Week 1

Shit, that Miami game just gotta wait on the line there. I know I am betting it already, just gotta see the line. It was funny tonight how all these guys on covers were making claims that Miami was gonna just blow the doors off Ville, haha, I mean looking at their numbers from last year there was no way you could claim anything of the sort, other than to say Petrino would ruin Ville, and they lost a lot of guys Ville, but there were no other indicators to bet Miami that I saw, and claiming a beat down ha, no way, I knew that wasn't happening.
Go get em Puck, I think this Miami squad is mediocre at best, QB blows and a competent Husker D should shut them down real quickly. Huskers should route but be curious to see how the line reacts to everything.
I mean I don't just make stupid fucking claims about anything. I know though what I saw from the Huskers this past weekend, and you know I know it was Florida Atlantic, but it was domination, and they were just busting heads. I mean 784 yards shit, and that was a record. They are no joke, and anybody that plays em will see. I like how the o line just hit all their blocks, they don't ever do that, haven't for years, shit been since '99 like I was saying. I just got so fired up watching that, we will see I guess. I'm on board ha.
Yeah kj we will have to see there on the line. I know the Mcneese game will be a total ass kicking of course, then at Fresno, those guys suck huge dongs, so easy win there. We'll see, I am making a bold prediction but I think the Huskers are gonna win the Big 10, I mean it sounds crazy, but I saw it there Saturday, they have serious athletes, and they are tough.
A lot of the Big 10 guys on the big ten network were saying that as well, that when they went around to watch practice that Nebraska had the most athletic talent, and the best team. I think they were right, fuck it is on now baby, they have a good shot, we'll see.
Turn down for what!!!! Shit I am unloading everything on that Miami game. Oh yeah, well gotta see the line, but Miami is gonna get worked here in Lincoln. Those guys blow, they aren't gonna do a damn thing here.
Ha, that Fresno game shit, they are gonna get worked, I mean the Huskers will be favored by a lot, but Fresno fuck those bitches, shit the Huskers can name the score there.
Nope, just like you as a fan, the team will be looking at Miami and Fresno's game of the year is hosting Nebraska. One team will be up, one will be looking ahead to Miami. Don't think like that, it can get expensive.
I am just saying that though kj, cuz I know what I have seen, in past years I would not know, the Huskers could lose, or who knows in the past. Fuck betting on the Huskers didn't do it much in the past 15 years ha, this is the time baby, I feel it.
Fresno ain't doing a damn thing ha, but not like I would make a big bet there. Maybe something if the line was small enough.
Shit I just remember all of those Big 10 network guys, saying look out for Nebraska, they have the most athleticism in the conference. Well right now the whole big 10 is on the look out, shit get nervous baby. Fuck I am not scared of any of those mothafuckas. I mean if Ohio St had Miller I would be worried about them, but they don't. Michigan St, shit we whooped their ass last year, and turnovers fucked us, Huskers outplayed em. Man the Huskers got this shit on lock baby.