This narrative that Boston fans aren't "classy" is the funniest thing I've seen in my lifetime

Born Canada, grew up in Canada. Obviously it's the name, grandparents from Lebanon (not Lebanon, MO, actually dated a chick from there in college)

Gotcha. Like I said no clue, just heard some crap bout it on news but wasn’t paying real close attention. Just shook my head, prob cracked a joke or 2, prob one racist and several bout the idiots sending him hate and death threats, lol.
Yup, but like I said earlier typically those "fans" get pummeled around here

I dunno man, that not the impression we be getting!! Not saying it right just saying when there smoke there usually at least a bbq if not a big ass fire. How many times you been to games and seen racial slur guys getting beat up? I’ve never heard a player say “I was impressed how the other fans beat the crap out the racist”.
I dunno man, that not the impression we be getting!! Not saying it right just saying when there smoke there usually at least a bbq if not a big ass fire. How many times you been to games and seen racial slur guys getting beat up? I’ve never heard a player say “I was impressed how the other fans beat the crap out the racist”.
I've been to a lot of Sox games, if you get out of line in the bleachers (where I typically sit) you get your ass beat if you get out of line
Never seen anything happen at a Patriots game which is interesting though. But haven't been to one since Brady left us RIP ;-(
Only actually been to a handful of Celtics games but it's similar there too

I’ve never seen the ppl close enough to get players ears getting beat up bro. We would catch that in shots if it was happening so often at nba games.

I’ve hardly ever heard ppl yelling racist shit at cards or blues games but that doesn’t give me desire to say the blues fans sending hate mail, death threats to dude ain’t racist shitbags. Obviously there some real shitbag fans of my team, me saying it isn’t so would make me sound like one of them, ya dig? We know there a bunch of shitbag Boston fans; don’t try to lie to us just cause that hasn’t been your general experience, that doesn’t make it not so. You seem like a solid dude to me, why try to defend a whole crappy group?
One of my favorite Tulane moments.

A black friend from middle school/high school (Baton Rouge) and I both went to Tulane. First week there, a non racist north easterner asks him “So… What sport do you play?” I’ll give you a hint, he wasn’t there to play a sport!

Maybe this person wasn’t from Boston but they were definitely from the NE.
to be fair, although they seem committed to close the gap, boston is still trailing in the racism race to places like georgia and louisiana...but i think they claim the trophy for most racist "blue" area.
[The Athletic] Al Horford’s family says that he was “homesick” for Boston during his tenure in Philadelphia, and that they “continued to root for Boston, because they’re not dickheads”
one thing i do like about whiners fans is you can talk so much shit about their team without worrying about your safety. they don't flip out and try to attack you like faders fans.
Why don‘t you just call teams by their real names? You‘re not being clever doing otherwise
”I tell people I think we fully manifested his return to Boston because we all wanted it so badly. We kind of put that out there,” Anna said. “Al has alluded to that, as well. He always was homesick for Boston when he was in Philly and when he was in Oklahoma. Somehow, the stars aligned, and we got back here, and it just worked out perfectly.”

”We as a family were rejoicing because that was the best decision he made, coming back to the Celtics,” said Tito, who spent three seasons in the NBA. “We know that we love the people in the Boston area; we love everything about Boston. The way they receive him makes us even happier. So for him coming back to Boston, everybody in the family (was) excited and happy.”

”We stayed Celtics fans when he was in Philly and when he was in OKC. We couldn’t let go,” Maria said. “They showed us so much love, and that wasn’t something we were ready to let go of, so we just never did. And we’re back!”

”Philly fans hated us there,” Anna added. “They hated us for [staying Celtics fans].”

”We continued to root for Boston, because they’re not dickheads,” said Josh.

Yeah @B.A.R. we're just all racists
one thing i do like about whiners fans is you can talk so much shit about their team without worrying about your safety. they don't flip out and try to attack you like faders fans.
Yeah haven't heard of actual deaths at a game here at the stadium other than against the Raiders and Cowboys.

Still curious to see if the transition to Vegas will make a difference, doubt it but Cards only play the Raiders here every 8 years I think.
Yeah haven't heard of actual deaths at a game here at the stadium other than against the Raiders and Cowboys.

Still curious to see if the transition to Vegas will make a difference, doubt it but Cards only play the Raiders here every 8 years I think.
Henry Ruggs would like to speak to you
to be fair, although they seem committed to close the gap, boston is still trailing in the racism race to places like georgia and louisiana...but i think they claim the trophy for most racist "blue" area.
Biggest difference there is a place like NO, white people are the minority

Doubt that’s the case in Boston
one thing i do like about whiners fans is you can talk so much shit about their team without worrying about your safety. they don't flip out and try to attack you like faders fans.
Not here. Gangbangers. I tell the story everytime, but I had many friends go out West for Niners game. Expecting Napa vibe…..was Gangland
Yeah haven't heard of actual deaths at a game here at the stadium other than against the Raiders and Cowboys.

Still curious to see if the transition to Vegas will make a difference, doubt it but Cards only play the Raiders here every 8 years I think.
During the NFL Sunday at westgate it was SLAMMED with Mexicans in Raiders jerseys. Get enough of them in one area and add in beer and $5 parlay losers and trouble is most likely gonna go down.
During the NFL Sunday at westgate it was SLAMMED with Mexicans in Raiders jerseys. Get enough of them in one area and add in beer and $5 parlay losers and trouble is most likely gonna go down.
If you stand outside in certain parts of the city on NYE it's fair game at midnight when the bullets fly, what goes up must come down, just hope it's not on your head.
Not here. Gangbangers. I tell the story everytime, but I had many friends go out West for Niners game. Expecting Napa vibe…..was Gangland
that's out of the ordinary. their fans usually are usually middle-aged awkward people who mind their business. they will sometimes cry if they see too many losses.
You don't show up to any games in New England and talk shit, lil worried about the rich Warrior fans that will be in attendance tonight...oh no, wait, I won't be
During the NFL Sunday at westgate it was SLAMMED with Mexicans in Raiders jerseys. Get enough of them in one area and add in beer and $5 parlay losers and trouble is most likely gonna go down.
IF we somehow make it to Twin River you're in for a treat
My friend got laid out by a sucker punch in Philly after a Stanley cup finals game because he was wearing a Hawks jersey. I wasn’t there for it.
I think philly is the one place you dont wear the away jersey in a playoff game unless you have a crew with you