Wednesday Nba With The Mob-boss


Pretty much a regular
NBA 49-31-2 (61.2%)
NBA 1st Half’s 21-8 (72.4%)
4-1 last night in the NBA and 6-3 overall last night. Lets get some more....

Orlando----------55 (Halftime)
Orlando -4 (1st Half)----------------------WINNER

Golden State------49
Atlanta------------56 (Halftime)
Atlanta -.5 (1st Half)----------------------WINNER

New York-----------93
New York +3------------------------------LOSS
UNDER 203-------------------------------WINNER

Memphis +9------------------------------WINNER
UNDER 222-------------------------------WINNER

L.A. Clippers--------51 (Halftime)
L.A. Clippers -1.5 (1st Half)-------------------WINNER


Minnesota -5------------------------------------LOSS

L.A. Lakers -------------97
Boston +6.5--------------------------------------LOSS

Good Luck
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what up boss what do your boys have sonics-rockets projected to be?
if you really like the under in the mavs game as it's projected to be.....wouldn't you make it a bigger play than one unit? or is it a bigger play and you just didn't mark it. you have the game projected really low for the numbers the grizz have been puttin up lately.
if you really like the under in the mavs game as it's projected to be.....wouldn't you make it a bigger play than one unit? or is it a bigger play and you just didn't mark it. you have the game projected really low for the numbers the grizz have been puttin up lately.

Every game I play is 1 unit. I never understood the concept between multiple unit plays. Its hard enough to pick 6 out of 10 winners. Why make it harder than to pick what 6 will win. I had a buddy of mine who hit over 70% in the NFL in one season and was still down in money. I guess this if for another discussion.

Makes sense on playing only 1u. If you're basing on a winning percentage overall - why not take your 20 point markup rather than kill with weighted bets. Good thinking Mr. Hook.
1 unit is like 5K, for you right Frankie? I can see "only" wanting to go with 1 Unit. Two would be nice to win, but rough too lose...not that losing 5k is a write off.
1 unit is like 5K, for you right Frankie? I can see "only" wanting to go with 1 Unit. Two would be nice to win, but rough too lose...not that losing 5k is a write off.

That is correct. I look at it this way: Any game can win or lose. I don't want to have to win 2 games to make up for 1 loss. You can hit 9 games in a row and lose the 10th and lose all of your money if you have it all on the 10th game. That is an extream example but if you vary your units you better win the big ones or you will be bankrupt before you know it.
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