Week 1

Guess better think about those 2 games tomorrow. I did like basking in the glow of my big win for my team though. Well then my lucky LSU bet, I am pretty fired up now. Got a big ol stiffy. I really do wanna kick Minnesota's ass this year when they come here, that is personal ha. Fucking I will be yelling when the Huskers are up 42-7, I am out for blood in that game.
Shit the Gophers are going down baby, I hope it is 84-13 that would be perfect ha. That is what it was when the Huskers went there to Minneapolis in '83, the scoring explosion team with Turner Gill at qb, Mike Rozier at RB, Irving Fryar at WR, shit that was a great team, unfortunately they lost to Miami in the title game. I remember that, and the kids at school were all pissed, I stayed up for it, that was late as I remember.
Yeah I was fucking 7 when my boys lost to Miami in that title game in the Orange Bowl. Well it wasn't really the title game, cuz the Huskers could have won the title with a tie, but Osborne gambled ha, went for the 2 pointer to win instead of the tie. Fuck I would have too, fuck a tie shit, Osborne is the man, he went for the win, didn't get it, but he got plenty later.
I may be just drunk and stupid, yeah could be, but I think I saw something with my boys today. Time will tell, don't have a test until Miami, really they aren't gonna do shit. Michigan St is gonna get their ass whooping baby, it was totally crazy how they won here in Lincoln last year, they won't get so lucky this year. Huskers got something for that ass.

Ha my dumb drunk posts, at least they let me post. Not sure I would.
Yeah Minnesota I am gonna be hyped for that one, oh yeah, fuck I hope the Huskers just destroy em. Fucking bitch ass niggaz.
If that Minnesota game isn't at least 49-0 I am gonna be upset. Cuz that guy is a Minnesota fan, I would be really pleased if the Huskers spanked em big time, might pop a chubber ha.
If that Minnesota game isn't at least 49-0 I am gonna be upset. Cuz that guy is a Minnesota fan, I would be really pleased if the Huskers spanked em big time, might pop a chubber ha.

this made me laugh. I got quite the chubber last time the Huskers were in town and the Gophers gave them quite the ass whooping. I'm sure the favor will get returned this time around.
Yeah p you are in for a world of hurt now. The Huskers are for reals *****, well and no Hageman, that guy kicked the Huskers ass last year.
No there has been no double up here. I was thinking what that would be like 2 chicks at once, and have never had it, will admit it, pretty much a one chick guy here, and rarely lately ha. I score as much as Umass.
Booooooom, Westerkamp again on SC top play, ha, I have it on in the background. That was a crazy fucking sick ass catch, fuck he wasn't even looking at it. Never seen a catch like that.
Fuck at least somebody posted in my dumb ass thread ha, I really just ramble on to myself always. Hunt could just come in here and make me go to bed ha, that guy I can't keep up with that mothafucka.
The Huskers baby, look out they are for reals niggaz, ya better recognize. The tide is turning back to the big red I think. We will see here, but I am not bullshitting there, I saw what I saw, and it was a serious team today in Lincoln, we will see how it goes. Pelini was talking about this was his best team, and then the Big 10 network guys were saying this is the most athletic team they saw in practice.
No Braves I am sitting here drinking vodka and posting to myself ha, pretty stupid. Guess Hunt could come on here and roll my ass outta here, I can't keep up with that fuckin guy, I like him, but fuck he is a crazy mo fo.
Yeah kj, it does suck that Texas ruined it. Am forever pissed at Texas, hence my name. I started this handle back in 2001 on covers, just kept it. Am a OG in this game ha.
At least people are talking to me, and the Huskers kicked ass that is good. Man I was in a paranoia earlier in this week. That fucking guy shouldn't do anything, not gonna worry about it.
A fucking OG loser ha, well I mean I have had runs where I win big, but then I always lose it back to em. Fuck I am no pro, will admit it. It is funny though when you are on covers everybody there will say oh yeah I never lose, professional bettor, then they win a week or 2, then get destroyed. For me, fuck, I say what the fuck I am, and fucking I don't give a damn.
I do need to start doing blow again I think. Maybe that would change my fortunes. I would have to find a new guy, I'm sure I could find one. Would have to check with the weed guy where I could.
went to covers once for ten minutes recently, first time. looked like an abortion on crack, this the only site I've ever done anything with, this is plenty

can't believe how many people would put up with that shit, I'd rather just poll people at a bar
Ha yeah kj, it is really funny I remember when I was on there back in the day, and people would just hate, hate, hate, all week on me, then at the end touchdown tuckfexas ha. Shit I rolled up like 16 wins in a row on there in college football. I won't lie, but it was around there, then I kept kicking ass. Yeah covers is crazy kj, cuz I remember all these threats I would get.
Guess I'm out bitches. Well my Huskers looked damn good, I mean if you are gonna step in front uh oh, they look serious to me, guess we'll see what happens. They do not look anything like they have been. I mean though you could say well a crap team Florida Atlantic, yeah ok. But this was a good beating, domination up front. Shit sucks got no bitch to beat up the pussy, no nothing, oh well. Guess gotta be ok with being out of jail ha. Can whack off at least. Remember when I was in jail this co, came over and caught me whacking off ha, that was great, he didn't totally catch me though, so I didn't get in trouble. It was the time when you get out of your cell, like you get 2 hours or so. I just stayed in my cell and beat off, ha, I think they have cameras everywhere, I didn't see one in the cell, but those motherfuckers were all over me. I was just thinking about a chick I fucked and yanking it. It is a bit tough in jail, cuz there are cameras everywhere and no whacking material. But shit when you are in there forever you have to, haha, I remember this co, correctional officer, for those who don't know, he came into my cell when I was jerking it ha. I got lucky nothing happened I hid it, but it was close.
Tales of the Lincoln jail, ha, that was the worst. I mean I was just trying to find a spot to whack off, shit I can't go more than a few days without it.
Shaker ok, not sure on that.

Fondy you are going down in Madison. I mean I saw something with my Huskers today, ha shouldn't even say anything, well was a terrible team Florida Atlantic, but I think the Huskers are for real. I know for sure they have talent, and athleticism, I think this is the year for the Huskers. I am not just saying this as a fan, every year I have said the Huskers suck, think they may have something. At Madison will be tough no doubt, but they can do it.
Shaker ok, not sure on that.

Fondy you are going down in Madison. I mean I saw something with my Huskers today, ha shouldn't even say anything, well was a terrible team Florida Atlantic, but I think the Huskers are for real. I know for sure they have talent, and athleticism, I think this is the year for the Huskers. I am not just saying this as a fan, every year I have said the Huskers suck, think they may have something. At Madison will be tough no doubt, but they can do it.

Possible. I'm kind of already done with the season. They're not going to make final four. Rose Bowl is thus out of question. Already frustrated and don't care.
Yeah, well, the Badgers won't make the tourney now for sure. Yeah tough loss tonight, really if those 2 d linemen wouldn't have got hurt Wisconsin may have been ok, I was heavily drinking can't remember who got hurt, but know 2 guys did.
I have been watching videos of those ISIS guys, that shit is crazy. I mean they are just rolling down the street shooting random people and kids, whoa. Don't know why I brought that up, but my bro stopped by and told me about it. I am in my sports cave, so I don't know shit about anything going on in the world ha. I saw that though and I was like damn, I mean and then all the people were lining up for them to shoot em in the fucking head. I was thinking why not make a break for it, fuck I would. Everybody run, maybe somebody gets away. I don't even care if everybody was down with breaking, fuck I would run anyway, not gonna lie there while some dudes cap me in the head ha. I was watching that just like what are those people thinking?
Those dumbasses would just all line up and lay down. Ha just cap me in the head, I mean what the fuck, you gotta make a fucking break for it. Haven't you heard about these guys. Really I could not believe it, no fucking way would I just lay down and let some dudes cap me in the head. Shit my fat ass would run, and then get capped in the head, but damn it I would try and get it away. Those ISIS guys are nuts, crazy shit there.
Yeah think those guys are about to be blown up by the US. Shit they are crazy, I have never heard of shit like that. They are using air strikes I guess on em. Probably need to send some ground forces to take em out.
Fucking maniacs in Iraq, ha, good thing I don't live there. Shit that is crazy just a band of mass murder's and they are just killing 50 people a day or so, or more. I do wanna check it out though, see what happened. Not sure why, it is pretty bad.
Maybe they got caught today, I didn't check, got blown up. Hopefully they did, that is insane, just saw it a few days ago. I'm sure the seals or something are on their ass now. They aren't gonna make it much longer, shit you can't doing that, and then saying something to Obama like they did. Lay down the gauntlet, yeah, you better run and hide at that point, good luck getting away when the US is on your ass like that.
I better shut up they are gonna come after me ha. Shit those guys couldn't get a foot in the US without getting arrested or shot. Probably shot most likely, shit they would know if they were coming.
Man I am gonna watch it again the ISIS guys. It is crazy, can't remember what web site that was. They just roll down the street shooting random people. Then go round up 50 people or so then tell em to lie down and shoot em in the head. I just watch that and can't believe how they all just agree to line up and sit there ha. I would run with my fat ass, of course would be shot, but what is the risk there? No matter what you are getting capped in the head, may as well run for it.