TNT Broadcast


In transit, arriving late.
I've started this thread before, but it's light years beyond anything else right now. What is even a second place?
Ernie, Kenny and Chuck....(OK and Shaq.....)

THE BEST on TV in sports
Ernie, from what little I've seen, plays a great facilitator; ego doesn't seem to get in the way of happily playing 'nth' fiddle.
Ernie plays the part, like Dave Pasch plays with Walton...just enough to keep em sharp
Ernie has withstood the test of time with Turner Sports...

so good. Never corny. They act their age but are still down enough to know what's up

the best team in the history of broadcasting easily

be a sad day when he hangs it up

off topic a bit:

yall all think Jay Cutler will be good? I said how did he get the job?

my Dad brought up a good point......If he is himself and just a complete asshole/dickhead, then maybe he will be entertaining as hell

I hope that is the premise of his hire lol
I play golf with Greg Anthony and he hangs with those guys regularly and he says they are all great guys....Barkley is the rock star, they all bust each other up and have a great time working together....they all go out a lot and Barkley is always picking up 5-10k tabs, very generous and they all respect Ernie a lot, the 30/30 ESPN vid on Ernie says a lot about the guy...Greg is a really good guy,great to play with....Cutler will suck imho