The Miami Dolphins - Martin and Incognito texts

you cannot say that, you don't know Martin's personality... that way of thinking is just wrong... you're talking about the positives of the situation and you aren't realizing the societal issues at play

you really think martin would want to jeopardize his career? make a bad name for himself?

I am really really upset with his teammates and the coaching staff
It's interesting that in reading around the Internet here seems to be two clear sides being taken here. 1). Martin is a big pussy because he didn't punch Incognito in the mouth. 2). Incognito is horrible and needs to be punished.

To to me it's pretty clear. Not everyone is a fighter and the bottom line is that if Martin hauls off and breaks Incognitos jaw he is the one that gets punished for it by his team and the NFL. Just because the guy is 300 lbs doesn't mean he has been in a fight or is a fighter. By going the route he has he is still risking his career unfortunately but he is also exposing a giant piece of shit for what he really is and is probably ruining Incognitos career as well. The guy is not a pussy because he is getting bullied regardless of how grown or how big of a man he is.
Its interesting that Martin leaked all of this to the media. He kind of loses the sympathy card in my book.

Also, have you seen Incognito, good luck punching him. There's a reason he didn't handle it.
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Its interesting that Martin leaked all of this to the media. He kind of loses the sympathy card in my book.

Also, have you seen Incognito, good luck punching him. There's a reason he didn't handle it.

He leaked it only after having a big deal made of the situation when he "left the team." He defensively released the info so that the media didn't make whatever they wanted of the story...he wanted the truth out there. I certainly understand your point, and you don't need to give him sympathy, I'm just saying there was a reason he leaked anything.
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that voicemail was left in april - if he wanted to leak just to leak it would have happened before now. i think it had more to do with the dolphins saying there was not evidence of bullying that it got out now.
The media attention it's received might be the only reason piece of shit Incognito is suspended now. Dolphins seemed very willing to keep it under wraps until it became public. Media as watchdogs deserve more credit than blame here.
Starting to think we don't know that much and Martin overreacted. I know I'll be alone in that camp. Or in the minority
no way dude, either way richie is wrong. i do see the point that he probalby could have either manned up and challenged him, or gone to management before going to the media, but still, hes the victim. i was in a fraternity in college, and its the same thing in the sense that there is hazing that is to be expected, and then there is a whole other level. this is beyond that. unacceptable for grown men.
You're basing that all on a voicemail?

I've been fucked over before at my work place for fucking around and saying shit I shouldn't have said. I've been called a bully before at work when that wasn't my intent

For all I know Martin and incognito could have had that kind of relationship and then something went wrong. On his twitter incognito has a picture of Martin in his car looking out and smiling.

First, from all the interviews I saw today every player to a tee on the dolphins Is saying they love incongnito.

Here's what really made me wonder. Michael Wilbon, a hater of all white people and will jump on anyone that he thinks is a racist says no, hold on a second. I want to hear more.
my thoughts as of now is that players are defending incognito because they have probably also done the same thing to a rookie, so they know if he goes down they may as well
I have an odd feeling this whole thing breaks Martin and kills his career while Incognito makes the 2015 Pro Bowl

Not sure why i feel that way but its just a hunch
pretty sure he knew it wasn't going to be a positive for his career which to me makes a pretty solid example to out this POS

funny around here how many people are happy not just rickie but his dad have both been outed as trash
You're basing that all on a voicemail?

I've been fucked over before at my work place for fucking around and saying shit I shouldn't have said. I've been called a bully before at work when that wasn't my intent

For all I know Martin and incognito could have had that kind of relationship and then something went wrong. On his twitter incognito has a picture of Martin in his car looking out and smiling.

First, from all the interviews I saw today every player to a tee on the dolphins Is saying they love incongnito.

Here's what really made me wonder. Michael Wilbon, a hater of all white people and will jump on anyone that he thinks is a racist says no, hold on a second. I want to hear more.

if Wilbon disagrees I am all in

he's wrong 95% of the time
Don't worry guys. The nfl is doing a thorough investigation. They will get to the bottom of this. Don't worry!
I think there is much to the story

Alotta weird shit tho

Was Kyle Turley in that bar? Pretty strange...
Martin must have some serious mental issues.....seems very smart, many Harvard grads in the tree

I heard the Miami beat writer today say that every Dolphin player wants Richie back to the team, and Martin ehhhh....not so much
Sources: Dolphins coaches asked Incognito to toughen up Martin

By Omar Kelly, Sun Sentinel
7:17 pm, November 5, 2013
Miami Dolphins coaches asked player Richie Incognito, who was the offensive line's undisputed leader, to toughen up teammate Jonathan Martin after he missed a voluntary workout last spring, at least two sources told the Sun Sentinel.

The sources told the paper they believe that Incognito, who is accused of using racially incendiary language and bullying tactics against Martin, may have taken those orders too far.

It's not clear whether those marching orders will now become part of a pending investigation by the NFL into the Dolphins' locker room culture, and the alleged bullying that took place between Incognito and Martin.

"I'm just trying to weather the storm right now. This will pass," Incognito told WSVN-TV when reached outside a doctor's office.

Incognito has been suspended indefinitely by the Dolphins for conduct detrimental to the team for his tactics involving Martin, the team's 2012 second-round pick, who left the team last week and later accused the Dolphins of having an unsafe working environment.

Martin's smoking gun is a threatening, and racially offensive voice mail Incognito left him in April. In that voice message Incognito calls Martin, who is bi-racial, a "half n-----," threatened to slap his mother across the face, and uttered the words "I'll kill you."

Sources say that communication took place when Martin skipped two days of the team's OTA program, and Incognito was encouraged by his coaches to make a call that would "get him into the fold," one source said.

Even though OTA workouts are voluntary, the NFL culture forces coaches to strong arm the team's leaders to make sure everyone attends. Sources say Incognito was doing his job, but they admit he crossed the line.

"Richie is the type of guy where if he's on your team you love him," a teammate said. "If he's not on your team, you hate him. Every team needs a guy like that."

A Dolphins spokesman declined comment when told about Incognito's directives from the coaching staff, saying the franchise is fully cooperating with the NFL's independent investigation, which was requested by owner Steve Ross.

It is clear Incognito embraced his role as the team's enforcer and tough guy, his teammates said. However, nobody knew how troubling his relationship was with Martin, who started 10 straight games next to Incognito going back to the 2012 season, those same teammates added.

Martin abruptly left the team last week after a lunch room prank orchestrated by his fellow offensive lineman caused his emotional distress, and forced him to return to his California hometown, where he's receiving treatment.

The NFL Player's Association released a statement Tuesday saying it will monitor the NFL's investigation to ensure all the players the union represents, which includes Incognito, get a "fair investigation."

"We expect that the NFL and its clubs create a safe and professional workplace for all players and that owners, executives, coaches and players should set the best standards and examples," the statement read. "It is the duty of this union to hold the clubs and teams accountable for safety and professionalism in the workplace."

During Martin's rookie season he was nicknamed "Big Weirdo" by his teammates, and was forced to sport an embarrassing haircut given to him by the offensive linemen. He also forked over $15,000 for a veterans trip to Las Vegas he didn't attend.

The Dolphins traditionally hold rite of passage rituals for its rookies, and some of the team's antics – which included ridiculous haircuts, hair dyeing, and elaborate dinners paid for by the rookies – could be considered hazing. Those would make them a violation of the NFL's personal conduct policy.

Sources say players were annually directed by coach Joe Philbin to "cut out" the rookie hazing. Philbin comes from a Green Bay Packers culture where rookie hazing is minimal, or at least subtle. While Philbin tried to rein it in with the Dolphins, he and his coaching staff never policed it when the team was dyeing and shaving heads for the second straight training camp.

However, Philbin did insist that the rookies got decent haircuts before the team's first exhibition game, but that was after weeks of them sporting their embarrassing looks.

Linebacker Dannell Ellerbe indicated that Martin should have come to the leadership council with his problems, which apparently carried over to his second season. The problem is Incognito was also on the leadership council, and possessed a tremendous amount of power and influence.

That might explains why Martin hid his issues with Incognito, and on occasion hung around with him in South Florida, and during road trips. It is possible Martin felt he had to do so to feel accepted.

According to ESPN, Martin told former Stanford teammate Zach Ertz he planned to continue playing football. The Dolphins have kept him on the team's 53-man roster, and players have gone out their way to make sure he knows he's welcomed back.
Martin must have some serious mental issues.....seems very smart, many Harvard grads in the tree

I heard the Miami beat writer today say that every Dolphin player wants Richie back to the team, and Martin ehhhh....not so much

Well he's better they probably wanna win

Well, I've spoken to multiple people today about this and the explanation from all of them is that in the Dolphins locker room, Richie Incognito was considered a black guy. He was accepted by the black players. He was an honorary black man.

And Jonathan Martin, who is bi-racial, was not. Indeed, Martin was considered less black than Incognito.

"Richie is honarary," one player who left the Dolphins this offseason told me today. "I don't expect you to understand because you're not black. But being a black guy, being a brother is more than just about skin color. It's about how you carry yourself. How you play. Where you come from. What you've experienced. A lot of things."

Another former Dolphins employee told me Martin is considered "soft" by his teammates and that's a reason he's not readily accepted by some of the players, particularly the black players. His background -- Stanford educated and the son of highly educated people -- was not necessarily seen as a strength or a positive by some players and it perpetuated in the way Martin carried himself.

And so -- agree with it or not, comprehend it or not -- this is a reason the Dolphins haven't turned on Incognito as a racist.

Read more here:

Well, I've spoken to multiple people today about this and the explanation from all of them is that in the Dolphins locker room, Richie Incognito was considered a black guy. He was accepted by the black players. He was an honorary black man.

And Jonathan Martin, who is bi-racial, was not. Indeed, Martin was considered less black than Incognito.

"Richie is honarary," one player who left the Dolphins this offseason told me today. "I don't expect you to understand because you're not black. But being a black guy, being a brother is more than just about skin color. It's about how you carry yourself. How you play. Where you come from. What you've experienced. A lot of things."

Another former Dolphins employee told me Martin is considered "soft" by his teammates and that's a reason he's not readily accepted by some of the players, particularly the black players. His background -- Stanford educated and the son of highly educated people -- was not necessarily seen as a strength or a positive by some players and it perpetuated in the way Martin carried himself.

And so -- agree with it or not, comprehend it or not -- this is a reason the Dolphins haven't turned on Incognito as a racist.

Read more here:

that's ludicrous..there's no justification to using racial's one thing to be honorary, but it's another to use it against someone who has roots back to the racial struggle. Being considered honorary doesnt' give you the right to do any of the things that he did/said. That's some far fetched justification there
intimidation in an effort to extort money is criminal, not playground bullshit

obviously we don't know the whole story and probably never will but I'll err on the side that is not richie incognito
intimidation in an effort to extort money is criminal, not playground bullshit

obviously we don't know the whole story and probably never will but I'll err on the side that is not richie incognito

I think it's less about incognito than it was the entire team.

Their nickname for Martin was "big weirdo"

The voicemail got leaked so incognito is the convenient object the media can build a simple narrative around and the nfl can scapegoat

Ill say this as well, if you compare the actions of the two, i think incognito will be welcomed into another nfl locker room before Martin is.

Being a raging asshole is one thing but quitting on your team and narcing on them (whether he was in the right or not) is a much bigger deal
Well then......

Something is definitely off about this story and maybe we have a glimpse of why the Dolphins players are in Incognito’s corner.

Hartline says Incognito feels betrayed by Martin for leaking the voicemail.

— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP) November 6, 2013

Hartline is outraged because he says Martin was passing the voicemail around earlier in the year and laughing about it.

— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP) November 6, 2013

Hartline insists that Incognito isn't a racist. Labels the question ridiculous and says he doesn't even understand it.

— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP) November 6, 2013

Hartline says the Dolphins ordered the players not to comment Monday but that they all decided to let loose and "defend ourselves" today.

— Bart Hubbuch (@HubbuchNYP) November 6, 2013
sounds like a shit environment for martin to be around if that's true

beyond that though, the voicemail carries virtually no weight in my opinion that players, not just martin, shouldn't be intimidated into going broke which it sounds like could be very possible
with tannnehill's comments, I am positive, the whole thing is overblown. Tannehill thought the two wer best friends

me and this girl were friends at work at one point

she was black

as you all know i made the infamous comment denying black people of all vacations

she told HR this whole history of shit ive said when most of it wasn't sure

im convinced this is what happened with this same situation. Martin is that guy that will go to HR and tell on you

Martin is insane
everyone wants to pick a side, when the reality is probably that incognito is a huge asshole who is not mentally sane, and Martin is a bit of a soft whiner who cant handle an NFL locker room. its not necessarily one side or the other
everyone wants to pick a side, when the reality is probably that incognito is a huge asshole who is not mentally sane, and Martin is a bit of a soft whiner who cant handle an NFL locker room. its not necessarily one side or the other

Not mentally sane? What are you talking about. What leads one to come
to this kind of conclusion based on no evidence
Apparently Martin texted incognito just last week explaining to him "I'm good man"

Martin is at fault. I'm 95% on this. This guy fucked up and he's probably realized he's taken it a step to far at this point
Apparently Martin texted incognito just last week explaining to him "I'm good man"

Martin is at fault. I'm 95% on this. This guy fucked up and he's probably realized he's taken it a step to far at this point
very possible
Just in case you weren't convinced.. Hartline said they knew about the voicemail and Martin was laughing about it later on.

Richie will be back in the nfl sooner rather then later and Martin will works at a petco with kittens for the rest of his life

This whole story is bullshit

Fuck Martin