The Miami Dolphins - Martin and Incognito texts

Martin I bet will settle a lawsuit with the Dolphins. Both his parents are Harvard educated attorneys and are probably drawing up the lawsuit right now. Martin has probably played his last down in the NFL. Gonna be hard to comeback from this.

Incognito will probably be suspended 4 games or whatever Goodell decides on and will play again.

Just my guess on what the future holds for these two.

lawsuit for what?

Martin's text messages to Incognito last week and the Dolphins teammate testimony will get this thrown out of court in 15 seconds
Dolphins guard Richie Incognito told Darlington that he heard back from Martin on Friday after he'd reached out to him to see how Martin was doing.
In the middle of a conversation that lasted 19 texts, Martin wrote the following to Incognito: "Yeah, I'm good man. It's insane bro, but just know I don't blame you guys at all. It's just the culture around football, and the locker room got to me a little."

open and shut case

Fuck Martin.
if Wilbon disagrees I am all in

he's wrong 95% of the time

say what you will about Wilbon and his sports opinions, but hes blaming white people every day and twice on Sunday for any problem in the world. Whenever he says he doesn't want to crucify the white guy, and the said white guy said ****** on top of that, I'm inclined to be like ok well what the fuck.
If he wins that I'll find someone (or likely vice versa). I am making random accusations. I am filing suit. Boom. Life is good
Well you still gotta have proof.

As for Martin, there's still a lot of info that needs to come out. But if the coaches did indeed order the "code red", it falls on the Dolphins organization. Those coaches will be fired, Incognito will be cut, and Martin will get paid if he chooses to sue. Workplace harasssment is huge man. I work for a subsidiary of GE and we have to go through training every year on different subjects and workplace harassment is one of them. Then we have to sign paperwork saying we were trained to protect the company.
Well you still gotta have proof.

As for Martin, there's still a lot of info that needs to come out. But if the coaches did indeed order the "code red", it falls on the Dolphins organization. Those coaches will be fired, Incognito will be cut, and Martin will get paid if he chooses to sue. Workplace harasssment is huge man. I work for a subsidiary of GE and we have to go through training every year on different subjects and workplace harassment is one of them. Then we have to sign paperwork saying we were trained to protect the company.

not the point. My point is the whole story is fabricated. The coaches may have told Richie to toughen up Martin but you could never prove that. Incognito should sue Martin for being a bitch
as soon as the word "bullying" came out it was destined to blow up and become more than a sports story . soccer moms all across the country are outraged.
Cant wait till Martin becomes the first openly Yag owner of a pro football team after he cleans out the Dolphins and everyone associated with them
Alex you look like a huge dick in this thread. I'm not saying Martin isnt soft for an NFL locker room, but that shit Richie pulled is far from "fine"
as soon as the word "bullying" came out it was destined to blow up and become more than a sports story . soccer moms all across the country are outraged.

agreed, i hated that too. its an nfl locker room and they are making it sound like high school. at this level, its harassment...bullying is just a buzz word they used to get attention to the story
Alex you look like a huge dick in this thread. I'm not saying Martin isnt soft for an NFL locker room, but that shit Richie pulled is far from "fine"

Well then I'm a huge dick. Incognito called Martin a half-******, big deal. White people who are friends with black people call them ******* as a joke all the time. Martin is the dick. Incognito is a good guy. Like tannehill said, these guys were best friends. Then he has an emotional break down. Fuck Martin.
you think richie incognito is a great guy SIGO????

remember, this story is still young and dolphins players risk their jobs if they don't say the "right" things right now as well. he has left a raunchy stench virtually everywhere he's played in life, but yeah, he's suddenly a good guy...

fwiw, martin has crossed the line to where he deservedly won't be trusted in any locker room anywhere, so his career is over anyway at this point. neither of these guys will be missed.
Well then I'm a huge dick. Incognito called Martin a half-******, big deal. White people who are friends with black people call them ******* as a joke all the time. Martin is the dick. Incognito is a good guy. Like tannehill said, these guys were best friends. Then he has an emotional break down. Fuck Martin.

used a slur, check
extorted money, check
threatened to kill, check
kicked out of, or mysteriously left, two colleges, check

im not saying hes not a great player, and that his intensity isnt a positive trait for playing the game, but hes a sociopath
And making death threats...why has he not been arrested.? Little overboard by chance, dwoww?
Incognito is not a good guy, in this case, he's done nothing but befriend a shady character
Murtha also touched on the $15,000 that Martin paid for his fellow linemen to go to Las Vegas. Here’s what he wrote in The MMQB: “Every year, as tradition, the offensive line goes on a big Vegas trip. Everything is paid for in advance, from hotels to a private jet to show tickets. Martin originally verbally committed to the trip, then later backed out after everything was booked. Now, if you can’t go because of an emergency then it’s okay, but to say you’re going and then decide you don’t want to spend the money later? Everything was paid for, and then when it was time to pay up he didn’t want to go anymore. You don’t do that to your brothers. The veterans who paid for it, including Incognito and others, asked for Martin’s share, and he gave it to them. End of story.”
Martin committed to a trip. They booked it with his expenses included. He backed out. He still owed the money. End of story
hmmm racial slurs you are ok with that Alex?

I think it should depend on its context and the intent. I think this voicemail is a joke. We saw the reaction Riley cooper got when he used slurs in an aggressive manner. Not good. All of the dolphins players were fine with incognito using it because according to them he was one of the boys and that's ok with them.
i dont disagree but incognito sounds like a piece of shit...and martins a pussy. i just think there is plenty to hate about both guys.
I think it should depend on its context and the intent. I think this voicemail is a joke. We saw the reaction Riley cooper got when he used slurs in an aggressive manner. Not good. All of the dolphins players were fine with incognito using it because according to them he was one of the boys and that's ok with them.

so you are saying it's ok to use a racial slur BUT only in the context?

Ok if I called you some derogatory Jewish term you'd be ok with it? I mean we're friends right?
Martins probably a pussy. His parents are rich maybe he's been babied his whole life idk.

Incognito is probably an asshole nutcase. Well he's definitely a nutcase.

Most of us could probably run the dolphins much better than it's being run.

They should sign sign tebow obviously
I think it should depend on its context and the intent. I think this voicemail is a joke. We saw the reaction Riley cooper got when he used slurs in an aggressive manner. Not good. All of the dolphins players were fine with incognito using it because according to them he was one of the boys and that's ok with them.

who jokes about slapping someone's mom across the face
Bottom line to me and this is exactly how it played out in my mind. Probably because something like this happened to me. Incognito fucked with Martin, but at the end of the day he considered him a friend. Every dolphins player has said they were boys. Martin is emotionally unstable. They played one practical joke too many on him. Nflpa comes to him and says hey what happened. He says he didn't feel comfortable in the locker room. They pressed him for more information, he slipped some shit about incognito leading the pack. Snow balled from there.
i have never hung out let alone met either one of these guys, but we all think we know so much about them from the media; who again seems to have their original narrative of bullying and racism being shredded day by day. its hard to change the public's mind though once the first story (assumptions) by media comes out; martin will always be a pussy to some; richie will always be a racist bully. wont matter at all what they do the rest of their lives or what really happened (facts come out), its over in some fashion for both these guys.

just the world we live in now.
ave you had enough of the Jonathan Martin-Richie Incognito saga yet? Too bad. It's not going anywhere, especially with the explosive statement released Thursday by David Cornwell, an attorney hired to represent Martin in the harassment matter.
Cornwell made an emphatic point, via Pro Football Talk, that Martin's "toughness is not an issue" and then later slammed the door with an allegation that a player said rather ... aggressive things about Martin's sister.
"Jonathan Martin’s toughness is not at issue," Cornwell said. “Jonathan has started every game with the Miami Dolphins since he was drafted in 2012. At Stanford, he was the anchor for Jim Harbaugh’s ‘smash mouth’ brand of football and he protected Andrew Luck’s blind side."
Cornwell described Martin's harassment as something "far beyond" what normally happens in NFL locker rooms.
"Jonathan endured harassment that went far beyond the traditional locker room hazing,” Cornwell said. “For the entire season-and-a-half that he was with the Dolphins, he attempted to befriend the same teammates who subjected him to the abuse with the hope that doing so would end the harassment. This is a textbook reaction of victims of bullying. Despite these efforts, the taunting continued. Beyond the well-publicized voice mail with its racial epithet, Jonathan endured a malicious physical attack on him by a teammate, and daily vulgar comments such as the quote at the bottom. These facts are not in dispute."
That quote? It is a doozy, coming from an unnamed teammate, and it involves some highly inappropriate things directed towards Martin's sister.
"We are going to run train on your sister. ... She loves me. I am going to f*** her without a condom and c** in her c***."
Say whatever you want about things that happen in locker rooms, or even between friends. Saying something like that is incredibly inappropriate and completely unacceptable.
Cornwell's clearly not afraid to stir things up and he's done just that with his Thursday statement about Martin's situation.

used a slur, check
extorted money, check
threatened to kill, check
kicked out of, or mysteriously left, two colleges, check

im not saying hes not a great player, and that his intensity isnt a positive trait for playing the game, but hes a sociopath

better check your facts on that one. The SI article written by Lydon Murtha puts that one to bed....
i have never hung out let alone met either one of these guys, but we all think we know so much about them from the media; who again seems to have their original narrative of bullying and racism being shredded day by day. its hard to change the public's mind though once the first story (assumptions) by media comes out; martin will always be a pussy to some; richie will always be a racist bully. wont matter at all what they do the rest of their lives or what really happened (facts come out), its over in some fashion for both these guys.

just the world we live in now.

True. Good stuff today. Like many said, the "media" seems to want to make this a huge deal and there seems to be less and less there. The whole team seems to back the fact that" Are you/these guys serious?" thing...

It is a very weird story. Seems to me that in the locker room Incognito was a member and Martin instance where race doesnt identify who you are by skin color but by perception. With Richie white as Nebraska and Martin as black as Stanford and generational Harvard. Interesting to say the least...

Obv some things said were terrible. Makes one wonder....Corps have to be so careful, it is insane. How much will this guy sue for LOL? Wild...