean just reading between the lines there. You wonder though why Coker isn't starting, that can't be good I wouldn't think.
I don't really like that Georgia qb, he is pretty terrible. Maybe I should think about Clemson. Shit that guy was terrible in the bowl game, lost to the Huskers, and my boys didn't really do much to earn that, he was just awful. Watched the whole fucking debacle, yeah it was a debacle, man that was a retard fight. Wonder if Clemson has shit this year, if they do the plus points might not be a bad idea.
Damn it I remember getting all fired up for the Huskers opening the season, and going to the game. Not anymore, I give my ticket away lol. I mean it is probably never gonna be like it was I guess, oh well. Would be nice if some more Nebraska farm boys were bad asses like they used to be, now they just suck ha. Where are all those crazy farm boys now, that would throw hay bails, ha, they don't have em now. Guess I better deal with my mediocre team here. Since all my Nebraska farm boys are weak sauce now. They used to kick ass for us.
I mean we used to have quite a few starters from Nebraska, and those guys would just be bad asses, usually on the line, but now, no, it is fucked up. Damn soft motherfucking farm boys now, ha, well maybe it will come back for us.
I don't think I'm betting today. I am too stressed out about this stupid shit with that guy on here. So a great 2-4 opening week for me. Maybe later I guess after drinking I will place a few bets, we'll see. Right now I am just gonna go to the bar and drink and watch the Huskers kick ass at 2:30 hopefully. Not completely sold on the Huskers kicking ass, I mean I would rather bet them than Florida Atlantic, but not sure.

So maybe some bets later ha, why did I even post this. I do always just post about nothing quite a bit.
Tuck, what is the guy doing that you are all worried?
I take it as you threatened him and he pushed back with the going to the cops thing(days ago). If you let it go, I am sure nothing will happen. Unless this guy is a major fucking pussy.
Unless there is now more to the story
I keep thinking I wanna bet today, but shit I would just come up with some horrible plays I'm sure like I have all week.

Dudley, I was just drunk as shit Sunday night and just layed into the guy, just pissed ya know cuz he didn't send the 636 bucks he owed me for a month. Which was stupid, but I did, so whatever. No nothing more to the story. I wouldn't think he would be that big a puss, but who knows with kids these days ha. I mean he said to me the next day, well you have threatened me and my family, and I have them documented now, and so do the cops. Really I am not gonna do anything about it, and hope it goes away. Fuck his cop threat is way worse than what I did. I would rather get my ass kicked than go to jail for even a week, that sucks ass, jail.
Fuck he is not going to do anything if it was a week ago
Guy is a straight up scumbag though
Boooooooom baby Huskers rolled ass ha, 784 yards on offense. I was in heaven. That is all I wanted out of the day, was for the Huskers to roll ass, yes, something went right. I watched the other teams in the division, fucking Iowa looked terrible. Wisconsin did look pretty decent there tonight, but I think we can take em. I am excited about my Huskers for the 1st time in years a long time. I mean it isn't that Florida Atlantic is any damn good, or they may suck, but to do that to anybody 784 yards of offense and hold em to 200 yards about. That is an accomplishment, especially considering Florida Atlantic went 6-6 last year.

Top play on sportscenter baby, Jordan Westerkamp, behind the back catch, yeah niggaz, we comin this year baby, Huskers jeah. Wooooooooooo I am fired up ha. Granted it is Florida Atlantic, but damn it I needed something to be happy about.
My random fan post ha. People on covers would get upset about fan posts. But isn't that who we all were before gambling, when your younger your a fan, not a gambler.
I just like how the Huskers looked today, the o line especially they dominated up front. We'll see though, can't get all fired up about killing Florida Atlantic, but I mean watching it I was just thinking this is total domination, and the Huskers looked better than I have seen in 14 years or so on the o line anyway. That was what I was most impressed with, cuz the Huskers o lines have been kind of mediocre for quite a while, for about 14 years haha.
Wisconsin did look tough though tonight, I mean the Huskers will have to play a damn good game to win in Madison. I do think the Huskers can. The Huskers I thought going into the Big 10 when they joined, figured would dominate, and be a top dog along with Ohio St. Hasn't played out that way yet, but the worm may be turning now. Just looking at em, there is serious athleticism now, and more bad asses, not like it used to be. Guess time to find out. Fuck Miami is gonna get their ass rolled here in Lincoln Saturday night in a few weeks, not worried there. But the Michigan St game on the road, and at Wisconsin those will be tests for sure.
Shit I mean Wisconsin if those 2 d lineman wouldn't have got hurt, they may have held on tonight. Which beating LSU that is pretty damn serious, so there is no way I could be totally confident heading to Madison with my boys, but I don't know man, I just see it right now. I think this Husker team has it. Can't wait for Miami anyway, gonna be at that game, ass kicking there baby, oh yeah niggaz.
Guess the Huskers have that big road trip to Fresno haha, those guys fuck, no chance. I watched parts of that Fresno at USC game, and whoa, they are bad. Upset is not happening there. Nothing like 1st week overreactions ha, but no I don't, but if I see something I do take notice. The Huskers I will tell ya, 784 yards that is for real, and it was more the o line how they played that impressed me, cuz usually the Huskers o line is missing blocks everywhere, and fucking up all over the place. Guess gotta see what they do here against Miami, that is the only big game for a while. Until Big 10 play anyway.
At Michigan St October 4th, I am ready to unload on the Huskers as dogs there. Cuz those motherfuckers got lucky as hell last year here, and that was a battered an injured team at that point. Fuck Michigan St was lucky the Huskers had 7 turnovers haha, shit the Huskers outplayed their ass fo sho. Huge holes opening everywhere, and they were getting whipped up front, but lucked out cuz the Huskers made some retarded plays, stupid turnovers. As far as the line play, and game play, Huskers won.
That sounds funny, you know saying a game the Huskers lost by 13 points they dominated. But it was true, I was sitting there in the end zone and Michigan St was getting worked on most plays up front, but the Huskers would fumble or throw an interception, really crazy.
I did bet LSU as well tonight, didn't say anything about it, cuz nobody gives a fuck if you won and didn't post it, with good reason. But I just saw it got bet down to 3 at -115 at 5 dimes, then I about took it, then LSU money came, and I took it at -3.5 -102, so lucked out there.

Fucking this is great Huskers top play on sportscenter ha, I saw that catch behind the back by Westerkamp and I was thinking I haven't ever seen that with a guy not looking and catching one like that behind his back. Figured sc would fuck the Huskers over and not make it the top play, the usual, everybody hates Nebraska, well or I mean it is a small market so they don't wanna talk about em or show em.
Just gonna post to myself, cuz that is what I do. Shit I don't care if I wanna post I'm gonna, fucking suck my dick bitch, lick my balls ho. Anyway I gotta see what Miami has on Monday, kind of wondering about this hyped up qb for Miami, the Huskers got something for his ass. Well before that gotta think about my bet on Monday.
Gregory did get dinged up a bit, but I think he is fine. Probably Pelini will just rest Gregory until the Miami game, or that is what I would do. Fuck the Huskers don't need him vs Mcneese and Fresno, no, those teams both suck balls. Just get that big ***** ready for Miami that is where we need him.
Shit I kinda wonder what that Fresno line will be, probably too high to lay points with my team. It is always trouble when your a fan and then laying points. It is better if you have a good feeling about it when your team is dogged.