Thursday Independence Day MLB Discussion

I loved those vacations as a kid. Decent drive from Brooklyn so that was like the family vacation back then. To me it was better then Disney World. I hear ya on the feeling old (guys here probably are sick of me sayin it n here) just flies by was 85 or 86 probably the last time I was up there(remember 88 went to cooperstown)...still remember so much of it ...good to know I'm not crazy pulling Gaslight Village out of the air...
had water bumper cars and something happened...someone hurt or something, legal problems after made them shut down, sucks...great memories though...
oh that sucks...I'm sure insurance was insane on something like that and it was probably more of mom and pop or family run business. Shame

You know you're old and I mean this seriously , is when you start talking about how much better it was when you were kid. That's the like the badge of adulthood.
yes, as you age it seems to go faster.

think when you're young you focus on immediate concerns (every 24 hrs is like a new adventure) and not long-term...

kind of foolish (as we age) since long-term isn't assured, no?

amazingly my 20's were better than my 30's overall (professionally...not personally)...Florida in the mid 90's through early 00's were amazing :)
pops had me in bars (he owned one) and at tracks and games very had to grow up fast, not bad thing but thats why aged beyond...been thru some cray shit!!!

sucks, 3-3 stl
pops around but dif moms and mine not really round, so exactly...i helped raise a few and tons of pressure like u said...not perfect obv, had some troubles w/ law along the way...but remembering that i had to mentor, motivated me to better myself...i consider it a miracle...errday
yes, as you age it seems to go faster.

think when you're young you focus on immediate concerns (every 24 hrs is like a new adventure) and not long-term...

kind of foolish (as we age) since long-term isn't assured, no?

amazingly my 20's were better than my 30's overall (professionally...not personally)...Florida in the mid 90's through early 00's were amazing :)

That's always been the saying ....times flies as you get older but guess I meant what an understatement! My life's been a little crazy , odd, different so I can relate to the 20s being better

I'm on borrowed time I guess you can say. "Survived" 9/11....was supposed to be at my desk working at 7:30am in Tower 1 105th before changed my plans(well really planned on the weekend). Didnt go with my car pool to work on Tuesday. Drove in on my own because was going to visit the then GF at college in NJ straight from work(new year had just started). Problem was I over slept and rather 6 woke up at 8. Latest I ever over slept because none of my boys in my car pool where there to wake me up...Had to grab some shit for the GF too, from my garage so by the time I finally got to the PATH Station (drove to Jersey City to take the PATH 2 stops to the WTC) it was 8:50......building already smoking = never went in , serivce was stopped as I was in the train station.....not one person from my company at their desk that day survived ....600++ ......
knew u had something to do w/ 9-11...sorry and thanks for sharing SN...u great peeps for sure :cheers:
knew u had something to do w/ 9-11...sorry and thanks for sharing SN...u great peeps for sure :cheers:

Thanks...we are all alot like it seems...can relate to the family craziness...and half mental myself...legally , ADD , Aspergers......but no one really figures that out ..
I was a total idiot in my 20's Mully...had a great time tho..just a little hard to look back and ....never mind...I wouldn't change a thing
That's always been the saying ....times flies as you get older but guess I meant what an understatement! My life's been a little crazy , odd, different so I can relate to the 20s being better

I'm on borrowed time I guess you can say. "Survived" 9/11....was supposed to be at my desk working at 7:30am in Tower 1 105th before changed my plans(well really planned on the weekend). Didnt go with my car pool to work on Tuesday. Drove in on my own because was going to visit the then GF at college in NJ straight from work(new year had just started). Problem was I over slept and rather 6 woke up at 8. Latest I ever over slept because none of my boys in my car pool where there to wake me up...Had to grab some shit for the GF too, from my garage so by the time I finally got to the PATH Station (drove to Jersey City to take the PATH 2 stops to the WTC) it was 8:50......building already smoking = never went in , serivce was stopped as I was in the train station.....not one person from my company at their desk that day survived ....600++ ......

damn dude. that's crazy.

I sort of feel the same way. I was within 200 feet of being on the bridge here in minny when it collapsed several years ago. saw it go down right in front of me less than 1 minute before I was supposed to cross it. The thing I remember most about it is a car I saw going north (i was going south) just crossed over to where I was in traffic. It was the last car to make it across. The woman pulled over immediately and was in shock and crying uncontrollably. I remember just sitting there watching her for what felt like an hour. Just very surreal.

I think about moments like this when I get stressed out about small stuff. It helps me appreciate what I have to look forward to in life.
That's always been the saying ....times flies as you get older but guess I meant what an understatement! My life's been a little crazy , odd, different so I can relate to the 20s being better

I'm on borrowed time I guess you can say. "Survived" 9/11....was supposed to be at my desk working at 7:30am in Tower 1 105th before changed my plans(well really planned on the weekend). Didnt go with my car pool to work on Tuesday. Drove in on my own because was going to visit the then GF at college in NJ straight from work(new year had just started). Problem was I over slept and rather 6 woke up at 8. Latest I ever over slept because none of my boys in my car pool where there to wake me up...Had to grab some shit for the GF too, from my garage so by the time I finally got to the PATH Station (drove to Jersey City to take the PATH 2 stops to the WTC) it was 8:50......building already smoking = never went in , serivce was stopped as I was in the train station.....not one person from my company at their desk that day survived ....600++ ......

SN thanks for sharing...hope that being able to talk about it helps somehow now.
damn dude. that's crazy.

I sort of feel the same way. I was within 200 feet of being on the bridge here in minny when it collapsed several years ago. saw it go down right in front of me less than 1 minute before I was supposed to cross it. The thing I remember most about it is a car I saw going north (i was going south) just crossed over to where I was in traffic. It was the last car to make it across. The woman pulled over immediately and was in shock and crying uncontrollably. I remember just sitting there watching her for what felt like an hour. Just very surreal.

I think about moments like this when I get stressed out about small stuff. It helps me appreciate what I have to look forward to in life.

Since that day , it forces you to become so aware of everything around you and for me the 26 near 27 years to that point was more oblivious to my surroundings, that I feel like the near 12 years since I'm watching a movie. It made life so surreal not sure I can properly convey it .....

it's really true , life in itself is such a blessing
Since that day , it forces you to become so aware of everything around you and for me the 26 near 27 years to that point was more oblivious to my surroundings, that I feel like the near 12 years since I'm watching a movie. It made life so surreal not sure I can properly convey it .....

it's really true , life in itself is such a blessing

well said dude. couldn't agree more.
Wife and kids in Cali......hence post count rising to all-star numbers..... good luck with your plays tonight...Frank Black and Catholics.. Black Letter Day ....ya
That was the time I started posting on a year after 9/11..that's really how I found the gambling world. Till this day doubt anyone in my life knows I post on these sites...Sometimes people listen to strangers more then friends..

Thanks Mulligan and guinness. Realizing I had Asperger's as an adult definitely has helped me understand my whole eperience on 9/11. I do see life from a different perspective somewhat naturally my unique at times perspective is basically just how my brain processes things.
when we were younger that shit was not as common as now...but def have add and bipolar as 1/2 fam (younger ones) have half of each...thats baby bro (baseball player) problem...had problems w/ juco cause of grades but did eventually grown, chasin ass and makin $ more important...for now...
new yorker and fam is...all nyy fans, im only bos fan in fam...prolly cause went thru hard times (Physical and mental...i guess) in 4th grade for year or longer...lived in bos child hosp...pops c's fan, so that prolly played part too
Over cashes in Arlington and coors, now just need cards to seal the deal and it was really good night..
2da is a great addition to forums, pleased to see him contributing.... but wish Biff would follow suit...cmon bro

recruiting like a, keep up the great work 2da and how u like those stl trends?