This narrative that Boston fans aren't "classy" is the funniest thing I've seen in my lifetime

I really don’t see the comedy or appeal of doing Shit to someone who asleep? It fuckin ignorant messing w someone when they most vulnerable. anyone could do the shit to you and ya wouldn’t like it, why do it to someone else? It basically rape, you violating someone when they can’t defend themselves. For most part ppl don’t fall asleep unless they around ppl they trust so you totally violating that also. Or cause they trashed which isn’t any better a reason to do it.
Yeah I've said my piece and when sleep needs to happen, it happens. Even if it's on a bench in the middle of campus.

If I ever catch some douchenoggle doing something against my values you can rest assured they will have to answer to authorities.

Fortunately never been in that position but know it's just around the corner
Yeah I've said my piece and when sleep needs to happen, it happens. Even if it's on a bench in the middle of campus.

If I ever catch some douchenoggle doing something against my values you can rest assured they will have to answer to authorities.

Fortunately never been in that position but know it's just around the corner

Im am a the judge, jury, and most importantly the executioner! Still got a few years left where this be the preferred response! Lol
Im am a the judge, jury, and most importantly the executioner! Still got a few years left where this be the preferred response! Lol
Again, I've never hit someone. I assume if the situation presented itself and was needed, I'd throw a KO. Thankfully never needed to. Hope to never have to.
Again, I've never hit someone. I assume if the situation presented itself and was needed, I'd throw a KO. Thankfully never needed to. Hope to never have to.

That crazy to me, lol. I don’t think my middle brother has either. You would be surprised how good it feel at the time!
That crazy to me, lol. I don’t think my middle brother has either. You would be surprised how good it feel at the time!
Pretty sure I'm scared about ramifications if I connect. Only about a buck 70 know.
Those will be the only questions, if I don't flush it I'm in the hospital lol

That why I like to counter punch, if I can get them to throw the 1st punch I can usually connect. (This all way more past tense, I’m sure I’ve lost some speed at this old age! Lol). Much tougher to land when someone defensive and worried bout getting hit! Lol. I’m perfectly comfy playing rock’em sock’em robots! Lol. Maybe that why I always preferred fighting the big bad asses, it way tougher to hit guys who fear/respect ya and don’t want to be hit. The big boys who think they toughest are the easiest to hit! Get those types good and pissed off, as my mouth always did, it almost to easy to lay them out! Ah the good old days!! Lol