The Miami Dolphins - Martin and Incognito texts

Is this the beginning of the demise of the nfl?

If the league starts implementing rules of conduct for the locker room....
Dolphin's head of player personnel should be fired.

Why is it every other team seem to figure it out but not these fuckjobs.

Sorry to say folks if you want a good example of building team unity look at the hockey teams. Playoff beards, proper fun and hazing with the kids. but then again these kids get thrown into the big boys and are not as developed as the hockey or baseball players.
I haven't quite understood why this thing qualifies as news since the first time I heard it. Who needed a reminder that the NFL is generously littered with louts, bad humans, and sociopaths?
I think we can say a few things safely

1. An NFL locker room will never have the same workplace environment as "normal" jobs do.
2. There is probably an acceptable amount of hazing and berating that can go on.
3. This hazing went way over the top of what should be acceptable on an NFL team where your average hazing is acceptable.

The bar room stomp video of Icognito is awesome.

Tmike has it right in above post ... and sadly for the nfl ... so does tipyer.
When I was in high school there was a big overweight kid on our football team who was the butt end of jokes and hazing from his freshman year till the day he graduated. He was big but more like baby Huey, just a gentle giant type. He made it his mission in life to befriend the biggest bully of them all in hopes that it would all end. By the end of our senior year the two of them did pretty much everything together and pretty much everyone considered them the closest of friends. Guess what? The bullying never stopped, in fact it got meaner and worse. Eventually baby Huey got sick of it all and went to the principal and the head football coach. To this day Huey hates everyone from the team that was even associated with any of the hazing. He nearly killed himself with severe alcoholism over the years.

All that time he secretly hated everyone, even the guy that most thought was his best friend.

Any of this sound familiar?
What if Martin came to the Dolphins facility and shot up his tormentors and others involved? Yeah they're gonna wish they cut the shit out.
I have a surprise for all of you. This shit has been going on for ever in high schools, college, and finally NFL. Why is this news? Get over it. Such drama. Pathetic. We want to fix the whole world. GOOD LUCK
I have a surprise for all of you. This shit has been going on for ever in high schools, college, and finally NFL. Why is this news? Get over it. Such drama. Pathetic. We want to fix the whole world. GOOD LUCK

hmmm I think Jump hacked into your account, this is something he would say
This is all about the impending lawsuit.......and has been since 24hours after Martin walked out.

I have not read thru this entire thread...just my thoughts

I know Incognitos history. Now some Martin background.....he grew up the child of parents who are both attorneys, not underprivileged, and was smart enough to go to school at Stanford.
As a 1st round draft pick he was not lifting his family from the streets of Florida or the steel mills of Pennsylvania.

Whatever went on fromhis 1st day as a Dolphin to the day he left, it was probably rougher, tougher and an introduction to a lot harder world than this man ever faced. He weathered the storm as best he could until he broke. Most guys would have handled it different and survived, some guys may have absorbed as much as possible and withered away thinking they were "soft".

When he broke everything changed. He went to his support system, his parents and advisors/agents, they checked him into a hospital, and that action sent up the red flag that litigation was a possibility......this is headed to a lawsuit. Plain and simple.
This is all about the impending lawsuit.......and has been since 24hours after Martin walked out.

I have not read thru this entire thread...just my thoughts

I know Incognitos history. Now some Martin background.....he grew up the child of parents who are both attorneys, not underprivileged, and was smart enough to go to school at Stanford.
As a 1st round draft pick he was not lifting his family from the streets of Florida or the steel mills of Pennsylvania.

Whatever went on fromhis 1st day as a Dolphin to the day he left, it was probably rougher, tougher and an introduction to a lot harder world than this man ever faced. He weathered the storm as best he could until he broke. Most guys would have handled it different and survived, some guys may have absorbed as much as possible and withered away thinking they were "soft".

When he broke everything changed. He went to his support system, his parents and advisors/agents, they checked him into a hospital, and that action sent up the red flag that litigation was a possibility......this is headed to a lawsuit. Plain and simple.

This kid played smash mouth football for Harbaugh. I'm not buying this whole he isn't tough or rough stuff. He may not be a natural leader which is why he tried to befriend the alpha dog but it didn't stop the harassment. His career was over once he walked away from the team so at that point it was about lawsuit because his opportunity to make NFL money was finished.

Some me kids can take the mental punishment and some can't. It's the same with adults.
This kid played smash mouth football for Harbaugh. I'm not buying this whole he isn't tough or rough stuff. He may not be a natural leader which is why he tried to befriend the alpha dog but it didn't stop the harassment. His career was over once he walked away from the team so at that point it was about lawsuit because his opportunity to make NFL money was finished.

Some me kids can take the mental punishment and some can't. It's the same with adults.

I am not taking a side here, hard to since none of us really know what really went on. I am just looking at this thru a looking glass from Martin's camp and where it's headed.
No idea who's right or wrong.

From my POV I spent time in High School in football and wrestling there were guys who made it and guys who didn't....but what goes on in PRO sports today is way beyond my understanding both in money and degree. All I know is mostly in HS the older players kept a cap on it of the Coaches would snuff it out.
Wasn't really aimed at you Raiders. There seems to be a whole lot of sentiment that Martin is a pussy in general. I just kinda disagree with that whole school of thought. I don't see him as soft physically. Maybe soft mentally in some aspects.
Wasn't really aimed at you Raiders. There seems to be a whole lot of sentiment that Martin is a pussy in general. I just kinda disagree with that whole school of thought. I don't see him as soft physically. Maybe soft mentally in some aspects.

Neither does anyone else who is on his side, or not on his side for that matter, imo. This is solely about him being soft mentally. Why would you even think otherwise?
He has been called out on a daily basis in some form of media for not punching the bully in the mouth. That is questioning his physical toughness.
He has been called out on a daily basis in some form of media for not punching the bully in the mouth. That is questioning his physical toughness.

They aren't questioning whether he was physically tough enough to punch the bully in the mouth. They bring it up and say that he didn't want to deal with the repercussions of doing so, and that's probably why he didn't do it. Guess we see it differently, I don't think there's anyone questioning his physical toughness, especially when it relates to the football field.
Fuck Martin. Guy is a back stabber of first class.

I guess maybe I'm an asshole or a bully but I say shit to friends that if someone put on the screen they would think I'm a huge piece of shit. They say the same type of shit to me and I don't give a fuck I know it's a joke.

Incognito has it right. If he was a racist and a bully the entire team wouldn't back him. Fuck Martin, what a cock sucker.

And now it turns out incognito texted Martin after the story came out and Martin told him that It's not me!
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wonder how much editing was done for the interview

Glazer has a relationship with Incognito and trained him (MMA) for couple years.

Jay Glazer ‏@JayGlazer 6h
For all asking about golf course incident that's a different story to cover that has nothing to do w Martin. Separate scoop to get
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Fuck Martin. Guy is a back stabber of first class.

I guess maybe I'm an asshole or a bully but I say shit to friends that if someone put on the screen they would think I'm a huge piece of shit. They say the same type of shit to me and I don't give a fuck I know it's a joke.

Incognito has it right. If he was a racist and a bully the entire team wouldn't back him. Fuck Martin, what a cock sucker.

And now it turns out incognito texted Martin after the story came out and Martin told him that It's not me!

yup of course he does, calling someone slurs that should be ok in the general publics view.
Guess it should be ok if you called me derogatory Asian names right? There's a limit.

When tru jokes with me at no time does he make it derogatory he pulls my strings. I don't call him the N word, I just tell him please speak proper english because he claims to have some Georgetown Uni roots and I swear Allen Iverson has better literature than him.

Back to the point, I would find it hard to believe if someone you are teammates with just kept on calling you derogatory Jewish Russian comments, perhaps making fun of your families history and roots yeah that's totally fine guys.
i guess this ok too
<header> [h=1]Report: Richie Incognito, Dolphins players harassed team staffer[/h]By Will Brinson | NFL Writer

<time class="storyDate" pubdate="" datetime="2013-11-19T17:46:24Z">November 19, 2013 12:46 pm ET</time>

</header> <figure>
<figcaption>Richie Incognito reportedly harassed members of the Dolphins staff. (USATSI)</figcaption> </figure>The troubles of the Miami Dolphins are well documented. And now they extend beyond merely the alleged harassment of a female employee and the alleged bullying of Jonathan Martin: according to a report Richie Incognito and at least one other Dolphins player harassed a Dolphins team employee.
Jason Cole of the National Football Post reports that Incognito and "at least one other" Dolphins player "mocked the ethnic background of a team staff member and made crude jokes about the staff member's wife."
Additionally, Cole reports "Incognito would sometimes dress in garb from the staff member's culture and then make profane jokes about that culture" and that another player "joined in on the antics, creating an extremely uncomfortable environment for the staff member."
<aside><header>DOLPHINS HARASSMENT CASE</header>Latest updates from the Martin-Incognito situation </aside>The worst part, though? Cole's report that "Incognito said on a number of occasions that the staff member's wife had sexual relationships with several members of the team."
Needless to say, none of those (alleged) things are remotely appropriate for a professional work environment. Cole reports that "team staff members" saw this behavior and that it went about without being stopped by team staff or the front office.
NFL investigator Ted Wells recently met with Martin and is reportedly seeking answers from other members of the Dolphins offensive line as to what went on in the locker room.
Owner Stephen Ross recently said he was "appalled" and was clearly upset by the recent developments surrounding his team. It's not likely that these recent ones will make him feel any better.
What has been said in this thread is exactly wrong with this whole situation and the reactions that have come from it.

People here have said he was mentally unstable. If that is true, that he has some sort of mental problem, then he needed help. There is nothing wrong with that; I would hope people agree but me thinks not. And I would hope that if Incognito was such a good "friend" and "big brother" that he would see that and get help for him/truly help him. Instead, he kept egging him on. And the team did not help, players and front office included. Instead of helping him, the GM told other players to toughen him up. That is workplace harassment to the definition. People in this thread think this will be thrown out of the court? So far from the truth, what an uneducated comment.

It's stories like these that come out that paint an awful picture of mental health in this country. Of course in sports and especially football, we are labeling him a pussy and weak and all that crap. I agree with what someone else said: he played for that crazy ass hot head Harbaugh at Stanford and played smash mouth football. This dude had to have some sort of streak. But instead, when this guy was going through a tough time, whatever that might be, he was beaten on.

The dude was not a good football player. Dolphins invested a high pick in him. They thought they could salvage it and they thought the problem was his "mean streak." Ridiculous. Now they are paying the price.

To "side" with Richie shows so much stupidity. Some of this whole situation has been blown outta context. But come on now. I'm a teacher. I'm a minority. My kids on the South Side of Chicago consider me one of "their boys." They call me their *****. But I don't go around calling them ***** this and ***** that. If I did, maybe most would be fine. But one kid says something? I'm gone. Some here don't seem to understand that and think that that is ok. That is sad, sorry.
Wasn't there a player that is idolized by some but was involved in a murder? I forget his name but his team won a Super Bowl or something like that last year?:thinking:
If people saw some of the text threads between me and my friends it would be very embarrassing, especially after a night of boozing. I'm not defending RI - I've seen his roid rage videos and it seems like there are a good number of NFL people who think he is a royal asshole - but I don't think you can properly analyze the situation taking a text message or two out of context - I don't care how bad the text is. And let me add that I doubt the text messages were the problem from JM's point of view either - they just make for a better lawsuit.
Laruex analogy is more correct, you're comparing workplace harassment/bullying to murder. Completely different ends of any spectrum.

Yeah, maybe we're missing something with Shark's analogy. I don't see it at all, would like to know his thoughts (as well as DaRaiders) and why he's comparing the two.
If people saw some of the text threads between me and my friends it would be very embarrassing, especially after a night of boozing. I'm not defending RI - I've seen his roid rage videos and it seems like there are a good number of NFL people who think he is a royal asshole - but I don't think you can properly analyze the situation taking a text message or two out of context - I don't care how bad the text is. And let me add that I doubt the text messages were the problem from JM's point of view either - they just make for a better lawsuit.

and what about the other incidents?

Jonathan Martin didn't look like a man who was dragged into hitting strip clubs before he accused teammate Richie Incognito of bullying ... at least judging by this pic, which is now in the hands of investigators and obtained by TMZ Sports.

Of course, after Martin left the Miami Dolphins in the wake of his bullying allegations against Richie, there were reports Incognito had been holding linemen meetings at Tootsie's Cabaret in Miami ... and players who didn't show up were fined and mocked.

But sources connected to the NFL investigation tell TMZ Sports ... Martin had sent several text messages to Richie before the fallout making it clear he was VERY comfortable hanging out in strip clubs.

In fact, we're told the picture (above) was taken at Tootsie's during a team outing in the summer of 2013. Sources connected to the strip club tell us Martin was hanging out with roughly 15 to 30 teammates that night and appeared to be enjoying himself (just look at the grin and the stack of cash in his hand).

We're also told ... the text messages show Martin would OFTEN reach out to Incognito about his fondness for strip clubs, especially Tootsie's ... and never gave any hint that he was ever uncomfortable in that scene.

In one of the texts, sent in June 2013, Martin told Incognito he liked Tootsie's so much, he planned to bring some visiting high school friends to the joint for a good time.

There's more ... we're also told the text exchanges show a conversation in which Martin said he couldn't make it out one night because "Mary Jane" had him glued to his couch.

We also know investigators have obtained hundreds of texts between Richie and Martin, which show they often exchanged graphic taunts ... and that Martin gave as good as he got. Incognito has previously explained that he considered Martin one of his best friends and that the texts were in good fun.

We reached out to Martin's camp for comment -- and a rep told us, "We are fully participating in the independent investigation and await the results."

Read more:
gonna need more than a TMZ article but yeah it sure looks bad.

one thing though: i was bullied in middle school and into high school and i remember id have done anything to make the people who were doing it think i was cool and down with them. that is probably the defense they'd use. he had to be at the strip club with the team, so he figured to at least play the part of NFL masochistic athlete.

not sayin i buy it, but thats what theyll say
All we really know is that Incognito has been a POS everywhere he has been starting at Nebraska. Dude has issues. Jonathan Martin doesn't strike you as a prick or an asshole. In my non professional opinion I side with Martin.
gonna need more than a TMZ article but yeah it sure looks bad.

one thing though: i was bullied in middle school and into high school and i remember id have done anything to make the people who were doing it think i was cool and down with them. that is probably the defense they'd use. he had to be at the strip club with the team, so he figured to at least play the part of NFL masochistic athlete.

not sayin i buy it, but thats what theyll say
damn that's a long run

did they call you Yag, etc?

I remember you saying you are the only boy and raised in a house of women

I knew a dude like that in poor bastard had it bad
The last couple texts are interesting. Martin is a bitch. Richie was like his best friend, he did him wrong. Hello huge lawsuit to the fins and the nfl.
J-Mart such a bitch. The funny thing is his lawyer mother seemingly pushed all this and now she gets to see pictures of him with strippers, admitting to doing drugs in the regular season and saying "fucking Mormons" which should cause some feaux outrage but likely will not