The Miami Dolphins - Martin and Incognito texts

Just read all the texts. Not sure what JM was thinking. RI sounded like a big brother to him. Yeah he gave him shit, but nowhere near the amount that would make a guy go crazy, quit, and claim harassment.

And what a life to be a single guy playing in the NFL. All Richie wanted to do was drink and smash bitches.
Looking back, Galty and Sportjunky had this called as well. I was called NAMES, HARRASSED, and a bunch of other shit in this thread. Bully's
You were prolly facebook friends with him....did you meet with him at station square when they came in town?

Of course you did.
Yes. We texted everyday and sometimes I would even get "good night" texts from some of the people that bullied me
Yes. We texted everyday and sometimes I would even get "good night" texts from some of the people that bullied me

I'm guessing he was pretty mean in his text to you...

RC: " Fuckface"

AG: " What up!"

RC: " At Whim, you coming down..I know your going down but u coming?"

AG: " Yea man, waitin on a cab. Be there in about an hour."

RC: " Heading over to Buckhead, u cumin or what fuckface?"

AG: "Waitin on a cab! Stop being so mean!"

RC: " Just drowned a ginger at Buckhead...You suck a dick yet?"

AG: "Cab got lost! Don't be mean!"

RC: "Fuck off. I'm out. Guess we'll do a ducky tour next time."
I'm guessing he was pretty mean in his text to you...

RC: " Fuckface"

AG: " What up!"

RC: " At Whim, you coming down..I know your going down but u coming?"

AG: " Yea man, waitin on a cab. Be there in about an hour."

RC: " Heading over to Buckhead, u cumin or what fuckface?"

AG: "Waitin on a cab! Stop being so mean!"

RC: " Just drowned a ginger at Buckhead...You suck a dick yet?"

AG: "Cab got lost! Don't be mean!"

RC: "Fuck off. I'm out. Guess we'll do a ducky tour next time."

it was in the middle of the day.

was fine until he called martin out for pondering suicide. that seemed a bit much lol
Winner in all of this is the Dolphins, they manage to rid themselves of 2 tumors without really looking bad at all
Winner in all of this is the Dolphins, they manage to rid themselves of 2 tumors without really looking bad at all

Still not convinced Richie is a tumor. Almost every player came to his defense and the ones interviewed seemed to like him for the most part. No doubt he gets another job soon
ya Richie has his issues but his teammates seem to love him

I wouldn't want Martin on my team at all, would take Richie
Well Martin is done regardless so there shouldn't even be a comparison

Richie has a long track record of past employers/coaches (hell all the way back to high school) that wouldn't want him on their team but all the power to ya if he ends up on yours. He's clearly a mature 31 or whatever he is, can't see how the guy could cause any problems.
I was wrong at beginning of this ... seems any time I take the media's account right off the bat, I get into trouble. Press in this country is at an all time low on every level ... from bias to accuracy to content.
Notice that when media was proven wrong that we heard nothing about this again until Richie made the dumb tweets. Keep pushing that agenda, guys.
That's not true at all. All I've heard locally is that Martin and his agent clearly didn't want to repay the signing bonus, so instead of quitting it evolved to this. And he's been trashed in the media for it.

Yet local opinion is that Richie is still a douchebag and it's amazing that these problems seem to continue to find him in a variety of ways, because he's such an innocent and hard-working player that is a role model for teammates and fans alike.

But definitely Martin has been getting the brunt of it as he should be, as should his agent.
I'm guessing there will be some more flip flopping today after reading the report? Incognito is a complete piece of shit and the entire Dolphins organization showed a total lack of control over this.
When I was in high school there was a big overweight kid on our football team who was the butt end of jokes and hazing from his freshman year till the day he graduated. He was big but more like baby Huey, just a gentle giant type. He made it his mission in life to befriend the biggest bully of them all in hopes that it would all end. By the end of our senior year the two of them did pretty much everything together and pretty much everyone considered them the closest of friends. Guess what? The bullying never stopped, in fact it got meaner and worse. Eventually baby Huey got sick of it all and went to the principal and the head football coach. To this day Huey hates everyone from the team that was even associated with any of the hazing. He nearly killed himself with severe alcoholism over the years.

All that time he secretly hated everyone, even the guy that most thought was his best friend.

Any of this sound familiar?

Looks like my story was pretty damn close to what was really going on here. Here is a note that Martin sent to his mother regarding the situation.

I figured out a major source of my anxiety. I'm a push over, a people pleaser. I avoid confrontation whenever I can, I always want everyone to like me. I let people talk about me, say anything to my face, and I just take it, laugh it off, even when I know they are intentionally trying to disrespect me. I mostly blame the soft schools I went to, which fostered within me a feeling that I'm a huge pussy, as I never got into fights. I used to get verbally bullied every day in middle school and high school, by kids that are half my size. I would never fight back, just get sad & feel like no one wanted to be my friend, when in fact I was just being socially awkward. Most people in that situation are witty & quick with sarcastic replies, I never have been. I'm awkward around people a lot of the time because I simply don't know how to act around them.


I care about my legacy as a professional athlete. But I'm miserable currently. A therapist & medication won't help me gain the respect of my teammates. I really don't know what to do Mom.
Fucking great dude this Incognito.

Incognito, Jerry and Pouncey admitted that they directed racially derogatory words toward him, including "Jap" and "Chinaman." At times, according to Martin, they referred to the Assistant Trainer as a "dirty communist" or a "North Korean," made demands such as "give me some water you fucking *****," spoke to him in a phony, mocking Asian accent, including asking for "rubby rubby sucky sucky," and called his mother a "rub and tug masseuse." Martin and others informed us that Incognito and Jerry taunted the Assistant Trainer with jokes about having sex with his girlfriend. Incognito admitted that these types of comments were made to the Assistant Trainer.

On December 7, 2012 (the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor), Incognito, Jerry and Pouncey donned traditional Japanese headbands that featured a rising sun emblem and jokingly threatened to harm the Assistant Trainer physically in retaliation for the Pearl Harbor attack. Martin reported that the Assistant Trainer confided to him that he was upset about the Pearl Harbor prank, finding it derogatory and demeaning.
I look forward to hearing about the Pouncey brothers being taken out by a Jamaican banger for being tough guys with Hernandez. Pieces of tattooed garbage.
Incognito might be a tool, but Martin is a bigger tool. I stand by this. He became BFF with the bully? lol. So I guess that explain why he's texting him every night about going out. Guy has mental issues. I hope he never plays a down of football again.
Winner in all of this is the Dolphins, they manage to rid themselves of 2 tumors without really looking bad at all

I don't think JM is cut out for football, he's too soft. At the O-Line you gotta be tough. And my 11 year old daughter has more maturity then RI. This dude should be embarrassed the way he conducts himself. He's not a 22 year old rookie, he's a 30 year old veteran. I wouldn't want any of these guys on my team.
I'd still take Incognito on my team in a heartbeat as long as it was privately approved by the other OL and the starting QB. Zero percent chance I take Martin
Well if that report is accurate at all you won't have much competitition

We will you think NFL teams are going to take all the criminals they've taken in the past but a bully is out of the question? I think the biggest reason they will avoid it is for the potential PR nightmare but I still think he's playing in the NFL next year. I imagine most NFL OL out there and QBs aren't going to have a problem playing with this guy. I think its the GMs that are going to have to assess whether its worth the potential negative PR but fortunately he plays a position where he will be able to fly under the radar after the initial backlash
Just curious, what about his illustrious career is it that makes him attractive? Guess he's never lost a playoff game, and if he's consistent the team that he next plays for won't lose one either...pretty impressive his postseason record with the way parity is in the NFL and 9 years of service.

This guy wouldn't even make a fun drinking buddy unless you are still 25.
And criminals don't tend to fuck with team chemistry apparently as much as this guy, kinda funny. Just a simple look at his wiki page is entertaining enough for me.
And criminals don't tend to fuck with team chemistry apparently as much as this guy, kinda funny. Just a simple look at his wiki page is entertaining enough for me.

I still wonder how much he messed with team chemistry. I know he hurt the team when this stuff came out and he was no longer available to play. However none of the players really came out against him at a time when it would have been easy to do so. It seems to me as if his personality is that of an extreme bully and Martin's is that of someone who is extremely emotionally weak. When paired together it did not work well. I doubt there are that many other OL with Martin's personality which is why I'd have a private individual meeting with every OL prior to signing him. I'd also make some calls to previous teammates and coaches but it seems like Richie is a guy who is going to hurt the team more from a PR standpoint than anything. The GM just has to determine whether or not he's worth the risk. I wouldn't be shocked to see the Patriots sign him and he turns into a 3 year starter followed by 2 years as a backup and we never hear anything about him other than his number when he's called for a penalty
Well when Teddy Bruschi comes out and says that he doubts he'll be playing anywhere this year, I highly doubt that he's in the Pats' plans. That guy seems to tow the company line for NE and I think Incognito is the exact opposite of the type of guy NE is looking for.

Have you truly read up on this guy's history? Couple that with the texts (of which I didn't read all 1000 but at least several hundred) and I truly believe I would prefer Cogen's 11 year old child on my team.
Well when Teddy Bruschi comes out and says that he doubts he'll be playing anywhere this year, I highly doubt that he's in the Pats' plans. That guy seems to tow the company line for NE and I think Incognito is the exact opposite of the type of guy NE is looking for.

Have you truly read up on this guy's history? Couple that with the texts (of which I didn't read all 1000 but at least several hundred) and I truly believe I would prefer Cogen's 11 year old child on my team.

Yeah I know all about his college history, mostly about his antics at Nebraska

Did you think Incognito's comments in the texts were particularly worse than Martin's? I've read the entire transcript and I didn't particularly see a difference. Perhaps the difference in the way we see this situation is the difference in how we interpreted the text conversation
I thought Martin's responses were very reserved to say the least for the most part, like he was just playing the part and that was before I even knew the letter to his mother even existed. What he admitted to his mother pretty much seals the deal in that letter...dude was soft for sure, yet more mature than Incognito no doubt.

The thing that really sucks for Richie is that he had it made in Miami with an immature punk like Pouncey to feed his ego, I'm sure it was like a dream come true.
Yeah I think our different interpretations of the text exchange are why our opinions differ so much

Why the fuck you up so late though? I had to drop wifey and baby off at airport at 5:30AM EST so I'm up for the day. Went to bed at 8:45 last night though so well rested at least
Fell asleep early woke up and now just watching Olympic stuff hoping to make it to the hockey game