Week 1

Damn it I can't remember the website my bro had where they had all that shit. I want to see it again for some reason, ha, I don't know why, it is just like you want to see it again. Fuck those guys are nuts, they were cutting kids heads off and shit, I could not believe it. Crazy shit there. I mean if they did that here they would be caught in a fucking day, but over there no.
Oh I found it, liveleak.com. Those guys shit, it is unreal. I have never seen anything like it. Fucking ISIS, man they are nuts.
It is really hard to find that shit damn it. Wanted to see it again. Not sure why I did, but I did. Fucking crazy mothafuckas. There is no fucking way I would lay down for those bitches, ha I would run with my fat ass, and not get away probably ha, but I would try. I just looked at that video, and all those mothafuckas were just obeying in a straight line, and then laying down to be shot in the head. I mean what the fuck are you doing, fucking run, do something, make a play, your life is on the line ha. I just saw that video, and was thinking wow, I mean if I was in that situation I would know what is going down. Gotta make a break for it, sure getting shot would happen, but it is gonna happen anyway, may as well run for it.
Here we go, time to get some terrorists on my ass ha. Well I just call out everybody pretty much. Thing is though, if any of those guys came over there would be federal agents all over em, shit they would have to float over on a small boat to get in without the US knowing. I mean they are probably tracking those guys so hard there is no way in hell they could fly here, fuck they would have to boat it I suppose.
Shit better go to bed, I am hammered and then thinking about looking up that dumb Isis shit. Why I don't know. Those guys fuck, I mean they are just fucking psychos cuz they cut kids heads off, fuck there is no limit for them. Ha with my luck they will break down my door tomorrow for talking about it, yep, that is how I do it. Well they aren't telling me to lay down and shoot me in the head, fucking I am running mothafucka, haha. then get shot.
Ha good thing you guys are okay with my drunk nonsense posting. There aren't even many damn bets in here. But here is one. Decided to bet the unders in Knoxvegas.

Utah St at Vols under 51 -108, risking 200 to win 185 and some change don't remember

I think this may be a pretty good bet here, although that total isn't real high. I mean both teams don't have any o linemen back. That is trouble for sure for the offenses. Then the Vols have no qb, just some bum back there. So they have to establish the run, good luck there. Utah St gives up fucking nothing ever on the ground, it is 2.5 ypc or 2.8 ypc, every year. They do have some good guys coming back up front, and the linebackers look solid. Who cares about the weaker secondary, fuck that bum for the Vols can't throw. Utah St they do return Keeton, but what the hell does that matter when you lose your whole o line, and 3 real good skill position guys. Plus the Vols secondary may be pretty tough this year.

Gonna think a bit more about that Baylor game. I am not totally sure if I should play that one.
Well but Baylor's defense should be okay I would think, they were decent last year usually, not always ha. Although they did lose a lot of guys. I was just looking at SMU and their qb situation looks terrible. They are gonna try and dink and dunk with this new guy at qb, and lost their top 2 receivers.

Probably your right again kj, then Baylor will blow the cover, and get the team total. I think either way is fine, but who knows.
Oh you talkin bookmaker there troy. I don't know about that, I used to bet there, and CRIS, but haven't in a while. Well and bet at pinnacle but they quit taking US customers. I had like 3500 bucks in my account when they quit, and they paid me luckily. I was worried about it fo sho.
Man I really would like the Huskers to play turn down for what, on 3rd downs like they do at the Vols, that is awesome, I love lil John, he is the man bitch. All of the blue hairs at the Husker games would be like, what is this crap haha. I would be pumped, and the students would.
Yeah I'm alive, somehow ha. Have been on a huge bender here without work now. Got my stocks money, and am blowing it. At least I'm not resorting back to my yay days, no coke. That would really be bad.
Yeah ha kj, it does make everything better. But then I get really outta control, and the booze is bad enough for me. I mean I am a mess when I'm all drunk, then give me some coke and whoa, it is a disaster then ha.
Fuck I remember in Little John's heyday me and my buddies would just roll into a bar yelling what!!! Yeah!!!! Ha like Little John did. Shots baby.
Fuck you gotta be loud if your doing that ha. Oh yeah I was, would be me and Dedric yelling that shit. Fuck that guy and my bro, ummm, don't step no. Fucking marine, bricked black dude Dedric, that was a tough sob there.
Shit I can't keep up Schrute when I'm watching 2 games, can't read everything.

Too bad Dedric moved back to Houston. Cuz then whenever I went out to the bars I felt safe ha. Well I am a drunk loud mouth, so it is good to have a Houston 5th ward guy that was a marine with you.
Fuck turn down for what!!!! Bang bang, I'm on the warpath now baby. Here we go gotta get something going. Need to rip shit up. I really hope to be at that March Madness party in Vegas with all you guys, I do like everybody on here for the most part. That would be a good time, and I could see my buddies L.A. Ray, Mad Mike, and Big G, shit those guys are great ha, the Compton gangstas, they may be in jail though not sure. Would probably have to pay for the pussy though, I am not anything the bitches want, a slob for sure.
Think it should be 2-0 here. Guess Baylor just has to win the 2nd half, should happen. I was right about Baylor's defense being solid, they are fo sho. Fuck that Vols game is money in the bank shorty what ya drank.
Got a lot of time now to break down these games coming up here. Man I am gonna bring it, shit it is all I have right now, gotta wreck shop, I'm ready baby, let's go!
Gonna be breaking down game tape the next couple days ha, nothing else to do, fuck it is make money on these games or I'm fucked, so ride or die. Fuck I'm ridin baby.
Fucking damn it, the Vols game under is in serious jeopardy now. Quite a few retarded plays, now I'm fucked, one td, over, it is just you know what happens to me. It sucks, but I am gonna have to apply to the grocery store, or something. No more betting, I was hoping I could make a run, but it isn't gonna happen. Crazy shit happens always to screw me over. Oh well, it was a good run, when I had a decent job, and got to gamble, not anymore.
Well got the under anyway, fucking Baylor is gonna take some work, since Petty went out.

I think me, Dedric, and my bro the US needs to pay us, and we could go over there to Iraq and take this bitches out ha. Fuck if I am strapped up, shit I can hang, ha. Dedric yes he would be fine, me no, well I could still blast my way outta shit, but without that no. It is funny cuz I remember Dedric when he was here, nobody would fuck with that guy, and if they did, uh oh, would be an ass kicking of epic proportions. He was a cool mothafucka, but if you fucked us, shit it was on then, whoa, look out.
Shit I stepped out for a bit, had to cap some Isis dudes in the dome piece baby, ha. Jeah niggaz 2-0, plus almost 400, shit I'm going for it baby, the books are mine, fuck let's go.
Got a big game tomorrow gonna check out the coaches notes, nothing else to do, see what is going on, make a play. Then got all week to break down Saturday's games. I am on the mothafucka.
Ha those guys aren't very good shots, from what I've seen. Man, pretty bad, unless they are shooting a guy in the head from 2 feet away ha.
They do need to play Turn Down For What, at the Huskers stadium, Memorial Stadium on 3rd downs ha. That is the greatest 3rd down music in the country at the Vols. People were into it there, but I guess here there are so many old people I don't know ha, it is funny cuz every game when it is kind of hot like 80 or more there are old people getting carted off on a stretcher all the time. You see the Red Cross or whatever those guys are, they are in uniforms at the game, I don't fucking have a clue what they are, but they are always carting off some old guy or old lady when it's hot out.
Ha this Ferguson High School in Missouri I had that channel on not watching it really, but they do the same thing the Huskers do before a game. The Huskers have this chant they do, and those guys copied it ha that is funny. I mean I don't know the whole thing, but I saw em doing it and was like, what the hell that is the Huskers pre game chant. It ends with, the team that can't be beat, won't be beat. I don't remember the rest of it, some crap like faith and honor held high ha, I don't even know some god crap.
Day by day, we get better and better, the team that can't be beat, won't be beat. Ha those fucking copiers at Ferguson High in Missouri man I hate Missouri. It was a damn throw down every time we went to a Missouri road game. My brother would end up knocking somebody out, or throwing a guy down the hill ha, well we usually sat in the end zone which was just grass. A bunch of Ozarks hillbillies out there with not many teeth and crazy for sure.
It was sort of what we planned though at Missouri we would always get the seats in the grass in the end zone, then it would be a damn rumble every time, we just liked it ha. Time to beat up Missouri fans lol. I mean I would lead the brigade of obnoxiousness then my bro would lay em out it was great.
I remember one of the Husker players knocked out a guy a Missouri fan one night there, I can't even remember who that was, but it was after the Huskers lost, and he jacked this guy that got in his face a fan.
Shit I was right for once vs kj, ha, that doesn't ever happen, that guy every time he tells me something I lose. For once I was right, wonder if he just wins all the time. Guess he doesn't post a bunch, I mean I like the guy, but shit I wonder if he is just kicking ass all the time. Seems that way.
Broke niggaz stand to the left, rich niggaz stand to the right. Ima knock the pussy out like Mike. Ha I do love this song, downloaded this, don't like a lot of the new shit, but this is banging.
Shit I can't wait for that Miami game, the Huskers gonna lay the smack down baby, get the fuck outta here bitches, shit tuck yo tail baby. Ya best turn cancel that flight Miami, just forfeit ha, fuck the Huskers gonna lay a beating on that ass.
Shit the Huskers are for realz this year, you can step off bitch. All the way to the top baby, ha, maybe not, but I hope. Well I do think the Big 10 win is an option, not like usually where the Huskers have a slim chance. Think they have a good shot this year at winning the big 10. Shit they look way better than I have seen in 14 years or so, whether that is good enough to win the Big 10 I don't know for sure, but they are better than they have been in a long time. Just from watching that opening game I know, shit I am no rookie, and I saw what I saw, they are no joke fo sho.
The fan post, ha, but I wouldn't say that if I didn't think it. The Huskers are serious contenders this year, really think an undefeated season may be possible, we'll see, I'm sure most people would dismiss and laugh at me about that, but they are crazy athletic, and focused it seems. Guess I don't know fo sho, but they look pretty damn serious to me.
Fuck I would never have said this about any other Husker teams in the last 14 years. I am so fired up, they just have that fucking swag and shit, and just I have that feeling, not sure we will see. The execution in the opener was what was fired me up so much, I mean it was flawless, and I haven't seen anything like that since the old Osborne days. Whether they carry it over and keep it up, not sure, but they played like my old teams Saturday, just blowing mothafuckas up.
Granted it was kind of a crappy team, but I saw the domination, and everybody pancaking blocks it was great. I just can't wait for Miami, fucking 43rd row North end zone behind the goal posts, will be there, shit it is on mothafucka, man if we execute like we did last week, Miami, no chance.
Shit think we finally got some gangstas on the team, about time, shit, it has been bitches every year forever. Fucking time to show em what Husker football is all about baby, fucking crush those mothafuckas.
Fuck I am building niggaz, just you know 200 here and there, but this is what I do. Then throw 1 k at em or more when I get big money piled up, ha it is my strategy, well I always do it. Shit everybody dies from Colombian neck ties, yeah bitch.
Will probably wait until tomorrow to make a play on that Miami game, those bitches are gonna lose here in Lincoln, shit it is gonna be like Isis lay down in a line and get shot, ha, yeah well not quite that, but they are gonna get rolled I am confident in that, fuck Huskers gonna lay a beating on those guys baby, I saw what I saw, there is no way they come here and win.
We will see, I am debating a play now, I don't if I should jump. Gotta be sure, this is serious now baby, I am playing for real here, shit got nothing, gotta roll, serious fucking wagers here. Maybe I should wait til I'm sober tomorrow to bet. Bitch who do you love? Got that on now, can't remember who these guys are.
Yeah shit, better think it over, fuck I am playing for my damn life now. This is serious, I mean, if I lose I will have to get a job stocking groceries or something. The thing is I have a felony on my record, so everybody sees that, and then no job that is any good.