This years MVP.


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Staff member
I will do this thread again after the season ends to determine the CTG official NBA MVP. I just want to see if anything changes in the last 4 weeks of the season.

This will close in exactly 24 hours. Please vote for your top 3 candidates. I will score them 5-3-1.

No double Votes Please.

I am sure there will be some goofy votes but that always adds some fun(lol).

BAR's top 3 as of 3-27-2007

1. Steve Nash
2. Dirk Diggler
3. Kobe Bryant

You say no love for King James? Understandable. If he has another 4 weeks of awesome ball and they get that number one seed he will jump right into the mix..even maybe number one. The thing is he had nice numbers the first 3.5 months but didn;t make his team much better and didn;t stand out in presure sitautions. One month of good ball doesn;t do that.

Bryant is putting this team on his back right now to stop the bleeding. Earlier in the year he was doing different things. Selfish he gets called and yes he could be a better team player all year but he has taken on a few different roles this year to help what is an average roster. No better clutch player either.

Dirk will prolly win MVP as voted by media. It routinely goes to best player on best team. He has been great but his cast is soo good. That helps him as well.

When Nash is out this team is lost. The single most important cog along with O'Neal in the league. MVP is all about regular season and he is the best when it comes to being valuable to a team in the NBA.
Just like w/Bron...its a small sample stretch...thats why its tough to give it too him..plsu the team isn;t even a top team...
please just post.


then some reasons if you would like.

Most Valuable Player(not best or favorite)
1. nash - he makes them go w/o him they are slightly above avg
2. dirk - matchup headache making the other 4 on the court that much better
3. paul pierce - w/o him the celts have no leader and are lost
lol..Brewers...editing out that Mike Sweetney pick?lol

BTW...thats not too bad Gavin or Brewers..

I think Gheorghe Muresan garnered 2 votes last year when I did this at Covers.
1. kobe
2. dik witski
3. sheed

the black mamba is the best player in the game and is the MVP..fuck the political correctness of it.
Nash 19
Dirk 15
Terry 5
Kobe 9
Bron 3
Arenas 1
Pierce 1
Sheed 1

LOL, votes for Ryam Gomes, Mike Sweetney and Zach Randolph seem to have been edited out ;)
sweetney was a joke, i think he may be the most useless player to play for the bulls. zach randolph/paul pierce was o so close for me. i had to go with paul tho.
1. Nash Not the best player in the league, but the most valuable to the
2. Dirk Best player on the best team.

3. Bosh Legit candidate for the MVP. Will not win, but deserves some
i think nash should not win three years in a row and i think dirk and kobe should just play HORSE to figure out the winner, and how cool would it be to see a stranger walking down the street with Capping the Game gear on?
1. Kobe
2. Nash
3. Dirk

Take Kobe off the Lakers and they are in Memphis land. Take Nash or Dirk off their teams and I still think they have enough talent to make the playoffs or contend for the 8th spot. But the black Mamba prob wont win.
1. # 24 - the past week probably sealed the deal for him. Not going to see that type of shooting in a while
2. Disco Dirk - would be my MVP hands down but I know he will never receive the recognition he deserves.
3. Nash
1. Nash
2. Dirk
3. Shaq (this really should depend on how their teams do in the playoffs - Kobe is not an option)
1)Disco Dirk No-Whiskey


3)Kobe Bryant

Dirk is the obvious choice, the most versatile player in the league, the best player on the best team, blah blah, others said that already. Dirk isn't a hype player (on the court) I think, after watching the Mavs so many times he's not the one who controls the court, but he affects it a lot, Mavs game is built around him, even though they're so good and so deep, that even when he's on the bench they've got a zillion solutions on both ends of the floor.

Nash: Obviously he's the engine of Phoenix Suns, who would be lost without him. The Suns are the busiest offensive team scoring 110 per game, and Nash is the one distributing the rock, making sure everyone ate the cake. In my eyes Dirk is slightly better this season, but Nash is a beast and he's shown it against Dallas of all teams.

Kobe is just phenomenal. His team isn't clicking, but you can't disregard how easily he's scoring. Look at Arenas for example, a scorer yes, but then he enters the game on 1-8 shooting. Same goes to any other first-me player out there, they're so prone to horrid shooting and meltdowns. Kobe isn't. At least not that much. He's a small notch above LeBron at the moment, even though they're from the same shelf. The top one.

I would love Timmy Duncan to overshadow some of these guys in the playoffs, but as far as the regular season goes, mentioned players have their numbers so impressive, that it's hard to acknowledge others, at least when top 3 is concerned.

I like what several players this season did, they might not be MVP candidates but they're playing well, above expectations slightly: Deron Williams, Monta Ellis, Dwight Howard, Chris Paul, Mehmet Okur, etc...

There are several players who can take the torch and lead their teams into postseason, but when it comes to regular season and what we've seen so far, the 3 I mentioned get my votes.

please just post.

1. Steve Nash
2. Bron
3. Kobe

I do not really understand the whole love with Dirk... I put Kobe in Bron Bron in a tie for second. Nash is hands done the MVP again IMO. They will give it to someone else because he is back to back.
but seriously


leaving Kid Canada out on this one. I just think Dirk was better this season. his shots are just too clutch. Nash hasn't really taken a key shot just cause he's got 4 other guys to do it for him. Kobe...i really am not a fan of him, but how can you go against a guy that just it all. Single handledly win a game. Look at the team he has! He's got jack shit so win the game himself. Boozer and Bosh have to be considered. Both are only 2 of 5 guys who average over 20 points and 10 boards a game. THe difference is, they are in a winning team. Its players like Boozer that keeps Sloan's job so much easier. Extremely dependable and with his size the Cavs must of been shitting himself this year. Bosh...this is not a homer pick come on the guy is putting up numbers, he is a leader at such a young age. Making a lot of smarter shots, just like Dirk he does have range and makes it harder for the bigger men to really guard him. However i would put Boozer ahead of Bosh simply because Boozer plays against more bigger guys in the West, the likes of Duncan, Garnett, Dirk, Yao.
1) Kobe
2) Dirk
3) Nash

It's about Kobe's time.

Wins are nice, but records...

they are even nicer(?)...
1. Nash - Makes whole team better.
2. Kobe - Most dynamic scorer in the league and intense defender
3. Dirk - Talented scorer

I had to give Kobe the nod above Dirk because he can do everything Dirk can do scoring the ball (and more) and he plays better defense.
he's good, especially impressive how he nailed that game-tying 3 point shot despite the fact Boston were shooting 1-10 for 3 until that point, and Pierce was (I think 1-6 or worse).

But he still nailed it, and Boston won. Definitely deserves respect. But an MVP, hardly bro, he was injured a lot plus playing on one of the worst teams in the league.
thats my whole pt satyr. Most Valuable Player. that implies to his team IMO. who else goes as hard as P2 on boston? nobody. take him off boston's roster and i dont think they win anywher close to the 22 games this year they have. more like 13.
take nash off suns they are slight above avg. this makes nash the most valueable IMO.

dirk off the mavs and there is no nightmare matchup to worry about.
take him off boston's roster and i dont think they win 21 games this year

I get your point, even though after Memphis (with THAT lineup) beat the Lakers in LA, I'm not buying squat any more :D but I see what you mean.

However, even if we put aside that the association would NEVER give the award to a player from one of the worst teams in the league, even if you look at Pierce's season numbers (24.8, 5.9, 4.1) we're not talking Kobe or LeBron's numbers, and both of these guys affect their team even more.

There are others in Pierce's echelon he can be compared to. Michael Redd for example, or Dwight Howard (we're talking numbers and influence here, not necessarily the same position).

however this is why I have HUGE respect for Pierce. It's a lost practice nowadays that a player sticks to one team for so long, and Pierce has been with Boston since 1998, averaging above 21 PPG since (except for his first two seasons when he averaged 16 and 19, which is both very good).

So Pierce is a big player in my book. And a big game player. Even though Boston hasn't been a team of such caliber since he's on board, he still had enough space to show he's a great player.

But MVP this particular season, I can think of 10 other guys who I'd give it to before him.
if the question at hand was we are playing a pick-up game and picking teams which 3 cats you want. then i answer ... wade, kobe, dirk.
thats my whole pt satyr. Most Valuable Player. that implies to his team IMO.

You can't just go by who is most valuable to their team, if that were the only criteria Garnett would have 7 or 8 MVPs. It'd be the shittiest team with the biggest superstar. That is not to say it shouldn't be taken into consideration, Kobe and Lebron should and are given more credit because of their team's dependence on them.